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The Node-01 Walkthrough

The Node-01

The Node 01 WalkthroughThe Node 01 is a new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Hilg, who is also creator of Sensor and Wizard Taro game series. In this game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Let get playing!

Or not...dodgy link.

I wish people could stop writing "forst"! Doesn't mean anythong! Post "first" when you are finished at least!!!

Delete the "http:\\" in the end of the link!

thanks perdigota for the note! I'm about to start!

I'm stuck... Anyone playing? I got golden key, screwdriver and two memos...

Afternoon all!

hi! i'm playin'! found a key...

Was thinking the Roman numerals on the wall might be an equation, but the math doesn't work.

Wait, got the door open.

Diana, I tried that too, X-VIII=II, but I couldn't get anything... And what about the picture on the wall??

How did you do that???

Put the key in the top of the Roman numberal box.

@ perdigota: where did you find the screwdriver? I can't find it. I did found a bottle of cleaningstuff (sorry, don't know the right word, i'm Dutch).

Yikes, stuck in another room now.

Clisk the Item button and see the cleanin stuff closely, click it and you get a screwdriver.

In the new room, the boxes on top of the shelf are the code for the wooden box/safe.

How do you set the roman numerals?

Thanks :). Now I'm lost in dark corridors, the computer keeps saying i have to look down, but I don't see anything :(.

never mind, i found the room

Grr, trying to set the code to LOVE, but keep getting LOVF! haha.

Think numberals are:
X - VII I = II

Tnx, Diana :) I wondered what that odd | was all about - didn't think it was a part of an VIII.

Gave up on SEAY so just messing around now. Haha.

I got LOVE but it didn't do anything

Grrr SEAZ!

I got to other room, and of course, I'm stuck!

Hey all, joining you all, found a screwdriver, key, two pieces of paper and I'm trying to access the new room

Not of fan of this doorlock. What happened to good old fashioned point n' click?

HI, I'm in, any idea on the wooden box Diana?

Finally got SEAY, but hmm...

Look at the boxes on top of the shelves...

I got a purple stone and put it in the glass on the table, but what now???

opened wooden box, get a blue ball

Diana, the word is LOVE. I don't know how, but that's what opened the door for me.

i'm stuck writin' the word love...i'm goin' crazy!!!!

Many thanks, let's see what we can do with this new puzzle (if that is what it is!)

Found another piece of the alphabet in the books on the shelf, set the plane to point another way, nothing happened, and found a box to fiddle with.

Grr, I thought I tried that and it didn't work. Back to that damn lock.

I'm getting frustrated with the door lock. I'm getting LOVD and LOVF.

I can think of a lot of other 4 letter words to spell. Haha...

Got the three dots lit on the purple room table, the cloth disappeared and now I'm stuck.

LOVE drives me mad!!!! LOL

Wow, this is almost enough to ruin the game for me.

Found the passage, writing love is hard though! Grrrr

But the JOY when i got it! Secret is to click on letter before! WOOHOO!!!

Yeah, it's annoying. I'm better with my brain than with my reflexes.

I've been in all the rooms and I still didn't use the screwdriver. I think I got a word, There's a letter in each room, but I don't know what to do with it...

Oh, I figured out when to click, it's just that they get faster and faster the more letters you get.

Ahh, got it just as I was about to give up.

got it! Found a purple thing in the candleholder, put it in the glass on table, can click one purple round, but nothing else...

OVer to you for the code Diana, your strong point! I have no clue - trying to tally up with the figure 8 clue but...

The screwdriver is used in the 2nd room - reveals an "S"

Which code, twinkle? Where are you?

I'm still in this room with the P-shaped table.

the love game sucks

In the room with the glass, there´s a note in the white door. It's a code for the safe in the wall, with 4 numbers.

stuck on putting purple round things on table, I can get the outer two, not the middle one

Oh, I see. Just taking a look.

OK, table is wierd! Just changed shape!

after much clicking, got table cloth removed to reveal a P, guess we have to make one for the code, but that would be 5 characters instead of 4

Did it change shape or did you just take the tablecloth off?

