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Gotmail - Escaper: The Bird in the Cage Walkthrough

Gotmail - Escaper: The Bird in the Cage

[REPLAY] Gotmail - Escaper: The Bird in the Cage is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Gotmail. In this game, you are locked in a room and you have to search the room for items and some clues to find the way of escape. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Catalyste]

Update: English version available now!

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Gotmail game YES

Darn you Shuchun! Stealing my glory! =P

Anyway, I think I'm almost done with this game...

I'll stick around if anyone needs help.

Thx,Catalyste. :)

Dare I join a game that I know will take me an hour at least....but it's a gotmail! Can't resist the temptation!!!

No problem. I like to help! :)

Can't find the batteries for the flashlight ...

Oh, I feel like you @dideedi! But I have to join, I hope I'll have time to finish!

If you have forgotten hov to get in:

password: letmein

ZA, find a way to open the locker first.

Found so far:
pliers, golden coin, torch without batteries, a kind of golden stick (can open it), piece of cutter and a glass.


I've opened the locker.
Probably I've to put a coin in the box but I lost the coin (tried to take it from the door but it disappeared?)


How did you get the coin?
Mine disappeared.

Open second segment of the stick you found in the front-left leg of the couch to reveal keys.

Open first segment to find clue.

hot spot on floor under window; electricity outlet behind sofa. same items as @Catalyste and also lost coin from door.

ZA, check on the floor. The coin fell.

It jsut fell, look at the bottom of the door. How did you open a locker?

it fall down so look on ground right side from door!
Found a white plate under lamp

Lol, and then you guys can help me...cause I am so stuck right now. lol

chickie, align the keys you found in the golden stick to open the locker.

Ah - opend golden stick (2 possibilities!!!)
Now I will open locker!!!

Got it!

the only locker I have opened is the second one.
The keys I've lost after that.

I lost the key too, now trying to figure out code or what to do with the can.

Have computer from 2nd locker

I can take the coin with the pliers.
Can't put the coin in the box.

dideedi, that's a safe.

Oh...no...lol, I meant that's a charger for the flashlight! lol

Where are you stuck Catalyste :-)

Anyone know the safe code?

Have now second (silver) coin from locker

combine gold coin with pliars...but why??


What did you do?

I've opened safe!

thanks for tip about torch @catalyste

opend the safe (hint from golden stick)

I'm past the part where you solve the wall puzzle behind the fake safe.

Trying to figure out what to do.

combine pliers with cutter and use it on round box. Then I used something else from my inventory too (sorry don't remember what it was).

Got it, now trying to plug in my new charger thingy.

gonna join you, hopefully I´m not so far behind all of you

Can't do anything with the charger.

put charger in outlet right behind sofa and put torch on it.
Waiting now for load

have coaster from under lamp



I think we will need battery first

Got a bottle of rum (hicks)

As i feared, I got interrupted right away, will try to catch up on you now.


Thanks again

cut the sofa on the left side

Where is the rum???

what is that circle behind fake safe? had any luck with it yet @catalyste?

I am waiting .... and waiting ....when is the flashlight ready?

where is the bottle of rum? don´t tell us its from your private bar :-D

in box under sofa cushion left side (use pliers and then recharged torch)

poured rum into glass and have seemed to have drunk it in one gulp!

@chickie: it's in the couch. Use flashlight.

Oh, so the "silver coin" is the battery for the torch. Have it loading now.

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ZA, just click out of scene when you hook it up and then go back and get it.

@ellie, silver coin isn't a battery for torch. you have to charge the torch with the charger you find in the safe in the 2nd locker

I can't put the silver coin into the flashlight.

rarita what's the weird thing?

Ellie, "silver coin" is used for something else. :)

@ZA turn the flashlight around first and open it.

I drank the rom as well now.

@Catalyste and @ZA,
I'm sorry, my fault. It looked like i used it in the flashlight. Then, what did I use??

