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Small Tool - A Lot More Walkthrough

Small Tool - A Lot More


A-Lot-More is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A-Lot-More is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Above the first box is a very big letter.
Make that letter a dancing guy and look where his hands are then.
Then pick from the smaller letters around the box according to that.
Second box, same process (using the second very big letter) etc.

The Artist,
Do it the other way around. Do kind of like you already found those letters. What did you use then?

Let him dance that gibberish, he will feel it.

@theartist, order them by egg3-answer, but then again you don't use them all, but a p******e.

Thank you very much Small-Tool and Keeper, I'll have a try:)

Got it, thanks again.

lvl 84 The gibberish with the key I found in the level text give me something I really can't read, not even close. What am I doing wrong ?

@ike, rearrange the key, maybe?

thanks, s/t, after much doubtful squinting and comparing, I got it sorted. ;p

@ike: you seem to progress faster than me on that one! Tried what I thought it was the key but even more gibberish. Still at the same point here :-(

Another question about 84: do we have to keep the X's before deciphering or not?

Still stuck on bonus 3, on trying to apply the url to the numbers, and relate to questions which hint at b****y.

@angua, you are on the right track. Make those n****** into what you believe.

@angua b****y is the right direction, think about how to make their lengths “usable”

@eric, yes put everything into the solver. After you get an "almost" message, change them to make it look better.

@Ellie, thanks, at least it eliminates some possibilities, even if I am far from finding the real text apparently.

LVL 103 - Some f**** on the car are too small to identifty. Is it nescessary to recognize them all to get the egg? Or maybe I just don't understand how the f**** represent those texts.

@tinned, the letters will help to identify them. Maybe if you google with the f**** and letters you already have, you find something for the rest?

@Edgar, thx that was it :-)

Bonus level 6 Egg 2 is changed a tiny bit.
No mistakes, could have been solved, but maybe far-fetched/underhinted.

109 Still not found a path. I repeatedly start off with a word associated with dampness, but cannot go on from there. Coming to it this morning I realise that I had been assuming that you had to get on a ladder at the top or bottom. Is this wrong?

@minkie, there is only two spots for each latter to get on, either the top, or the bottom. You need to see where the "openings" in the floor is to see from which side you go down the ladder, and where you land is also where you can get up from.
Well, starting with some dampness seems good. then you need to walk up and down between floors to reach the car. Maybe trying to start from behind, last letter being T?

@minkie your first word looks fine, 4 more letters to go

Thanks @ST. I'll see which new combinations I can make of that, that I haven't already tried lol.

I was called away for a while, so belatedly thanks Ellie and Keeper. In desperation I had tried another letter third from end last night, LOL, but simply hadn't seen the correct one.

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Still completely stuck on Bonus 1 Part 5 Egg 3. I don't even know what help to ask for. I obviously know what to do. I just can't do it. It's completely random and I've been trying for literally hours and have looked through so many online lists. With the previous egg, the term I needed came up in a list and that helped me realise that it matched the letters and length I needed, so I was able to somewhat reverse engineer. But I'm not able to find anything that matches the letters I have for this egg, especially without knowing the first or last letters. There are thousands of possibilities. I don't know how you guys did it. I've managed to get a computer to list all the possibilities for each half of the word, and I'm now trying to remove all the gibberish to narrow things down because I don't know what else to do. I actually want to cry at the thought of 4 more eggs like this. :/

Please could I have a tip on lvl 33? I've seen the hidden text on lvl page and right clicked on pic, but now lost.

@BFS - the words you look for are so common that you can even see them in cakes :)

@giovanni - did you find all the mistakes? use all of them to make the answer

6.2 something fishy going on, granny not helping with the ones we've got

@aaaasa: Thanks <3 Hmmm... in cakes... I have to think more.

Thanks, aaaasa, do I use the mistakes that I find when I right click or are they on the lvl page?

LVL 73 I have five locations. Need a push though.I can relate three of them but not much else. Any hints?

LVL 73 OK got egg 2

@BFS, you are looking for three words, the first being 6 letters.

