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Jail Escape 1.1 Walkthrough

Jail Escape 1.1

Jail Escape 1.1 is a new point and click type escape the room game by Makalele2. In this game you have to collect and use items in order to get out from the jail. Game could be impossible to complete if you do something in wrong order. Good luck and have fun!

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am i first?

you have to sign up to play?

i don´t want to be alone! lol

I can't get it to load.

i don´t understand how your supposed to play! do we have to sign in?

can't go left or right, though it looks like it should work.

ah. Finally getting it to load in FF instead of IE. That's backwards lol

mine loaded after refreshing a few times

how did you get it to load Truus?

I've a wire and a hammer but I've no idea what to do

sorry truus, didn´t see your post, mine loaded now, refreshed a couple of times too

it looks like it's broken ??, time is stuck on 3:30. or isn't that the time?? confused here...

It's my first time to post in these, I hate when there's not enough helpful comments!

Also I refreshed my page and the timer stopped so I'm guessing it's very buggy.

are you able to turn left and right?

no - can't turn

Yup. I'm using FF

i can´t go left or right either, i´m in IE

finish ^^

me too nadia

well I died with a wire and plug.

well i don´t have FF so i think i´m about to give up on this game

I could turn in FF. Couldn't even get it to load in IE. I HATE timed games. grrrrrrr

@kitkatfox - did you need to select the wire first? Can you select anything in the inventory or will it automatically select the right object.

it´s really anoying cause wen i try to turn either side i can se for a second the rest of the room

yes, it is annoying! I guess it's not working on IE

good luck to those staying!

I have to select stuff first. I tried smashing the flower pot with the hammer, but can't seem to get anything from it.

oh well i use IE so i can't play. but after reading the description im not too worried.

Description (Game published on 2009-09-24)
Game could be impossible to complete if you do something in wrong order.

yes Sweeti. If you break the floor, you lose your hammer so there is definitely an order to things.

I am getting tired of dying.

       Anonymous  9/24/09, 7:02 AM  

I can't it to load in IE or FF.

I'm out! Easy one :)

anybody playin' ?

@psimon please help! I must be dense today.

you have to deselect the hammer after smashing the plant. Then you're able to get some kind of tape.

ah! got ribbon. Duh

and out. That ending was odd

@dicisimon thanks. I figured it out right before I read your post.

Turn left and take wire from the hook by the sink
Turn left 2 times and click the right front bed leg to find a hammer
Turn right and use the hammer on the flower pot
Deselect the hammer and click the pot to get “ribbon” (I assume it is electrical tape)
Turn left 2 times
Use the hammer on the broken corner floor
Use the wire to fish out the plug
Combine tape and wire
Combine tapped wire and plug
Plug it into the outlet
Click the door until the guard comes and gets electrocuted
You are out!

this game is terrible! cant do anything...stoopid thing

it finaly loaded for me but i couldn't change screens. if i click an arrow the scene shifs then goes back to the cell doors.

Hahahaha....weird ending!

this game is really weird..i didnt follow the correct order so i had to refresh my page to restart.
i didnt get the starting screen, it started straight away and i got the game music as well as free as a bird by beatles playing!!!!
also i couldnt select any of the items!very buggy game!


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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