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Lost Hole Walkthrough

Lost Hole

Lost Hole is another Japanese point & click room escape game developed by Coo's House. In this game, you try to help the kitten by finding and using items with clues. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:09 AM  

Yeah live game!!

ups. can't read japanese...

navigation is a bit srange... It feels like i'm allways in the same 3 places, with inly 3 objects

got a cat and a light and bookmark


yeah. find a door

apparently i'm out...

but there's a retry button so i don't know if it's good end

that was short

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:14 AM  

Got cat, flash light, bookmark, and key, found door and box on wall with key hole, but can't use key on it, also found more views, click around don't just follow arrows... Stuck now!!!

Got a key from Cat and then placed cat on floor but dont' know why yet.

Oh, placed cat and got retry?

Used pick axe to get cat outta the box

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:17 AM  

I got retry too, what was the key for?

ok. Know i'm in another room..

i mean now...
the key is or the door (1st i used the pikaxe)

there's a 5 digit code

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:20 AM  

I can't find any reason for the key or bookmark?

Whahaaha I have no idea what happened. Got a key not used. A box not opened. Put the cat on the floor. Wiggled his butt and ran up the stairs in a yard chasing a butterfly. That's it???? whahahaha Too funny.

where is the other room?

the key is for thedoor and the bokmark tells U how t get there (RLRLLR i think)

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:22 AM  

Tico how'd you get the door open?

just use the key in it then click the door again

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:26 AM  

I can't find that door for the life of me, my bookmark says OHOOH, or IOOIO, depending how you look at it...

i did the whole rlrrl thing but still no door!

i try to o back and find the path again but i can't, the maze is gone... i'll replay the game

symbols on the bookmark:
If add "ナ" to each symbol it means right/left in japanese.
So the bookmark means left-right-right-light-right.

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:29 AM  


YAY I MADE IT IN THE DOOR! I was counting the first turn to the right initially but you have to turn right and then go off of the bookmark.

hi all, can't play, have to go to work, but just wanted to say hi cause i keep missing the live games....enjoy!

from the book: go down andreply Yes to the question, then it's Right, Left, R, R, L, R

Oops! sorry.
The bookmark means left-right-right-left-right.

Put the kitty in her bed and now trying to figure out the colors on the cabinet. the sequence off the computer is white, blue, red, blac, yellow, green but i don't see how that helps.

are you in the other room yet iLov?

i'm whereyou are Alimax

did you notice the marks on the ruler?

Wow! A live game?!? Neat!

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:36 AM  

Yeah trying to figure out what to do next...

Yeah, i'm trying to place it over something but have not had any luck yet. Kitty looks hungry...

so stuck...

OH I GOT IT! place it over the bookmark!

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:37 AM  

no idea what the marks on the ruler are for, or what the book says...

ok 68008 didn't do anything. i'm confused once again...

Got the cat food and feed the kitty.

the dots on the pc are doing letters, i think it's cester...

Have a new key and a mouse?

oh put the mouse on the mousepad. HEHEHE.


good catch Alimax

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:41 AM  

Okay got code from ruler, food for car, key to gray box, can't figure out the colors, mouse from cat with switch on butt but can't move it...

If you make the colors black and white you get a difference message on the bottom but of course i can't read it so i have no idea what its trying to say to me. Hope we don't have to go back out into the halls.

the vault is open and now what?

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:45 AM  

Mouse on mouse pad, can change computer by clicking left mouse ear, but can't click on password box, nor do I know password...

Anyone get any further than pushing the button in the grey box? still haven't done anythign with mouse on mousepad and i can't read the message from the black and white colors.

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:47 AM  

After opening vault if you go back to the book the message has changed, ends with music note but can't read it...

hmm, got the big grey box on the wall open but don't know the right levels.

I don't see music notes anywhere. I checked the book in the beginning and the notebook on the desk. where did you get them?

any luck in kitty room yet? I get blue screen with three japanese characters when click "mouse"...STUCKOLA!

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:52 AM  

Tico you get anywhere with that vault yet?

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 7:55 AM  

Ali if you looked at the notebook on the desk before and after opening the vault, it changes, and after opening the vault you see a message ending in a music note...

hmm, i'm not getting that. my notebook is the same and i don't hve a music note anywhere. Probably not a good sign for me...

What is this vault of which you speak? In kitty room? Whats the grey panel with the two color dots all about? Really jazzed to be live with y'all today BTW!!!


Hi All :o)
Sorry, but my desk book didnt change either...
But got the grey "box" open and i guess we need those notes there..

agmbl ... WTH? What balls & what row where?

i mean the notes in the vault (musical notes)

saintj how'd you open the "box" please?