Thank you so much, aaaasa and Ellie. I would never have known that was a f****r. The t*** egg was actually way easier, somehow. Hopefully the others will be OK as well. Fingers crossed.

@giovanni, pick all the letters that differs.

Bonus 6, egg 2. Tried to take f***** from all s***** and all fish, or pick f****/l*** as the heads of the fish indicate, or only use every second s****/f*** as the pic name might say, using short forms of s***** or not, and ... well, not sure how many other types of pickings I've tried, but nothing works.

Thank you, Ellie.

Crap :( Changed Bonus level 6 Egg 2 again.
There was a real mistake. Quickly changed it, not very elegant, ah well 1 mistake in 123 levels, not bad. But... Still very sorry.

LVL 73 How can I find egg 1?

Thank @st! Will soon have some time to look at it again.

Thanks again, ellie and aaaas for lvl 33 hints-I was only using half of the mistaken letters!' Got it now.

@minkie: any further progress on 109? I found the two-word path and got the granny egg and the n** g*** e***** egg. Tried visiting granny with each w*** separately to get various phrases, but no luck so far.

@S-T: Wait--123 levels? I though you had said 111 levels and 11 bonus levels, which would be 122. So is there a super secret bonus bonus level?

Laurie Yes I'm on 111 egg 1 now. Did you see the hints about a****g and s*********g. The letters you get from this may look hopeless, but take them to granny anyway.

I've got to go for a few hours. Frustrating when so near the end :/

So, finally able to solve Bonus 6, egg2. Is that a home made fish lol? Can't find that name for real, but at least it took me through the lvl.

Thank you Ellie. Turns out I got some f**** wrong that I can't find anything related to the texts on google. Anyway, onto 104 now.

Bonus 6 egg 1 - I've got all the s****s but not sure what to do with them :/

@Colmkilm: if you got all the confirmation eggs then the good old story: ftf...in different ways...

Lvl 84 (again): really stuck there for nearly 2 days now so need a help. Starting with the key, I first tried what the p****** tells me but no way. Tried 10th of other ideas (more or less clever lol) with the same result. Any help is welcome.

@aaaasa do it row by row
@ellie still no idea how to solve, I got 2 nice words (8 or 10 letters) but both were wrong :(

@Keeper - Tried using 4 or 8 letters for s****s in each row but none seems to work :/

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Level 110. I have egg 1, but now what? I saw the hint about googling the egg word along with what the egg represents, and found something, but so far it is a dead end. What I found was an a**** t**** from 2**3. Is that at all the right direction?

@aaaasa you need more!

@edgar thanks!!

@laurie egg 2 is quite long, try using all words

@Laurie W, if it helps, try googling egg name in quotes. It should shorten the results range.

Bonus 7 Egg - I get the visual reference, tried some things... now what?

@Eric911, lvl 84 - have u tried the cipher eith all the gibb and the hinted key in it?

@edgar: I tried googling with the quotes, and I got a b*** t****. Is that the right track?

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@Laurie, b*** t****? No idea what that means, so probably wrong track. Do not forget to add that other level-themed word (singular) in your googling.

@Edgar: if you mean the g*** l******, yes, that's one of the first thing I tried.

@Eric, are you sure you use the right key. Because if you do you should be able to read some words which are slightly misspelled.

I've heard grandma can fix defective keys...

@Edgar, lol, she does so perfectly :-)

LVL 104 - I have the eggs 1a-1e and found something hidden but I still can't decode the g******** in egg 1b. I just don't know what cipher should I use.

Help on 67. I have egg 1. Now have a 5 groups of v****ls. I have sorted l*** n***s into groups based on the v***l that is the th*** l****r of the l*** n***. Then tried ftf, but only get 2 real words. I have a group of 2, 6, 3, 5, and 4. What am I missing?

@Tinned Vegitable, lvl 104. Egg1b includes the cipher to use. Try a variant of it (remember your lessons in very first levels)

@jpete, all the procedure looks perfect, but you made a mistake along the way, since there's a group with one member too much and another with one too short. Recheck.

