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Hajimemashite Walkthrough


Hajimemashite is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Rain-Lens. Try to escape the house by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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Hajimemashite Video Walkthrough

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there was a piece of paper too to the left of the stairs somewhere that said 449 ???

the 2941 in the flowerpot - could that have something to do with the sword in the first room? probably not...

Full, my oldest is behind in school and had moved, so we're trying to get him back on track. He'd rather play computer games and not turn in homework......other one's in Kindergarten. Two more years for youngest to be in school before I can breathe. By then, I'm outta school (couple more years from now)!!

oh well.. gonna go. babys awake anyways. good luck everyone!!

maybe not by the stairs...im confused lol

I count 6 deer, 12 fish, and 8 birds

No combination of those numbers worked.

Maybe we have to add all the numbers/counts?

I have too much to do....bye VA folk lol

I only found;
9 fish
4 birds
4 reindeer
4 cards

brb, need to make lunch for kids....Does the 5 made from flowers be part of a code? (from bird's view)

say hi to Bella, sam!

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 9:38 AM  

Where exactly do you place the tablet?

my count broken down

Room 1: one bird and one deer

Room 2: five fish and 1 bird

Room 3: 3 fish, 4 birds, and 3 deer

Room 4: 1 bird, 1 deer, and 2 fish

Fishtank room: 2 fish, 1 deer

Upstairs of the little house: 1 bird

The order of the pictures is;

I think we need to add the cards as well.

@full on the rock left of the topiary plants

after middle door, take the view with the duck, 2 fish and the deer. Its in the view to the left.

Counted the same kitkatfox...not working.

cards add to 26, right?

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 9:41 AM  

Thanks Kitkatfox/Yvon..

The tablet says:
Tree (pull) ->
Flower (break) ->
Deer (hang) ->
Bird (add) ->
Grass (hang) ->

The verbs, besides "add", make no sense to me.

122668 and 12468 don't work

Think so as well kkf. If Q counts as 12. Tried to put 4912 in front and end of code as well. No use.

according to Bernard's previous translation (thx Bernard!) it seems we need to work on the fire next since we've played with the Earth already. I wish I could grab that vase of water and put the fire out to get some gold!

tree was 449
Flower was 5
deer is 6
bird is 8
grass is ?
Fish is 12

Grass might be 4912? Found in grass...

I googled some japanese symbols for the blue tablet...

fish = 魚
bird = 鳥
Water = 水
flowers = 花

100 stuck.. major language barrier?:p
havn't red any comments yet tho, since I were way to late

duh! nevermind! grass was the pot number

tree was 449
Flower was 5
deer is 6
bird is 8
grass is 2941
Fish is 12

tree 木
grass grass

@Kitkatfox and Volker: The password on the aquarium is not related to the cards. For the password on the door, read my comment on the first page.

grass 草

Wouldn't that mean to make some algebra maybe?
add, break(divide), pull/hang (substract/multiply or viceversa)?

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Tree (pull) -> multiply
Flower (break) -> divide
Deer (hang) -> subtract
Bird (add) -> add
Grass (hang) - subtract?


so now we have to do some math i suppose
pull is -
break /
but hang?

Sorry, hadn't seen your post Bernard

I'm in the room after I used hammer, got stone, moon and star reading thingy

@Marcus get the brush

and we need to figure out the black claw/hand thing....

Anyone has any luck activating the dragon's hand (the black object on the roof of the small house) yet? There's a note on the front wall of the house that says "to borrow the power of the dragon, one must put the precious stone in its hand".

Maybe the claw has something to do with getting of giving the sword!?

We probably get something to put in the claws after we find the code...

449 - 5 / 6 * 8 + 2941 * 12 = SPOILER42396SPOILER

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 9:56 AM  

Guess the claw/hand thingy has to be pulled out with something from the safe in the very first room

there are too many math symbols unless the first one means the number is negative. just as an example:

Tree x Flower / Deer - Bird + Grass - need something here to subtract

get crystal ball, place it in hand and you're... OUT!

edgar! I love you!!!

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 9:57 AM  

I´m stumped Edgar, very very good job there ;.)

Way to go @Edgar, congrats.

and out!!

And out! Thanks kitkatfox and everyone else!

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 9:58 AM  

And the ball goes....?

