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Escapers #07 Walkthrough

Escapers #07

[REPLAY] 58Works - Escapers #07 ML is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by 58 Works. You are locked in a room and you have to escape the room by finding and using items with clues. Good luck and have fun!

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Escapers #07 ML Walkthrough

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wahhh i can't get out.....

Thanks for every ones help. I couldn't have it thru without the help.

i have both batteries, but when I lift the left sofa cushion, there isn't anything under it. and if i click the cushion again, it just goes down. wtf?

hurry up I gotta go to bed go michele go michele

ok wife..i won't let u down..hee hee. here i go again....

I just went back and double-checked. Ladyofsinging is also right.

From beginning of maze, go forward twice (to wall) and turn left
go forward three times (to wall) and turn right
go forward two times (past the first right opening) to get to the 4-way cross, and turn right
go forward three times (to wall) and turn left
forward two more times puts you in front of door.
Hit door with robot's arm a few times and you'll be able to pick up the key

So while we wait for michele with pug what did you all think of celebrity apprentice?

amg, you have to flip up the sofa pillow on the right, and then click on the right pillow again to reveal a code. Then you can get the half key from the clock.

Robot arm to pick up key. Get key from robot.

ok, got all balls and fixed the robot, put it on the white shelf and got into the maze.


i'm trapppppppppppppppedddddddddddddddd i'm gonna die in there.................................wife you better go to sleep...yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn

amg, Two halves of the light blue ball are 1. in the chair after you break it; and 2. behind the table leg in the second room (the one with the small box).

Two more balls but I dont know what am missing, I have green, yellow, and light blue. Whats next?? Need help

Any more non-maze related questions before I go?

even nr 192 doesnt work for me!

Chris6753, Read comment #174 for help with the balls.

yeah, I gotta get up early to be a wife mom and cook! literally see ya next time go michele go michele and you too amg!

michele-with-pug, just back out of that screen to start again, and follow my post #209 to get out of the maze

ty eleni!

       Anonymous  5/10/09, 10:18 PM  

out finally tks

maze is driving me crazy - got to work, but want to solve this before...

amg, you're welcome!

eleni, Thanks for your help. Wouldn't have made it out without your help.

ahhhh sweet freedom..the fresh air and snowy capped mountain...thx wifemom cook for waiting for me and R.C. for guiding my out!!!!!!!

Good game :) It was worth the wait for the long load time!

You're welcome Max! It's nice to be of some help for once ! =)

As for people still trying to get out of the maze, I wrote it down...
From the starting point:


got all slots filled with items, robot is missing his head, remote still active and of course all of the colored balls, stuck

@ eleni: ty so much!!! i didnt press the black bar... stupid me!

out now!

April, you have to open the wall upstairs with the silver key from the box. Then put the balls in rainbow order to get the robot head.

Glad to help amg! I hate mazes and puzzle sliders so much!

April, See comments #177 and #181 for help finding the robot head.

I'm off now...this one was fun! Bye!

Woo, out with no help!!!

The 58 Works game I've been waiting and waiting for and I completely missed it live :(

Oh, well...such is life.

Great game though, thanks Shuchun.

Nah, I still think it's live...it's just that some of us prefer not to look at the clues left by others. :)

still live? really? cool, il try catch up then

I loved this game! Well done!


from start screen, the door on your left is a closet, and the door past the foyer to the right is the exit door.

turn the red chair around to pick up first part of closet key
pick up robot's legs from under stairs
go upstairs, get silver key from plant
click sofa for better view, pick up battery under sofa
pick up right cushion, then flip it to see pattern

downstairs to white table, open left drawer for blue key. Click key several times to turn it into a screwdriver
use silver key on right drawer to get orange ball
look at picture above table. count the number of shapes in each drawing.
3 9 4
8 6 1
2 7 5
click picture frame a few times to reveal code pad, then press the buttons from 1 to 9, as if they were numbered in the order of the picture, to get green ball

