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Prawn to be Wild - Chapter 9 Walkthrough

Prawn to be Wild - Chapter 9

Prawn to be Wild 9 WalkthroughPrawn to be Wild 9 is the ninth chapter of Prawn To Be Wild point and click adventure game from Weebls Stuff. In this game you need to help Prawn to escape. So, you have to click on right things in right order to success that. Good luck and have fun!

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Hey!! I think I'm the 1st one :D

       Anonymous  11/23/07, 12:44 PM  

I'm stuck on the insanity test!

       Anonymous  11/23/07, 12:49 PM  

Never mind - got it! Can't wait until Chapter 10!

How do you do the insanity test? Im stuck

       Anonymous  11/23/07, 2:21 PM  

Only click what makes your points go up. Avoid clicks that make it go down. A couple tries and it becomes obvious.

I'm stuck on the elephant one! It doesn't go beyond the 1st question, even if you get it right!

That doesn't help me, gabe36.

I must be missing something really obvious, but I can´t even prove he´s a fake ghost and nothing else leads anywhere!! please help someone

You point to the "Scooby Doo" video.

On Nov 24, 2007 11:14 AM, niff wrote:
> niff has left a new comment on the post "Prawn to be Wild - Chapter 9":
> I must be missing something really obvious, but I can´t even prove he´s a
> fake ghost and nothing else leads anywhere!! please help someone

       Anonymous  11/24/07, 9:22 AM  

Woohoo! This is the first time I actually solved an IPB without help and get to post the walkthrough!
- Plead like this: "Ooh no...
- Examine the crime scene and then tell the monolith you're done (yes, you're sure).
- Objection: 50 thousand years ago is too long
- How do we know you are actually dead?
- Use the Scooby Doo video evidence
- Is that right?
- Use the Court Record as evidence
- Use the Bottom Feeder magazines as evidence
- You have a lot of them
- Click on Last Month's on the magazine
- Tell the monolith you are ready to leave (you're sure, you don't need anything else)
- Examine the evidence and talk to the torch guy if you want, then tell the monoliith you are done (you're sure)
- Objection: how do they know I did it?
- You tell me what
- Use the butter as evidence
- Use the TV Guide as evidence
- No it isn't
- Point right below the "TV Guide" title so that "What's Not On" shows and click
- That's not fair
- Tell the monolith he's the worst clown ever
- Tell Mr. Judgey he can't sentence you to death
- For the insanity test, don't click anything except the head that floats in from the top right (it says "I like sprouts")
- Stay tuned for Chapter 10!

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thanks freeway and google I had the scooby video and felt sure I´d tried every option afterwards, but obviously not the court records! It´s moments like this when you feel an idiot! Tried again today and got through the rest without help, so I´m feeling slightly better now. Although spending your spare time as an insane prawn could be perceived as a tad idiotic! Oh well if the cap fits...


1)say 'who are you' then say 'are you sweaty bob stink bag'
2)get the water then give it to him and scare him with the flashlight by talking to him
3)exit the cage and exactly "DOWN,7 RIGHT,4 DOWN,2 LEFT, as soon as he leaves go LEFT,DOWN 2 times SUPER FAST,3 LEFT
4)go down and get the gin,go down,right and get the book and the barbie doll and if you want, the bomb DO NOT GO TO THE SHELF
5)go left and put the doll on the track
6)go up 2 and mix the gin and the parsnip block
7)go right and enter the code (it's diffrent every time)then go 2 left,2 down,right and play with the shelf (get hit with only the hammers not the bombs and you needed to rember the code!)
8)when you're stupid go,left, up 2,right 2 and enter the code
9)exit past the robots and go into the ship

ur welkum!! XD

i sit on u now
thank you

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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