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Aquarium Room Escape

Aquarium Room Escape 1 is another new point and click type room escape game by Fish keeping is one of your hobbies. With the same mindset, you have entered into an aquarium. There you are trapped. You have to escape from this place. Use objects, which are in the aquarium to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Aquarium Room Escape Video Walkthrough

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  1. Hmmm... I wonder how buggy this one will be...

  2. oooh a live game and I don't have time to play now!

  3. Hi guys, been a while since i posted. HOpe i can help in anyway. Used to hate 123b games but last few have been able to do! Like them now!

  4. I've got paper, mop stick, air tube and a hook..

  5. never been in a live game sweet!

  6. under the table, then click again for a leg view...

  7. Love the pointer! But is anyone else "jumping" like me? No smoothness and i know it's not my computer! Have stick, paper and tube.

  8. Twinkle, my cursor is a bit jerky too.

  9. you're very welcome...but that's probably the first and last help I'll ever be!

  10. racket? do not understand how to pick up fish

  11. hi, just about to start..whats it like?

  12. agreed twinkle, can't pick up fish with a fish!

  13. air tube goes onto empty tank on table...

  14. I put the air tube on the bottom tank of the view with the door. I put it on the right hand side.

  15. ok, it's a net, or not a whole net... what's missing? Got Nemo...

  16. I think we have to fill central aquarium (on table) i have got my air tube on it now...

  17. all seem to be at the same place except what about racket? siouxzana see you were helpful again!

  18. NO, have re-started again but too jumpy for me. Am going to be good mom and put kids to bed. Good luck guys but is driving me bonkers with

  19. I agree with Twinkle that the pointer is so annoying!

  20. stu and steph could you give us some pointers please?

  21. "racket"/net on left hand side. use the hook.

  22. wheres the key stuansteph?

  23. hey all!

    the hook can go in some of the tanks, but still got nothing but the tenis rokt

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I am leaving too. Good luck guys! Siouxzana, thanks for hook hint!

  26. aargh, luck twice and then managed to click where I shouldn't and lost the page....will come back later (when you guys have solved it all)...ttfn

  27. thank you, this is driving me mad with clicking

  28. i dunno y i cant get the tennis racket/net with the hook any help u guys

  29. put handle with net and caught blue fish in round tank but cant seem to put it in other tank

  30. izzie it took me a long time too i had to click aroung the top left of the tank if that helps

  31. You have to use the hook or net above the tank to get it to go into the tank.

  32. the gam is buggy :-( no way to play like this

  33. ay yi yi i can't grab the racket/net with the hook!

  34. I got the blue fish on the left and the orange fish on the right to mate in the tank where we put the air tube and they had a baby green fish.

  35. Hi guys! I have restarted the game with Firefox. The pointer is less jerky.

  36. got blue nemo in tank on table yay

  37. seems like the last couple of games here have been lame and/or buggy

  38. aw i wondered what the plus sign meant lol

  39. I put the green fish in with the octopus, but according to the paper, i think that we have to have three of them.

  40. just caught the worm with the net.. dont think anyone mentioned that yet

  41. nothing in the note about where worm goes...on hook?

  42. used the worm in the tank with all the fish gathered at the bottom, used hook by rock to get key, used key on top drawer to get fish food

  43. caught a fish with the net on the righ in the tank with thetube looking plants and put it in with the octopus.

  44. did ne1 else notice the little clams mouths in the angel fish tank? 2 cute

  45. have to feed nemo fish food? but i can't get it in a tank!

  46. I put the green baby fish in the octopus tank but nothing has happened.

  47. Hi everyone! First time participating in a live game! You can take the fish out of the top right tank on the right side and put it in the empty tank below. Then you can get another fish out of the now empty tank.

  48. The rest is pretty easy.

  49. i got the blue and white fish out of the tanks to the right but not sure what to do with it now

  50. then put the small purple nemo in with octopus

  51. hi all, just starting.
    hope to catch up soon.

  52. out! Thanks for the help. (I'm being a lurker today)

  53. Bee, put the blue and white fish in the empty tank on the right (below the tank you got him from).

  54. Thanks to everyone who helped me out.

  55. help! i can't get the fish out of the tank with the tube plants! how do you do it?

  56. you have to wait until it moves to the right, it's kind of hard to see.

  57. try using the hook first on the tube-looking plants to "scare the fish" out of hiding. Not sure if that's how you do it, but it worked for me.

  58. out finally! lol. thanks for the help guys!

