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Frustration Walkthrough


Frustration AnswersFrustration is another challenging online riddle game. "The game consists of randomly Web pages. Using your computing skills try and figure out the next page's name. If you chosen wisely, you will be rewarded with the next level's page." Good luck and have fun!

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Anyone playing? having trouble with the man in the moon - thought it was something to do with andy kaufman. Any hints

der- i didn't look at the title

still stuck on the moon

anyone on?
got to level two and stuck.

sorry, i had to go away for a few minutes remind me of level two

thats ok shannon!
its a bunch of white & black lines that hurts my eyes.

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i thought i saw a face when i shrunk the picture!

I can't believe no one is posting, anyone besides me and faye? Completely stumped on the moon still urgghh

i feel stupid,
cant get passed these levels

Faye, u have to catch up and help me :) Which one are u on now?

yes, catch up sounds like a good idea!
im on level three w. the crossword w. the words 'france' and 'poland'

Oh look at the source code and u notice letters and #'s such a3 b4 use the crossword as a grid and you will have a state

on level w/ moon.
did you try google-ing the title?

i did, tried everything to do with hitler moussolini- then even andy kaufman - the people who have landed on the moon - totally stuck

Can see the man in the moon - who is he? -thats probably the answer

how 'bout the first country to put man on the moon?

i dont see the man
am i supposed to do something to the picture?

no i can see it without doing anything to it but u might have to squint a little-its a guy with long hair and a wide smile you might have to throw the image into picassa or an image editor to see it better

i see it
but it looks like an alien to me
but i might be wrong

lol I see the alien too but if you shift your eyes up and tilt your head to the right you should see someone that kind of reminds me of cheech marron but with longer bushier hair- :)

right after i read your comment,
i saw some dude that looked like MLK

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martin luther king
but he didnt go to the moon!



no wonder he looked familiar!

saddam hussein is the main in the moon -stuck with the starburst now

same here!
new for old?

there's no hints in the source code

for starburst look in wikipeadia for the candy and find the original name for the candy

another person!

the next level's wierd.
'name that tune' but the background sound is someone breathing

yay, ty hubcap!!!

next ones easy peasy :)

i actually got it!
so proud of myself!

whats an 'enigma'?

is it an emigma? i just don't get it.

trying something associated with the german WWII enigma code machine but no go

i dont even know what an enigma is...

a puzzle

i'll try to figure something out

lol out got a clue from another forum that says to only deal with the middle line

and something about wingdings

you can use webdings on microsoft word to desyfer [sp?] the middle line

my bad,
i mean wingdings font.
not webdings

k with the car, whats with the plate...

not the plates - the title is the big clue and check source

sorry not getting the one with the car

what level are we on for the read between the lines one? not sure but that could be the answer- i tried levelten

see gif what do we know about gif and jpg see- change in url and see what happens

i got gibberish trying to figure it out:

[couldnt find the 4th letter]

Faye what did u get for the read between the lines - the answer may surprise you?

Anyone got to the hot woman yet?

i dont know,
im still on the enigma

Oh so silly I got it now nm

thats ok shannon.
sorry i need so much help...

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i am still not getting the one with the car

Faye, the answer you came up with earlier (gibberish) is close.. you have the 2,5,6,8,10 letters right.. the others are the wrong ones.. there are very similar symbols in wingdings so be careful

thanks shanon [again]
i tried to translate the middle line,
but i got gibberish

Heloed-Im on the a=z z=a trying to translate hopefully I can catch up soon

can anyone help with the gif me a clue one it's the one with the red car

hubcap - look at the image source.. it is "http://?????????/car.jpg" but you don't want the jpg

my brains not working today.
i probably should go to be headin to bed
[its about 12:30 am here]

i tryed mrattitude.centelia, mrattitude, mrattitudecentelia, centelia, but they won't work

Ok figured out the hot woman one.. had to download a new program (one that looks pretty awesome actually, probably gonna use it a lot)

change to jpg and gif see a difference in the plate and thats your answer...