Meh, I quit! I was 220 comments late on this game:D I got into second, third, forth room.. then I was stuck with ladder in water thingy.. :P

Oh, sorry, Edgar broke the code...great job.

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 9:59 AM  

Ah, on the claw..

thanks @kitkatfox, but would never have done it without you! I never counted the items, I just used your numbers! So, thank you back!!

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 10:00 AM  

Nice game, you´re my ( our) hero Edgar

@Marcus the ladder is almost last!

Great Game,

Now we have to convince @Suicune to come back playing games. This is proof we solve it together and we need him too.

i was trying to catch up but by that time edgar had posted the final code lol
thnx to everyone for help.i'm out!!

excellent Edgar! while I was mudging around on the internet looking for japanese mathematical terms, you solved the problem! Thanks!

Great one, Edgar!!!

Damn, what an ending!
Except the language barrier it was a nice game!

Thanks guys! Let's see what else there is!

Thank you Edgar!!

I agree @SneakSnake, EG24 team does it again! And Suicune is an important part of it.

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 10:03 AM  

Thanks all, have a nice evening

I wish I knew how the picture with the DNA is connected to everything, though!

Edgar! You are great!

Out! Thanks Edgar!

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 10:05 AM  

Thanks Edgar AND Kitkatfox, clever thinking there the 2 of you

A very good game indeed. I'm starving now guys. Hope to see you later... take care wherever you are and whatever you do ;)

Hi! I haven't been able to play, but I am following the comments. You have all done great, struggling together! @Edgar... amazing! You are a true genious in breaking math codes!

And I agree.. Suicine needs to keep on playing.. I can't count the many times his comments and hints helped me through games!!

So Suicine.. keep playing and posting!!!

also, my compliments to the game's makers; very clever and creative!

@Virgina Sketchers: The story of this games is that you were going through the process before you were born (perhaps your soul travels to your body riding a dragon?)

Yeah, I found the sun in book, placed all, got key, house.. pincers, handkerchife, wet it, lamp, next room, lever, etc.. out to :P

And...@kitkatfox, I wouldn't call you mediocre...LOL!

should I do the walkthrough?

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 10:12 AM  

Yes kitkatfox, for the ones joining in later.

yes @kitkatfox, do write.
You, @Edgar and @Bernard did it in this game, so you or @Bernard (@Edgar is eating).

oaky starting a walkthrough. I was just making sure someone else wasn't doing one!

just dawned on me. We never got the coin from the fire. I bet there is another ending.

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 10:24 AM  

You´re right Kitkatfox, that view wasn´t used , i tried melting the ball for the claw there first but 8ofcourse) to no avail

You're right @kitkatfox, maybe after we had the crystal, we could have taken the cup of water in the second room.

I'm stuck in the second room. I have got a crescent moon and some kind of blue stone with holes. I have seen 2 playing cards. How do I enter the 3rd room ?

@Pascale, you have to put in code from the cards; 36512

       Anonymous  1/31/10, 10:49 AM  

Pascale, get the glue as well wich you put in the black "thing" in the cupboard. At the right of the cupboard you find a stick wich you connect to that black thing to obtain a hammer

If you are not at the screen that has the orange/red picture with the DNA helix on it, then click game in the menu

When the small picture comes up, click start
The game takes quite a while to load. Then click start

In the blue wall cabinets view, get the blue tablet from the table.
If you click it in your inventory and hit about item, you can see it has writing on it and holes in it

Open the left bottom cabinet – get the glue
Open the bottom cabinet second from left and note the duck decoy
Open the bottom cabinet second from right and note the dark spot on the back wall
Note the bottom right cabinet doesn't open because of a lock
Note the top cabinets has a hole for a sun in it

Click the table against the left wall and see a book on playing cards
Click right of the book and find the queen of hearts (you can't take it)

Click the small table against the right wall – note the flower pot

Turn around using the blue down arrow

Note the blocked door
Click the red cabinet on the left wall
Click to the right of the cabinet and find a wooden handle
While there, note the red deer
Back up
Zoom in on the red cabinet again and open it by clicking the gold handle
Put glue in the black thing
Add the wooden handle and get the hammer

