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Escape from Rooftop Where Sakura Flutters Walkthrough

Escape from Rooftop Where Sakura Flutters

Escape from Rooftop WalkthroughEscape from Rooftop is a new point and click type room escape game from Strawberry Cafe, who is also creator of Heart Escape game. "Sakura" is a cherry blossom that is loved by the Japanese. In this game, you must find and use items to escape from the rooftop. There is sound in this game so please adjust your volume accordingly. Find and use items to escape the rooftop! Good luck and have fun!

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ok, let's give it a go, hope i'm not alone here, i suck at these lol

am i first!??
just start trying!

anyone else playing, so far i have a card telling where the key is, key(used), mp3 player lookin thing, grey rod and red handle combined

if anyone needs the odd hint i am here online somewhere for a while lol

hmm..ok i found where to use the combined handle, found a red triangle with a "P" in it

you are going well nascar ... dont think i need to hang around lol

M on 4th bar from right by flowers

Need help only got note , red handle and fone thing ! Not very good at these games ;))

Hello, got phone, key used, red handle and rod used, got the new password, find also the red P ...
but after ? ....

After playing three times, I finally got the "Happy End"..I liked this game.. Thank you for submitting , Diana.

search the bag for power cord... got three letters, still don't know how to open safe :(

ok, got note, key (used), mp3, handle and grey thing combined (used) , square with letter 'p' seen and circle with letter 'm' seen

Hi all :)

Haven't played this game all the way through yet myself. Just starting.

ok, found the "M" finally lol

I open the safe with the three letters, in minuscule ... and got a note... but don't understand it

if you go to the top of the tree where you found the memo, four petals will fall. wait a few more seconds and a fifth will fall. you can grab it. if you miss, go down and back up and try again.

that said, i have no clue what to do with it.

start battery charging

ok, found all the letters, or at least i think it's all of them, 3 of them, and can not seem to make it work at all, tried all possible combinations

Take note of triangle, doesn't quite match with pass

I must be being dense this evening, got the phone charged but can't find the triangle or the circle with letters in.

One of the letter have to be reverse to work ...

nm, got them both.

ty so much riclamin, thought i had lost my mind

Ok out, not sure if it's a good/the only end though. The guard was angry with me :(

what do you do with the petal?

the combination of the letters is explain in one of pink book in the house with brwon door ...

hmmm...ok i guess i got the bad ending, someone was "angry" lol

Out, but oops, I made the guard angry.

Got Happy End!

what's the trick Diana, after listening to the phone call, what is next before leaving

what to do after open the safe ? help please

Do you need the petal and the letters to open safe ? Finally opened for me after retreiving the petal

Make sure you have all of your items before you leave.

when i want use the phone it said that the number of the guard room is not understood ... i'm french so i don't really understand what to do ... thanks !

Can't seem to get the ending...anyone help ?

sorry but... pass is flower triangle (reversed) and circle.... in my game... but don't work :(

You need to know which number to call. The item in the passworded box will help you.

ok, i have the phone, cord, note, petal and bag, is that all i need to leave safely

please help...i can't find the key!!

The reversed triangle: the letter that it corresponds to also needs to be flipped upside down.

Go for it, nascar!

Got it but it was bad.

Key is in the flowerbed between the 2 buildings. One is a flowerbed, one is a strawberry patch.

lol thanks Diana, had played it 4 times with the angry ending lol


very cute game, but as i stated in the first post, i suck at these alone lol thanks everyone for your help

Patty, just make sure you have all your belongings before you leave. Apparently, these are very clean guards!

We've all needed help with games at some point :)

diana, thanks for your help but i still not find ... but still searching :)

I tried with p and b and d ... in dubt... but no one works :( I have found also three petal... but nothing... the safe don't open!!! aaaaarrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh

i flipped the letter and it doesn't work :(

d d d d d ----it worked for me!!!