Not working for me. I tried all the balls on the same spaces and lines but i'm not getting anything. I wonder if i missed a step somewhere so it won't let me do it?

So very very lost & confused *sniff* !

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:04 AM  

Placed balls in vault in second row from bottom, got keyboard, now any ideas on the password?

what is the vault? where is the notes?

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:05 AM  

Dawn, where are you, can't help if i don't know what all you've done so far...

@dawnioioio: I made the colors black & white

@agmbl: doesnt work for me..did you put them all in a straight row, and on the line or in the fields??

Where is the vault & how does one open it? It's 8AM in Portland OR...Coffee no workie yet ;)

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:07 AM  

Saint, you have 4 rows, 3 lines, place all balls in 2nd from bottom row...

yeah all in the same row saintj

yeah balls in second row from bottom (or anywhere else for that matter) still not working for me either.

Did maze, fed kitty, put mouse on pad...now just making kitty meow and letting you help me out!

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:08 AM  

vault is in room with cat, are you there yet? put in colors black and white to open it...

Hi all ! Put the balls between the two lines from bottom (in the fields)

you have to arrange the letters made by the colored balls to make a word, starts from S

AH FINALLY GOT IT! saintj, make sure that you have gotten all the way to the password entry screen on the computer and not just the blue screen. After you get the the password entry, that is when the notebook changes and it will accept the placement of the balls to give you the keyboard.

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:09 AM  

Dawn did you get the code from ruler/bookmark yet?

what i supose to do with a torch ?
so confused...

saintj - Thank you! I'm in the vault....HOORAY!!!! Will try (with everyones help natch!) to puzzle on!!!! You GUYS ALL ROCK! If I didnt cheat with all your comments id still be in my first room!!

Well ThanxALL! But its not working for me..maybe I have to see first the musical notes???
Which I still havent.... :o(

i went brestafeed my baby and i see taht (almost) every1 is still stuck on the sema spot. I thought you would all be out and the solution would be post for me...

All the balls in the second row won't work for me either

iL0v3MyK1d5 Thanks for asking, yes I did!

got it. Thnaks all

saintj and ticotico you have to get the password screen beyond the blue screen, check the notebook adn then it will work.

Meanwhile i keep seeing sterco? but its not working as the password. anyone figure it out yet?

BTW I'm kinda a fogey (but not that old!) & don't chat on line EVER, so hope I don't offend!

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:14 AM  

Agm need a little help, I've got letters, S E C R, and I can't tell what letter black is making, looks like L but comes back to make what looks like upside down F...

YEAH, thanx ALI!! didnt push further on, lol ;o))

now if you get back to the beginning, the gate is open

aha! i got it! but its a secret...

thw pwd is



Black makes a T iLOv3

but what's the new pwd for?

P. 249? Anyone?

it told me page 249 so i went back to the book adn its says "exit cicou" any ideas?

oh and the T in exit is blue while everythign else is red.

How to get to password screen?

Hmm, the gate is now open and the water is flowing out. anyone have a boat?

got the page too Alimax but don't know what's for.

For the pwd screen keep clicking in the left ear

Actually, its the button in teh grey box that lowers and lifts the gate.

dawn, double click on teh left mouse ear.

try changing the colors from the vault to red and blue but nothing...

all ball just over the first line from bottom - it works

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:23 AM  

Tico go back out to cat book, get code for exit...

ticotico I could just kiss you! Yay I move forward (after more coffee) HUZZAH!!!!!

iLOv, i've allready take the code page but can't seem to do anything with it. Are you out yet?

ok, got the 249 too. cant open the book on the desk anymore.
went to the other book and got another bookmark...which i cant read!!!
so, where is the "exit cicou" ?

good question saintj

sorrrrrryy, should have turned the note around.., LOL!!!!

This has definitely been one the more frustrating games in quite awhile. Why can't we just float on our backs or swim out of here?!

how do you do that saintj?

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:31 AM  

Nothing trying passwords on cpu with new letters but nothing!

Oh You See I see? (cicou backwards and rebus-y) Oy! its rough losing brain cells!

The music code when you got the keyboard is "AAAAA".
Gray character with blue screen is "Ha-I-I-Ro-Ni" in japanese.
This means music code "CAABD".

This is what i have tried so far, maybe it will help to brainstorm:

turning the light on and off in every room and trying to use the lightswitch looking thing in the computer room.

changing the colors to all combinations of blue and red

placing the exit clue over the flashlight

trying to get back into the hallways

swimming away

drowning myself

@ticotico: after you get the note/bookmark(from the book with the cat), select it and click on it until it opens.

tried entering CAABD but nothing happened. Did you get it to work Xenon?

sorry. I accidentaly closed the game and had to start over...

saintj: i'd already did that. it is open.