Use the hammer on the blocks in front of the door
Get the leftmost rock piece
Turn around
Open the second cabinet from the right
Use the rock on the back wall and get the old key

Turn around and enter room 2
Click the left pool of water
Note the fish in the pool
Also note the chalice of water
Click the picture in the upper left corner of this view
Get the paintbrush

Back up 2 times
Click the right pool of water
Note the ladder (but you can't go down it yet)
While in this view, click the frame in the upper right corner
See the five of clubs

Back up and zoom in on the left set of doors
Note the bird
Use the key on the door and enter room 3

Note the fish in the painting, the painting of the 3 of spades, the deer in the painting, the deer on the stand, and the birds in the painting

Zoom in on the fireplace
Click the mantle and see the six of diamonds

Click the book on the table
Flip the left pages over until you find the sun
Close the book view using the orange box
Back up four times and turn around so you are looking at the blue wall cabinets in the first room again
Zoom in on the flowerpot
Use the brush and get the moon
Back up and click the top blue cabinet

Place the sun and moon – you see you need a star
Turn around and enter the second room
Zoom in on the middle doors and see it has a codebox
Enter the code based on the cards. I got it by brute force, but Bernard translated the clues in the game. And I quote:
From the book in the first room:
Spades = Sword (Knights)
Heart = Grail (Priests)
Club = err.. Club (Peasants)
Diamond = Money (Merchants)

From the book that contains the sun:
First came the spirit of Earth, the Gnome
Second came the spirit of Fire, Salamanda
Third, came the spirit of wind, Sylph
Last, came the spirit of water, Undine

Then note the various items in the rooms:
A grail containing water
A painting with wind (kaze), windmills and a word (fuusya) and a club (konbou)
A pot of soil, with a sword shape
Firepiece with gold (money) inside

Combined with the cards (Q=12), you should get the password.”


Enter the fourth room (outside – kind of)
Click the left arch
Note the deer, fish and bird
Click the left rock
Place the blue tablet there and see a clue I can't read
Get the star from the bottom left corner of the rock
Back up 2 times

Click the right arch
Note the locked door
Click the tree left of the stairs – note the number card (thanks afime, I missed this view)
Back up
Click the stairs
Note the bird at the top
Click left of the left wall and look down
See the rag you can't reach and note the flower number (thanks for this view volker. I missed it)
Back up
Turn right
Note the hand

Go left and back up down the stairs
Back up 4 times and turn around
Zoom in on the top blue cabinet and place the star
Get the second key

Back up and turn around
Go back out the middle doors of the second room and to the white door by the stairs
Use the key to enter
Note the fish in the aquarium
The aquarium stand needs a code number
Click right of the aquarium and find the tongs
Back up and turn around
Note the deer
Click the pot of grass turf on the shelf – see more numbers
Bernard translated the clues to mean
The tablet says:
Tree (pull) ->
Flower (break) ->
Deer (hang) ->
Bird (add) ->
Grass (hang) ->

we know that the numbers were
tree was 449
Flower was 5
deer is 6
bird is 8
grass is 2941
Fish is 12

Edgar did his great math code breaking and got 449 - 5 / 6 * 8 + 2941 * 12 = SPOILER42396SPOILER

Get the gold key
Back up and go out the white door
Go up the stairs
Click left of the wall and get the handkerchief (be sure to click to take it!)
Back up until you are in the second room where you can see all the doors
Click the right door
Use the handkerchief on the lamp (pot thing) by the door and find a genie!
Click the genie and he will open the doors for you

Go into the room and click the red cabinet
See a peg inside, but you don't have anything for it yet
Back all the way into the first room again

Use the key on the bottom right blue cabinet and get the handle
Enter the second room and go into the right (genie doors)
Use the handle on the peg inside the cabinet
Click the handle to move it right

Back out into the second room
The right pool is now empty!
Click the ladder to go down
Turn around and click the door to open in
Get the power orb

Go out of the empty pool, go through the middle doors and to the white door by the stairs
Click to climb the stairs
Go right and place the orb in the dragon's paw to escape!

I tried using the dragon orb in the fire and to get the water, but no luck. Maybe I should have tried in the flower pot with the sword image?

Awesome walkthrough! [=)

Good job @kiktatfox and no, the flower pot doesn't work. I'm stilling running around with my orb and I'm trying it on everything.

stilling? still!

