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Subjugation of the Mountain Walkthrough

Subjugation of the Mountain

Conquest of Mountain WalkthroughSubjugation of the Mountain is another Russian point and clickery adventure game. In this adventure, you have to point and click on right objects or places to do right actions in order to complete levels. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Level 1
1. Take a bone and throw it onto the tree.
2. Click the dog.
3. Click on the lamp.
4. Talk to old man.
5. Go to the forest.


1. Take a bone and throw it behind the house.
2. Follow the dog.



You have to find the ways which gives you 10000 points. On later levels you will be game over when doing it wrong :)

Level 2
1. Take a flower.
2. Click the small sheep a few times.


1. Take a grass.
2. Click the small sheep a few times.



Level 3
1. Take a stone.
2. Throw it into a watermelon.
3. Get a fruit.
4. Feed an animal.
5. Take th nails from the hole.
6. Put it into the rock.


1. Take a stone.
2. Throw it into the bees.



I saw there is a little fault in the points mechanism, the ones with the happy (faster) sounds are the correct ways :)

Level 4
1. Take left end of the rope
2. Tie it to the mast.
3. Take a stone and tie it to the second end.
4. Get the fruits and use it on the rope.


1. Take left end of the rope
2. Tie it to the mast.
3. Get the fruits and use it on the rope.


1. Get the fruits and use it on the rope.



So.. Everyone can find the own way.

All the ways you've listed as the first ones seem to be the right ones :D Counting mechanism is bugged and in the last level the first and second walkthrough seem to be right ways :) First one is better as far as I can see though :)

Thx Gorka :)

Level 2 seems too short for me. But can't find another way.

It does play the right sound though ...

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