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Lazy Kitchen Escape 2 Walkthrough

Lazy Kitchen Escape 2

Lazy Kitchen Escape 2 is the second episode of Lazy Kitchen, point and click type room escape game from escapegamesland. You are stuck in the kitchen again. Find items and solve puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Have a screwdriver (used), sort of brush, glass, two screws, stick, wrench....

Thx Megi for posting :)))

I fixed the running water under sink and have a glass of water now.

I have screwdriver (used) with screws and handle, wrench (used)now left with glass and a pencil or stick i think also got 2 numbers from the drawer

2 sets of numbers so far and a glass of water

hi all,

glass (used), screwdriver (used), wrench (used), kind of stick, empty coke bottle, 2 screws, a handle
what brush Zazie?

there is a üplace for handle but cant fix it even with the screws stuck now

Now i found handle and fixed it on cupboard, got code.

where's the screw driver?

It was in one of the cupboards in the second right view i guess.

how to fix cupboard? have 2 screws and handle, but it wont work

- enter color code above the mixer machine...get empty coke bottle

Screwdirver is when you click the basket on kitchen right side of toaster.

Drag screws on handle....

i can't open any of those cupboards, I can only zoom in on the missing handle...

first use screw on the handle (i used right screw first)

thx zazie

have now 2 number codes, stick and bottle

you can combine the stick and mop head to create a mop and mop up the puddle on the floor to get 2 numbers.

3 number codes...left with stick...hm

used glass of water on the green flowers, another code

the collorcode for kitchen, little drawers=

blue yellow red pink

gives you a bottle

cool where is mop head :-)

Fill bottle in sink

you can water the plant to get 2 numbers.

and out

fill bottle in sink then put on the scales to get another 2 numbers what to do with the stick thing

have stick screw driver used glass, have two screws...cant find handle

mop head in very bottom right hand cupboard in the view top the right of the main kitchen.

Put full water bottle on balance, another code

combine stick with mop. Mop the water on the floor.

the handle is in the second view when you click right once on the tray with the black, pink aand gray things, where is the second screw?

I cannot remeber where handle was but probably around the two bottles on upper shelf.

One screw is in the left table leg.

used mop but where is drawer handle

the other one on the shelf above the table (to the left)

have all 4 codes - working on door

Kathy, the handle is in the second view when you click right once on the tray with the black, pink aand gray things,

out - good game

i think one screw on shelf in table view and one on chair or table leg

How annaby, what is the right sequence ?

what are the two numbers under the puddle, because after I used the mop and saw numbers I zoomed out and the puddle reappeared but I had lost the mop. :(

what order do you put the code in on door?

got handle thanks

door code
top 54
bottom 76
middle rows are 41 & 73 - I didn't note which order worked

sarah 4-1

nevermind got it and out sarah the number from the puddle was 43

sorry 41

Code for me was :
5/3 but still looking for the right order

whoops - top row is 53, not 54

first screen: top left, wrench
click toaster: screwdriver
click below sink: leaking pipe
ground,under toaster: water spill
right of window:colorful capped condiments(cantpickup)
in sink:glass, and a screwed drain? (cannot retrieve screw with wrench or screwdriver)

thanx :)

i think it was 5-3

5-3 is on top and 7-6 on bottom (see the shapes of the boxes they are in). The other two you have to try.


under sink: use of wrench to stop leak
leftmost, darkgreen long cabinet: wooden pole

Well ok i am out...
Sequence is :

I don't know how to get water : there is a screw in the sink, and I have nothing to remove it.

ah, all together answering at the same time LOL

That's not a screw, you have to click the dark green door under the sink, use wrech there and than you can take water from the sink, to fill your glass and bottle

to the right scene, with the mixer, can click knobs above mixer to glow colors? (except 2nd one, which seems to be missing)

I think i used glass under sink when water was not yet fixed, but not sure.

Second one you must click after having done the color code.

@blackcat, yes, second will be open if the others are the right collors.

blue yellow red pink

@blackcat the order for the colours is on the rack thing on wall above the sink

Thanks a lot, Carola ! Where is the code 4 - 1, please ?

@Pascale, mean wrench of corse, lol typo

can take glass to the faucet, to get water, to use with the green floor plant to get another part of code

@pascale, I thought that code was on the kitchenfloor, use nop on the water wat's on the floor,

nop combinate with stick, nop is in the bottom right closet of kitchen

<<feels stupid, thank you guys. these lazyboy games are just brain rackers

Don't worry, Carola, I understood what you meant !
My codes are :
5 3
7 3
7 6

I found one in the drawer, another on a leaf and another one near to the scales.

don't know if I nop is the right englis word for it, but the thing for cleaning the floor ;)

oh dear, don't know what wrong with me, but all those typo's, sorry all!

Thank you again, Carola ! I had the pole, but I missed the mop !

yw! ;)

Hi all. Still live? Let's see if I can catch up.

And out, yay. And I only peeped a bit. Nice graphics.


- Click the left cupboard and take the stick. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the top of the left cupboards and take the wrench. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the wooden basket in front of the left window. Take the screwdriver on the top middle of your screen. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the sink. Take the glass and zoom out.
- Zoom in on the cupboard below the sink. Use your wrench to repair the tubes. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the sink and fill your glass with water (use it on the tap). Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the rack to the right of the windows. Notice the colors (Blue, Yellow, Red, Pink). Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the top of the cupboards below the bottles. Take the handle from the black thing. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the bottom right cupboard and take the head of the mop. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the mixer and click the grey buttons above it untill they have the colors Blue, Yellow, Red and Pink. Click the black button and take the bottle. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the sink and fill the bottle with water. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the balance/scales and put your bottle on it. See the numbers 5 and 3. They have no line on the bottom so they are the top part of the code. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the plant in the corner. Give it water with your glass. See the numbers 7 and 6. They have no line on the top so they are at the bottom of the code. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the right chair in front of the table. Use your screwdriver to get the screw. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the wooden shelfs on the left wall and take the second screw. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the water on the floor (left). Combine your stick and the head of the mop and use it on the water and see the numbers 4 and 1. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the darker green drawer (second from the bottom). Put the right (from your inventory) screw on the handle and then the left one. Put the handle with screws on the drawer and see the numbers 7 and 3. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the door and see the number/code pad. We know the 5 and 3 go on top and 7 and 6 on the bottom. The other two you have to try, but the second is 4 and 1 and the third is 7 and 3. Put in, click the red knob and you're out.

       Anonymous  12/28/09, 10:41 AM  

Good one. Not a pixel hunt and cleaver !!

Yea! Out all by myself!

This one is easy, too. Thanks for the game.

Oh, almost missed this one.
This game is not posted in the Room Escape forum for some reason. Maybe someone should have it checked :(

Thanks Megi, I really enjoyed this one.

And I even finished it without cheating :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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