Heloed what about this fake video that i cannot play aardman animation is what i found but how do i identify the brat?

got it thanks

i could watch the video fine, and i just hovered my mouse over it and it pretty much told me what the answer was

can u tell me since mine won't play :(

nevermind i got it!!!

on the hot woman -talking backwards?

what did u have to do to figure out the hot chick page - what did u download?

I downloaded a program called audacity. It's free and it has a bunch of audio manipulation features.. so i just played the sound backwards

i'm on the one called "do i need to spell it out" with the numbers 77277466 i tryed austinpowers and mikemyers but it didn't work

This is great but at the moment cant figure out how to record this

Hubcap do u like to text on your cell?

ah texting, no idon't do that much but i got it

Heloed help me out i tried to import code but not playing for me in audacity

i just opened windows media player (which i never use) and used the 'open url' option, then when it was playing did the 'save file as' to my desktop, then opened that in audacity

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well i guess.. uhh here's a hint on what it says: It's a fairly recent song, two words that mean pretty much the same as 'hot woman'

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hot women - that could be any song - idk please a hint to which group or at least the genre

it is not hot women, it is 'hot woman'.
Two words. One is similar to hot. One is similar to woman.

It's uh.. pop/reggae, according to wikipedia. Came out a little over a year ago

Finally! Thank you- I owe u - let me know if u ever need help finding a screwdriver or green key! yay!!!

2:40am here - time for bed will finish in the am hopefully -who knows how many more levels good nite :)

Blegh, I am stuck on "When it's gone, its gone" -- I know exactly what the clue is referring to, I even get to a page that says "Your(sic) so close to the correct answer." -- but I just can't figure out what that correct answer is. Going to bed, hopefully somebody will drop a hint whilst I sleep

would love to help you, literally raced through this one, but came to a hard stop at 'figure the next level' with the eight words on the screen. Makes no sense to me at all.

Hello all!

I'm so stuck on the level "Stab in the Dark" with the picture of the guy in nightvision.

Any hints? :-)

Hey Alexander

Try selecting all then view your pic

Sorry, meant Alexandra

       Anonymous  8/1/08, 11:51 AM  

I'm so stuck on the level with the video. It won't play on my computer! HELP!

sfacowgirl87, the car crash video?

Nevermind, you said you cant view it..look in the source..This level was "show some restraint" think safety in a car crash..

       Anonymous  8/1/08, 12:00 PM  

I don't know! I can't see it. It says "Source The Answer"

       Anonymous  8/1/08, 12:01 PM  

I think we are thinking of different levels. My source says "Identify the brat"


Do you mean just right clicking on the image and then clicking view image to see it in another page or is the selecting the important part?

For identify the brat..Do it, go ahead and identify him..

The "stab in the dark" one..hit control+A..(select all) then look at your pic again..the whole screen

       Anonymous  8/1/08, 12:08 PM  

But how am I supposed to identify him when I can't see the video??? I'm so confused...

sfacowgirl87, look in the source..You dont have to view the video..Just know what the video is about??


       Anonymous  8/1/08, 12:12 PM  

Ugh. I made that so much harder than it was! Thanks for the help!

Julianne, if you're still on the level with the 8 words - go to the source and it will tell you how to find the letters you need.

Did you get it alexandra?

Oh goodness.
I'm dumb. I wasn't scrolling down enough.

lol..knew you would see it....


So now I'm on "Don't Lose Your Head"...it's the stop motion thing with the dummies and the floppy disk.

Sorry, I get so confused with these sometimes.
Anyone know anything to help?

Think of another word for..your head being gone..lol

I must seem so dumb. I think way too hard about these, and sometimes they're so literal!

Thank you again, Vbranam!

These are not answers. These will just hopefully help you figure out your problems. The levels aren't numbered in the puzzle, so you might have to work a little to figure out where you're at and which hint goes to your puzzle, but it shouldn't be too hard.

