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SD Abandoned Rooms Walkthrough

SD Abandoned Rooms

Abandoned Escape.com - Abandoned Rooms is a new point and click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for AbandonedEscape.com. You are locked in an abandoned room. Escape and you will find yourself in another. Try to escape them all! Good luck and have fun!

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The Pixies died a long time ago!! Kim Deal was lost!!

1-2-7-9 order in third room does not work for me.

Stuck in room 3. Can't figure out how to make sense of the colored numbers and the colors on the tombstone. I thought I had to click the buttons several times to match the numbers, ie.
2 9
1 7
but that's not it.

think from small to big

stuck in room 7

The first symbol in Room 7 is wrong!

I couldn't get the left and right bells correct, even following the w/t so gave up!

In room 4, the fourth button got stuck at nine. So when I found the code I couldn't use it and had to reload the page.

In room 6, I had to strike the bells many times before the sequence actually worked (I was backing out of the scene before each attempt). This game is buggy as all heck.

Ok people, if there's a sequence of buttons you need to push, make sure it's cleared out first. Watch the text at the bottom while pushing buttons, when it says "That's not Right!" or something similar you'll know you're all set to start pushing buttons in the right sequence. Even if you back out of the scene, you have to clear the sequence first.

The only problem I found throughout all the rooms were the first symbol in room 7 is incorrect. Use a G instead of an D.

Awesome game SD!

I don't understand the solution to Room 9 - I had them all correct (using 'reverse' logic for the buttons on the right side of the room), but the third down doesn't conform. Have I been using the wrong process?

This is absolutely terrible. One of the worst games S-D has ever made (and that's saying something).


Room 7: Make sure that your first letter of the eight is capitalized.

Too many of the various puzzle rooms have some problems where even the walk-through answers don't work as shown. Especially #12, never could get it to solve. Not SD's best effort, but they're better than any games I've ever made so there's that.

Very inventive puzzles. I'm sorry to give only 4 stars because some solutions really didn't make sense, even with the walkthrough. But we love SD regardless.

sorry but I agree with SLS, no fun at all.

Like the format, but rather buggy. Buttons need a reset of some sort. No level 14. Don't understand L9 or L11 even watching walkthrough. Piano layout needs a hint, had to google to find keys. 2 stars for function, 4 stars for idea

Godlike. The best of drift hunters


I am grateful that you have provided such helpful information. I haven't been able to think of very many questions pertaining to this subject for some time. I'm going to stand by your side! papa's freezeria

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