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Tobby Room 1048 Walkthrough

Tobby Room 1048

Tobby Room 1048 WalkthroughTobby Room 1048 is a platform game and point'n'click adventure game made for Toshiba. Now, you have to find all eight bombs hidden throughout the hotel, and to free all of the Jelly girls in the process. Even if all text is in Japanese, it's not difficult to figure out. Enjoy!

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Okay, so I've freed a few girls, found a few bombs & some other objects. Not sure what they were, or how to use them? Where can I find the code for the safe? & what about the dark room?

You need to find the torch first.
Once you get that you can go in the dark room and turn on the power for the elevators.


That's what I'd like to know! I finally figured out that I could push Shift in order to see how many bombs I'd found & what numbers I'd found.... but what about that punch bowl thing?

There is a walkthru jayis games - google hints tobby room 1048

Tobby Room 1048 Walkthrough:

- Go left, enter room, get key, exit room, stand on chandelier, press up, you'll get a bomb.

- Go right, number 7 in plant on RHS of lift. Go upstairs.

- Go left, enter topmost room, get bomb in plant. Go upstairs.

- Number 2 in plant on RHS. Go back downstairs, right, down, right, and then up the stairs.

- Enter 1st room above, get number 4 in fountain, exit, go left one screen.

- Jump onto chandelier, then jump back onto highest floor on RHS, then go right.

- Enter closest room, bomb in TV, exit, stand on floor of topmost RHS room, inside the room is a bowl of noodles, you don't have to get it if you have full health.

- This is where most people will not realise that you can actually go right, so go right.

- Enter first room below, cake on table if you need it, number 6 in drawer, exit. Heart in bottommost room if you need it. Go upstairs.

- Jump over spikes, then head upstairs again.

- Enter room on RHS, get flashlight, exit then go all the way down to the screen on the RHS of the starting point.

- Enter room, down the stairs, bomb in drawer on LHS, enter room, tun on switch, exit, then all the way up until you see the lift.

- Press lift button, enter lift, once you get out of lift, go left, stand right on the edge of the big hole, once you drop down, qucikly hold onto right, then get bomb in bin. You'll see a meat-bone to your left, again, it's only food for your health.

- Go down, another bomb in TV, go right, get super-boots, now you are able to jump further!

- Go left twice, down the stairs, and make your way back to the lift that you used in the first place.

- Enter lift, once you get out of the lift, go right, get another bomb in fountain beyond stretch of spikes. Go downstairs twice.

- Now you can jump over to the room stituated just above the stairs.

- Enter room, get bomb in bin, now you should have all the bombs!

- Make your way to the screen with the big hole in the floor, instead of dropping down into it, leap over to the otherside.

- Once on the otherside of the hole, go left, you should spot something like a remote control over a stretch of spikes, get it. This part might be a bit tricky, you must jump right off the edge of the platform to get to the other. Once you got the remote control, head back to the starting point.

- Enter the room at the starting point, combination to the safe is 7642. You won't get anything from the safe but something will appear somewhere else. Exit room.

- Okay now you can make your way to save Jelly (your girl-dog-friend). Enter the lift right above you. Once out of the lift, pick up shiny obeject to your right, that's the key to room 1048, that's what appears once you have entered the right combination to the safe.

- Go right, then enter room 1048 to do some ass whooping!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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