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Ordinary Escape Walkthrough

Ordinary Escape

Ordinary Escape is point and click type room escape game created by bita500 . In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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1st time 1st wow!i dont believe...whatever.

first time second

Wow... :) 3rd.

Top 5, first time!!

many new games for today.guess other people r playing other games.my games is loading......

got plyers, green bottle. used plyer to go to basement

Got what looks like two batteries, a green looking box cutter?, a yellow key and a red key, and some pliers...

On top of the vanity there seems to be some kind of code in the make up kit... blue plus pink minus green...

one buttery for the clock is on the right side of the cabinet.

down the basement doors, i removed top boxes and used box cutter on big box and got an electrical cord...

Opened up cabinet door under the tv with yellow key, but when I move one of the critters I can see something... but another critter's in the way, and I can't get to it... I can't move him.

Been first many time but never write about it ;) .

code for computer: 344
it's the number of teddy bears in each cabinet door (the middle is opened by the yellow key) got another code

Awesome, Shir..

I think the code in the pink sofa has to deal with the clue on the make up kit... the blue plus pink minus green code.

Pliers! I thought it was a cat bell or something. lol. "nono" in the basement code

Lizmari, where is the other buttery (besides the one that was on the side of the cabinet?)

The green bottle has code 795 on its bottom.

There's another one on the floor, on the right of that blue table with the computer on it.

Another battery, that is...

       Anonymous  8/13/08, 3:38 AM  

pink number can be found on computer, green one at the bottom of the perfume and the blue number can be found after cleaning the wall on the right of the door in the basement with the rug.

Great. so now we know the pink and green codes. we need to find the blue one to open the door

thanks, Lizmari! (for the battery, that is)

clock gives hint for blue. I have the code (I think) but it doesn't open the door for me :-(
I didn't yet use the red key....

Where's the rug to clean the wall next to the blue door on the basemet?

and I found a blue key
pliers (used), box cutter (used) green bottle (check), 2 batteries (used), cloth (used), cord (used) three keys (used yellow)

       Anonymous  8/13/08, 3:43 AM  

The rug is on the right side of the cabinet in the room with the clock.

right side of the big TV area.

I got the code but the door won't open.

anyone, what is the red key for?

Found that blue key... i just gotta find that crazy cloth lol

ah, and out....

lizmari, right of cupboard with bears, I think

Thanks guys... It's was in a kind obvious place that I didnt look lol

Blue code next to door is 520...

Whew. Thanx all! Another room escaped.

Blue key opens top dresser drawer with some kind of weird object in it... dunno what it is.

Where's the blue key?

Ohhhh it's the lockbox, which you use red key on, and find final key to escape. Nice. :) Nice little game.

The blue key is in that shelving unit with the flower vase on it. Click toward bottom right to zoom in, and then click on top left square... and it will be stuck at the top of it..

Thanks...and out!!
nice game!

low cupboard has 3 doors, open left door, note # of bears. Open right door, note # of bears. Move bears, take PLIERS.
Take CLOTH right of cupboard
turn right, take YELLOW KEY from under pillow, and BOXCUTTER fron under couch. Take BATTERY from under table.
Turn right, take BATTERY from right side of cupboard, and BLUE key from top of square hole in cupboard. Take RED KEY from left side of cupboard.
Turn right, click clock, put in batteries. Check out scene on clock.
Use yellow key to open middle door of cupboard, note # of bears.
Turn left, open door. Cut lock with pliers.
Click top of Vanity, check out CODE, blue+pink-green. Take green bottle, look at number on bottom=green code.
Go down stairs, follow instructions from clock, find blue code.
Open door, move boxes and use boxcutter to open big box. Take CORD.
Go upstairs, connect computer. Enter bear code from 3 cupboard doors. Note pink code.
Calculate blue+pink-green.
In bathroom, use blue key on top drawer, click top right corner, find BOX
Open box with red key, find KEY
Go downstairs, enter 3 digit code, unllock door with key, OUT

That was my first, does it work?

@Shir...nice one for the 'teddy bear' code...don't think I would have got that one. Cheers.

the blue key opens top drawer in bedroom


Good one Jitta. You just have to open the vanity door to get the green bottle. Anybody that takes the time for a full walkthrough is pretty cool in my books.

       Anonymous  8/13/08, 4:24 AM  

ok escape game

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Hey, that wasn't so hard that I had to search the whole entire comments page to find a walkthrough to help me out!! NICE!!!1!1111

nice little game i had figured everything out except i just didnt know hwere the red key was but i figured it out. thnx guys 4 all ur help

good game. simple yet fun

Successful ! The end ! Gr8 game !

Nice game. Thanks for the hints I was successful !The End! Yay.

       Anonymous  8/13/08, 7:48 PM  

Another great game. Again, thank you to all that took the time to give those helpful hints! I hope to see more fun games!!!

awful game. the graphics sucks

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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