Any correlation with clue with cross and numbers and the figure 8 do you think? That's what i have been trying... no luck so far

Oh! think it was just table cloth ha ha!

I'm actually not all that great and codecracking, and this is a good example haha!

I am also stuck on the love. There must be an easier way. does it even work?

Oh, cross thing is the map - check left corner by dialogue box. I feel stupid! No use to me yet though. Keeping going on code...

It does work but I just about killed someone trying to get it right.

Look at the figure 8 and the symbols in each of the dashes that compose the 8. Then look at the safe on the waal and use the symbols to make numbers, from the picture of the 8.

Just tried to be sneaky and checked Nordhino to see if they are getting on any better, but no joy, they don't appear to have even started working on it yet! boo

Yes, twink, that is the map. I think that the order of the numbers on the map tell us what order to put the letters we find there.

yeh, perdigota, that's what i was tring to do - assume star = 10 (from numerals) but what is upside down triangle? And how to make them single digits?

Very nice, per!

Got it! The symbols on the lock are code for numbers, for example, if you use the symbols you see for the first number, and look at the eight, the 'legs' filled in reveal the number 6!

OH, ok was trying to use room numbers and join them up with symbols, boy do i feel stupid! Code's aren't my thing!

Thanks, again per. I was staring at the code and tracing my eyes over it according to the code on the wall, didn't even register with me the first time!

now I have a laser pointer I can't use

I just realised someone had already cracked the code, sorry for double posting, was just happy I got it, haha

Got the laser shooting through the glass.

I'm so stuck, I've got the code from each letter in the rooms, I've inserted it, but I still don't know what to do. And what about the red pillar behind the shelf in the room with the A on the carpet?

I don't know if this was already mentioned, but I got another piece of paper from under the table in the corner.

silly me, put the laser in the mike stand to advance to the next room, bedroom

Sorry, per, seems like you're way ahead of me.

My laser says "nothing has a change".

You guys are legend, cracked code now but it won't accept it. ARGH!
Have to go get kids now, back in 40 hopefully! SOrry not to have been much help. Good luck.xxx


FINALLY !!!! Got L-O-V-E.

ok i must be stupid cuz i don't get the code on the wall in the P room. I have been looking at this thing forever and have tried so many things, i can't get the 6 to light up anywhere on the paper of 8 i am lost can someone tell me what the numbers are or how to figure it out.

Diana, for the laser to work, the purple stone must be on the glass.

hmmm......is that a small d or a p ?

I think the code was 6935.

Has anyone used the black wedge piece?

In bedroom, took away stopper from underneath the bed, kicked bed, took stopper, lay on bed and see the letter E, now stuck again, you can go and walk around all rooms now though, so maybe I should just advance to room 1?

the picture with the 8 has a symbol in each dash. Use the symbols on the safe to trace each number from the picture.

Can't get to the code box on the wall in the purple room! No matter how I click nothing happens :(


in the room with the E there's a machine on the wall next to the exit where you input the letters you've found in each room. But I still haven't used the stopper.

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perdigota - have you figured out how to get the next code yet? the one after the 5 letter word...

telecastro, to access the safe you have to get the note on the right side of the white door.

no james, I got the security card, but haven't figured out where to use it or what the code is...

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Jenna, the symbols above the squares on the wall where you have to put the numbers all represent on 'leg' of the figure 8, if you put those figures in, mentally, you get a number formed on the eight. The first square has symbols that form the number 6 and so on. Sorry, can't explain it better.

Cheers. Got it. Thought it was just a hinge :(

I'm stuck in bedroom...got another paper and a black triangle, moved the bed, i can see number 3 on the ceiling....and now!?

thanks per, gonna try that now.

I have 4 pieces of paper, am I missing one?

I think it's an E on the ceiling.

Yes, DIana, look under bed after kicking it. have you got that one? REally am off now - couldn't resist getting code / laser etc!!! x

You should just be able to leave the bedroom and go back out to the room where the game started.