in foyer, move car to get 2nd battery
on left, use screwdriver to open wall panel for robot's body
click clock on top left wall. When the second hand is at 28 or 29 seconds, click the button on top of clock to open it and get 2nd half of closet key
(I think this only works if you've seen the code under sofa cushion)

combine key to open closet
secure the handle on the box with your new screws to get remote, and click box again for circle key
pick up first half of light blue ball by table leg
click picture to see next pattern for code pad entry

back to red chair, spin it until it breaks and you get 2nd half of light blue ball in base
go upstairs, put batteries in remote and use on TV to get third pattern for code pad

back to code pad, think of it as numbered like this:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
for code from closet, enter in this order: 4 2 6 8 4 2 6 8 4 to get dark blue ball
for code from TV, enter in this order: 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 9 to get yellow ball

back upstairs, use circle key to open right-most wall panel
place balls to color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, purple) to get robot's head
assemble robot, and place on left-most wall panel
this opens middle panel, and you are about to navigate the robot through a maze. Arrow buttons on panel move robot, and black bar uses his arm

for maze:
go forward twice (to wall) and turn left
go forward three times (to wall) and turn right
go forward two times (past the first right opening) to get to the 4-way cross, and turn right
go forward three times (to wall) and turn left
forward two more times puts you in front of door.
Hit door with robot's arm a few times and you'll be able to pick up the key

out of the maze, look to robot on left panel to get key, and take it to the exit door.

Oh...OK, Catalyste. I wandered around the maze aimlessly for ages expecting a cd or dvd to pop out of the black slot when I arrived where-ever...then I just clicked it out of frustration LOL.

I went to play it again to give clear instuctions about the maze but it's already been covered plus the site seems pretty busy...can't get it to load.

Eleni, Thank you so much for the mapquest style directions on how to get through the maze. My poor head was bleeding from smashing into so many dead ends. I absolutely love these games and this one was great. I can hang with the best of them at finding items, excel at figuring out how to put things together (mechanical skills) logic dead on,high end math fagedaboudit, and mazes (major claustrophobic) So Kudos to you and all the contributers to the posting factor of these wonderful entertaining games! Happy Mothers Day!

@ Martin:

Yeah, there are like 3 to 5 different walkthroughs for this game alone! lol

I was sort of confused by the maze too until I realized that just like some other things in this game, you may have to click a few times before you get a reaction.

my game page doesn't load :(

MIne doesn't load either. If I'm lucky I get to the page, click start, and still nothing happens, the little window remains black. Perhaps it's too busy. Is there another link?

       Anonymous  5/11/09, 1:30 AM  

WOW, it´s been a long time i haven´t played such a good escape game, extremely nice game.
@R C, thanks for your clear walkthrough, very well done!

@Radhu, same happened to me this morning, it´s just a question of refreshing all the time untill you get there, try again a couple of times because the game is worth it.......... ;.)

       Anonymous  5/11/09, 1:32 AM  

@Rod/Radhu, keep clicking: "Play this game" you´ll get there sooner or later ;.))

       Anonymous  5/11/09, 1:33 AM  

I ment Rob, not Rod, lol.

someone said that there was a rainbow outside the window. where? what a bunch of lies"''

I tried to play this game with Opera and Firefox. It doesn't work ! Either the page doesn't load entirely, either I can see the start button... and then, a black screen.

Is there an alternative link, please ?

@Pascale, I played the game in Opera (9.64) and it was fine...can't get it to load again though :( I guess I was just lucky the first time.

@Cuity, there was a rainbow in the window but didn't appear until I had 4 or 5 of the coloured balls (can't be sure with the balls but it was there).

wow... i needed 44:30 min.to get out...and had 2100 strikes..lol thanks for help

I think it takes time for loading...I'll wait, it is 12.00 and kid is coming from school..lunchtime

loads to a black screen and no further, alternative link anyone?

I keep getting "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage."

Yes, the link is broken.

Sorry,the server is very busy right now so we have to be very patient to load this game. i tried it again and it took me 20-25 mins to load this game...and there is no alternative link so far.

oh :(... hope game will be accessible soon.. tried again now.. no luck :(.. i'll go check out the other game

again waiting ,waiting and waiting, I hope so it will be possible now

@shuchun,I think you have posted a great game!