Someone please help me... Is "r"=18? I cannot reach the password (number), still 3 letters ;(

use the letters, no numbers

d d d d I refreshed and now works :) d d d d

how u can get ur bag??? i cannot get it... she tells "my bag" ... but i cannot get it :o

olleeeeee happy end :D wowowow cute game :)

Where oh where is the "flower" letter? I've found the circle and the triangle, but not the flower one.

How do i find the number to call the guard room? I got the hint from the safe but i don't understand what to do??

thank you sekwof ;) i got it! and not a guard but another sakura colour paper appears... ;(((

The flower letter is on the phone..

Jeez, now I have forgotten where I found the triangle. Argh!

look closely the thing in the safe and... try it with phone ;)

ok so I defiantly have never posted or even joined this comment thing until now but I have been playing for quite a while.

I'm stuck on finding the key for the second door

do I need a second memo?
where is it?

aha! got it! thanks :)

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oh ok thanks
someone had said earlier that it was in the strawberry patch

sarah: There is no key to that door .. you have to use your phone and call to the guard room

       Anonymous  4/3/08, 3:46 PM  

anyone else running into problems calling the guard room?

hey...anyone here

i am

two the last two comments I mean

The cell rings and the guard seems to be angry.
Anyway, glad to get out because I'm a begginner ;)

       Anonymous  4/3/08, 3:59 PM  

got the happy ending!!!!!

how do I call ?

Anyone here? Where is phone and cord????

you have to click on the bag near the top for the cord

Try the thing in the save with the phone...

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I love these games, but I need some help otherwise I won't be able to finish.

I didn't win it because i'm stuck and i don't want to read a lot, but thanks a lot diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm a really happy girl!!

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and sorry for my bad english

Hooray for walkthroughs!

Where did you guys find the phone?!?
I have clicked every where!

I cannot find steering wheel need help.

got it THANK YOU for the walk thru. I already had phone thought it was mp3 player duhhh! lol

I really need help, I found the 3 letters and tried every possible combination...

the phone is in the bag

I can't pick up the bag....

Where's the steering wheel? I've been clicking all over the place.

shannon when u are outside of the 2 buildings click right and then below the fifth red flower you will see the steering wheel

@ lala:

I'm sure we all appreciate the walkthrough, but on the game site and in the main posting for this game, it states the author's wish that no walkthroughs be posted until April 13, just a heads-up.

i`m sorry my bad. i didn`t read that.

NP, that's kinda what I thought. Like I said, though, it was appreciated ;)

I can only get the bad end! What shall I do? I find no key in strawberries.

sooo stuck!!
I have thew phone and the cord, the note, and a wheel thingie.
now i just cant figure out what to do! What do i combime with the handle, and where can i find it?

ohh, i found trhe grey bar! now just, trying to figure out what to do with it.....
think im kinda rubbish at this one!

This game is impossible!

Oh good its loading for me today...~~

just finished this game!
right now it's Sakura season in Taiwan and Japan---- it's a good season for picnic in Japan.... for enjoy delicious food and appreciate Sakura

Hi Shushun...I've can't remember if I tried that..that is a food isnt it..Sakura? I worked in Japanese restaurant for a long time..but it was a long time ago..maybe 8 years.


sorry that was worked for a short time...a long time ago..lol

could someone please tell me where to find the gray bar , i,v been looking for like twenty years lol

no, it a flower--- but japanese also make them different kinds of food.---
quite delicious.

fifth rung in from the straberry garden is a letter "M"..pretty hidden.

did you get a key to go into the room?

yeah i just find this gray bar arggg

there is a key in strawberry garden in between houses..

the gray thing it's under the table in the room.

sorry flower garden..

do u mean gray plug bar

shuchun , thanks am sure i clicked there a million times , i,ll try it again

there is a gray plug bar under neat bag on the bench..

is this the gray thing of which u speak?

no mercedes , i got that one and now thankfully the other gray bar yeeeeeeeeehaaaaa

Yes under pink table where passcode is a gray bar there too...if thats what u speak of..

