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🖳 5n Escape Games: Unlimited Fun 11 Walkthrough

🖳 5n Escape Games: Unlimited Fun 11

5n Escape Games: Unlimited Fun 11 is another point & click escape game developed by 5nGames. Collect objects and solve puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun!

Play 5n Escape Games: Unlimited Fun 11

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wth, Vern? Anyone understand the rusted saws in the water puzzle with the frog, leaf, flowers??

excellent game

after oil in bottle use metal bucket

red and black item for ground, 3rd scene below barrel

These would be really great games, if there was less pointless clicking around on everything.

This easily the worst 5n game for a long time. The old chestnuts are there - a plunger which sucks objects, scissor blades which somehow combine without a screw, a magnet which has amazing powers of attraction, obscure clues, a mystical glove which can grasp hot embers, a ladder which would probably collapse on use - but, above all, we're supposed to be frightened by a rather small bird. Apart from that, it's the usual try to guess what the object is and which unlikely piece of the scenery should it be used upon.

I could overlook the strange physics but having unidentifiable objects in inventory, or having three almost identical sticks but only one works is frustrating

In a word... ridiculous!

these would be great games if there was a little more info about the objects and where they might go , it seems like the creator dont even read the comments about the games they are making

Love it!!!!!5n Thanks

I really appreciate the imagination that goes into creating these games - and thus enjoy the challenges in the games. I blushingly admit that I do fall back on the walkthroughs for help through difficult patches or to identify an object so I know how to use it. All in all, I really enjoy 5N games!!

mindless clicking. I have no idea what some items are. Please 5n listen to the players. your games are made well and I'd like to enjoy them but cant until you make some changes.

@MISSLINDA: if you want to say you don´t like a game you have to rate it with 1 star (that means awful) or two stars (poor). the stars system is not 1-5, but -2,-1,0,+1,+2

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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