I gave up, I think there is no second ending.
Inventory is full, so nothing more to pick up and tried the orb everywhere.

I'm making a game of my own, finally got my puzzle to work.. after like, 280 lines of code. FOR ONE PUZZLE.. imagine that. :D

Tho, it's a slight bug.. if you press the correct positions, and then click one more square.. it will bug.. /: don't know how to fix that:>

Is this game still live? I'm stuck at the door with the genie!!! Any clues as to what the code under the fish tank is?

Finally I got to play this game, and I really enjoyed it. I needed several hints, thank you for the walkthrough @kitkatfox, excellent one! Thank you all other escapers that contributed to the solution of this game! I don't think there is another ending either, the coins, sword, etc are only there as hints for solving the first code.

@private Spoon, no its not live anymore, and kitkatfox wrote and excellent walkthrough. Have a look at it for the code.

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I placed the moon and the sun, does anyone know where the star is please help

nvm i found the star

blue thing with holes in the rock where was the star, left to the big animals

kkf: great work for your WT!! I dont know you post also in spanish page!

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sorry about that guys, i was just a bit depressed. i needed to chill out i went back to bed, and just got up now and just read all your comments now, nice to see you escaped.

i think zoz is right, im putting too much pressure on myself- im starting to expect way too much of myself due to past successes and when i dont live up to my own expectations of myself, i begin to think i suck at these games and my confidence crumbles to the ground. i start thinking i cant do anything good anymore, and having a hard time just finding a mere handkerchief really got to me, although i know i probably shouldnt have let it.

people can try to tell me im a good player in an attempt to cheer me up, but i think to really feel better i have to somehow prove to myself i ACTUALLY AM still good at these games, and havent lost my touch, but thats hard when my confidence is shot like this.

idk... i just think its been far too long since i actually solved anything hard by myself... i couldnt even solve that last sakura code and it was so easy in the end. mabye the only reason i was good before was beginners luck rofl.

Suicune, I wish I could send this by email but I don't know how to reach you. I know that you are young - I'm not (lol) - and I can tell you that it really isn't important to be good at these games. They are GAMES after all, and meant to be PLAYED. Playing is supposed to be fun! So let others be "first!" every once in a while and take a back seat like an elder statesman sometimes and just enjoy the fun of watching a live game unfold.
I know that you can be the best at whatever it is you set out to do - I've seen that in you many times over. Why not apply yourself to something more meaningful (idk, medicine, philosophy, philanthropy?) and excel there? I'm confident you will shine!

I know what you mean and how you feel. Its sad that things are like this at the moment. You already thought about what zoz said and thats a good start.
I could go on telling you what you mean to these games, and how fun it is to play live with you and read all of you comments, but as you said, that wont give you your confidence back.
Just try to remember that the only person judging you if you can't find that item or solve that code first is you! Noone else thinks that you suck or that you lost your touch. It is actually just good to know that you are a normal person that sometimes need help from us lol.
I think what this community is about is to help each other, and that includes both to give and to recieve help. Thats the way we do, and thats how we solve these games. Noone is good at everything, and here are so many bright people playing.
I just know that I like to see you here and I hope that you get over those depressive thoughts. Might be an idea to play the games live, but not writing any comments for some games? Just be a lurker until you get your confidence back, because the pressure of being first is what prevents you from seeing the solutions. Not that you lost your luck!
I hope to see you happy soon again in another live game without your preassure on yourself!!

And reading zoz comment...I totally agree!

well im not really good at anything, cept mabye games (so i thought), so i guess thats what lead me here in the 1st place (before anyone knew me), or else i probably would already have been doing something else with my life.

btw how do you know how young or old i am? :P


yea mabye i should just do what xenon does lol, idk...