@aaaasa, @Keeper, where are you??!! Need help on B7 :(

@Edgar, also lost on bonus 7....u got anything yet?

@angua, nope. Blinded by the ****

Level 111 egg: Not understanding the hints. I need t****g, but it is not about t***. I've looked at the levels that had a unit of t*** in the URL, but found nothing. He's hiding, but it's not about b****n levels. Do I need to look for something hidden in pics? Do I need pic names? I just want to finish this level. I don't think I even have the wherewithal to start on bonus levels.

lvl 86:

I have egg1, 2a, 2b.

I got the word "c**e" from doing maths with egg2a, not sure if that's right.

I know i need to use the p**p** cipher but there are 3 different versions with dots and i am overwhelmed lol

111 Egg. I've had an idea about where ST has been doing what he says, but I don't see how he could implement anything based on that. Do I need almost literally to think outside the box here?

On level 109, when I a** or S*******, is it the entire value of layered letter? or just 1? I'm counting 15 spots, 2 have something going on above and below. Sound right? I've actually tried all of these but need some confirmation to help me narrow down my errors. thank you.

@minkie: If you come up with anything, please share it with me. I don't know what to do.

Hancock, I don't understand your question, but I think you are on the wrong track. Have you found your path yet? Use that.

Sure Laurie, if I can - I'm having a difficult time posting on a borrowed computer for some reason. But I'm not hopeful of finding the way forward.

Level 95: Not firing with all cylinders today. Have Eggs 0, 1, 3, 4.
Tried translating the lines of egg 0; seems a lot of nonsense. Is there anything there to glean? Know I need math for 6 & 7, is that the level name math (tried adding the groups unsuccessfully)? Not sure how to apply it. And still need 2. Think I understand how to use egg 4 math on the eggs once I get all of them. Can anyone lend a spark?

@amy, lvl 86. Work only with version 2 of it. The word you've got seems wrong.

Wait, I have an idea on math. Let me try it! POP, I hope.

@Laurie, @minkie. Someone asked if finding s-t was about c******g on something (regarding the b***** levels) but it's nothing about that (I said) but more about t****g something. Hope it makes things clearer.

@minkie, I must be waaaay off on lvl 109! I found the path and was told it wasn't good enough. Next I sandwiched the floors and found all the overlaps - 15 spots. How terribly off am I? Perhaps I should just be looking at the path, but then which level is the base? Ugghh.

Hancock, yes, just the path. The text and the items indicates which floor is which, but in any case there aren't too many options to try. I think I tried about 7 permutations and one turned out right.

@minkie, thank you...I am taking a fresh look now.

Come on guys :)
You're all getting so close now. Go, go go!!!

@minkie and @Laurie: Eeee, I'm so happy you're on Level 111. Can't wait for both to finish :)

I'm stuck on Bonus 3. No idea what to do with the information on the level. Could I please get some kind of starter hint? I think part of my brain has necrotised following the various parts of Bonus 1.

So close, but so far! and aarghh got to go :(

@Laurie and @minkie: Think about things that you've seen c****e as you've journeyed through the riddle. Then think about where our lord and master may be hiding.

OK, I've realised that the starter point for Bonus 3 is the solution to the previous level. But I have absolutely no idea how to make those n*****s usable.

I can't even get started on Bonus Level 6. I saw the aaaasa referred to finding the s****s. I can not think of what that could be.

@LinR: A hint for Bonus 3, please? I know it's b****y but I can't figure out how to c*****t the n*****s. I've tried things (like trying to c*****t from other "thing in URL"-s, c*****ting the individual n*****s to b****y to try and get strings that become letters, etc) but just get nonsense at every turn. I'm pretty lost.

I promise I'll try and catch up and help you on Bonus 6!

Never mind! Bonus 3 was way simpler than I thought it would be. Moving on!

lvl 86. I'm going to need a little push. my brain just shuts down when it sees math.
I don't know what set of grids i should be using for the two math eggs

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@amy: The animal in the middle of the tables in the first egg should lead you to the right c****r. Note that one of the two maths eggs has something different in its centre - once you have the right c****r, that difference should make sense.