yeah mercedes thats the one , and now i have it , but now am stuck on the letters , iv got an m and a r but cant find the other one now any ideas anyone , thanks for the help .......god am rubbish at these games but i love them lol

check the purple roof

did u get petal from tree

argggggg , this is doing my head in lol .now i,v got the letter p of the roof and am putting them in the safe but its not working ........am following the code from the red book , which was flower triangle and circil is that right ????????//

see the triangle upside down

yeah i did notice that so does that mean the p is a b , and yeah i did get the petel , but dont know what to do with that .........am sooooooooo sorry for being a pest

where did u find R

d instead of b

P stands for triange i believe..

my god am realy having a blond moment , just realised its a d lol

charge the phone and you will see it

my phone wont charge..

you must combine the wheel and the gray bar and then open the purple roof---hit the red button in the room

i did..

ill try it again..:)

finally worked..must not have done something right...lol..


my pleasure

thanks for all the help mercedes and shuchun , am out at last lol

got good ending,miko,and no problem!

damn..i made gaurd angry..lol

no such luck the guard was pretty angry with me lol ,

before you click the door,be sure to take the bag away and take a petal from the tree

im trying to get good ending now..

see whats done..

I'll post back..:)

aha might have another go and see if i can get the good ending , but must dash now , kids need picking up lol bye

this time i made sure i grabbed bag and pedal was in inventory..but still bad ending..

try again..lol

did you take the gray plug away,too?


you have to have the bag and phone and petal in inventory to leave..

at first it looks like its a bad ending still but then it says..

Happy end..

done..outta here..!!

oh and plug too i had..

yup..i did this time Shushun!..:D

great,nice traditional japanese music and beautiful Sakura
let's play next game

cute! i managed to have a happy ending without wakthrough!!! lol

is any body here

cant find the power cord

finished the guard wasnt angery at me i got a happy ending

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Anwil thank you very much for the walkthrough, but the creator asked if not walkthrough be posted until April 13th.

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1. Click the tree, and wait for the first 4 petals to fall and get the 5th one that falls a few second after that.
The note tells you there is a key in the flower bed.
2. Go left and get the crank-handel in the flower bed.
3. Go left tree times and clik the bag, get Cell phone.
In the same screen, clik above the bag, and see the grey cord, get that.
4. Zoom out, and go right, and then forward, clik the left red flower, and get the yellow heart-key. Zoom out and clik the left hand side of the screen, notice the hole.
5. Go back to the view of the two buldings, clik the key, and the door of the left building.
6. Clik line under tabel near left tabel leg, get grey bar.
Clik the right lone book on the shelf, top of the tabel, It tells you to open the roof for the eletrick to work.
7. Click the middel book on the top shelf, under the safe. It tells you the password for the safe. You will have to find these symbols.
8. Leave and again clik between the to buildings and then clik the left hand side of the screen.
Do about item on the crank handel, then clik the grey bar, and put it on the left side. Then put it in the hole, it will raise the roof.
9. Zoom all the way out , to the view of the two buildings. Clik the top part of the roof to the right, See the letter P, and remember the triangle was upside down, So it a d.
10. Zoom out and go back in the shed. Clik the grey cord , and plug it in, Then clik the cell phone and plug it into the grey cord, Then clik the pink button and it will charge the phone. Clik the phone again to retrieve it , and clik the grey cord , where its plug in , to retrieve it again.
11. View the phone (Above item) and you will see r in a clover sign (for the password).
12. Leave the shed, and go right.
Clik the pole of the railing on the right side of the strawberry patch, (the last one before the flower bed). See the letter m, in a circle. Now you have the password , for the safe.
13. Go left and enter the shed , clik the safe ( The heart on the right.) Enter the password. (rdm)
14. Get the book.
15. Leave the shed and go left to your bag. Clik the cell phone (Above item) Clik the book and the cell phone on one of the small buttons.
It will call the guard , You will tell them that you are op there , and they will unlock the door.
Clik your bag (Not in the zoomed view) Get it.
Go right and highlight your bag , and then clik the door,you are out
Happy End.

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working link:


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