Xenon: so how do you put the levers now?

wait, it changes from red to green with the buttons in that position...


and out...

thanks Xenon

but now the cat is thinkink about a fish and there's stil a retry... could it be that there's another end?

tico how did you get out? i tried entering cicou but it would not take it.

i think there is another ending because you can just go out the lifted gate but there is an input box opposite it.

Alimax: you have to adjust the levers to CAABD like Xenon said, knowing that you the are all on A now

yeah i have done that. i was wondering what you put into the input box at the bottom of the stairs.

what levers?

But still I don't know what P.249 is:(

toxotis, the balls/buttons in the vault in the computer room.

       Anonymous  3/27/09, 8:47 AM  

Okay changed levers in safe to CAABD, got stpes, went to other side, entered CICOUT, got cat with fish end and rety... time for a break to play other games I'll check back in a while...

Xenon, it is just a hint to go back to the book in the beginning. There is guess we are turning to page 249 and it gives you a paper with "exit cicou" written backwards on it.

Alimax, i did that and nothing happened

so i retry again but cannot find the fish...

Please!!! B4 you all leave..what are the positions of the levers..have no clue about musical notes..

Toxotis, are you trying to get AAAAA or CAABD? look to the earlier hints for all A's. If you are trying the other code, C is the open space above A. keep the next two teh same, B is the line above A and D is two lines above A.

im still having trouble getting cat with de pick axe, anyone... help

I am also leaving. Goodbye all. I will check back later.

Hannah, you have to get it from the side, not straight on. so go to the left adn then click on the water.

oohw finaly..thnx alimax

have to go get kids from scholl...see you

anyone got the fish for cat??

cane someone give my a walkthrough or something please
and the left, right etc isn't working for my. where do i need to start?

Stupid page wouldn't take my comment before... testing...


I figured out the card - it's symmetrical!

The paper has two folds in it. "EXIT" is over one fold, and the red letters - "IXE" are symmetrical. If you fold the paper, the two parts of the letters match up.

The "uocic" is actually the bottom halves of numbers:

Thx Heather!
I climbed the ladder and got another end:)

The only thing is, I'm not sure where to enter the numbers to get fish or get out, or what. *grin*

i can't figure out the letters you are talking about. the exit and the caabd. what about that. and what about the stairs?? anyone.. help

After putting musical code "CAABD" water is gone.
Click the stair then you find the panel for inputting number 31380.
If the button turns blue, go to the panel with green button and push it.
Ladder will appear.
But i'm not sure how to get fish.

Hannah CAABD its position of the balls (levers)

back again.
thanks Heather. The code is actualy 31380 and you have to put it near (click left) the stairs where the water use to be.
But i still haven't got the fish

But enter in those numbers backward for exit. 31380 little ball above password box turns blue and follow the light at the end of the tunnel. Cat gets out thinking about a fish?

MegiPoland: Hi. Thank you so much for all the help in a lot of games...

Leanne. That's not the good end. You don't have to input the code for that...

Xenon where's the panel with green button

well time to breastfeed (again...).
Hope some1 will post how to get the fish and the ladder that Xenon talk about

The place you found the cat.
You opened it with gray key.

I pushed that button again and the tunnel gate closed and it filled back up with water...

I'm finaly out the cat is flooding away... thnx guys

You are welcome, greets!!

If the green button turns blue click the bottom arrow twice. There is a ladder.

Hi every1...Megi, always great to see you playing!! You are such a help when I get stuck!!!! lol! Weekend almost here....yay! Thought I should play as many games as I can today...my 11 mo old grandson is going to be keeping me company tonight!!! Okay...game on!

hi irishenigma :) and good luck!

Okay...found flashlight, bookmark, pick, pulled cat out of box, retrieved key and then.....cat was selected and when I clicked on the passageway floor, a ladder appeared but I know there's more to it!!!!! lol!

Thanks Megi! I think I'll need to read some hints to get on my way...always hate to do it but thank goodness for the power of posting!

Hi ! I'm sorry but I don't have undeerstood how we can read the number 31380... Can you explain to me please ?

Thanks Xenon. now i've the ladder, went back for the cat and ... Real End.
See you all next game.

mariguil: if you put a line in the middle of the numbers 31380 you will obtain backwards cicou

ok... but for the word "exit" what is the tip ??

nvm... EXIT is the tip... ! thanks a lot !

I understand nothing in this game, I'm giving up.

euh... sorry I need again some help... ticotico what do you call "the real end" ?

i got thankyou but still i got retry. so really confused

the real end is when the cat got back in its box ?

Yay!!!! Finally found door!!! I was ready to squeeze through he iron bars in first room, or drown! Okay...!!!!