I´m charging the device from the sofa, still don ´t know what its for


I did hook it up but I won't shine!

@dideedi, I charged the torch, but I put something inside it first.

stuck now! any help with the circle behind the safe anyone???

Ah - used torch again and find a bulb!!!

@rarita. :D

@ Ellie:

Well this game is funny. If you view one item, and try to use another item that has nothing to do with it, the window will close! lol

ZA, view it and turn it on.

Catalyste, if you cut the sofa on the left side, (near the table with the lamp) you get a strange device

Do you have to put something in the flashlight before you hook it on the charger?

Please, give good solid information ... I am really puzzled now!

FINALLY .... pfew ... my heart.

I found out that the battery was already inside the torch lol, i clicked inside and could see it again.

@ZA To use it you need to turn it on by pressing the button (after charging it).

rarita, do you mean the front-left leg of the sofa?

You can just click the leg and you'll get the stick.

I've been all over that left side with the razor, and I've gotten zilch! lol

@ellie, you might have to take the silver coin out of the torch again to re-use it somewhere else. I've used my torch now onder the bookshelf and to get the rum, and now it's disappeared from my inventory :)

I used the flashlight under the bookcase and got the light bulb. Put it on the small lamp.

Sorry ZA. I was under the impression that the flashlight was already back in your inventory. :/

You have nothing to put in the flashlight.
Have you highlighted the flashlight one time to put in pieces?
After recharging you have to put the torch on!

Catalyste, no, its on the side, use pliers+cutter combined


I do have the flashlight ... I have found the rum and now I am drunk ;-)
I am not so fast at this sort of games ... you are nothing to blame for.


Did you drink too much? where did you find a light bulb?

I don't know what fake safe you are talking about, and what circle behind?

@rarita, when you cut the sofa, which view did you get the strange device from? there are a couple of views of the left sofa. :) Thanks!

rarita: OH!!!! Hey cool I finally got something from that area!

Yeah, there's a slight horizontal line on the left side of the sofa where you can use the razor.

It looks like a barcode reader of sorts.

pop! found the strange device! thanks @rarita :)

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Sweet, so you have to charge that as well.

Found out about the use of the silver coin lol.
Put it in the pliers and use it as a screwdriver.

now charging strange device

Hm, I cant seem to charge my alcohol meter. Maybe I drank too mach?

With pliers and silver coin you can open the fake safe.

Ok, now its charging, you need to turn it around from bottom first, when viewing it.


Yes you did ;-)
Quote: "Maybe I drank too *mach*

I finally charged it, and after that it shows the "map" of the room on the screen

please someone tell me where is the first coin?

lol @ZA!

I'm waiting for it to be charged enough to know how "mach" :)

@tina look on top of door frame. it gets bumped off to the right of the door on the floor

@Tlna, there is a coin on the door, on the top right side. Poke it and it will fall down. You'll find it at the botton right corner of the door.

Woo, found secret panel using the map from device. Now it's plugged into wall.

thx Elli and dideedi

TIna, on ecoin was on the top of the door, you have to take it and it will fall down, then click the right side of the door to find it, the other one was in the bin in a locker, you need pliers+cutter to get it out

Ah finaly find the point on sofa to cut and the decoder. Thanks for all the help!!!


You can not do *mach* about it ... LOL


Catalyste,where is the secret panel?

Your'e right @ZA,
I dodn't know i would need a GPS in this small room, and when looking at it I still can't see anything unusual lol.

Make that *didn't, and I will try to check for typos :)

when you turn a bottle of rum, it seem like there is something written at the back of the label


You are getting more drunk every second!
I *dodn't know* ... LOL

rarita, use the GPS a little to the left of the metal door. It should show up.

Afterwards, you have to type something in there.

How did you use the GPS to find the "secret panel" @catalyste?

