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Dinx - Mystery Mansion Walkthrough

Dinx - Mystery Mansion

Dinx - Mysterious Mansion is another new point and click type adventure game made by Selfdefiant for Flonga. In this game, you try to escape the house by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Get a key from mail box

Anyone here?

a Flonga game! I'm sure I'll get lost without a map. I always do in these lol.

Got apple, pot, put water in pot, put apple in pot, can't take it back.

hey everyone.

       Anonymous  1/27/10, 10:40 AM  

Code boxes everywhere upstairs.

Hmm, I'm in the house and got lot's of stuff, but no progress on the codes so far.

Put pot on stove, still can't take it back.

Have yellow ball and paper with colored shapes.

Enter colored rooms is easy, but more codes. I havent time yo play it. Bye

I wanna play pool. Where are the sticks and balls?

use chopsticks to get key from pot

Use hose in pool to drain and get a penknife

Ah, got black ball.

Cut lemon with knife

tryin to catch up!

Got `pink and white keys

paper with codes for doors in the bck garden room on ground floor, room left of piano

Where's the pink key cece?

lots of stuff in the bedrooms. use powder from the pink room for fingerprints on safe to get red glasses

Pink key in pink room

Got another pot. It's already full of water, bug?

Of course!!! Thanks cece.

Wich pot has key pleaase?

And I got it. Now, where to use them both?

pink key is in the pink bedroom (dont remember the colour door), behind the chair next to the mirror desk

i have cutted lemon, note paper with coloured symbols and number and a magnifier.
And now? :)

Where is white key? I think it goes in cupboard in the gaden room?

Currently sitting with pink and white keys and glasses. All colour codes used from paper and I have a pot of water. Stuck.

put lemon on book in yellow room
get ben

In green room BOB in red

Use the magnifier in the green room at the end of the bed. It gives you a mans name.

MG go bed in green room

Good one rocker. So, Bob and Ben. I'd love it if it was Bill and Ben. flobalob

White key in pool table when you put black ball

hi...just started. hope to catch you guys

got white keys from the pool table after putting in black ball. Got brown key from the pot of water (after you cook the apple). Brown keys to open cupboard in garden room.get hose

Anyone managed to open the safe in the yellow room?

Use glasses on red patch on code book, got number for keypad in bathroom. Opens key box, used pink and white key, need yellow and green key.

red room use powder on key pad get glasses

blue room sorry

@dogwood. Brilliant.

stuck, got ben and bob. through all the rooms, got red glasses from safe, and pink and white key?

Out! That was fairly easy. Only difficulty was with where to use the red glasses.

Ohh, boll**cks, I clicked the ad on the right. Okay, I'll start again and catch up. Grrrr

got green and yellow key hint: use names you found

TY ieneske

Acmer, where did you find yellow and green keys?

Oh, it saved my game :)

I can't remember what was where :(

Ben and Bob go in the same room you find them (if I remember correctly). Powder to the numberless pad.

where to use keys?

4 keys needed on the last door. It was probably in the bathroom.

Good game. Out. Very enjoyable.

why cant i find where to use the keys?! am i missing a room?

Out. TY all.

rocker: white bathroom

rocker, I also can't find the ohter keys, stuck, my brain is no longer working

BOB and BEN gives you yellow and green keys. Try it in every code pad, I dont remember where

I need more than a hint for green and yellow keys

o god duh lol. what key are you missing and what do you have?

What do you need dog?

And out. Nice one!

did you unlock the safes in the rooms with names?

im gonna go through it with you again dog i cant quite remember how i got them

Some safes. I dont remember color room

oh rats, clicked wrong button, have to start over. where is the apple?

In green room, move chest of drawers to reveal safe and get green key.

Apple in dinner room

@kathy, don't start new game, just click play, there's an automatic save built in.

cece, thanks will go look again

yellow key behind safe in yellow room. Use the name from the book ... green key in green room. the end of the bed has squiggly lines put the manifying glass from the white bathroom mirror on it. use that name for the safe.

I had to leave and now it didn't save my game, I don't know if I have time to go again.:(

lol,I though that was a lime

Nothing happens when I try to press in the ben or bob on either pads?

Not sure what´s the cause iAneske. When you out in the code in the right box you should zoom out n there´s a key instead. Maybe the order is important as well?

and out by myself

The yellow and green keypads could be a bug, when I had to restart (yes, I couldn't resist) everything worked fine. Nothing happened on those 2 keypads the first time. Maybe volker is right and I did things in a different order the second time. Anyway, great fun playing a live game, it happens so seldom.

@rambler, all I seen was start or new game, but thanks anyway, now i can't remember where anything is at,lol.think i will come back to it later.bye all

Hi all, a little late to catch this on live, but out without a problem. Have a nice day/evening!!

Now that was an enjoyable game but still needed help finding the code for the bathroom safe as I had forgotten the red text in the book. Thanks for the help everyone!

well, I got called away and just got back to finish the game. Easy out without help. I didn't even need a map this time. Cute game

what are the door codes?

Door codes are all in a sheet of paper found in the garden (right door from music room)

how do the shapes relate to numbers?

@Mike, you have to put that paper in the book in the room with all the books to get the numbers on that paper.


Click start, Click next on the text box, Click the arrow that pops up under the big arrow, Walk to the door and open the door (click arrow), Open the next door, Click the pc screen and close the text box after reading.

GO LEFT (2x), you're outside, GO RIGHT (2x), you're in front of the big house.
- Click the mailbox to zoom in. Click the horizontal slot on the mailbox. Click the black square and take the Gate Key.
- Zoom in on the lock in the gate and use your key to open it.
- Go to the door, click the black/grey brick to the left and take the Door Key.
- Zoom in on the keyhole and use your key in it and click the handle to open the door. Go in the house.