1: This is puzzle number one so there is a very simple way of getting to number two.
2: These puzzles often have to do with looking at things with a different perspective.
3: The source code is often used to hide hints to solving the puzzle.
4: Is there a man on the moon? Use what you see plus the title to figure out the answer.
5: These used to go by a different name.
6: Name that tune!
7: Just so you don't have to waste a lot of time - only the middle row is important.
8: Again, title text and source code are often the biggest hints in these puzzles.
9: There's a simpler way than the source code to get this one, but that works too.
10: Don't think too hard about this. Look at the clue.
11: Don't phone me, text me.
12: Source code source code source code.
13: If you can't get the video to play, that's all right, you just need to know what it's about.
14: There is a sound here that doesn't sound quite right. (I also gave big hints last night here)
15: What happened to the little guy? He was trying to learn, then he got __?
16: Just decode it. Not that hard.
17: If you don't have sound, this one will be hard. The sounds on this game don't automatically play on my computer so I spent half an hour figuring out what the picture was. The man is Inspector Morse, but that's only barely related to the clue.
18: 5318008 hehehehehe
19: If you can't get the words, look for what doesn't belong in the picture and google.
20: Just like the sign-language one, you just have to decode it.
21: Surely you dont need any more help to work this one out?
22: There is a hidden image here. Find it in the source code.
23: Find.all.the.clues.
24: If you've never seen this before it is probably tough. Sound out each row, referencing the past one.
25: SimplE addition will SolvE this one. (The answer is spelled out)
26: Just look at all the clues available to you and riddle it out.
27: Two parts to this one. The first part is the bottom two lines, and then the second part is the top two. The answer is British so make sure you use the right terms.
28: You'll need google earth for this one. Not sure how you might solve it without.
29: You don't need google earth for this one. Google maps will work just as well.
30: Look close at the pictures. The answer is in there somewhere.
31: Don't overthink this one. What is going on?
32: I'm stuck on this one. :(

could someone plz just leave a better hint 4 2? ( by the way lvl 2 is the one with the lines and the face appearing if you shrink it(I don't no who the person is:(

Delilah,, just keep looking at the screen while your moving to the side of the computer..You will see a face..keep in mind what the title is also..

just can't get the number 12 level,the one with this creepy title SDRAWKCAB...and the source code doesn't give me anything...Any hints please?..

well, got it=)

heloed, thanks for the hint, but I haven't been able to figure out what the source tells me, I tried using letters from each word, but the second on already makes no sense to me.

Julianne, have you solved it? 'cause I' m stuck on it too...

No, I haven't solved it, I just don't get it.

stuck on 17

pengiun: look for a sound file

I can hear the sound, I just can't decipher morse

       Anonymous  8/2/08, 10:47 AM  

OMG!!! im so stupid!!! i cant even figure out the first riddle!!!

cud ya'll help me??

purplehell is your friend for deciphering stuff.

ladiii, have you ever played a riddle before? If not, read how and where you should put your answer. It's very simple, this one, just be logical.

good afternoon!
anyone on?
i need help changing the "car.jpg" thing on level 8.

is it about "gif me a clue?" or smthing like that?

change .jpg for .gif

yes it is, muzza.
but how do i change the gif?
i found the 'src="car=jpg"' thing in the source code.

stuck on 24

i tried it, but it always ends up jpg.

the hint that Heloed gave is very useful: sound out each row and when doing it think of the previous one=)

probably you're doing smthing wrong or just dont notice the difference between the pictures...

maybe im doin something wrong 'cuz the pics stay the same.
do i have to save it?
and if i do, how do i save?

faye, do you change "car.jpg" on "car.gif" in the url?

the url!
forgot about that!
i thought it meant the source code!

there's no car.jpg in the url

don't put it into a blank url, change only the end of it like you always do when going onto another level

stuck on 25...any hints?

that doesnt work

it actually did work!
thanks muzza

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what is lv. 13 about?

help with level14 [hot woman level]

Julianne - the letters are in order as they are given in the source code, it's not coordinates or something like that. the symbols are there to help you figure out how to break up the words on the page. the final result is a word but with many of it's letters repeated (looks something like: juuuiiccce) so you need to just shorten it.

Muzza - HoW do you think they ArriveD at the value for each CluE?

Faye - I gave a lot of hints to the hot woman level earlier, just in case you can't actually reverse the sound itself

got the wrong level number, I'm actually stuck on 23

heloed, thanks for the hint, still not understanding it, I just don't understand how to apply the source to the words on the page.

