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R-19532 Walkthrough


R-19532 is another new Japanese point and click type Puzzle game by Ikko's BPM, who is also the same creator of El cuarto de la naranja and more. In this game, you must solving puzzles to finsh the game. Good luck and have fun!

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let's try this :)

Hi Diane... just starting

Standing in front of a giant coloured calculator with numbers on the screen? Don't know what to do...

good name aye!

It's full of Dianes around here hehe...

hmm apparently has found side view, and the box thing that sticks out of side, click that, click down arrow now blue box is in the middle??? weird and stuck

You may need translation.
壱,弐,参,四 mean 1,2,3,4.
Good luck !

Code for blue blox 19532, lol!!!

still stuck with ridiculous equations on the blue screens and a blue thing that looks like a torch or something? You can examine it with '@'

the sceen is very white...how did you figure out the code?can´t do anything...

If you click the arrows and then the green button you can see another equation.
The first code is in the game's name.
Sorry for my English I´m from Uruguay.

It´s ok.i´m german so my english isn´t better;-)

on the one sceen the are 9 strokes like there are buttons on the keypad..does that help?

my machine is white.. left and right buttons dont work.. only got a blue "thing"

@herman-they work but the sceens look similar...

ah alright..

I can't find anything after put in teh code.

where are all these equations??
i just have blue thing and found a place to write something in blue box

Input 19532 in the blue box

lets go

First time posting. Where do you input the code? I click and click and click and still cant find it...please help me.

star is the key to what #'s to enter for the star screen.

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Clic left and down, and another time down, and repeat untill you see a little rectangle on the blue box, and then you can input the code on that rectangle

it´s a key?how do you used it?

thnx dany.but now stuck on these codes

also stuck with code, don't know the code and don't know where I have to put it ?

hi gus, anybody still playing?

on the star one im thinking maybe you have to click 6 numbers in such a way that it forms a star.the first two are given on the left
just thinking out loud but nothing seems to work so far

i was right!!!!!!!!
click numbers in this order as a keypad
and then the red button
you will get a keycard

lol sorry ment guys. Ok all a have is a blue looking stick that looks to me like a pen, and I click, click and nothing, what code are you guys talking about please help

Wow nottypomy nice found!

and the blue small box, i click on it but nothing happens, can't zoom in... nada.. help please!!

Have it!!!

You can use the card on the next screen for a new equation.

Bet, there are 5 screens with a computer thing and 5 screens down with a blue box view. Go left, and down, several times, and you will see a white rectangle on the blue box

thanks notty.. for the hint.you are great!

thanks dany58 I will try, but they all look the same to me, maybe I need glasses lol

the card can be used on two more screens but now im just confused

yeah it WORKED!! Thank you thank you thnak you, now the calculator has colors on the key pads hmmm

I must go now sorry and thanks nottypomy !

tried to rotate the mothercode--90°-but it doesn´t work...

i just checked on the cat game and shuchun has the answer out there

ok got a key card and know I have a new equation, but dont know...... not to good at math there are 2 blank squares on top of two other squares and #9137 on top right andL with a right arrow on the bottom, any luck any one?

Grrr...this is less of a room escape game than a vague faux-math trap. And it tooks like Tron as viewed on a tape console. Any luck with more codes?

oh well have to go for now, will try back later, maybe there will be more hints??!!

Nyah...I'm out too. Not my idea of fun.

okay got the next one
the screen with z->90
make a z pattern rotating the keyboard 90 degrees

im out of ideas for this one
will wait for another genius to come out with the answer

kase you are a genius

kase1277 i tried that but no luck for me :(

now stuck with a ?wrench. I think

@feminin21 try 3917

im gonna take a break from this game and check out the other one

i tried 3917 but no luck for me!

Finaly it worked forgot to turn the screen on!

Thnx Kase1277!

