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G2L Pot Store Escape HTML5 Walkthrough

G2L Pot Store Escape HTML5

Games2Live - G2L Pot Store Escape is a point and click game developed by Games2Live. Imagine that you had been to a Pot Store; there you got trapped in it. Here are the interesting puzzles and hidden objects to find and get escape from the Pot Store. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Very nice game.
It's a wee bit annoying however for the arrow puzzle, each arrow starts in the position immediately after the correct one, so that each must be clicked the maximum time.
A small thing that probably no one else notices :)

Agree with Deedee. It's always 7 clicks in 8b games.

YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE, Deedee :-) Abhor the excessive clicks

I agree, Deedee, it' like the numbers that are always 9,8,7, a waste of time

Deedee, you are not alone, I have commented those 7 clicks of arrow puzzle repeatedly, last time maybe 2 days ago.

Those 9, 8, 7 numbers I have commented dozens of times during the last ten years. And I'm not the only one. But as you can see, most of the game developers have ignored that so far.

Zoe, we just try to tell, how the developers could change the games so that they would become more enjoyable. But of course it's not a big problem for me, I play G2M games for real puzzles (locks, 15, jigsaw, block sliding) and take those 7-click-arrows as a tedious supplement. All in all those games are interesting for me, and I really don't play most of the escape games because they are boring for me. If I criticize some games, then it means that I like to play these games and just want to get them even better.

Oh, meanwhile Zoe's comment disappeared...

Thanks for your comments. We always read your suggestions and try to follow and sorry to inform already we have set of games for this month but surely we accept your comments and convey it to my team for the change of number puzzles in upcoming games.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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