Really rarita?
I *dodn't* see I thing

still no luck with GPS...wanna have more rum but it won´t allow me :-D

I can see a wooden panel with a slightly different color to the left of the metal door. Is that the place? I can't use my GPS there. Did you put it on the wall? Press any buttons on it?

No highlights ... where exactly do I have to use the device?

dideedi, first you have to charge it just like you did the flashlight. When successful, a map should appear on the GPS screen with a red dot. Using the GPS, click a little to the left of the big metal door and a panel should appear. Use your pliers to take off the nails.

I can see the likely panel to @ellie, but don't know how to use the gps to access it

My GPS doesn't have a red dot. I wonder how to get it there...

no red dot on my map...maybe someone found the safe before me? :-((((

Help I can't open the safe in the locker

No red dot ...
I can't charge the GPS anymore.

@Janey, You will get the clue how to make the red lines when looking at the golden rod thing you found under the couch. Kind of a cross, but not straight.

@Catalyste, did you add anything to the GPS?

If there's no red dot, then it's not charged all the way. Try recharging it again.

how do I get the charger

seems like our problem is getting the gps to show red dot! come forth oh great red dot!

Janey, for the safe, you have to use the clue from the golden tube, you found in the left leg of the sofa.

@Catalyste, it's not possible to charge it more.


I can't charge it again.
It won't let me.


When I found the GPS, I viewed it and saw that it had the same charge outlet as the flashlight, so I hooked it up to the charger, went around the room, came back and didn't see anything on the scree. So I hooked it back up, when around the room, came back, and again nothing. Then I just hooked it back up, zoomed out, came back, and suddenly the green light was on and a map showed up on it's screen.

Noooo .. is there a bug?!

I have tried every combination but can't seem to open it... what am I doing wrong?

can´t charge the device anymore, no red dot. I´m thinking about restarting grhhhh

I still have gold and silver coin, pliers, rome and glass. Is that what you have @Catalyste?


So far so good ... but I don't see a red dot on the screen!

you have the magic touch @catalyste! still not working for me and can't recharge it


I used the gold coin. I only have the pliers, silver coin, rum, and glass left.

Ellie, go to the lamp, turn it off, take bulb, look at it's clue, use the silver coin/pliers on the safe on the wall, then use gold coin pliers to turn the puzzle.

Please help with the safe I am not getting it

I think this game requires you do other things before advancing to other things....just my guess.


thanks Catalyste ...

Thanks @Catalyste!!

I took the light bulb back, but I can't see any clue, and the gold coin won't turn the puzzle. Need to see the clue on the light bulb. Will keep trying.

@janey make sure u look at the inside of the orange stick to see the red x and the top of the safe to see the star, the combo is an X

Janey, make the symbol, then pres the red button, but you are probably missing something in your inventory, maybe the silver coin? dunno

@Janey, to open it make two red lines. Like X. But you need to look on top of it first, to see the star.

on red dot on the scanner
got a lighter on the window, need to stand on the sofa to get it
there is a orange figure on the safe in the locker, that matches that scanner's screen. but what for?
now what?

onaka - stomach

tori - heart

kagon - exaggeration


the code ...
NOTORI doesn;t work

Thanks CESDA, I got a lighter now.

OMG I tried that a thousand times and it did not open...now it has opened!!

Use lighter on Rum bottle to get label.

Thanks @CESDA for the lighter!

I still can't see any clue on the light bulb (tried to use the lighter on it).



Label shows shapes relating to the Coin, Bottle, and Glass.

catalyste, thanks, got the red dot :-D

Now i see the clue, duh!
It turned out that I never had the lamp turned on lol. I thought i clicked on that button, but not until now I saw the difference between a lamp turned on and one turned off. Thanks!

Ellie, did you turn on the lamp first? Click the white spot.

Symbols on label ...
don't know what to do with them

And I have the dot!!

Used the lighter on the bottle to get the label.