ARghh! Finally out but the poor kitty is floating away and no fish! Ah well...at least I'm out!!!

There are 5 endings.
-Break the door with the pickaxe.
-Follow the kitty on the way of finding the door.
-Go through the tunnel w/o the kitty.
-Climb the ladder w/o the kitty.
-Go through the tunnel/Climb the ladder with the kitty.

can someone do a walkthrough

hey everyone, can u please tell me what the password for the computer is???? i read the comments but i don't get it

This comment has been removed by the author.

confusing at first but a good game.

all I could manage are two different endings that is it..

I never would've even gotten out of the maze if it weren't for everybody here that already asked and answered questions, so thank you to all! But it is a confusing game, and reading through all these posts is just as confusing so I've done a partial (mostly) walkthrough for future readers.

first view: Left arrow, Right arrow, Down/Back arrow (which I'll now refer to as: L, R, D/B)

click the screen (or D/B) to pick up the flashlight.
click the bottom right teal box with yellow writing for About Item (AI), then turn flashlight on
from here, hit D/B to see the water, then click the brown mark at the far right of the screen to see the cat
the corner arrow brings you back
turn L to see the edge of the walk. click the water to the left to get up close to the cat
D/B to go back once, then click the bottom of the grey box in upper right corner to see the safe
D/B twice to go back to first view
there is no arrow here, but if there were to be an up arrow, click where it should be to see the hatch, then D/B to go back
click R, then pick up the pickaxe. Look at the book, click left side to open, then grab bookmark. D/B to first screen.

Use the pick axe to get the cat from the close up view
AI on cat to get the key
AI on bookmark to get directions (the HOOHO stands for Left, Right, Right, Left, Right) but these directions only work from where you picked them up (the book is still on the floor as a guide), so get to that screen
from here you can go L or R however you want, you'll be in a maze. at any point in the maze, you can click D/B and it will ask if you want to return to the first view. So go ahead and get lost if you'd like, you'll always be able to get back.
Or just follow the directions from the bookmark and go L,R,R,L,R and use your key to open door

inside the room, you just go L and R to explore, and if you try to find your way back through the maze it asks if you'd like to go back to the first view. From there, turn R (see book on ground) then L and it asks you to go straight back to the room. Handy shortcuts!

in the room, put the cat in the cat bed.
take the ruler from the desk, then AI on the bookmark and place the ruler over it. This gives you the code (80089) for the gold safe by the door. Open it to get cat food
Put cat food in bowl by cat, go away then back to get key, away and back again for mouse
put mouse on mousepad next to computer, click its left ear a few times to change screen to password entry, then check the notebook to the right.
Then go to the wall with the two circle buttons and make the left one black, the right one white then click to open the panel.
there's a code with musical notes in the notebook, but I can't read music so I'm just gonna say click and drag each of the balls up one row. When done right, the push button should turn yellow. Press it and take keyboard. put keyboard in front of computer.
notice the order of the colored balls:
black, yellow, green, white, blue, red
then notice the shape that each of the colored balls traces on the screen. they are letters.
t, e, r, c, e, s
click the mouse's left ear until you get the screen to enter password (secret)

Now find your way back to the first view, and check the book on the ground again (it'll open to p. 249) to get a note. AI on the note to open it. notice that the word EXIT has a fold going through it. The letters IXE, if disappeared under the fold, each half of the letter is a mirror version of the other half of the letter. But the T is not, so the T is blue. Since the uocic on the bottom of the page is red, and on the fold, then it must also be the mirror version of the other half. UOCIC then becomes 08313 (the bottom half of the numbers 08313 look like UOCIC) . But EXIT is backwards, and so is the code. This gives you 31380. you'll need it later.
D/B, L to go back to grey safe. Open it with your grey key and push the green button, it turns red, go D/B, then click the water to notice the tunnel gate is up.

Back to computer room, go to the panel where you found the keyboard. all the balls are still on the second row. Slide the first ball up one row, the 2nd & 3rd balls stay where they are. the 4th ball goes up 1/2 a row, so it's on the line, the 5th goes up 1 1/2 rows so it's on the top line. push the green button and it turns red.

Back to first view, L, and you'll see that the water is gone. Click the stairs to go down, but instead of going into the tunnel, click the stairs again to see a panel. Enter 31380 and button turns blue. Go back up stairs to the grey safe, and click until button turns blue. D/B twice to see a ladder, but don't go up yet. Go back to the computer room to get the cat.

Now you can go up the ladder with the cat, but it is not the real end. Apparently the cat needs to go back in his box and out the tunnel, while you climb up the ladder? Anyone have any idea how to accomplish that?

thank you R C

thanks a lot R C

blimey this would do your head in as well as make you dizzy, to many left backs and forwards for me giving up on this one

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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