Yeah, I already got the one under the bed but thanks anyway!

how dense am I thank you so much, i finally got out of that room. now in room with E and have black rubber piece moved bed and ended up in first room again. went back to 3rd room now.

Aah... just found a 5th piece of paper in the corridor

hey all just started, im stuck on love lol. driving me up the wall

Clueless in bedroom. Have moved bed and taken rubber triangle

It's contagious! So did I!

That LOVE lock was the bane of my existence.

Got black wedge and fourth piese of paper in the bedroom. Stuck again :(

can't find the last piece of paper, looked all over for it, where did you find it? In which corridor?

James, do you understand the KS*DR?

I think that when you leave the very first room, you look down?

thought maybe the black rubber piece was a door stop for the door from 3 to 1 but cant get it to give bottom view so guess not

perdigota - i was thinking it's the numbers that those letters make on the memos... but can't quite get that to work...

found it, but when I try to put the letters in, it says 'I don't know the number'

i gave up.. i couldnt figure out the wooden box in the second room..
the graphics are beautiful but the game is strange..and hard!

Take a look at the writing on the boxes on top of the shelf. That will help you with the wooden box.

james, I think you're right, the number would correspond to that, if only I had a way for this to let me input them, hehe.

I found paper in corridor a while back. I only have four still.

im stuck in the P table room, i cant click on anything. Done the cloth bit and now stuck. any1 got any ideas?

1. under couch pillow
2. in bookshelf (first room)
3. under corner table (second room)
3. sticking out of a door (second room)
4. under the bed after you push it against the wall
5. corridor

But I think the star means "X", like in the memos in the roman numerals. and I can't get the letters to form numbers. I've tried counting them on each note, but it doesn't work.

Never used screwdriver. Wonder if that is my problem.

Take a look at the lower part of the item sitting on the corner table. After you do that, you should be able to look at it from the top and take the item inside. There's also a piece of paper under the corner table.

Oh, I just realized I have to correct myself. The paper that sticking out of the door in the P room, is the code to crack the door, not one of the 5 pieces of paper.

okay got it nvm lol

Thanks Diana. Now have five papers.

KR*DS equals 104 x 77, the star is x on the first paper we got. So the code would be 8008, but that doesn't make much sense to me to be honest.

ty diana, got it eventually when i took the white piece of paper in the door lol..silly me

Someone mentioned a security card earlier. Is there where to use ? I never found anyway.

Per, you're right, before we can input the code, we have to use the screwdriver and black rubber somewhere I think, also, I haven't done anything with the letters we found in each room, I think they were U,A,P and E

I'm still sitting on the screwdriver and rubber wedge as well.

Anyone still here? How do I get the purple ball from the candle holder in the purple room?

you use the screwdriver in the wall opposite to the love game, on the lower part, you get a letter (S). The letters you get are C, P, A, E and S, and then you input them in the right order on the machine in the room with the E.

View the bottom of the candleholder thing before you view it from the top. Then you should be able to get it from the opening in the top.

finally went back and found the S in the love room opposite the wall with the spinning love puzzle on the floor. went back to room with the E and bed and can now see the lock by the door to room 1 but wont let me change anything.

where did you see the C at

Hmmm, thanks Diana, but must be missing something, have tried that...grrr

thanks per, found the S now, but still can't find the machine, I see it, but can't do anything with it, I feel stupid

C is under the table in the first room. Where the cleaner was.

You have to see every letter in close up for it to let you access the machine. If it doesn´t work try highlighting tha map with the numbers in your inventory and then click the machine.

Now I have the right machine, finally, tried inputting escap, that didn't work, nor did the order of the rooms.

ok figured out how to change the letters finally you have to touch the top of the letter to change it have tried, space,scape,escap,paces, what is the crazy word we are supposed to be making

Also went back and discovered the S. Now I can input letters.

Did anyone got the code for the big leaf already????

space worked for me. when you input the letters nothing happens

capes doesn't work either. Where's the security card?

