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Escape Game - Vegetable Version Walkthrough

Escape Game - Vegetable Version

Escape Game - Vegetable Version is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by No1game. In this game, you are locked in a room and you need to escape it by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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lets go!

oh boy..
im stuck
managed to do a few things...

stool (used), 4 pieces of lumber combined stuck!

wow i only have 2 pieces of lumber put together.got the computer turned on.

Well, you guys are ahead of me. Have stool and a roll of some sort

Oh okay I guess those are pieces of lumber, lmao..... now have 2 of them

how did you turn on computer?

hi live game!

crack on wall behind pic

you have to get electrical cord from behind picture of guy.

i knocked down the face picture and teh cord was behind it.
where did you get 4 pieces of lumber?
i got one from the shelf and one from busting the stool

Hi all! Just Starting, hope i'll be some help

what do you do with the lumber?

click stick above where you put stool

what do the pictures in the box have to do with each other?

out! cute little game. thanks for the help.

so stuck never good at these things ive got the computer on and the two pieces of wood put together now what??

Well made an axe and got a wheel and then got a box which has buttons like the picture

It says the table is easy to turn over like we are supposed to do that but I cant figure out how. All I have is the long stick

i got a ginormous axe!

Redroobar: how did you make the axe?

the buttons on the box are related to the pictures in the computer

wow yall are fast. had to step away, come back and some of you are done!

the axe is made from the four poles put together and then using it to hit the yellow and light blue buttons at the same time and getting the axehead and putting them together

Rest your stick on the coloured buttons....

opened box, key, and out!

thank you. I tried everything with that stick, but that!

i've never been the first one out! i'm so happy!

never mind not first...

not too bad of a game. out.

thanks y'all.

for anyone who needs help on the box, the buttons which are vegetables need to be pressed

thanks for the stick clue thats all i needed! the rest was pretty easy cool!!

Still looking for sticks, got one from bookshelf and one from stool, what did I miss?

Bryan, do you mean the box on the PC?

Nvm, got it.

tangoboy you out?

No still here, trying to ax something and pushing butttons on box in pc but nothing

Duh, feel stupid. Found the wheel almost there

behind pic where crack is in wall use ax

we all have those moments :)

and out!

Thanks for the kind comments, I hope there's some good games over the weekend.

Where do you break chair and how?
Where are all the sticks? Brain dead on this one...

Hi is anyone here? i need help. Please

Yeah, I need help too. I don't get it. I only have two pieces of lumber (joined) and can't do anything else. Anyone? Please?

After you join the two sticks (from stool and shelf), use that stick to get the one above the shelf.

first go to the second room n pick up the stool .

then go to the 3rd room n put the stool under the iron made shelf .. n click on the iron made shelf n the stool breaks into pieces.. pick one piece..

go to the 4th room n click four to five times on the picture of peach tree n picture fall down n u can see a crack

then in the same room pick up the wood piece from the book shelf..

now we have two pieces of wood we need to join it. n it become a big piece...

in the same room we have to click on the picture fall down.. we can see a wire there . click on it.. we will get a cable wire which we need to connect to the switch near laptop

then switch on the laptop n we can see a chart of many things.. just make a note that where are the vegetables in the chart n note it.. ..

then we need to take the wood stick n we need to click on iron made shelf.. we wil get one more wood stick. now join both stick we wil get one big wood stick ..

now take the big wood stick n go to the 2nd room n click on the yellow n light blue spot the garage wil open.. n we wil get axe head.. then join the wood stick n axe head...

the we need to go to the room were there is a crack on the wall then take the axe n click on the crack wall we will get a wheel

then take the wheel to the 1st room n adjust it on the hole in the pipe

n then water comes out from the pipe.. evn a box comes out of the water pipe.. we need to click on the buttons of the box according to the chart in the laptop were there r vegetables.. then we get a key n we get out of the house click on the door.


first go to the second room n pick up the stool .

then go to the 3rd room n put the stool under the iron made shelf .. n click on the iron made shelf n the stool breaks into pieces.. pick one piece..

go to the 4th room n click four to five times on the picture of peach tree n picture fall down n u can see a crack

then in the same room pick up the wood piece from the book shelf..

now we have two pieces of wood we need to join it. n it become a big piece...

in the same room we have to click on the picture fall down.. we can see a wire there . click on it.. we will get a cable wire which we need to connect to the switch near laptop

then switch on the laptop n we can see a chart of many things.. just make a note that where are the vegetables in the chart n note it.. ..

then we need to take the wood stick n we need to click on iron made shelf.. we wil get one more wood stick. now join both stick we wil get one big wood stick ..

now take the big wood stick n go to the 2nd room n click on the yellow n light blue spot the garage wil open.. n we wil get axe head.. then join the wood stick n axe head...

the we need to go to the room were there is a crack on the wall then take the axe n click on the crack wall we will get a wheel

then take the wheel to the 1st room n adjust it on the hole in the pipe

n then water comes out from the pipe.. evn a box comes out of the water pipe.. we need to click on the buttons of the box according to the chart in the laptop were there r vegetables.. then we get a key n we get out of the house click on the door.


good morning everybody...give it a try...

btw.how can 2 different people can post the same identical walkthrough?nvm thanks.

out and i don't think you need a walkthrough :)

I can't open the garage. Clicked the yellow and light blue button, but nothing happened. What am I missing here?!

nvm, guess I didn't place the stick in the right position...

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Hi all, i cant get the garage to open either, where am i supposed to be putting the stick on the yellow and blue buttons???

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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