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SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy: DejaVu Walkthrough

SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy: DejaVu

SSSG Dejavu WalkthroughS.S.S.G. Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Deja Vu is another episode of SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy point and click adventure game series created by Self Defiant for Melting-Minz. In SSSG Déjà Vu game, you have to search around to find somethings useful and solve puzzles for figuring out the game. Good luck and have fun!

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ok I have 2 secret chrystals

is anyone out there?

I found a lighter

hello. i have two crystals. and can only get to 2 locations so far.

It's uncle willy!

you gotta get the lighter

ill look for it...i cant find anything else!

now have lighter, statue, 1 ball, 4 chrystals and used 1 key

find a draw

how do i get out of the first room

you have to find the lighter

i have 5 crystals, lighter, statue, ball, used a key..

have now used 2 keys, got a statue, lighter, 7 crysatal and 2 balls. Now I'm stuck!

there is a chart of some sort on the table big enuf for a feast..also i only have 6 crystals

Please help!

what do i do with the knight?

I have no idea. I usually start these games after everyone so I can follow what they have done. Too quick today.

what so you do with the balls?

think I need a battery or something for the weird thing on this table

Cant find anything, except two crystals. Where is the key and lighter?

look in the draw for the lighter

where did you get the second key?? tlc?


how many people can't find this lighter in the draw?

i just clicked every where and it popped up

any one got any further? I have lighter, statue, 7 crystals, 2 balls and have used 2 keys (still) :(

Please help! how do you play this game? what to do with the lighter?

the lighter is in the drawer. put the two balls on the thing beside "the thing that is empty but heavy". move a picture get another crystal. go thru portal

look around the first place you were in

@tasha love your descriptive language

Thank you tasha

which picture do you move?

got an iron glove

new room new room! Or rather hall

oh that picture

i have ten crystals and 2 new balls. i still have the glove and the lighter and a knife

some tunes to listen to

opened a drawer clicked everything in it aint no pooping farting lighter, or key

lol thats a good song. a crystal appears in the poster on the left

@tasha have u lookked at the cushion?

i used the knife on it and got a key.

got lighter, glove, knife, 13 crystals and 1 ball. Think I've used 3 gold keys and 1 silver key

@tasha do u remeber where u got the 2 balls from?

FINALLY found lighter and lit the torches, now need key

Got to the room with the heavy box, cant find the second ball...any ideas?

@sabrina look down

@redroobar look at candle sticks

I found the white ball in the dining room. Where is the second ball? They go in the slots in the thing next to the heavy box.

i cant remember where exactly i found the 2 new white balls. after the portal tho. i think..i missed a crysta;p somewhere. i only have 12

can't find the key in the libary

The library key is in the books...

nvm got it

@tasha you can go back, did you move the wall panel in the room with the heavy thing?

Lori...help with the second ball...

one white ball on candlestick in dining room other is on water feature in garden

@TLC no i didnt..thanks> i have 13 now

Thank you...thought I had clicked all over the statue!!!

and i am still balless LOL

yay found it, twas in music room. Now what?

waiting for a breakthrough. So where you all from? I'm in New Zealand and am just eating my lunch

ball in lap of woman/babies statue in pond ans crystal in her ear

thank you sabrina i missed that one

other ball in feast room on a candle stick to the left on the shelf

stuck with 13 cristals, 2 balls, iron glove, lighter, knife, no more golden keys, and played music

1 hr 13 mins and counting

welcome to the club hubcap (although I've got 14 crystals)

are we spose to make dinner? im stuck..lol. i cant go up or right at the table that is set beside the kitchen

made it through to pool house
lookin for more white balls and keys

now have 3 balls, bellow music player

@hubcap I got 1 from below the music player wher did u get the others? I only got 2

light red candle in dinnig room by water and one appears other one i don't remember

gold key in ripped cushion
2 ballwhen you light candle on dining table

thank you hubcap. You got any further?

i count 16 rooms i wonder if there is a crystal for every room, and we realy need a break through

@tasha have you made us dinner yet? lol

@hubcap I've got 14 crystals, you?

you must have to fix the fountain somehow

still stuck at 13, i wonder how we fix the fountain, could be the next portal

15 crystals, I had missed one above the portal

well looks like there are only 3 or 4 of us here and none of us have any clue

no break through but i now have 15 crystals, thanks tlc

Hi, I am still here..13 crystals and 3 balls...stuck...

i'm hopelessly stuck, only 8 crystals and 2 balls, no keys left now nothing grrrr, any help would be greatly appreciated

no idea what to do with the 3 balls...

sabrina... put the balls in the box in the room with the people kissing :) get a key

can't fix the fountain with the balls what to do?!?!

OK guys, did a sneak peak at nordinho..they are way ahead! Anyway we need to do something with the arrow keys in the dining room and relates to the cd song..

like get down then up?

i just saw that post on nordino too, trying to work it out

u guys r funny :)

       Anonymous  5/18/08, 6:40 PM  

press down up down down up down

i dont see how this is going to work with the arrow keys

thaks drip, and a cryatal in thing just above portal activator

thank you thank you drip!

yay!!! ty

yoohoo chopsticks :)

got 22 crystals, tweezers, chopsticks and another ball. should I go through the next portal?

ok 22 crystals, 4 balls, no keys, found chopsticks,and third portal. need to find something to activate it

Thank you drip.....we've been stuck for ages!!

gotta find something for the slot

tweezers and chopsticks only 15 crystals must have missed quite a few and 4 white balls ?

what slot?

can put chop sticks in box on outside table but don't know what this does. Maybe need to put in right holes?

