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Hamburger Steak Room Escape Walkthrough

Hamburger Steak Room Escape

Hamburger Steak Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Yum, hamburgers.

FYI, if you hit the English version, it switches to the Croquette Escape.

Can't get in - service temporarily unavailable

I'm just getting a blank screen?

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:09 AM  

@Diana - do you know an alternate link? I can't get in - "Service Temporarily Unavailable". I tried many times to refresh, but nothing works.

I was getting temporarily unavailable but kept trying and was able to get in. But now just have blank screen so I don't know how in I'm in.

Oops - refreshed and now unavailable again.

Cannot figure out code for door Help please

And refreshed again and back in to the blank screen...

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:12 AM  

@LAH: That happened to me, too. Guess we'll have to try later...

Sorry, I don't know of an alternative link :( All the sites I know of link directly.

I guess it's working if Brendan is already at the end.

I'm in!!!


I'll leave the site so someone can slip into my spot hehe.

For door code, each of the blank squares has to add up to the number that is above or to the left of it.

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:14 AM  

@Diana: Thanks anyway.

Just input 110 instead of 109 in URL and you'll access the hamburger escape.

I see 4 numbers on coloured squares, but I don't know the order. I still have a tissue that I didn't use.

Yes its working It seems I was lucky after reading your comments but still stuck with order of numbers

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:15 AM  

I GOT IN! I just hit "play this game" a few times and it finally worked. I guess I got Diana's spot!

Thanks Diana

try this one if you cant get in


Tissue wipes away a dirty spot on the wall next to the floor lamp. Gives the order of the numbers.

I have a calculator, screwdriver (used), cloth, chair (used), and battery. At least I think it's a battery.

The "calculator" is actually a cell phone.

Oh and used blue and one other key.

Service Temporarily Unavailable
what i do? its my favourite game....stuck

Oh! Thanks Diana!

sumali - keep trying. It took some of us a while to get in.

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:19 AM  

blue key behind dresser next to colored key box. Yellow key in little box - you make a picture of a cat-like animal with a long striped tail..

I ALWAYS get stuck at the door code.

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:22 AM  

I don't understand where to use the tissue. I tried the wall next to the floor lamp, but nothing..

For the door code, look at the colored squares with numbers.

Each row/column has to add up to the number that is at the top or to the left. E.g. the square with the 5, the two numbers below it have to add up to 5. For 9, the 2 numbers to the right of it have to add up to 9, etc.

Yellow + blue = 5
Yellow + red = 9
Blue + white = 4
Red + white = 8

The result coud be :
Yellow -> 2
Red -> 7
Blue -> 3
White -> 1
But 2731 is not the right code for the door.

Try to the left of the lamp on the floor. Towards the bottom. It's the lamp in the scene w/ the door.

I did notice that the colors without numbers blend to make the colors with the numbers. So now just have to figure out the right combination of numbers and the color order. Still haven't used the cloth.

You have the right numbers, but the wrong order. Did you see the order on the wall?

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:26 AM  

Thanks Diana, that worked!

Diana, I'm afraid I didn't. I suppose that I have to use the tissue somewhere...

yuppy i go in.....

Game does not load for me ... or plays only for explorer?

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:27 AM  

Red key is in bed scene - I can get more specific if you want.

I didn't see the order on the wall either.

Where to use the cloth:

In the scene with the door, click to the bottom left side of the lamp on the floor.

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:30 AM  

there are at least two different possibilities for the codebox...it could've also been 1354...

And out. Thanks Diana!

Sylli, no, you don't need IE to play this game. But the server is often busy. Last week, I had to wait for 3 days before I could play the croquette escape. This time, I have been more lucky, it worked almost immediately.

George, I guess that we don't use the numbers already written (for instance, 4).

Once out I tried to get back in and got the temporarily unavailable. Hopefully someone else got in on my spot :)

where i use tissue paper?

Diana, I think that I would never have found this hotspot ! Thanks a lot !

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:34 AM  

out! Thanks for all the help! Love these games!

In the scene with the door, click to the bottom left side of the lamp on the floor.

You're welcome all :) Nice to play a live game with you.

door code?

3172 worked for me but it could also have been 2263..but it doesnt work..

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:37 AM  

oh, yes...never thought of that, Pascale..

Door code:


       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:38 AM  

would be two times 2 notty..

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:38 AM  

I never used the cell phone, though.

mmh, stupid game - got perfect end - but still have the i-phone not used???

For the door code, you have to use numbers that aren't already in the colored squares.

The phone is used to scan the bar code in the book. It gives you the picture to make to open the box.

and there are two different possibilities for the code but only one opens the door... (2. number would be: 3154)

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:40 AM  

Guess we use it to call each other to congratulate for being so smart getting out!!!

@ diana: ok, that makes it clear ty

ah thnx :)

thank u diana......

This comment has been removed by the author.
       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:42 AM  

Oh...I never did that. Just figured out the picture by myself..LOL

Me too, star. I made the picture first, then I used the phone.

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 6:43 AM  

ra-kanzlei...Pascale explained that already...no number twice in the box..

Seems like everyone's out. See you next game!

ok bye guys i clear the game,offcourse with ur help,specially diana....thanks

Pascale, thanks for the info!

Now load :-)

that cell phone I think is a remote and can be used on the book from the first scene and it reveals the animal for the jigsaw box.

Anyone still here? Can't find red key

Nevermind. Found it. at last....

5 possibilities for the code.
trial and error is the only way to to get a correct code:D

For the code, you have to use numbers that aren't already in the colored squares. 3172 is the only one that will work.

Xenon, if you consider that you have never twice the same number in the codes of those games, and if you guess that the answer doesn't include any of the known numbers, there is only one solution...

ohh, I never thought of that hahaha.

Can't find red key...Help please

       Anonymous  9/27/09, 11:54 AM  

Red key is in bed scene - on headboard, right

I clicked everywhere on the bed frame and still can't find the red key.

Note you need a screwdriver to open the door panel to enter the code, you can change the ball colors on the wall panel, and that there is a strange image in the book
Take the chair
Go right and take the steak
Click the top of the headboard nearest to you to get the red key
Note the blank picture on the wall
Go right and take the steak
Click on the baseboard to the left of the left chest and get the blue key
Use the blue and red keys and get 2 steaks, a flashlight, and the screwdriver
Go right
Click the baseboard to the left of the tall chest and get the remote
Place the chair under the clock and take the battery
Combine the battery and flashlight
Go right
Use the screwdriver on the door panel
Use the remote on the book image to see the lemur
Go left and recreate the lemur picture on the box on the table
Take the yellow key and go left
Use the key and get the steak and a rag
Go left to the bed scene and use the flashlight on the picture
See the colors for the wall panel
Go left
Click left of the floor lamp and use the rag (it tells you the order for the door code)
Click the wall panel and enter the colors (blue, red, blue, red)
Add numbers to make the numbers given to you in the boxes, but you can’t use the numbers that they already gave you (so don’t use 4,5,8, or 9)
The order of colors if you need it are blue, white, red, yellow
Enter the code in the door and click the circle
Perfect end!

You have to use different numbers, because every number has it's own color. Mix the colors you have to fill in, to get the colors given.
Like red and white make pink, so 7 and 1 make 8 and blue (3) and yellow (2) make green (5) etc.

No credits to me though, wizard Larue spotted that!!!

It was a team effort. Truus gets the credit for working the numbers out.

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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