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Excape Prologue - Forgotten Experience Walkthrough

Excape Prologue - Forgotten Experience

Excape Prologue - Forgotten Experience is the fourth episode of Excape point and click type escape the room game from Kim. Explore the mysteries as the story unfolds from the very beginning. What is the forgotten experience? Good luck and have fun!

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Morning all

So far I have found a keyhole, a lighter and a mirrored message on the wall

Another message about counting D's? I think and a peep-through hole

morning mamamia. only found the brick i can turn around. but don't know yet what to do with it.

What brick? Lighter is on the ground, very faint

can't find anything. can you give a hint about the lighter?

the brick is in the view where the keyhole is. the middle one in the second line from above. klick its border.

sorry, had to feed the dogs. You can look down and the lighter is on the floor, I think it was in the view where the keyhole is

Found the brick, don't know what to do with it either. You can also look up, there is a bright light

Nadia, did you find the lighter yet?

found a coin or something

yes and used it below, upper left corner.

If you use the lighter along the walls, you can find many things. One message read "How many 3D cubes can you find?" Dont' know what it means yet.

To find the hole, turn two times right from the keyhole view and click the border of the middle brick second line on the intersection with the brick below

Also, "Count the "F"s in the note. Count them only once" meessage

used coin to remove brick. now i have view on an office.

can move view in the office but don't touch anything. there is a key on the right side.

Where did you find the coin?

nm, found it on the floor

The 3D cubes they are talking about are in the left view of the office

any idea about the code? found the note and counted the f's. don't know what to do with it, yet.

And now found a note on the floor

passcode=axb ... wonder what that mean. any ideas?

Where is the note?

No, was counting the "f's" on the note... the word 'of' is recurring, so I guess we need to count it just once... make 5 f's to me

there is the letter "b" below the note that says "count the f's ...."

means b=5?

perhaps a x b = number of 3D cubes x number of f's?

what is the other one? how many what can you find? can't say what the letter below is.

any clues on the math riddle? I'm not good at that...

how many 3d cubes? maybe the letter is the a we're looking for.

doesn't make sense to me

think the math riddle is the third number we need. isn't x the unknown always?

Password = 70

3D cube counting is tricky, when you look from top, there are 6, when you look from below there are 7

Input password, click dot on top, receive stick

b = number of f = 10
a = cubes = 7

How did you find that out atapth?

Just put in 70 and got access. Use the stick to get key.

Oh now, another password needed...

stuck on last passcode, too

OK guys, did it again. Put in 10 and click white area to right of box. OUT

I'm out too, txs atapth!
How did you come up with 10?

I just guessed (math is not my thing)

The only thing I can see is a keyhole, nothing else !

I think that I have clicked on every brick... Is it the worst pixel hunt of the year ? I'm giving up.

Pascale good morning!

so I thought at first too - pixel hunting --

Lighter is difficult to find, on the ground more click links

Don't solve with your hand, solve with your mind

Oh, I missed something?
Can you move the mouse via mind move?

"b = number of f = 10
a = cubes = 7"

If that is the reasoning for "passcode is axb", I think Kim messed things up a bit there ;). Ten letters "f" is OK (even if the word "of" is used doubly in two of the sentences, there are of course still 10 f's around), but for the cubes you either look at the image just one way (then "6" is just as valid an answer as "7"), or you count them all and the number is 13.
Also, the letter below the "count 3D" looks more like a lambda, not an A. Probably because of the medieval type font, but if it is a capital A, it seems unreasonably distorted, even in that font.

But of course, there may be deeper reasons behind it.... :-)!

       Anonymous  9/28/09, 6:33 AM  

anyone on??

       Anonymous  9/28/09, 6:35 AM  

it would be nice to talk to someone...this games is weird...im stuck...:/

@cutieedward12: check here for more explanations:

come on people, you all just finished the first part. at the begin of the game is written about 3 sections. noone hearing me?...!

help please cant find the code in second section. in scene of the girls gost!

hellooooo come all back. not finished yeet!

trying to be toooooooooooooo clever, just gets boring.

       Anonymous  9/28/09, 7:37 AM  

The last number code is solved in the following way:

5+1+6=7 -> 5=s +=e 1=v +=e 6=n => seven
5+1+642=70 -> 5=s +=e 1=v +=e 6=n 4=t 2=y => seventy

Awesome Estelle ^^


part 1 you are talking about but there is also part two and even 3 to go on.

ok, I can't find the coin on the floor, even with the lighter. Guess I've no choice but to give up on this one.

Thanks for the help all. I would have died in the well without you to solve the codes!

Turn left and you will face a keyhole
Look down
You can’t see anything there, but you can search until you find a lighter -- you are looking for your arrow cursor to turn to a hand (near the bottom of the scene and to the left of the halfway point
Look up so you are facing the lock again
Turn right
Click the lighter and drag it in this scene and you will see a clue written backwards about counting Fs. It also tells you that this equals B.
Turn right and use the lighter to see a clue about counting 3D cubes. This clue is A.
Above the note, you can also find a black circle -- this is a peephole but it is still dark
Look down and use the lighter here to find a coin (black circle near the left edge of the screen) -- click it to take it
Turn to face the lock again
You will find that the edge of the middle brick in the first full row from the top is clickable (this is a bit touchy)
Click the edge and you will red dots on a bright plate
The dots are screws so use the coin to click them out
Once the plate is gone, click the opening to look into the office look left and see the cubes you need to count (if you count the black parts as the tops, you will get 6 cubes, and if you count the black parts as the bottoms, you will get 7)
Look right 2 times and see a key
Look left and down to go back into your well. You have shed some light!
Look down and see a note -- count all the Fs and you will get 10
Look up and turn left -- you now can see a blue arrow
Click where it is pointing and then click above the red line to open the panel
See it is asking for a code of AxB. So it is either 60 or 70.
After entering the code, click the blue rectangle. When you get it right, click the circle above the dark gray screen to get the stick.
Turn back to the open brick and look in the office
Turn right and use the stick to reach the key
Turn left and go down to be back in your well
Use the key on the slot below the open brick (the keyhole, remember?)
Hmmm….you need another passcode, but from where?
Turn 2 times to the peephole -- there is now light to see!
See some really bad math
Okay, it isn’t actually math, it’s a puzzle for you to solve
Each number and symbol spells out the number after the equals sign
So 5 is s, + is e, 1 is v, and 6 is n to spell seven
Solve this to find out what 4+6 spells
Turn 2 times and enter the answer into the box and hit the blue rectangle
REMEMBER to type it as a numeral like the other answers were!
Click the lighter gray square next to the passcode box to excape!
Errr..I mean escape!

If you need them, the walkthroughs for the other levels are here



       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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