slot on next portal

damn lost a chop stick. think I was holding it when I changed pages to write post

i found it thank you... but not sure what will go in there yet

there is a box on the table outside, use the chopsticks with it then pick up the chopsticks and put them on the box, check out the item you get in your inventory and you will get something

strange pane of glass in bedroom

just had to renew screen and say continue to get back chopsticks (was worried I'd have to start all over again)

take diamond off watch with tweezers

next portal use something we hve been collecting

the upstairs is oss limits, I wonder why?

seems to me that uncle willie is very rich and also somewhat hip listening to rock n roll, he keeps his hide away a secret from his snob friends lol

have I got all the crystals I should have? 25

Thank you Tic, lost my chopstick aswell...

that fountain works. 32 crystals

need a password

new items lightbulb, bottle, rope (used), and medal. Up to 33 crystals and got 3 balls left

also 32, find rope bye portal and use it in seen after garbage can to get medal from statue, in inventory click it for clue, don't know want it means though

i put the ball in and its stuck... hpe thats not bad :(

TLC i have same items but only 32 crystals, and 5 balls. did you use them?

does anyone know what to do with the lightbulb or bottle?

used a ball on the portal to the park

I am legend is better than cloverfield but they both have shitty endings...

seemed to go through last part of house very quick, will go back and look around for more stuff and clues

water bottle :)

don't think Ive watched cloverfield. Is that the one with the monster?

no idea what to do with the bottle or light bulb, the medal says "the eyes" what could this meen?

oh fouey a code

this chair is too soft, this chair is too hard, this chair is just right (love the humour)

foreign ufo huge monsters attack new york in cloverfield... and i am legend has the humnans mutant zombie-dracula things... I think its a rope not a light bulb unless i missed the bulb

norway from nordino says password is an anagram of the clue from medal

bulb was in house, got rope and used it. Nope haven't seen cloverfield, just previews for it. Liked I am Legend

use rope on statue :)

lots of e's for an anagram

where are those items:bottle, rope and medal

der u guys are ahead of me silly me... i suck at this

28 weeks later was not as good as 28 days later

@irene are u in the park yet?

whats the code?!?! i cant point and click anymore but I have to finish... its like heroin

the anagrams I've got (and yse I did cheat) are Sheet Ye
These Ye
Thee Yes
See They
Tees Hey
Eyes The
Eh Set Ye
He Set Ye

tic what do mean by park? the place with a beach chair?

code is they see, at pyramid portal and need another thig for slot that is missing something

not having much luck

@irene you gotta go through that part of the house and through the next portal. And it's TLC not tic

Oh thank you :)

what slot hubcap?

and this is the game that does not end... it goes on and on my friends

Sorry TLC, sweetheart. I can pass that portal .What Is missing?

why didn't the code work the first time? Got it running now

kids are thirsty... give them something to drink damn it!!!

If u can pass that portal look around. All ok lotsa people see tic. Should have used caps

when you see the kids in the ally give them the bottle, then click on the guy on the camel, at the pyramids use the mirror on the openings on the gate

watch out for the mugger

where was the mirror?

the seen with the mugger is where you use the light bulb, and get the mirror

I can put lights on the pyramid

got 37 crystals

Hubcap have you found what goes in the slot?

ok stuck at looked cabin and snow mobile seens

thank you hubcap

at pyramid portal go right then forward and look at the lower part of carving for key

stuck at pyramid

Thank you hubcap....

sorry guys, still stuck at pyramid. Must be gamed out

Stuck with you hubcap 35 crystals and four balls..searching the snow!

Tic did you go through the egyption gate yet?

TLC when faceing the portal go right then forward, at the hieroglyphics between the king and the guy bringing gifts ther is a key in the stand at the hieght of their knees

Ahhhhh...key hidden under snowmobile

thanks redroobar, a sliding panel
TLC still with us

how do u get the key on hyrogryphs?

sorry hieroglyphics

please help, do I need to use something to get the key?

Tlc maybe you need to click the king first.he talks..it was easy to find...

TLC it should just be there and you click it, redroobar did you find the remote in the bedroom with tv, it's peanut butter jelly time

sorry guys I'm a bit off at the moment. Can't seem to get past the pyramid. the glyphs say 'stay out' and 'they could be dancing'. still can't get key

No...not found remote yet...

am I missing something in my inventory? got lighter, glove, knife, tweezers, medal, mirror, 37 crystals, and 4 balls

Tlc have you gone far enough..to the king?

I'm at the stage that when you click the up arrow it says 'the door is closed and it is much too large to move'

Got the remote...really must go...I wonder how much further we have to go??????/////!!!!!

OK tlc....use mirror in holes in wall, play around until the wall opens!

Think there is a clue on the wall with the kids..noticed this later

thank you redroobar!

Think at the beginning it mentioned 10 portals?????Phew....

TLC if you are at the point where the camel guy has taken you to the pyramid gates then you need to use your mirror on the small black squares to open it, first right side lower left then lower right then left side lower right. that worked for me, don't know if there is actualy a pattern

finally at cabin in snow

ya redroobar going to quit soon too. i'm at the restarunt portal that needs a password, found camera, key in bathroom behind tile, and security device i think is locking drawer below it

which time does it need?

TLC find remote in bedroom on night stand use on tv in same room

peanut butter time

sorry peanut butter jelly

I have missed so many crystals! dang
Any hints about the location of the watch?

not american, don't get the clue

got remote, turned tv on and watched the annoying banana

the watch is on the table in box, need chopsticks

redroobar are you still here? after finding camera look at it in inventory and click it, it gives an image of the bathroom with the tiles marked 1 2 3 4, can't get the right tiles yet, asumeing you have to cilck them in that order

TLC the code is "peanut butter jelly"

tried 12.00 12:00 lunch, lunchtime, lunch time, nothing

you're kidding me, how dumb am I. Got portal open

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