  59. Out! Thanks for all your hints. I don't really like this game. The pointer is annoying. Also I hate feeding those cute baby fish to the mean octopus :(

  60. Hi all...yaaaaawn...this is booooring...much too sloooow for my taste...toooooo baaaad...see ya laterrrr

  61. where is the third fish for the octopus lol

  62. Too annoying for me. See you in the next game.

  63. and where does the fish food go? ;-)

  64. if you take the red clown fish and blue clown fish and put them in the tank on the table they make a green baby. Then i put green baby in with the octopus... I'm stuck

  65. Yeah i did that.. then i got the fish out of the tank with the coral.. but i cant find the last baby fish, and ive tried putting the fish food everywhere.. i cant seem to get it to work???

  66. ok i got the fish tank unlocked with the key.. but my net or the hook wont work in there.. what do i do?? lol

  67. i wonder if we were suppose
    to feed one of the clown fish
    first before letting it mate.
    to make two babies. please hope
    am wrong.

  68. im going to try to separate
    the sweet hearts, to see if one
    will eat

  69. i got the key from under the octopus but is doesn't fit on the door and also not on the aquarium with the lock...what now?

  70. fish food goes to fish in locked tank(the one with the clams)

  71. End walkthrough

    For the three baby fishs, the first one is when the red and the blue fishs are in the aquarium on the table. The second, on the right side, first aquariul on the right, you take out the fish from his tank and pur it in the tank below. Back to the first tank, a baby fish will come out of the jar. The third baby is with the corail. You have to wave the corail with the hook and fast catch the baby with the net.

    Put the 3 fishs with the octopus and you will get the key with your hook.

    Open the tank with the clams and feed the fish with the fish food.

    The key for the door is there

  72. yeah but how did you put the food in that locked tank?

  73. key from under octopus is for locked tank

  74. is there a second key for the
    fish tank. r how do you open
    it, i've tried the key i have

  75. ok, the key worked the second time...dunno why not the first time but I'm out anyway :D

    it wasn't so easy afterall :D

  76. I have not understood where to put the swore The box with it is closed I have opened th container whith key and now?like Kat

  77. Heu...where to put the worm!!!

  78. worm goes top left tank on the left side

  79. Thanks one and all for your help in the last few bits. It helped me ever such a lot.

    Just for the record, I ran through it again and got the top score of 5000 on the world chart. Three cheers for EG24 :-)

  80. thank you Iceberg, i get the second key and i'm out!!!

  81. Where is the FOOD?????????

  82. Cristina.
    The food is in the top drawer. You get the key by placing the worm in the tank with loads of fish on the left side.

  83. Wow. Quite possibly the jerkiest, most annoying game ever designed. Nice concept, good game otherwise.

  84. I don't find the air tube. Where is it ?
    Yes, the pointer is really annoying.

  85. my net doesn't work, where's the handle for it? i see something in the corner of the octopus tank, but can't get any fish, worm or anything... how to make the net work?

  86. k's breaktime mentioned handle. WHERE IS HANDLE?

  87. Handle is the the mop stick. I can't find tube that has to go in the tank.

  88. tube is in tank, one sec, mop handle wont attach to net?

  89. in empty tank top
    shelf mid screen, next to worm tank

  90. I swear that wasn't there before!
    Thanks maxi

  91. i just hit an ad. f@#$. to start again with net this time!

  92. Oh no...another 123Bee game. Eeesh.

  93. Unfortunally VERY buggy again..!!

    Until now I restarted for the 3rd time. 1st time the blue fish disappeared before I could catch it. 2nd time I cought the worm, but it didn't appear in my inventory and I couldn't get it again.

    That's a pitty, because this game seems to be very(!) good. To be, what most of us prefer.
    But like this it's more annoying than fun...

  94. this looked really fun but i had to stop cuz of the stupid cursor><

  95. I can't get in at all. I've tried diabling adblock plus in firefox, cause that sometimes blocks stuff, but that just made it worse.

  96. ok..just starting.. yey! awooo..

  97. hey all been playing for a few minutes, but i can't take the jerky fish pointer, it's making me craze, so i'm stopping.

