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Puzzle Room Escape 7 Walkthrough

Puzzle Room Escape 7

Puzzle Room Escape - 7 is seventh episode of Puzzle Room Escape point and click room escape game series from Games2rule. Different puzzles with coins are prepared in the puzzle room. Take up the clever challenges with coins to escape from the puzzle room.God luck and have fun!

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stuck on the middle puzzle

stuck on the puzzle with 3 goats and 3 lions

I started with the 3rd goat and moved it one space to the right..
the 3rd lion move one space over the goat to the left and continue like that

hah and that's it! thnx


I'm still stuck on the middle puzzle!

I'm out too, needed some time on the 2nd puzzle though.
I always like these puzzle games!

Hint on puzzle 2, you only have to move 2 coins from the original position.

       Anonymous  1/25/10, 7:15 AM  

The middle puzzle only requires that you move two coins in the middle row. See if that helps.

Can someone please answer my post back in Puzzle Room Escape 4, thanks.

nope still cant get it

@j.thomas, for the pumpkin puzzle in puzzle room 4, basically just look for pumpkins on the left that are bouncing off walls. Start with one that bounces off 2 walls (example the left and bottom) then move that to the appropriate place on the right (left bottom space). Once you have all the edges in place, just follow the pumpkins.
Maybe not the best explanation, but I hope it helps...

durrrgh me got it lol

thanks truus and david for the tips

i'm truly stuck on no.2, rare1 help!

Stuck on puzzle 3.. have yet to finish a game today :(

Hurrah! POP worked this time.. phew.

Zoz - have you managed it yet? I think I moved the right and left middle coins in one space. Quite by accident so not certain. I'll replay to check...

yes that is right.. so it looks like this:

o o o
o o o
o o o

Ugh, it took out the spaces!

..o o o..

thank you sooooo much Daisyjane! That was making me crazy!

For anyone having trouble with the first puzzle:
Move: gllggglllgggllg

any one still playing???

Soooo stuck on 3rd puzzle.....cover the disc with 5 lions.......grrrrrrr....lol

For the third puzzle you just need to keep trying. Don't put them too far out on the disc or the middle wont be covered, and don't put them in the middle or the borders wont be covered.


Is anyone here, when i beat the puzzle it is not taking me back to the room with the lights on the brick ring to go to another puzzle room.like on puzzle 2 once i moved the coins it drew the red lines connecting all the coins, but i was stuck there all i could do was reset or click close, what do i need to do

@kathy, on the bottom middle should pop up a red down arrow if you move your cursor/mouse down.

@sneaksnake,ty i would not have seen that without your help

stuck on lvl 3 5 coins to cover the coin Cant fiqure that one out.

@sherry, I posted a picture of a solution. Still is about trial and error and patience.

out using Daisyjane's help on the second puzzle. The first is easy if you have played those before, and the last is just trial and error

Lol, I did the 3rd puzzle and tried to reset when realized the big coin wasn't fully covered, but didn't let me! Took a screenshot of it thinking it might be a bug, but it turned out I had already solved it!! Here it is...sorry for the "pause"


1 of the better puzzle rooms of the series for sure, trickier than the previous one, but not so hard that it was frustrating or ridiculous like some of thier others. needed to seek help with the middle puzzle.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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