111 egg Edgar's "t****g" is most likely one of two words. One of them might involve interruptions, like in some other riddles. I don't think that's ST's style, but please tell me it isn't that!

@LinR: @aaaasa is referring to a type of r****n (the type found on the rotten egg). Each group has that in common.

@Minkie - think back. At some point in the riddle, you made a c****e, but it wasn't the usual kind of c****e. That should tell you what Edgar means by t****g.

Thanks BFS. I'll look for it. Away from all my bookmarks till Monday evening, so this may take some time.

Thanks BFS. It finally clicked.

lvl 85 Tried lots of things, but found nada. Noticed the amount in the text but that gave me nothing either. No idea how to move on. Could use some help.

@ike use his name as S=A Y=B...etc, and notice the repetition of the letters in the text and your new alphabet.

@LinR: Have you managed Bonus 6 Egg 1? I tried to do the same thing as on the level, but it doesn't seem to help. They all seem to be from different s****s, and multiple s****s could work for each one.

111 Found him! (I think) "N****** t* s** h***". So I've got to find more like this?

lvl 89
I have blue eggs 1,2,3,4,5,6a and 6b also green 1. I don't know how to get the other green ones and the red ones. Help? thanks

On Bonus 7 now. Not a sweet clue what to do. I found somewhere in F*****, but nothing related to it seems to work. Edgar, Angua, have either of you figured anything out yet?

You are SOOO close, @minkie!!!

@minkie: Exactly! Find more like that. Think about everywhere you've been!

oh wow, I made it past 109. thanks all. I made it way harder than it needed to be.

111 I now don't think I had found him after all and it was just a rotten egg. Should have believed the text. Will what I did to get him help me elsewhere?

@BFS, are you in the egg? Found something else?

Oh sorry guys, I hadn't refreshed the page. And now blogger isn't allowing me to delete my last comment.

Level 111: I have found seven more like what minkie mentions. I got a bunch of l*****s from the pages, and I notice that they are different c****s, and that the l*****s of each c***r can granny to a w**d, but I still can't make sense of the w***s. Am I missing one?

@molly: Use Green Egg 1 to c***t on the level page.

LOL minkie, don't mind the comment, get that sneaky s-t instead!

@Edgar: No, am on the level page. How did you get an egg?

@BFS, granny.
@Laurie, you've got them all. Those c****s are familiar to you, I hope...

BFS, I am still struggling with the Bonus 6 main level. I have a lot of s****s and have tried using them to draw but that doesn't seem to work. Plus some s****s overlap.

LOL, Edgar. I was so caught up in figuring out the deeper meaning that I completely neglected to try the obvious. Facepalm! Am on the egg now.

@LinR, if you have the correct ones, then ftf.

@LinR - What Edgar said. No need for drawing or anything! Googling each group should give you one common s****.

@BFS we got 4 of us working on b7 but not got past the egg. Working on various ideas...... but getting nowhere fast.

Come on guys, solving the egg of bonus 7 is almost as obvious as finding the egg :P

Come on, Laurie, finish!
It is what you found and the order should be obvious too.

Again; I don't make difficult levels. All I do is distract and disguise :P

@Edgar: All I've come up with so far is that they're sp***d like the a******t, and that seems significant. I tried to c***t the sp***s and c*****t and take everything to Granny, but that didn't help. I've also tried to look up h***s or m*******s starting with those letters in case the picture is important, but that seems pretty tenuous since there are loads of those in the world and no other hints to see. I am wondering if the URL of the level page (previous level's solution) is somehow meaningful with regards to the sp****g.

S-T has always said not to make up your own hints... but when one finds oneself at the front, one kind of has to, LOL. Either that or one has to wait for smarter people to figure it out and then play catchup - a strategy I employ liberally and shamelessly. LOL.

@angua - Same - I'm sure it's going to be sooo simple once we crack it. There's barely anything on the level or egg, so it must be some simple tricks. Just don't know what and where and how.

