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Hall Escape Walkthrough

Hall Escape

Hall Escape Game WalkthroughHall Escape Game is another text driven type point and click room escape game with different endings. You need to click at the right places in order to escape the hall. Good luck and have fun!

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Now we're stuck in the hall we are really making it around. LOL

I have 4 cards, baton, magnyfying glass, pincers, and chest.


Yeah, here we are again. Found the magnifying glass, key, baton, snippers. Use the magnifying glass all over the floor and it will find a few items.

Can't get the code to open the chest

What 4 cards Zole?

I've used the key to open the chest. Now I need a code to open it.

Autumn, Summer,Winter, Spring ....with the numbers on them......


Four cards are on the chairs.



Found the 4 cards. I assume the 4 cards have something to do with the code. Have not figured it out yet.

Zole, what's the code?

Boater....use the cards.....


Tried every combination I could think of. What is the code, Zole?

What order do the seasons come in???


Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall? Tried that - didn't work.

I tried each season in order and none of them work (e.g., first began with winter, etc; then began with spring, etc and on)

I did too. Did not work for me either.

can someone tell me where they found th key.i think i have every thing else.thanx

The key is
in the carpet. Somewhere close to the chair that moves.

I'm not quite sure, but think if you use the magnifying glass all over the floor the key will fly up. At any rate use the glass all over and it will appear

Has anyone figured out the code yet?

Key is where the second from right big pattern that looks like four ovals together are a long the line the chair travels.
Start with Spring and go in the order seasons naturally follow.

I can't find anything over all the floor. I have 4 cards, baton and magnifying glass.

I think i started with spring....I don't remember exactly



Thanks Robi. I'm out.

Did you open the first chest it does not need a key?

Oh I got it! Thanks, Robi!

I am out!

For code:
Spring- summer-autumn-winter

(sorry for my english=////='''')

Where is the baton, please? I can't find it!

Forget it, I found it and I'm out! :-)

So I got all the supplies, opened the chest with Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter (plus the key) and ended up with a plain key.

That opened up the second door, which led to the outside. I dunno how to open the others, though.

Use snippers on key -> get thin key, but this is not the perfect ending

the key found on the floor open the left door, but it's a bad ending ... the key of the crest code open the right door, better ending but not the best
the door of the right wall is the way, but where is the key

a curiosity ... where is the hint of the seasons?

ok ive beenr eading your comments and a few of you are right but not thinking clearly the combination is the cards in oder of seasons...but the beginning of the year dose not start of as winter...it goes spring summer fall then winter..i think it was 2057

cant ve move araound?

whot hapends when i pull the chair?

where i juse the baton?

1.take the the maginifit glass from a fall.
2.under the piano is a baton.
3.clik on the miror then it wil unlock the lock vich is on the floor
4.the juse the pincer to kut the chain
5.move the chair then take the maganfit glass and close to that chair is a sliver key it vil open evry door.becerful you can go to the ring door

taje the magnafir glass from the jar sory

I cant't find the key Hellppppppppppp!


use the pincers on the usual key and get a thin key
open the door of the right wall


where is the key i cant find it you said it was by the chair oh yea and i cant seem to use the magnifier that could possibly b the problem

keys?! DX

I give up I hate it when you can not see items

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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