1. I echo everything Ellie said
2. I assume you are younger that me because most people are (lmao)!
3. I absolutely do not believe that you aren't good at anything else. I couldn't play your game because I have a Mac, but judging from all the comments, it was quite a masterpiece. That means you must be very good at graphics, at programming, and don't even get me started on you math skills and mastery of logic!
4. Stop selling yourself so short. If you keep it up, we might just get tired of arguing and agree with you (tough love :o)


lol my game has no graphics, i only wish you could have played it to see for yourself. it was well liked because of other reasons, not graphics. it did not even have sound or animations, the only thing it had going for it was that it was a bit challenging and long. if not for that, it would have been a worthless game.

and im not a good programmer, the only reason i was able to make that game as good as it was, was because i used a software called adventure maker that made game making "easy-mode", since i didnt have to deal with actionscript or anything that flash uses. if i tried to make the same game in flash, it would have failed miserably and been more buggy than 123bee games (just imagine!), and thats even if i was lucky enough to complete making the game. i know my limits. even prid once said that its harder to make a game with flash than with adventure maker, and i know hes right.

not trying to argue with you or anything, i just think i dont deserve to be called a programmer, because i didnt actually code anything cept mabye a few number code chest scripts (which even THOSE i could not have done without mystery's help anyways). the game engine did most of the coding for me, and this is the truth. all i did was create the frames/pictures and upload them to the game engine, create hotspots connecting them, and create a few (easy!) variables and inventory items. anyone could do that, once they learn how to use adventure maker. if i really was a good programmer id be using flash.

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Geez, you know, before these words have being read by you (if you are) I had to delete a bunch.. almost two paragraphs of cheering and understanding stuff, but maybe this is not the right place or the right way to do it. I agree with @Ellie and @zoz... and like zoz said, I wish I had another way to reach you or to e-mail you (and some others of course) to let you know what I think in order to give you a little help BACK.
Just keep in mind that EG24 is a team... the best one I know... and that you're a very important part of it. You are a pillar! And many people here (me included) feel more confident and have more fun in our everyday escaping just by knowing you are there with us.
nuff' said.

thanks edgar

Agreeing with Edgar as well!
I too wish that I had another way of reaching you. If you want, just send me an e-mail (it's in my blog).
Remember what you said in a comment in a previous game; this is not just about playing, but communicating and having fun together! I don't care if you solve a code for me or not, but i do enjoy having you here and i miss you when you are not playing (and that is not because i want you to help me escape).

sorry for making everyone worry like this, now i just feel guilty on top of everything else. ill try to keep a calmer mind in the next live game i catch, thanks everyone for the support though.

and yes i will drop you an e mail.

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This comment has been removed by the author.

There is always the EG24 chat room for real time talk. ;-)


being a non-public issue, i think this is better reserved for e mails like we have started to do. im not really a fan of that chatbox anyway, but thanks for the offer

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am i on dial up again? this is slow.

Okay, I was desperate to finish so I searched for other sites with advice: http://dany58.over-blog.com/article-hajimemashite--44011089-comments.html - here in the comments section, one person said: "449-5 / 6 * 8 + 2941 * 12 = 42,396 lol okay I cheated, lol"

After that I worked the rest out myself. The code reveals a key beneath the aquarium, which opens the locked cupboard in 1st room, which reveals a wrench, which is used as a lever in the cupboard in 5th room (the one opened by the genie), which drains the pool, which reveals another cupboard which contains a purple ball, which gets placed in the upturned claws on the roof (right past the kingfisher), which sends the whole scene tumbling down to reveal a dragon. The game ends with some more story telling - but I have no idea what the tale is!

I never used the cup of water, nor the flaming coins :(

just so you know, that code was solved by Edgar and "cheated" by whomever posted it at the other site... check the post from 31/01/10 at 18:56 above

whats up with all the people cheating others work lately? i was notified that all our walkthroughs are being stolen by a rival site too (without permission or giving credit to us or EG24) :/

This game is horrible... thanks for all the help, though.

lol cece I didn't know I posted there either. How is my Spanish?

This is going too way farther every time, and becoming more and more uncomfortable. I remember when we were playing Unearth 3 and were stuck without a clue on how to go on. Someone posted the address of a Spanish-speaking escape games site and I offered myself to go there to look for an answer, but quite unnecessary since we moved forward first. Since then I sometimes visit that site and I've noticed that in some games someone comes with a solved code almost immediately it's been posted here... and saying he/she did the solving, even when usually can't say where that pass came from or the reasoning they used to have it when they're asked! And that's fine to me at certain point... but stealing the walkthroughs without giving credit to the site they came from or the people who spent time and effort to write them? It's just too much. Pathetic.