Finished! I don't know if I have the mental energy to tackle bonus levels right now. Of course, I always say that and then jump right in.

Big congrats, Laurie!!

The original idea was to make the egg just a rotten (making fun of the players) egg. But then I thought; ok let's give them an easy breather before the storm and gave the egg an extra hint.

Your first (even part of the second) sentence is very, very wise :)

It smells rebus... me dont like rebus...

Thank you @Edgar. I had misspelled a couple of names. Now on Egg 2. Don't understand which 6 to work with. Thought it might be w***n, but there are 7. Looked at the movie titles for words that looked funny, but didn't get anything there.

I made the riddle and 90% of the time I have no idea what you guys say with those **** but this time I'm pretty sure what BFS is saying in her first and second line and that's not rebus at all.
So, simply stick with your first idea it's usually the correct one, maybe you made a mistake. I didn't, this time :P

Congrats Laurie W, very well done :)
You're now in/on the;

Wall Of Winners

Good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the bonus levels :)

B7. The a******* reference is quite obvious and pretty sure not only me has tried to c**** the d****** in-between, but...

Lol, let's do some * too;
It's not the d****** in between,it's d******g

S-T - thank you! OK, so I'm somewhat on the right track, then... but I'm trying the same as Edgar (c******g the sp***s and c**v****g) and not getting anything. I've now also tried to use Paint and draw lines between similar letters and pick or c***t or various things based on that. But so far nothing's worked. I feel like I'm one light bulb away from a breakthrough but the circuitry is unfortunately not connected...

Ok, dead give away then.
If you guys do what you do is your total 26?
If not, then your doing the wrong thing.

Well, my total is 26, but it doesnt work anyway lol

Ok, modified my thinking and got it now.

Got it, tried that same thing before but was including the original l*****s in my anagram.

See :P

Good luck with 8 :)
Probably an easy one for Brain Candy TNG :)

Well done Laurie! Still hunting.

I mean... the total length is 26... But if I count d*********s I get a total of 25. :/ How do I modify my thinking, Ellie?

OMG. I was totally doing the wrong thing on Bonus 6. What a dolt. LOL

@minkie: where are you looking? Have you found him at all? Once you find him in one place, it should be obvious where to find the other hiding places. One of them is very small, so if you didn't bookmark it, you may have forgotten about it.

Laurie, the problem is that I'm away from my computer and my bookmarks for two days, so I'm trying to be methodical, rule out certain possibilities, but that takes time.

@Edgar @Ellie - what did you guys change in your method for B7 egg? S-T's excellent hint is unfortunately not making the penny drop for me.

b7 we been counting spaces for over a day......

@angua - I've only been stuck for a little while, but I've tried soooo many methods and not one of them has led anywhere :(

@BFS, If you get 25, you better think of what you can do to get 26 instead.

Remember, on wix, no passwords can be shorter than 4 letters.

OMG Ellie. Thank you. I had those letters for so long and thought I couldn't use them because I needed at least 4 letters. Onto 8 now.

Huge congratulations to everyone that's finished! I'm totally stuck on lvl 111, been through most of my bookmarks, but not found anything, and not sure what I'm looking for...going to try sleeping on it...

on 8...yippee...@bfs oneof your commenys clicked

@vikkih, no need to visit all places, only a few where c*****s occur. A bit outside of the box.

Yay Angua! I haven't figured out anything on Bonus 8 yet. It seems like I need b***s but everything in the list is definitely m*****s. Let me know if you make any headway!

Aaaand just as I finished typing that some insight hit me :D On Egg 2 now.

Laurie, when you say it is obvious where he is hiding, do you mean the b*****s? That would narrow my search.

LVL 111- Made it to the first egg! I have read the hints and this is not about c******g but T****g. I thought it was something to do with the c**** around the f**** on the egg but not sure how that relates to t****.

@minkie, you already found the very first one (n****** h***), but there are several other places to go, like one before each b*****.