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Was the table letter a d or a p ?

where exactly do you escape to? what door? and havent used the black rubber thing yet either

still having trouble with the big leaf... hoping diana can help when she gets there :)

diana - security card is with the big leaf in the room with the bookcase - after you have input the word

i still cant find the paper in the corridor, am i missing something lol?

This is a dumb question, but once we input the correct sequence of letters, what will happen ? Where is the next door ?

Yeah, "space" worked. When you go back to it, it says "Already set!".

       Anonymous  6/26/08, 7:59 AM  

perdigota, where is a big leaf???

Ok, I'm there. Big green leaf code thing.

you input the letters, then go back to the room with the shelf, and where before was the word love, now is the big leaf.

this is driving me insane..i`m in a room that just says to "look down around love"..what the heck is that supposed to mean

ah got it am at the big leaf now

I'm thinking that we need to look at those 4 pieces of paper to get the green code.

omgosh..nowww i finally get the love part..what am i supposed to do here?

8008 didn't work, that's the best I could think of, going to keep thinking about the whole KR*DS thingie

Gonna count the number of letters of each on the papers, and then use the 5th piece to get it?

       Anonymous  6/26/08, 8:05 AM  

Thanks for help!
But what is now? Can't find the correct code (

I finally input correctly. Hadn't layed down to look at E. Sigh..... But now what ? Where to go ? Feel like I am roaming around in circles.

If you count the letters in the words on top of the papers as well, you get 11 K, 5 S, 8 D and 8 R, but 115x88 gets you a 5 digit number, crap.

I'm gonna try K+SxD+R now

I think the numbers of letters we have are different. Mine are different than what juli got.

where is the big leaf?

didn't work, next thing I'm gonna try is throw my laptop through the window

ahhhhhhh found the big leaf also

Can't get this big leaf thingie. The LOVE code box still shows LOVE. I did it ahgain and no change. Even after entering SPACE in the fourth room :(

Was noticing on the papers the placement of the small leaf changes with every one.

The leaf code thing is where you first saw the word LOVE in the room. Not where you had to enter the word LOVE.

juli was counting the letters in the word at the top as well...

each of the letters K S D and R seem to spell out different numbers - k is either 5 or 0, s is like a 7, d is like a 2 and r is like a 1...

or my sleep deprivation might be getting to me... tried all the combinations and the products...

do you think the position of the leaves in each note has something to do with it?

lol got to go, ill finish this when my brain returns..its drained form the love lol. bye all

The equation is ks * dr, so I guess the small leaf means nothing

I'm going insane here!!!

Me too, per! My math codebreaking skills are in full effect.

If I added up each letter in the equation, as they appear on each paper, I ended up with 1414. Would have made for a good answer anyway. Didn't work.

Well, I'm gonna enjoy my ice cream right now. Be back in a few. Good luck!

What is the red thing on top of the boxes anyway ? On the top shelf ?

haven't gotten it yet, this is one of the hardest codes yet!

I think the red thing is part of the pillar behind... perhaps the exit?
i'm expecting the shelves will come out and we might even have a job for the stopper :)

It's odd that the only letters missing on the jumbled letters are the vowels O and I which could also be 0 and 1.
Can't seem to make sense of it.

O, it's also not the vowels that are in the words on the paper, the i,o,o,i, I thought it could be 1001, but it's not. On we go.

Tried tracing the letters like before, with the 8. Nothing. Do we have to pick up the access card every time ?

I just thought of something I haven't tried yet.

How about "creating" the words at the top of each paper with the consonants already present. The amount of vowels we need maybe the code?

No, that's a bum idea.

where is the paper in the corridor

Can't get that to work Diana. Have more consonants than I would need.

dreamss, the second time you go through a corridor, click at the bottom of the screen everywhere, you're bound to find it then.

Well, taking a break now, and relaxing my brain. I'll check back later. Good luck to you all.

Wish I had ice cream too Diana

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