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Apple Room Escape Walkthrough

Apple Room Escape

Apple Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Uh Oh, First and no-one else to help me!

haha no one gets to say the F word :-)

ooh bugger you just got there before me :-))))))))

HI Emmsie! Got red token, green token, chair, plyers and 3 apples. how you doing?

Hi all

good morning to you both!

hammer,green token , chair , broom and 4 apples

Where is broom?

Is anyone else playing? Got 5 apples, a broom and a green disc. Stuck!

umm left side of fridge i think, same screen where you can see the bin

where did u find the hammer?

4apples, green key (used) Pliers (used) broom, green disk. How'd you get the chair?

OK, stuck now! Got 3 words, no broom - Where is it? - 4 Apples and red and green disks

from view of table clik right corner of the room

CHair in dining room table scene, click top right i think.
Hammer - down a gulley - next to fridge?

where do you find the red disc?

also found the word "gym" and "bar"

Found broom!

wow twinkle, only found the apples and the broom. presume need the chair to get key, but cant pick up none of the chairs..

thanks for the chair hint. I feel silly that I didnt find that one.

Has anyone found the blue key yet?

Saint, look up, clue to get chair is there.

Anyone know what to do with broom?

Hi all

well as I post- I find, lol

Hi to you all, btw :-)

stuck with broom, chair (used) and red & green disks and 4 apples. The disks go int the thing next to door but I guess we need to figure out which spot they go into. Did you notice none of the cabinets or the fridge open?

I assume words form sort of crossword

a y

But what to do with tokens / broom?

Thanx, Twinkle!!


Elmar, any good hints you could give us? Congrats by the way!

Hi every1!

words i have are, big gym bar.

congrats elmar!! what do we do with the broom?

OK, now have click-it-itis, have clicked everywhere!

What next?

Think of crossword (look the way, the words are written). Place the tokens in the right place next door.

use broom in ceeling

Yes, thanks for that Elmar, but what do we do with broom? Presume that will get us blue token?

Though it could be like this too:


It didn't work. Twinkle's is correct.
Out with perfect end (5 apples).

wow, I can actually play with you guys for the first time! let's start!

Twinkle, remember where your chair began...

In view of table, the right side of the room, place chair and use broom.

Nuno, how do we get to ceiling?

Lol, had tried that before and didn't work! THanks! xx

Lol, had tried that before and didn't work! THanks! xx

put chair where u got it from then look up, use the broom to get red key ;)

YAY, out!

Out.. Thanks for the ceiling hint elmar, that was all I needed. But I got normal end. Think I missed an apple. only got 4.

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Normal end though, no perfection here!

Where's the fifth apple? can only find four!

hmmm "service temporarily unavailable"... well, you already finished the game anyway, gonna try it later! cu

Thanks Elmar & Nuno for hints that saved me!

Check the sink for an apple and a word.

twinkle im stuck!!!!!lol

Thanks Heather :)

dont get the code

out again with perfect end. I could swear I clicked that sink about a thousand times.. LOL Well see you all next game.

nuno: remember the letters of the boxes with the token?? if you look at the letter-grid you find them there too...

Hi, I have everything except a red key :-(, can anyone give me a clue??

Good morning everyone.

Is anyone still playing

yep, still looking for the red key

Me too. I have everything else.

Hi all,

the correct order of the crossword puzzle is:

Any clues for the red key?

use the hammer on the crner next to the refrigerator in the door view.

Still here 2 lookin for hammer

did u find the chair?

Thank you soooo much, Out, Perfect End

move the trash can and place the chair next to the capbord. look on top of it...

In the view with the cubbard, move the trash can and put the chair there. Look on top for the hammer

Thanks so much that trash can was gettin on my nerves

Are you out?

could you start the game, cause I can't due to overusage! ;) do you have another link???

you're wellcome.

Doyou need more help?

I just had to keep refreshing the page until it opened.

ok why cant i get the green key? i see it on the cabinet but it wont come off!. got th eblue key used ot for the token.. have a hammer i tried to use what i thought was all over no go.. chair and broom used and 5 apples.

Got to go and take my Mom to the Dr. Hope everyone has a good day.

thanks so much nana! it worked! been trying it for 20minutes...

ok got the green key.. off to find the red one!

to get the green key look next to the refrigerator in the door view

thanks everyone! finally out...

Hi everybody !

I can't play this game, it doesn't want to load !!!

i just need to figure out the order of the disks

Yeah I am out !!!!!!

I tried so many times but I still could not start the game!

I still cannot find the blue key. I know it has something to do with the broom (which I have) and the ceiling, but cannot find the hot spot. Help? thx

I keep receiving "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" message!

did you find the chair?

take the chair again and In view of table, the right side of the room, place chair click the broom on the ceiling

out =D

Have chair, have broom. Not getting it? do i place the chait back behind the table again?, put it by the closed cabinet? keep it in inventory? and then what?

cant figure code i only have blue disc red disc and green disc is that all?

I'm startin this one

nvm i got it.

       Anonymous  9/29/08, 8:39 AM  

ive been getting this for the past hour :(

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

place the chair back where it was in the corner than use broom on ceiling in the same scene

put disc blue top left disc green top right and disc red bottom left and you are out

Samara, take the chair to the next cabinet, now is in your inventory again
place the chair back behind the table again, click on the broom and then click on the ceiling.
you must see the red key

grndbaygal, put the disc red, blue ang green in the right place next door.you only need these ones
Blue- nothing- green
then apears other wich is white

       Anonymous  9/29/08, 9:12 AM  

No available. Is there any other link?

       Anonymous  9/29/08, 9:25 AM  

can someone please tell me how to get chair?

in the view of the table, front of you, click right corner of the room, in the wall

I just wanted to correct something. The BLUE key is in the ceiling, not the red one. The red key is in the bottom right corner, opposite the word bar.

Out, perfect end! Thanks for all the hints!

1. take the apple 1 on the floor

2. same view, click on the bottom left next to the fridge, take the plier and note the vertical 'BAR' on the wall

3. go left to the sink view. take the apple 2, and then take the green key using the plier.

4. check the sink - take the apple 3 and note the horizontal 'ROM'

5. turn left, check the gap between the kitchen cupboard and the wall. take the apple 4 and note the vertical 'GYM' on the wall.

6. check the left of the grey cabinet, take the broom

7. turn left, click on the right most chair. there's another chair. with the chair on the floor, click on the upper wall corner to see the ceiling

8. click the brown sqaure with the broom. take the blue key

9. take the chair, go back to the grey cabinet. move the rubbish bin and then put the chair next to the cabinet (on the right).

10. check the top of the cabinet. take the hammer and note the horizontal 'BIG'

11. go back to the corner where you get the plier. there's a crack on the wall. hit it with the hammer and get the red key

12. check the gap between the kitchen cupboard and the fridge, get the apple 5

13. now you have 4 words:


check the code pad next to the door, there're 8 circles

so blue(B) on top left corner, red(R) on bottom left corner, green(G) on top right corner

and you will see a white circle in the middle

14. go out with perfect end

Easy game, out without walkthrough for once :D

where do you find the apples I can only get 4

       Anonymous  9/29/08, 12:24 PM  

I love games by this maker! Thank you for the hints Paul!!!

the walkthrough missed something out, it never said that you have to go to the boxes on the table open them up with the keys and get the coloured discs, then go to the keypad near door and enter them.

WOW! Out with perfect end. Never would have thought to use the chair back in the same spot I got it from. Thanks for all the help you guys left. I liked this one! Also I never would have guessed the words form a crossword - you guys are brill!!

Nice game. Out with perfect end!!.

anybody still playing this game?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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