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Over Year End of Mouse Walkthrough

Over Year End of Mouse

Over-year-end of mouse is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Coo's House. In this game, you are locked in a room and you have to escape the room by finding and using items with clues. Good luck and have fun!

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anyone else here?


it seems to be all in japanese...

hope that language isn't a problem

hi all just starting

Lets have fun with this

hi all

I have a cutter, a ribbon, something else from the line, a bell, milk.

put the milk in the mouse hole

       Anonymous  12/26/08, 5:53 PM  

That was a very cute and simple game!

funny the cat that sounds like
a cow drinks the milk

ribbon on the cow bell

oh no hope I dont have to
restart. I got greedy and drunk the milk

If you turn the box just right you get a puzzle. I used the colors from the line to get part of a picture.

got card?, red thing, and pink thing off clothes line? found bell, and milk which i gave to first mouse and now the mouse turned white?, got into mouse hole but nothing there, came out mouse turned white and grey, found knife which i combined with pink thing, now it looks like the thing has eyes? hmm weird,

hello everyone

Too funny. out!

One will feel like using the hammer on this hybrid

you have to put all the objects on the little animal on the bottom right, it should become like a cow!

mine looks like a pig. pink snout

gave hammer to cow? lol thought it was mouse, when i put think thing on it? looks like a pig?

ok cannot seem to give him bell?

i was a wrong i was a bull.
out now.

nvm, and OUT!

there is an order to click on the colour boxes : blue, pink, orange, green. you should open it respecting that order 4 times

need to attach the ribbon first

oh you have to follow the right order I
think it is a hammer you will get. Anyone figure out where to start?

hey guys hi, just starting

you have to make sure that they are next to eachother and in order

start at the top left and end along the bottom row

i seem to be missing something

i have given the animal the bell/ribbon

the nose thing

and the hammer

all i have left is that blue card and the cutter

what am i missing?

got the hammer!!!!

oh i also gave it the milk already

okay my critter is all duded up. Now what?

what's the deal with the card?

once you've used all the objects on the little dude, the door should open and you are out!

it's not opening for me. i must have missed something but i have clicked everywhere it seems

stuck only have the card I can't read.

pixel hunting on the card!

what do you do with the card?


do you have any objects left in the inventory?

ok got the horns from card but door still won't open

nope its empty

cut the blue envelope with the cutter and give the nuts to the critter...

What's the hammer sequence?

okay! Thanks Miro. I swear I had clicked all over that card 500 times!

why won't my door open?

feel stupid tried yhr blue,pink, orange, green in the box puzzle but keep messing up. please help!


maybe you have missed pne of the objects

did u get hammer?

u have also to enter in the mouse hole

ah thanks miro i didn't go in the mousehole! i am finally out!

hint for the box :

you should start from the top left corner

nvm got it thanks any way, know i'll need help some else

ha ha it's a mouse, no a cow, no a bull, no a pig,........
very cute

Heeelp...can't get this box right...you start top left, but then what...are u supposed to make squares or lines or what?

what to do with cutter ??

Just cant get that box with hammer thing down, it's madding anyone?? Don't say start in left corner I have try that and nothing. HELP???

Jimbo, hi. I suppose you use the cutter to open the box with, after you have solved the box puzzle? But I can't solve that puzzle...keep uncovering part of the hammer, and then touch the wrong square, and have to start over...

hi all. so happy to have more escapes to play :D

Hi Michele...yeah nice :}, but can't get this box puzzle solved, and my only comfort right now is that I'm not the only one...

No-one around any more...oh well...good night then...going to sleep frustrated...

for the box you need to do the
sequence blue pink orange green, but you have to do it do that each square you hit is connected to the other one. you can't skip over a square to get the next color you need

ginger don't leave... how can i help?

Thanx Michele...I've got it now! Pfff...Let's see what I can do with my hammer, hm...

Ok, I am out go slowly on puzzle and read the clues for the colors order and you will get the hammer. Feel stupid now but cute escape!!

Oww...already used my cutter on the whiskers of the animal...and now I'm stuk with the blue card without a cutter, hiho...may have to restart now, or not?

did your cutter go away?

I cut the mask first too, but i didn't loose my cutter, then i cut the card

Top left, right, down, left, down, right, right, up, up, right, down, down, down, left, left, left is the solution to the box. I hope that helps.

Yeah, had to restart, but now it went smooth...cut the horns on the blue card first before cutting off the whiskers, or you'll lose your cutter. Thanx again Michele. And now.it's 4.30 pm...bed time, I guess...:>

glad to help. see ya next game...

i can't seem to put bell on mouse/cow.all i have is ribbon and bell.i don't need anything else right?????

nvm.power of posting:)
out now.cute game

Hi everyone!

For extra points: use the hammer on the mouse, I think it changes the ears. And use the golden ring from the door as a nose-ring. You'll get a different end this way.

please numbers for color puzzle.

nm got it

LOL, that's the silliest game for a while! But, funny and not too difficult :D

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I got the male and female cow ending, i dont read Japanese !

I get it, 2008 was year of the mouse, 2009 will be the year of the cow. Cute.

       Anonymous  12/27/08, 6:23 AM  

^^ By the way 2008 was the year of the rat not the mouse...happy new year to everbody

lol...this was soooo cute...
Puzzle sequence:

1 2 9 10
4 3 8 11
5 6 7 12
16 15 14 13

this game is funny

The only thing this game was more than frustrating was disturbing

       Anonymous  1/18/09, 11:16 PM  

has anyone noticed this but the hair on its head went from a color and then changed to white?? !!!

       Anonymous  3/15/18, 5:04 AM  

caught this one from the random section

thx for creating this game, Coo ☺

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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