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Cocoa Room Escape Walkthrough

Cocoa Room Escape

Cocao Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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wheeew especially there is no doubtful point :D

yey a live game!

straight into a live Sakura!

hm, got all balls... no clue for code or book on floor


any1 found pen or eraser or smth for book need hint for code :-)

use sand timer with book for clue.

use eggtimer on book for code hint

oh havent seen timer...but how to get it lol

i can see a lipstick, but cant take it:/ y?

trying to figure out the code hmmm. anyone there yet?

timer is on top of cabinet. Use stick to get it.

matt..the lipstick is clue for the balls

Hi! First live one in a while. What do you do with the scissors?

I am having trouble with code.

Where is the stick please?

- screwdriver under bed
- red key behind cabinet next to colored keyholes one
- hammer in red keyhole door
- scissors in yellow keyhole door
- use hammer above cabinet next to colored keyholes one, get red ball.
- green ball in code panel (use screwdriver)
- blue key on bed right side.
- Use blue key to get pliers.
- Use pliers under cabinet next to colored keyholes one to get blue ball.

ok, i cant find the stick, and i got unused scissors... help?:)

cant find stick either for to get timer

stick on white cabinet

stick below the cabinet with colored keyholes. anyone figured out the code?

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use scissors to get yellow ball from panel on wall.

im as far as SneakSnake, did all the same... but wheres the stick?;/

Use scissors to open little safe in the wall and get yellow ball.

Out. Pleasantly easy.

**end code spoilers**

pour hourglass sand on book grid, match dark squares with coloured squares from ball panel.


@ sneaksnake, stick under key cupboard

@sue..i clicked there..but nothing..

@graham thanks!!!

Thanks @Graham,

and @Rin, please do not give away the code, just give hints.

and out!:) ty guys for some help;)

the 5 I figured out...but the other numbers..dont get it

I picked up 5 milks and ended up drinking cocoa!!
Love it.


Sorry, but how is my giving out the end code any different from you telling where to find all the items? And I did warn for spoilers so where's the harm? Just saying.

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@ icon..thanks, now I got it!!!


Add the white squares from the book clue to the coloured grid shapes. Remove the blanked out portions from the coloured grids, then "straighten" them up so that each grid is now 3 columns wide. You should be left with 3 columns that clearly show the number :)

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has Suicune been heard of since yesterday's strop????

@Rin, finding things and telling where they are is different from telling the code, because most players wanna break a code themself, that's most of the fun in escape games. Finding things is mostly a side-issue.
Anyway, it's the way we often play it here; helping each other finding things and giving clues for codes.

@graham..there is a message send to yalcin...

@ Alkmar, what did it say??

Out. Easy today!

I was feeling pretty darned good about doing the whole game on my own until I saw that everyone else said it's an easy one today, lol. It's still one of my favorite games.
But, seriously, YELLOW cocoa??? Eww.

lol zoz!! you are welcome..for a good brown cooa!! :))

@graham...I dont know exactly..but this is also not the right place for to speak about...but I am sure all will be okay! :)

hmmm...I drink cocoa, but I pick up milk? And I am suspicious of how yellow it looks. lol

Out with help. Every once in a blue moon, I can get the codes on my own. Definitely not this time! I didn't think of moving the blocks to make the numbers.

Thanks Sakura :-) I feel all warm inside now with cocoa ..good game as always and Friday is good now

Oh, I didn't realise that this was the Sakura of this week... well, will try it now.

I managed to solve the code, but couldn't get the yellow ball out of that locker lol!
i drank Cocoa!

pls could you tell me... what is cocoa? I am from Brazil I don´t know it

Cocoa equals chocolate and milk warmed up Desiree :-)

I cannot get the yellow ball out of the locker! I am stuck without it :o(

I have clicked everywhere on that locker with and without the scissors hilighted...I know I'm a bit late with this but can anyone tell me where to click?

I'm not sure how i managed, but i clicked on a button on the locker, the lowest one i think. And played around with the scissors.

first press the little button (bottom right)and then the yellow handle.

carol tks a lot... we call this "hot chocolate"or chocolate quente' here in Brazil. but we can´t drink this lately because it is so hot, but so hot that we have to drink frozen chocolate


Door View
GO RIGHT, Bed View
- Click under the left side of the bed to zoom in and take the screwdriver. Zoom out.
- Click the top of the bed (right side in front) to zoom in and take the blue key. Zoom out.

GO RIGHT, Colored Keyholes Cabinet View
- Take cocoa #1 from top of the cabinet.
- Use your key on the blue keyhole and take cocoa #2 and the nippers. Zoom out.
- Click to the left of the left cabinet and take the red key. Zoom out.
- Use your key on the red keyhole and take cocoa #3 and the hammer. Zoom out.
- Use the hammer on the wall (the darker grey tile) and take the red ball.
- Take the grey stick under the colored keyhole cabinet. It's under the blue and yellow keyhole doors. (thanks @neil and @graham).
- Click under the right side of the left cabinet to zoom in. Use your nippers to take the blue ball. Zoom out.

GO RIGHT, Big Cupboard View
- Take cocoa #4 from the grey table.
- Zoom in on the puzzle box, solve the puzzle, open the box and take the yellow key. Zoom out.
- Use your stick to take the hourglass from top of the big cupboard.
- Click to the right of the big cupboard to look behind it and see the order for the balls (red, yellow, blue, green). Zoom out.

GO RIGHT, Door View
- Zoom in on the screen on the wall. Use your srewdriver on it and take the green ball. Zoom out.

GO RIGHT (2x), Colored Keyholes Cabinet View
- Use your key on the yellow keyhole and take cocoa #5 and the scissors. Zoom out.

GO LEFT, Bed View
- Zoom in on the little safe on the wall. Click the little button on the bottom right (it turns red) and click the yellow handle to open the door. Use your scissors to take the yellow ball. Zoom out.

GO LEFT, Door View
- Zoom in on the book on the floor and put your hourglass on it and see the hint. Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the screen on the wall and put the balls in (red, yellow, blue, green) and see the second hint. Zoom out.
- Well, the hint is to put the white boxes/squares/blocks from the book over the colored ones. So some colored ones are gone. On the yellow one you can allready see a 3 now and that's some kind of hint for the other ones. The yellow one has all his colored blocks on the left three columns. The other three colors should look the same so we move everything from the fourth and fifth column to the left, so column 4 and 5 are empty and now you can see the other numbers too.
- Zoom in on the door panel and put in the code (6593). Push the red button (it turns yellow). Zoom out.
- Click the door handle and you're out.

       Anonymous  2/5/10, 12:48 PM  

@SneakSnake, how is giving the answers to codes in a walkthrough any different than putting a spoiler alert before posting the answer to a code?

Well, @andweburn, the difference is; the game isn't live anymore. If people are playing it now and go to the comments they go there to look for answers. And when they see 'walkthrough' they know everything will be in there, so they can choose to look at it all or not.
By the way if the code is not given in the comments I usualy place the solution to codes in a next comment.

Stupid game, could not figure out the number. So frustrating!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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