Wow! The early bird catches the worm! I'm starting the game now... just in case someone is there.

I put the start button and........ black with a nice, very nice red line.It is growing and growing!!(exciting!) ......oh yessss...I can play!! Only one problem: work is calling1(hairdress salon at home)

I've been able to open the webpage but the game would not charge properly

Ok! Let's go!

i like the chair!

I've got the end of a key from the back of the armchair


I've got a battery and took out the picture over the cabinet, with the cube drawings.

I need a head from the robot

I have also a piece of the robbot and a key from the plant on the corridor beside the three closed windows (on the left).

alkmar, I've got a green ball and an orange ball. The green one is delivered when you click on the buttoms behind the picture of the grown floor.

awww lucky carri & alkmar.. my game doesn't load still :(

There's a clue on the bottom side of the right cushion on the white sofa, upstairs.

keep on trying Radhu. It took me a while to open it.

I've openned the clock and got the head of the brown key.

I have opened the left door downstairs, fixed the screws of the box on the table and opened it. Got a remote control and another key. On the floor, beside the table, found the half of a blue ball. There is also a picture with some clues.

Ok, right cabinet upstairs opened... Now, I can tell I need another three balls, at least a yellow one, a blue one (I have half of it) and another one... to complete the rainbow colours.

No way... the game won't load. The start button is always followed by a black screen.

Pascale, I had to refresh and try again a few times.
I have all the balls, except the half of the blue one...

39 minute and out!!! have to say thank you for your comments i got stuck at points.


39 minutes and out!!! i have to say thanks for all your comments i did get stuck at points...


And out!

As you won't need me in order to know the walkthrough... See you next time! Bye!

Carri, I have been trying to load the game since this morning (now it is 14h45 here) ! I could use an alternative link !

... finally, I'm in (and not out, lol) !

it was a great game. 58works is progressing and progressing.^^ Enjoy it.

There is anybody playing in this moment?

I've got a little time to start again with the game

The page doesn't load for me, is there an alternative link?

it won't let me play...it says it's impossible to open the page...I want to play!!!!!!

and out!! But with help,the time was to short to figure all the things out bymyslf. And I was to exciting about the way this game would finish
@shuchun,you were right: 58 works has great games!

Where head of robot?

@cecepons,in the panel upstairs,the one who needs a key

Great game! Beautiful graphics!

Is there an alternate link for this game? I have been trying to play for 2 hrs and keep getting "WEB PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED" This game is the only web page that will not load for me.

got in last night & again this morning but never could finsh.. it wouldnt let me complete the task.. mayb now it will

if it will load....

finally finished game

What a great game!!! Reminds me of "Gotmail Games" loved it..Thank You RC for the perfect walkthrough..Thank you Shuchun

Cool game...actually got out in 40 min with 919 clicks. Those are good stats for me...lol!! Thank you Shuchun...58 Works has some great games. Hope to see lots more...hey, isn't it about time for another Gotmail game? Another awesome game creator. Good Monday to e1!

lol 1322 clicks

I passed by those double doors so many times too!

Its nice sitting on the deck at the end with a cup of tea

Brilliant game,best i have played in a long time.

that was a great game!!

       Anonymous  5/16/09, 3:15 PM  

Fantastic game - well done makers and thanks for posting!

In the maze you keep looking till you find a brighter white wall with a line down the middle of it, click on the black line beside the maze direction arrows and the robot hand comes out and bangs on the wall until it breaks and there is the key!

Replayed in 2017. Clock button clue from cushion doesn't compute. Had to watch a walkthru for that part. It's like second hand has to be at 25 seconds to 30 seconds past 0.

Got it. The ticks are 3 and 9 on the clock. So now the wedge shape is like 29-30 seconds, that area is shown like a wedge. So you click the clock at 29 seconds. Creepy and a bit of a stretch...

Still as great as when it was created. When in doubt push items multiple times, if it moves then it will probably eventually open.

um... till the maze...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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