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Twelve Dragon's Room - Twelve Signs 2 Walkthrough

Twelve Dragon's Room - Twelve Signs 2

Twelve Dragon's Room 2 WalkthroughTwelve Dragons Room - Twelve Signs Vol.2 is second part of Twelve Dragon's Room - Twelve Signs 1 point and click type escape the room game. In this game you are locked in a room and you need to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Anyone around?

Second! But I'm not too good at the ones in Japanese

Hopefully language won't be too big of an issue. I managed to get the 2 chests so far.

I just started. . .let me catch up

did you see the password thats all in Japanese yet?

I've found a key (used), a dagger (used), 2 golden balls with symbols (used), a black card, and 2 gems (used). now i'm stuck

Hmmm, language MIGHT be a problem. I see writing that says PASS and then some Japanese characters.

ciao! My inventory: yellow ball with blak sign, brown ball, 2 colored gemstones (used), a black papar (7) and dagger

def here, and def no help :(
4 golden balls (used) found 2 keys (used), 1 blue stone (used), 1 red stone (used) and a black piece of paper I can't figure out where to use it. can't read that password in the corner of the room, either

ahh now i see what the password symbols mean

use the knife on the sofa, then use the knob thingy on the cylinder.

after you use the golden balls, the picture above it shows a symbol and a number that hopefully corresponds to the password

@ theresa

where is KEY?

What about those papers in the trash? Anyone find a use/item in there?

Ahh yup yup. Ok, gonna keep going.

Use the dagger on the couch cushion for the KEY.

the key is in the right top couch cushion. you need to slash it with the dagger

There's something UNDER the trash, not in it.

thanks. I've try to use the key but don't work...

Hmm, thanks diana.
Another of the cards I have no idea what to do with ...

where did you find the other golden balls?

ichi means 'one'

you get a brown ball that needs to be washed. I think it was in the box you opened with the blue key.

I can't get the key to work either.

There's also a gold ball under the table stand (not the table top).


diana said...
There's also a gold ball under the table stand (not the table top).

but I can't take it...

that little globe thing needs to be turned on to show the stars.
Turn the light out & one of the stars has a key hole you can put the gold key in.
also, where the light comes from is a gray box that has something in it also.

Thanks, i think i've gotten those two. I'm still looking for the others :-)

Ahhh, nevermind! Found the other key by turning off the light.

now i cant understand the black card!!

Doh! You're too quick for me.

ichi ni san chi , (I don't know if they're spelled right), but thats 1 2 3 4 in Japanese. so that means we have 2 signs, 1 in english and one in Japanese for the same number

found them!!

sorry, guys. have to get to work.
i'll check back later.
Diana should have a walkthrough by then... ;)


it looks like a star's missing from the sagitarius picture but I don't know what to do, I'm stuck

I found another ball at the cloak of the praying statue.

Have you noticed that when you turn off the light and go left, the table is moved and the ball-washing thing is gone? I think that's just an error though.


The last one is on the back foot of the lion statue.

Found all the balls but now I'm stuck

Ok, I have all the gold balls for the astrology signs, if I put the word in parentheses of each in the order of I, II, III, etc. I get

san six four ni ichi one

theres also a ball at the foot of the other statue

Got all the balls, both keys used, might be missing 1 black card (got only 2).
Don't have password (some numbers are in japanese, others in english, wierd).

http://sp.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp/sp/lesson/j/doc/numbers.html this link shows japanese numbers

now i cant do anything im just clicking the whole room : b

I'm there too. All gold balls used, 2 black cards, and a bunch of English and Japanese numbers and a PASS that hasn't been deciphered.

Do you think there's anything in the books or is it nothing just like inside the garbage can and under the tabletop?

where did you find the second black card?

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 5:26 AM  

i'm right where your guys are, but I just have 1 black card and can not think of a way to get out....

what's weird is, the picture of the number is not the way to write the number in Japanese

If you look at the link given by kaci, 7 can be sichi or nana, that could explain for the card with 7, s and n. No idea for the other one though

The black cards:

-In the couch
-Under the garbage can (not inside)

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 5:28 AM  

and what about the two letters on the black 7-card?

How do you clean the brown ball? Can't get it to do anything with the machine in the middle..

Clean the ball with the cylinder shaped machine in the corner.

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 5:29 AM  

ok, got the second one too, thanx diana

Durrghh...thanks Diana..wrong machine I was using..

if you arrange the pictures by roman numerals, and translate the japanese numbers you get 364211, but that doesn't work. is there any other way we can organize the numbers?

Yup, I'd tried that too, kaci, with no luck.

dont waste your time substituting letters for numbers either, unless you use a different method than A=1, B=2

third card on back of star compartment door

maybe you input the number of the roman numeral by the japanese numbers?? - PS sorry for the grammar

the symbols are here http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://library.thinkquest.org/C007972/writing/dakuon.gif&imgrefurl=http://library.thinkquest.org/C007972/writing/syllabary.html&h=381&w=287&sz=38&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=iU5opGRm5whjhM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djapanese%2Balphabet%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3DQks%26sa%3DX

I feel like I'm missing an item still. Like eink said, maybe another black card.

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 5:38 AM  

star compartment door?

There's something written in the corner of the room with the table. I guess it's the instructions of how to combine the numbers for the password. Anybody knows japanese over here?

Ahh, thanks chuck!

When you turn off the lights and open one of the stars for a gold ball. It's there halfway off the screen.

ah nevermind, only one of the symbols is there, 'ha' or the first symbol in the PASS

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 5:41 AM  

chuck, what compartment door???

Yup, just noticed that too, kaci.

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 5:43 AM  

ok, found it. I think there should be 3 more cards, because there is space left in your inventory for 3 more items. Also the 3 cards we have now are number 1,2,3 so I think there should be a 4,5 and 6 also?