Two Stairs View
GO LEFT, Books Room View
- Take the Tongs from the left table. Look in the book on the right table. Codes you can't use yet.

- Zoom in on the mirror on the right. Click it to open it and take the Magnifier.

- Take the Lemon from the cupboard on the left.

GO OUT, GO RIGHT, Table View
- Take the Wax Apple from the table.

- Take the Pot from the backwall. Fill the pot with water. Put the pot on the stove. Put the apple in the pot. Use the tongs to take the Brown Key from the pot.

- Take the Note with color codes from the floor.
- Zoom in on the cupboard. Use your brown key to open it and take the Hose.

GO OUT, GO DOWN, GO RIGHT, Swimming Pool View
- Use the hose on the tap on the left wall. Take the Knife from the pool.

- Put your lemon on the cutting board and use your knife on it and take the Sliced Lemon.

GO OUT, GO DOWN, GO LEFT Books Room View
- Open the book and use your code paper on it to get the numbers on the code paper.

- Enter the yellow door on the left (use the number behind the yellow shapes on your paper).
- Open the book on the table and use your sliced lemon on it to see BEN.
- Click the mirror/picture and it falls down. Zoom in on the code box and click BEN (236) and take the Yellow Key.

GO OUT, Enter the green door (use code from paper).
- Zoom in on the scribblings on the front of the bed and use your magnifier on it and see Bob.
- Clcik the left side of the cupboard to move it away. Zoom in on the code box and click BOB (262) and take the Green Key.

GO OUT, Enter the pink door (use code from paper).
- Take the Powder from the table.
- Click the chair to move it and take the Pink Key.

GO OUT, GO DOWN, GO UP RIGHT STAIRS, Enter the blue door.
- Click the cupboard to move it away and zoom in on the code box.
- Use the powder on the buttons and click the buttons where you see the finger prints. Take the Red Glasses.

GO OUT, Enter the red door (use code from paper).
- Take Black Ball from the table. You can go through to the hole in the wall to enter the other room but there is nothing.

- Put your black ball on the table and take the White Key.

GO OUT, GO DOWN, GO LEFT, Books Room View
- Open the book on the table and use your red glasses on the red square and see the Last Code (96069).

GO OUT, GO UP RIGHT STAIRS, Enter white door, Bathroom 2 View
- Click the towel on the backwall and zoom in on the code box. Put in the last code and the white cupboard will move.
- Zoom in on the new door, put in all 4 keys. Click the handle, go in the new room, click the picture and you're out.

lol sneak. You beat me again at the walkthrough :P

lol, it seems impossible to beat you @kitkatfox at a hidden numbers or letters game, so I tried an even harder chalenge by trying to beat you on a walkthrough and for once I did.
No, just joking, didn't think you were going to write one and it's not a game. We're doing it to help and that's all.

@SneakSnake I know. I was just being silly. I don't make writing walkthroughs as a competition. It is a way to help others. I am not really a very competitive person.

If it bothers you, I'll stop joking about it. :)

No, keep joking, I like it. After the game is finished and a walkthrough is there we can waste some comment space for fun etc.

@Sneak and @kitkat I havent been able to beat any of you with the walkthroughs today...lol, so I just had to try the hidden numbers :)

Will have a look at this game now.

@SneakSnake good. I'm glad my being silly didn't hurt any feelings. I didn't want you to think that I really trying to race you.

@Ellie lol!

It was a nice game with plenty of codes. Easy to figure out with lots of clues. I wish there was a map. Not so many rooms, but I kept forgetting how to find them.

I rarely comment, however, I really enjoyed this simple game. It is nice to see a game from Melting Minz and Flonga. Hats off to the creater.

out without help, this game was nice, lots of rooms, and lots of codes (although they were all very easy and didnt take much thinking about).

i liked it overall, but a bit on the easy side.

and @ellie

lol if you got lost in this game, if i ever finish my new game youll REALLY be lost, at least once you unlock the elevator and a lot of rooms get visitable at once :P but, i do plan on including maps of each floor within the game, although theyll probably need to be unlocked too.

still not sure i can ever finish it though... and these last few days ive been taking a much needed break from working on it.

To put the codes in BOB and BEN, I had to press on the B and O and B itself, and not just on the number.. Enjoyed the game

Im going to draw myself lots of maps on my own on your new game unless its included:D That's what I used to do in for example SSSG (super sneaky spy guy) games and Dream House. Even if there are maps included I need to mark places for codes etc that I want to return to. If I dont draw the maps I find the places eventually, but i always go to all of the wrong rooms first...lol!

lol well youll probably need to do it, seeing as im aiming to make a longer game with more rooms/frames than even dream house

trying to make a game that will take 2 or 3 days to beat with all 5 endings. already got 1 ending up, but thats because its a dark end youre meant to find pretty early on anyways :P

saving will be a MUST in my game, not just because of the endings, but because you will be able to die in various places in my new game (you couldnt in the 1st one)

also would be a good idea to use more than 1 save file, just in case, and luckilly adventure makers save feature actually creates a physical file (not just a cookie) so you can have more than 1 save.

Very nice game, but a bit too easy :) Out without help.

Out without helps!
I loved this game...easy but challenging!

i liked this game!

i done it woo hoo

very easy with your help thank you guys!!

WTF!!! Flonga picture in the end >.< I could've drawn that, AND IT WAS EXPENSIVE?!?!?

i dont get it i cant find the tongs

Once you're inside the mansion's main hall, you have 5 different paths to take: one ahead of you, 2 by going up the stairs, and another 2 by the sides... take the one to the left into the library and find the metal tongs on the left side table.

solved with a little help from the WT

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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