totally agree with you edgar. that site needs a kick in the teeth for stealing other peoples works! we need a plan to "copyright" our walkthroughs. i might have an idea:

from now on, instead of posting a regular text walkthrough mabye i can take a screenshot of my text walkthrough and then upload that and post the screenshot link here, stamping the image in MS pain with something like "walkthrough written by suicune of EG24, if you see this anywhere else it is STOLEN!"

i think its not a bad idea but its a royal pain to have to do that just because of a few internet thieves. mabye we should create a secret walkthrough site and stop posting them here? but that wont work because eventually the thieves will find that too. mabye yalcin should just get someone to hack the damn thieves website lol, theyd deserve it.

why i can't see all comments?

@yi, On top and on bottom of the page is a link for older or newer comments, that's the way to see all the comments.

@Suicune, nothing more to add to what @zoz, @Ellie and @Edgar said. They said it all and I do agree. And don't worry about making everybody worry. You just gave us the change to help, that's what we like to do here. And now I'm feeling down because I was beaten by zoz, Edgar and Ellie with their comments adressed to you.

By the way. I don't care much 'bout people stealing solutions or walkthroughs from here. If they do we only helped more people, so that's a good thing. And yes it would be nice if they mentioned EG24 and I sometimes see sites where they do.
I did post a comment to two sites where they placed our walkthrouhgs and both of them responded very polite and said they would mention the names in the future and they did. So for me everything is cool

@Sneak...I wonder how Yi will be able to read about reading all the comments, when still stuck on first comment page...LOL

Update: the site in question now credits EG24 and provides a link at the end of our walkthroughs

This is a site for WT and comments game or a psychologyc therapy? Share your problems with your friends, your parents, your doctor, your spiritual confessor or in your private blog. This is a place to play and to enjoy, not to cry your problems!!!!

yea if people want me to leave forever just say so, apparently im not needed anymore

Well @Elena Francisca, that's not very nice.

I like to see this as a site where we try to solve games together as a team. And in that way we do enjoy and play.
We did solve this one, a walkthrough was written and so, in my opinion, there was some time to write something to cheer up @Suicune. We did that because he's not a player who comes by sometimes, but someone who's highly appreciated because of his good comments (comments with a lot of help during and after the game), his perfect walkthroughs and his superb game he made. So we try to do everything to keep him here; he is a very important part of the team.

By the way; come to think of it. I think it's not only not very nice of you but also very presumptuous to write something like that as a player who lately (maybe never, don't know) posted nothing to help or to laugh about. And if it bugs you; No one is forcing you to read it.

@Suicune, come on guy, don't go rock bottom over one snotty comment.

well youre right sneaksnake, that comment just made me upset thats all. i just hope i can get back on a roll again 1 day and feel better about myself and things should be fine again. i guess i did alright on that colorful room game. doubt it keeps up though.

well said SneakSnake! @Elena Francisca, you got the walkthrough, you got the hints, and I assume you were able to play and finish the game because of them or you wouldn't be reading these posts.
So get off your pedestal and get over it.

@suicune...don't you dare go anywhere!!! we would miss you like crazy, so don't pay any attention to Ms. Elena because rude comments are not welcome on this site...i echo what sneak, zoz, ellie, kitkat, edgar...said ;) you have a tendency to do what many of us do...place such high expectations on ourselves to perform perfectly at all times...a goal that is impossible for anyone to live up to :) you aren't a Virgo are you...we are known for being perfectionists...lol!! Suicune...you have already proven you are a great gamer...we just have too much fun in here and you are part of that good time...please give yourself a little break and just play for the joy of playing :) :)

@edgar...you rock the house!!!! thank you for help with that code!!!

@kitkat...you always rock ;) thank you again for an awesome walkthrough!!!

BEST ESCAPE EVAR!!! This one really has all the right elements: original plot, easy nagivation, even balance of math/logic/foreign language problems, well-rendered graphics, suitable audio tracks, good duration, and kitkatfox's WT.

Best video walkthrough I have ever seen. I loved how the author compiled the clues so that you could understand how to get the pass code.

Unfortunately language was a huge barrier here...and some of those clues were a bit too obscure to understand...like that cup filled with water...

anyway good stuff.

I thought this game was in Japanese? Who did the document translation services for the game?

working link:


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