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Omelette Room Escape Walkthrough

Omelette Room Escape

Omelette Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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coin fountd in picturen above bed, 1 omelette, something to rip paint off

hi Liefie

red key: screwdriver and omelette
blue key: scissors, omelette
pinquin: yellow key: binoculars, omelette

hi HyThere


I'm so there!

reversed C, 5, 3....
use binoculars, and the red paper to make the glasses of binoculars red.... watch red spot on ceiling

Got these two red dots when you cut the paper.

cut red paper into circles, use with binoculars, look at red thing in view where you use the keys.

Use coin to scratch page in book.

see the code in blue, red, yellow, green

The reversed code is actually ESC (just to make it easier :))

Out :)

and out!

Spell ESC on the panel.

Out. For some reason, I had the most trouble finding the red key. I think I searched every room 3 or 4 times, then felt stupid for not finding it sooner.

Om Nom Nom Nom (eating omelettes)

Don't feel stupid for the red key. Seriously, it's a dumb click fest to find it. lol

can somebody hint me on the code for the door?

marlies, try really hard to follow the pattern of all the segement colors. Those dots and lines are actually parts of a number.

I'll give the first one for you, it's 6. Click on the button and mentally trace the lines that make it a six.

i feel reaaly dumb, but i don't get it, the six i can see, but only because you say it.... :(

i mean what do y mean by click the button and mentaly trace the lines that make a six?

a never mind just got it, by clicking the button, lol. thanx very much catalyste!!

Lol, see you'll catch on. It took me a bit to understand it as well.

i just can't find the red key.. help pls..

Trying to get people to think is an art....

The red key is in between the bed and wall. Click closer to the farside of the foot of the bed, I think.

tyvm catalyste.. thought i had clicked all clickable spots! obviously not! lol

Where's the screwdriver?

I swear I can´t find the coin on pic above bed.
Where´s is it? please.

I still dont get it how you got the code number...

Sakura games were my favorite games. They are not anymore. They have become very predictable and repetitive. It's like they aren't even trying... The food item and the end code changes and that's about it! Sad.

I can do all these Sakura games by myself until I get to the door code. I can never see and figure out the numbers. I guess my brain just doesn't process parts or sides of numbers.

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The door code is 6893. To get the code, just click the monitor on the right of the door. Click it three times and record the three sets of colour pattern. Put them together and you will form blue 6, red 8, yellow 9 and green 3.

I agree Henrique, I never found a coin either. The picture above the bed shows a hole in it, but if there is actually a coin somewhere there it is well hidden. Good thing you can solve this game without really using it.

tyty Ruff for code and the explaination!!! WTG

Note the door needs a code and screwdriver, there is a notebook on the floor is grayed out, and a code box is on the wall
Turn right
Take omelet
Note painting on the wall has a dark area
Click under the bed where there is a light streak near the left leg – take the spatula
Click at the end of the bedspread at the right side – take the red key
Use the spatula on the picture to remove the dark spot
Take the coin
Turn left
Use the coin on the notebook to see penguin picture
Turn right 2 times
Click to the left of the bookcase on the baseboard to look behind it – take blue key
Note the red square on the ceiling
Use the blue key – take scissors and omelet
Use the red key – take the omelet and screwdriver
Turn right – take omelet
Click to the left of the tall cabinet on the baseboard to look behind it – take the red sheet
In your inventory, combine the scissors and the red sheet to get two red circles
Click the box on the table – make the image look like a penguin and take the yellow key
Turn left
Use the yellow key and get binoculars and omelet
Combine the two red circles and the binoculars to get ruby-lensed binoculars
Use them on the red spot on the ceiling to see what looks like a backwards C, 5, 3
It is ESC upside down
Turn left 2 times
Click on the wall code box
Enter ESC to see the colored shapes – click the button 3 times to see all the shapes
Put all three versions of each color together and see the door code
Click the door and use the screwdriver
Enter the code and hit the button
Click the door handle – perfect escape

       Anonymous  9/26/09, 9:10 AM  

These are one of my favorite series of escape games!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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