@feminin21 you on the correct screen it is the one that says
L = 1--
Z --> 90

I'm back.
For MOTHER CODE we have 10 letters in MOTHER CODE and 10 numbers in 0316942379.
So, for THE CARD, code may be 1692?47 (we need the value for letter A or we can force it trying the 2 numbers 5 or 8 which are not in 0316942379)

dany58 I try this but is not working.

your right, not working for me too :(

2 screens to the right of mother code i use the card and i have another equation.

One of the visitors of my site solve this one.
With the wrench click on the right panel and make a 9137 patern.
Sorry for my enlish again.

you mean, clic on the little squares on the right panel like on 9137 on the keypad ? it doesn't work for me

oh yesss got it thanks claudia

For the card just skip the letter a.

so simple, thanks chris !

what do you do for the last part? after you get the card from the mother code thing

use the blue thing on the green dot four times

stuck again, keypads run too fast for me lol

dany58 how did you solve the code for 9317???

Please share :D!

i still dont understand... ityped in the codes but nothing happens except the screen doing something weird

feminin21 - use the allen wrench to click the panel to the right of the screen. click the squares in the same pattern but click exactly on the little squares

Thx Chris!
It realy worked this time :).
Oh great another code with a green button on top!

If you click the blue long pen thingy in your inventory, and use it on al the top single green button it wil change in symbols!

im still confused on the wrench thing.i have to click on the dots in what order??

nottypomy that is right bottom, upper left, upper right and then left bottom.

thnx.now stuck with you

i think im out
i clicked on the green button then the code after 1 on blue paper we have and suddenly im out
very weird

Nottypomy better stuck with you than stuck alone.

nottypomy is not working for me.

there was this weird constellation thing that kept coming after a few seconds for me.i put the code before i got that again

ok tried again try clicking the green button after you enter 648146

none of the codes are working for the star or the z->90 screens. am i correct at this, we are typing the numbers as if the squares were set up like this:
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

Oh my god still not working.
What did i do wrong?!

rollercoaster that is right.

rollercoster it is 3917.

i gave the star code for keypad set as
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Blue blox 19532
Starcode 729467
De Z code is 39171
mothercode 169247

k i was looking at it wrong then thx for help on z code and star code but a little lost after that...

i dont get it... what's the "motherboard???"

i think maybe ill just come back to this game later

ok looked at all your posts, i only get two screens first one can only click the down arrow, takes me to what looks like calculator, can't click anything. enxt one looks like squares within squares, only down arrow works and goes back to first view....

this is a PARTIAL WALKTHROUGH as how to get the ending is still unclear

you start with view which has only down arrow.click that

now you have a view of a computer thing
click the right arrow twice and you will find something coming out of the calculator thing on the right.click on that

click the down arrow.you will find a blue box in the center and a blue pen.pick up the pen

click the down arrow again and then go right twice.click the down arrow again and you will find a white box on blue box
click on that and enter 19532 in the box. click on smaller blue button.you will automatically zoom out

click down arrow and green button on computer in front of you.you will get a code which has a star on it

enter 729467 on keypad and then click the red button
take the keycard

go right twice.click on green button.there is another code with Z--90 written
enter 3917 on keypad and then red button
take wrench

go left click on keycard and then on white rectangle thing on keypad.you will have another code if you click green button
select wrench and click on screws of panel on the right of screen in this order
right bottom, upper left, upper right and then left bottom
click on it twice

go right twice and use keycard and click green button.you get the mother code
enter 169247 on keypad and red button.take blue paper

click down then up arrow to face cube with green button on top

after this its all luck
if you look at blue paper 1=648146
enter that and click on green button.you may or may not have to select blue pen.
if that does'nt work click on green button with blue pen selected and then enter the code.
if you're lucky you will get out

whwn you click the right and left arrow it doesn't budge it must be buggy this game

for the last part refer to the comment by xenon above: 壱,弐,参,四 mean 1,2,3,4. when you use the blue thing on the green square one of those symbols appears and you have to type in the code for the right number, it changes to a different number every few seconds

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