Yay Ellie! lol

@ZA, the symbols on the label tells you about the words you found. From the round thing, the GPS and the empty glass.

again, pls, how did you get the lighter? I can´t stand on the sofa


don't know what to do with it ... anyone?

@rarita, zoom on the couch then click above it.

cant get lighter??

@ZA, nope. I thought kagonakatori (but that misses "no") and it's not working.

How to get that red dot?

mebbe try caps no spaces

i probably haven´t done something, cause it won´t allow me to stand on the couch. did you put the code into the scanner before getting the lighter?

kagonotori is a word, and kagonitori onaka meand something according to google, but it doesn''t work either.

OMG, what a pain.


Does that mean something or are you only guessing? I've no clue what to put into the device ... I don't know any Japanese ....

could someone plz explain me how to get the red dot on the device?

I am going to scream!
I am really really really STUCK

Fabiene, first you need to take the lightbulb with the code, the open the safe on the wall, using silver coin+pliers firts, then gold coin +pliers

Maybe, look at the shadow on the floor first. (and click the shadow)
You have to notice that there is something in the window.

rarita, zoom in on the couch and try clicking towards the edge of the top of the screen. You should be able to see a window.

@Fabienne put bulb in lamp,turn it on then turn it off...look for clue on bulb when u take it back from lamp...go left from cabinets and use clue whit cold coin and pliers on horizontal lines

and still no lighter for me


Oh "father of my children" what shall we do!

Drop us a hint...I'm stumped!

       Anonymous  3/16/10, 2:45 AM  


You need to have turned the fake safe thing, using the gold coin + pliers. To get clue on how to turn that, you must have the light bulb attached to the lamp, switch it on, then off it again, remove the lamp shade, and take the bulb back out.

Thinking of how notori and kagon fit together. It could mean a sentence, like, kagon ___ notori. Not sure.

Oh right...good point Xenon.

Rarita, there is a clickable spot on the floor. Examine that and then try the couch again! :)

@Za, i don't know if it means something, but it is written in text on google. I don't understand any of it lol.

worked fer me=p

got pliers, silver coin, rum and glass in my inventory, haven´t put a code into the scanner, I´m clicking above the couch in zoomed front view like mad and nothing

u were right Xenon


I think so too. The middle is shaded out, and when I look it up, it's "no tori" and not "notori." So I'm also thing there is a phrase associated with the words: kagon onaka no tori.

Really @Wilyen? I tried that. Will try again, thanks!


wilyen....you serious!!! I can't believe that worked for me too! Unbelieveable!


Thank you!


       Anonymous  3/16/10, 2:49 AM  


OMG. Genius! Why hadn't I thought of that?

Kago no naka no tori means 'the bird inside the cage'. かごのなかのとり。

Out.....*facepalmed over password*

Yes!! This time it worked! I shouldn't have had all of that rom, probably didnt spell correct before.

@rarita...first look at the shadow from other window...then u can take lighter

Evil caps! >:(

@ wilyen good job!!

thankx everyone for being patient with me...yes it was the SHADOW i haven´t checked


       Anonymous  3/16/10, 2:53 AM  

Looking at the clue given behind the "RUM" note that you get from the rum bottle by using the lighter, it's the silver coin (kagon), then followed by the GPS square (onaka) and then the cup (notori).

It's a little on the play on the words. 'Kago' = cage, 'no naka' = inside of, 'no tori' = the bird. So in the end, it's 'the bird inside of the cage.

Damn, Gotmail got me this time! Well, still a fun one~

@rarita, I'ts good to have a lot of questions asked because people that play later will have the same questions, and now there are answeres to them :)

Great game, thanks all!

OH MY! out, but absolutely couldn't have done it without all your help...particularly @catalyst. Thanks guys!

Lol, thanks!

And to think I thought I was almost done with this game when Shuchun posted it! lol

So much for that.

Great gaming guys! :D

Pliers? I've been searching for this for 30 minutes, where the....is it?

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