Leanhe turn off lights and click on star with key hole in it - there's a door to the compartment

The third card says five -> e, e being the fifth letter, might have to convert numbers to letters or letters to numbers for the password

and we still have to open the second armor box

I think diana's theory off turn off the lights and the table will move will have a clue?? even the speakers on the first part of the room disappears!!

Dear all,

Just solved the password : it is zodiac ( in lower case as indicate in the wall )

There are six cards collected to retrieve the password. Each card will have a roman number showing sequence in password , a japanese KANJI character indicating a code , and a final number (in english or japanese pronunciation ) showing which character you should pick when you translate the code into english or japanese pronunciation.

Card 1 : "Wind" + "3" in japanese
means 3rd character in KAZE(japanese word for "wind" = Z
Card 2 : "Rainbow" + "6" in english means 6th character in RAINBOW = O
Card 3 : "Gold" + "4" in english
means 4th character in GOLD = D
Card 4 : "Silver" + "2" in japanese
means 2nd character in GIN (japanese word for silver)= I
Card 5 : "Rain" + "1" in japanese
means 1st character in AME (japanese word for rain) =A
Card 6 : "Cat" + "1" in english
means 1st character in CAT =C

Wow, nightfly! Amazing!

wow, great job

Well, guys... the symbol in the first card means "black" and "b" and "k" are the first and last letters. The same with the second card. "s" and "n" are the first and last letters of "seven". "e" is the last letter of "five" on the third card. Maybe we can use this idea.

But where are the 3 remaining cards? Or am I slow and everyone has them already?

ops... too late for this coment... lol. Great job, Nightfly!


1.go to the door with the code input zodiac
2.click on the door knob


Oh, or do you mean the 6 cards that are above the zodiac signs themselves?

Wow nightfly, well done!


-Click the couch. Get the 2 black card.
-Go right and click the foot of the table. Get the Libra ball. Zoom out and click the bottom right corner of the room and note the writing.
-Right again and click the bottom of the trashcan can. Get the 1 black card.
-Click the lion statue and get the blue gem. Click the back foot and get the Leo ball.
-Click the warrior statue and get the red gem. Click inside his shoulder and get the Virgo ball.
-Right again and click the left box on the shelf. Insert the blue gem and get the brown ball inside. Click the right box and insert the red gem. Get the dagger.
-Click the sphere-shaped machine in the middle. Open the panel and turn it ON.
-Go right again and click the couch. Use the dagger on the cushion and get the gold key.
-Right again and click the cylinder shaped machine. Put the brown ball in it, press the button and then get the Cancer ball.
-Turn right (are you dizzy yet?) and turn off the lights.
-Notice the spot on the floor where the light is shining. Click it. Open the panel and get the blue key.
-Zoom out and see the biggest star on the wall. Click it and open it using the gold key. Get the Sagittarius ball. Get the 3 black card from the inside of the open star panel.
-Turn the lights back on and go left (or right) twice. Use the blue key on the left gold box and get the Aquarius ball.
-You should now have 6 gold balls. Place them in their corresponding places and note the Roman numerals on each.
-See below on how to crack the code.
-Once you crack the code, enter it in the panel beside the door. Password is zodiac.
-Click the door and you’re out!

Cracking the code:
There are six cards collected to retrieve the password. Each card will have a roman number showing sequence in password , a japanese KANJI character indicating a code , and a final number (in english or japanese pronunciation ) showing which character you should pick when you translate the code into english or japanese pronunciation.

Card 1 : "Wind" + "3" in japanese
means 3rd character in KAZE(japanese word for "wind" = Z
Card 2 : "Rainbow" + "6" in english means 6th character in RAINBOW = O
Card 3 : "Gold" + "4" in english
means 4th character in GOLD = D
Card 4 : "Silver" + "2" in japanese
means 2nd character in GIN (japanese word for silver)= I
Card 5 : "Rain" + "1" in japanese
means 1st character in AME (japanese word for rain) =A
Card 6 : "Cat" + "1" in english
means 1st character in CAT =C


where is the other key? i have the one you get from the star, but where is the one for the gold box?

just join here!

Thanks Diana for hints about the balls. just can't find the Leo ball.
and the code is quite difficult that we must use two languages to crack the code.
Thanks Nightfly for the code!

it started out easy (i cheated on the balls just once, honest!). but i wouldn't have gotten the code without nightfly's help. thanks too, diana!

thx night fly great code breaking

@ Nightfly - *We're not worthy bow*
Nicely done!

Do you ever wonder if the non-English speaking Japanese players get frustrated b/c some things are in English and they don't understand it? Hehe...Just a thought.

i agree with your comment,too.
But you know,most of the pc games are from japan?
Some of my friends who are addicted to pc games study japanese hard and actively.( i live quite near japan so the influence is really deep!)
Maybe you will understand what i mean after you move to Philippines.

Can't frind the other black card on sofa only found one?

find lol

red i thought that to i realize there aren't two cards if u click on the one u have it has a number 2 on it thats what diana meant :) hope i help

Just got here, going to start now!! :-)

k just starting now..anyone else here..?

OUT..!! that was fun..:)

       Anonymous  2/22/08, 11:55 PM  

Very good game, i played already yesterday but couldn´t finish because of this tough code, good job Nightfly

Thanks cool kid

@Nightfly my head can now stop throbbing Many thanks

turn off the lights go to the room with the painting of sagitarious and there is a line pointing to the ground click on the ground and there is a key

thanks 4 d walkthrough! it helped me a lot!

cnp red

Wow that is obvious twelve signs twelve signs to chines zodiac to obvious I say but still so easy it is hard

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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