@bfs, my discord info is in my profile if u want to share your insight....as the inspirat-ions haven't found me yet

Stuck on Bonus 9 with Egg 1 and a rotten egg. Apparently I need to t***k b****r in a different way. Anyone else at this point, please leave a hint!

@Chael: What is the c**** around the f****? Minkie, what are the b*****s? I have lost all ability to interpret asterisks, it seems.

Lol, come on Angua, above I already said this will be easy for Brain Candy. Turning Tides is in your team :)

@angua - sent you a friend request on there. My username is different on Discord and starts with a Z. (I also really don't understand Discord very well, lol.)

@BFS Color around the frame.

@BFS, dont make lvl 9 hard, just follow the instructions.

@Chael - Oh! No, that's not relevant.

It seems i need to go to bed on Bonus 10, after one yes-EGG. Unfortunately not much time to be here until tomorrow evening.

@Ellie: Hmmm... the only instructions so far have been to t**** b****r. F****s gave me the rotten egg and c******g doesn't work. Googling the phrases also gave me nothing.

@BFS, F****s what? L*****s? That is way to s****. Think b****r!

Nite all.

Ohhh, thank you, @Edgar! That was... well, exactly what the answer says. LOL I made a funny.

tt not online, but now on 9

LVL 111- Judging by prior hints it seems this has something to do with the u**. Specifically, the left part of the u**. I remember it was a pain to C***** that. But I don't see how he is hiding there?

Chael. He is literally hiding there.

Also going to bed at the same point as Ellie - Level 10 YES egg. Can't figure out anything more at present! Night all.

Still stuck on 67 Egg 2. I know I must be looking for the 4th letters, but don't know what words to look at

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Seems that bonus 8 is not that hard but I'm really running out of ideas :(

btw ST I noticed the exact time of your first post. Respect. I was reminded of it during my blunderings (ongoing) on level 111.

Couldn't sleep and decided to continue. Now stuck on Bonus 11 Egg 1. I've sorted the level list into s****s based on the t*********e indicated on the egg, and I got 6 g***s, but they don't Granny to anything. I managed to get 4 letters using the b***d egg hint on the level page pic, but they also don't Granny to anything on their own or mix with anything. So I'm quite stuck. I should probably sleep!

ooh bfs you are doing so well! It is me that is in awe noe :)

bonus 6 egg 1 - still figuring out what more I need to get the next egg... do I need more s****s or more letters from each s***? I also tried replacing the top row with bottom row in egg word but that doesn’t seem to work either :/

@aaaasa you need more s*****, wiki has everything you need

@Minkie: Awww! Making me blush, haha. :D

@bfs if you're still awake, could you please leave me a hint on bonus 8? :)

@Keeper - The statement in the f****s isn't entirely true. There are some exceptions to that rule. :)

Bonus 11 Egg 1 - I *think* that the J-word broken up into two parts is significant. That certainly seems to be the only thing that makes the b**** thing work, which I feel can't be a coincidence. But the letters I get from it just don't seem to have much use, either on their own or mixed with other things. Sooo stumped. I'm sure the others will have some insight tomorrow.

111 I found the first sneaky ST and I've being trying to find more. I have no bookmarks available where I am so I've being working through the entire riddle trying the same trick with no results as far as level 60. Is it worth continuing this effort or should I try another track?

@BFS Thanks! My biology knowledge is all returned to my teacher except those in bonus 5 :P
On bonus 9 now!

@minkie you should not have seen him before so maybe try to go to pages that you never visited in this riddle

@minkie: if you have worked your way through as far as you say, you should have found four, not counting the "n*****g to s** h***" example.

Thanks Laurie and Keeper too tired now. I'll look into what you said tomorrow when my head will be (hopefully) clearer.

84: after a long break, finally got the partially deciphered text. Anyway, my English language skills are limited there as I cannot find what can be the first word of the 2nd sentence. Also have a doubt with the very last word.

@eric the first word of the 2nd sentence is an "internet slang" (according to wiktionary)

@Keeper: ah thanks I think I got it. Was not looking for that kind of word at all!

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