  98. What a pity, such a pretty game and it is spoilt by the movement and stuff.....gave up.

  99. i know wat to do u get the hook the mop thin and the net and u connect the net and the mop thin
    then u get the water thing and u put i on the one on the table then u get the bllue fish by the net and put it in the take thats on the table then get the orange one and put it in the same tank they will have a green small fish put the green one where the octopus is then get the small purple one where the pink coral (i thinks its coral) is then put tht fish in to the octopus tank then u get the worm from one of the tanks then got to the left screen and go to the place where theres a school of fish tht r not moving put the worm inside the tank and then use the hook to grab the key behind the rock and open the dwrawer (however u spell it) and u get fish food then u go to the right side of the aquarium and take the multicolored (yello blue n white) fish out. then put it in the container below it, then u go where the multicolored fish was and the little jar on the bottom, well u click it a few times and a small fish will come out put tht where the octopus is the octopus will eat them all leaving a golden key get that key and go to the middle center of the aquarium go to the fish with the lock and unlock it give it the pet food and the fish will open the first clam get the key and ur out VOLA

  100. hii mii nam3 ish christine =) i n3w yah so ish dish a fun game or wat?? plz if sumone ish on plz talk to mi kk

  101. it takes a bit to load haha lolz =/

  102. uuuhhhh how do yooh uuhhh get the net from da fish tank lolz do yooh need to use sumthin luv izzy

  103. Aquarium Room Escape Walkthrough From 123bee ...

    Click on the mop and take the stick.
    Click on the table, which is in middle of the aquarium.
    Underneath the table, there is a hook.
    Take the hook.
    Click on the cupboard and open it.
    Take the paper from the cupboard and use it as a hint.
    Click on the fish tank, which is the top most one on the left side.
    Take the hook from the inventory panel and pick the net from the fish tank.
    Connect the stick and net in the inventory panel.
    Go forward and click on the top most fish tank.
    Take the beaker from the fish tank.
    Click on the left side.
    Take the worm from the beaker and provide it to the fishes in the center fish tank.
    Take the hook from the inventory panel, and use it to take the key from the fish tank.
    Come back to the main view.
    Take the key from the inventory panel and open the second drawer of the cupboard.
    Take the fish food.
    Come back to the main view and click on the left side.
    Click on the sphere shaped tank.
    Take the net from the inventory panel and catch the blue striped fish.
    Blue striped fish is added to the inventory.
    Come back and go to the right side.
    Take the net from the inventory panel and catch the red striped fish from the lower most fish tank.
    Red striped fish is added to the inventory.
    Come back to the main view.
    Go forward and click on the top most fish tank.
    Take the air tube.
    Come back and click on the fish tank, which is in middle of the room.
    Take the air tube from the inventory panel and place it in the fish tank.
    Take the red striped fish from the inventory panel and place it in the fish tank.
    Take the blue striped fish from inventory panel and place it in the fish tank.
    Fish breeding takes place.
    Take the net from the inventory panel and catch the little green fish.
    The little green fish is added to the inventory panel.
    Come back to the main view.
    Click on the fish tank, which is the top most one on the right side.
    In the fish tank, there is a pot in which one little fish hides to get protected from a bigger one.
    Take the net from the inventory panel and catch the fish from the fish tank.
    Fish is added to the inventory panel.
    Catch the fish from the inventory panel, and place the fish in the tank, which is in the middle row.
    A little fish comes out from the pot of the top most fish tank.
    Take the net from the inventory panel and catch the fish from the fish tank.
    Fish is added to the inventory panel.
    Come back to the main view.
    Click on the fish tank in the middle row on the right side.
    Take the hook from the inventory panel and touch the sponges in the fish tank.
    A fish moves away from the sponges.
    Take the net from the inventory panel and catch the fish from the fish tank.
    Fish is added to the inventory panel.
    Come back to the main view.
    Click on lower most tanks on the left side.
    Click on the octopus tank.
    Take the fish one by one from the inventory panel and make them a prey for the octopus.
    The octopus moves and shows a key.
    Take the hook from the inventory panel and use it to take the key.
    Come back to the main view and go forward.
    Click on the fish tank, which is in the middle layer.
    Take the key from the inventory and open the locked fish tank.
    Take the fish food from the inventory and provide it to the fish.
    The fish hits the pearl shell and the shell opens.
    Take the hook from the inventory and take the key from the fish tank.
    Come back to the main view.
    Go forward and click on the door.
    Take the key from the inventory and open the door.
    The door opens.

  104. Gr8 wt 123.bee ... BUT why is the blue striped fish keep disappearing ?? Click the tank but fish gone then cant take it !!!

  105. How to get three baby fish.
    Make one baby with orange and blue clown fish by putting them in empty tank on table.
    Another one is in the upper right tank on right wall and another is in lower left tank on same wall.


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