I think you're on the same one as me Julianne

got it! figured the first few letters and guessed the word. on the train one now

ok, now I'm stuck on 32

got it! find the other wav and compare.

Julianne, the numbers in the source represent the letters of those words you see" meaning 1. first letter of the first word...
2/10 meaning 2nd word 10th letter..(2nd letter is also same as 10th letter)When you see a (period) that means go to the next word. Now just finish the rest of these numbers from your source to get the word your looking for..

Yay penguin, i had given up on solving it

Thanks guys! I was going at is so wrong.

anyone still playing? I'm stuck on the crossword

power of posting! got it.

beat the game, yay! now on to Frustration 2.

good going pengiun!

I'm stuck on the second part of the train one, I figured out the SpeeD, but have no idea how to put it in the URL, mph doesn't work :(

type it in words

type the number in words and leave out the mph. stuck on level 3 of Frustration2

aaaarghhh!! so stuck on "Where in the world?" think it's simple, but nothing works :(

thanks you both :) I'll try to help you out as well, I have to advance quickly then ;)

muzza, you need google earth an check the source code.

yeah, I used google, I know what the place is...but I don't know what I should type in url...shoul it be /(place).kmz ??or htm? actually I tried both, but in vain...

I think it was .htm make sure you use the landmark, not the area

on 29; I don't know where to put the c**** in this map thing.

muzza, it's 'building'.htm

on 29 check the source code and use google maps, google earth will give the wrong answer

Penguin can you give a hint for the Super Mario Galaxy level?

google the picture name and the name of the game.

thanks penguin, I tried it before, but used the Dutch maps instead of USA, hehe.

and now stuck on 31, I read heloed hint to not overthink it, but well, I can't make sense of anything that's happening there, sorry.

got it, doh!

Im stuck On Part 2 level 30..The "Be Good" one.

Anyone care to help with the windows vista one? I have no printer at this laptop, do I need it?

nevermind, that was really simple.

yay! Beat the first part, onto the next one :)

yay now hurry up and get to the enigma one so you can help me heh.

Done with part 2..There are 31 levels..Part 3 isnt ready to play yet..

good going vbranam!

penguin, I haven't found anything that can decode enigma messages, I only found encoding means. There is one downloadable tool, but I'd rather not do that, don't know if it's trusted. Did you solve level 4 yet?

I found this one on another site:


but for me it's not working, don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I'm off for today, see you tomorrow!

I've tried several enigma decoders, none of which gave me legible answer.

i think we're missing something here, just don't know what it is...

Im playing Frustration 1 and im on 11 ( Phone Me - 7277466) I know its something with texting but i cant figure it out.

Gamer004, not about texting..Use the number pad on any phone..convert numbers to get letters,then unscramble to get a word.. Hint:begins with P

       Anonymous  8/15/08, 4:58 PM  

Frustration 2 Black & white level, changed pic back from negative....and still stuck...any ideas?

I'm stuck on the text messaging 1 too. I still do not know what 7277466 means. Can somebody give me a hint besides that it starts with a p? thanxs

Finally got it. Im not stuck at the crash test dummy video. Help!

       Anonymous  10/9/08, 2:20 PM  

I was just passing through, I hope you are all enjoying my Frustration puzzles, there are 3 in total, please do discuss your thoughts on each level but please, please do not post solutions as you will spoil the game for everyone who wishes to complete them by themselves.


help with level 2 i can tell there is a picture of someone but i cannot figure it out give me some kind of clue plz

need help with the level that has paris hilton entitled "what am l missing" tried everything but just cant seem to get pasted it., and as the game says am getting FRUSTRATED" LOL

pleaseee help me, i'm on lvl 11, the one with the number, I already know that I have to text it, but all I get is PAQGN, wich hardly makes a word, I already tried anagrams but it didn't work, can someone please give me an answer or a hint, other than 'it starts with P', send me an email or just post here, thanks


i cant even get past lvl 2 with the black and white lines. i read the hints from everybody else but still dont understand. . .

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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