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Haunted Hall Walkthrough

Haunted Hall

Haunted Hall - Dare You Enter is another riddle game created by Creo from Riddlex. "Dare you enter Haunted Hall, and progress through the many puzzle rooms to the Inner Sanctum and solve the ghost's mystery? Haunted Hall is an interactive puzzle game of 20 levels with sounds, music, strange rooms, and a ghost! There are no clues in the source, and there are no files to download. There are clues in the sound, so this game requires speakers. Also a Flash player. If you can hear the music, and see the Play Game button, then you have all that you need to play. Good luck and have fun!

Warning: Please don't post exact answers, just post hints.

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       Anonymous  3/6/10, 8:50 PM  

Yes, Dana. It's what comes next in the series of numbers 1 2 4 8 16... I made it a lot harder than I needed to.

There is something in each room that can refer to the same word/name.

Two of them are pretty straightforward, the other is more indirect. But, if you make the connection between the other two, you really don't even need it.

can somebody please help me with level 4? I'm still stuck and I'm not understanding it.

@suzanne - hint

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 8:55 PM  

Congrats, Suzanne! Hint? please?????

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 8:56 PM  

Hint for level 20: It's at the beginning of the movie and the lower left of the junk room.

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 8:56 PM  

tiffany - what do you have so far, so i know how to help.

unscramble - jnuk then add room

Follow the instructions in the recipe, you'll come out with a word.

ohh ok thanks Dana!

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 8:57 PM  

OH! Thanks, Suzanne! I totally forgot about that nickname for a bat . . .

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 8:58 PM  

Tiffany, did you click on that book in the kitchen where the arrow pointed down?

Suzanne - thanks, i even laughed at that when the movie played

Suzanne-yes I did I finally got to level 5 now.Thanks :)

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 9:05 PM  

Thanks back at you, Edgar. Your hints got me past a lot of the previous levels.

Level 20 rooms are Junkroom, Home theater, and attic

Well made riddle it was fun to play thanks Creo

I'm stuck on level 10-the observatory.

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 10:05 PM  

hmm, it doesn't want to let me post the second half. I wonder why. . .

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 10:13 PM  

@tiffany - hey, think you'll be okay now?

Thanx for all the help...didn't know the snooker game nor the what to do with staircase.

finally got it!

tried many "names"

but actually it is just one short word.

the rooms with the most help were the Home Theatre and Junk Room!
can't even figure what the attic was listed for...except the animals might have been a clue.

since each room is a separate page you can go back to any one via your history,

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 10:21 PM  

@motherhoose - check the last bit of my walkthrough. I explain the Attic thing there. :)

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       Anonymous  3/6/10, 10:32 PM  

Aicheless, why not? Nothing's said about it in the game description. I don't want to be belligerent, but some of the clues are on the esoteric side and some people may need big hints. If I took out all of the answers (Made it a "hint-through" instead), and just left the hints, would that be alright?

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       Anonymous  3/6/10, 10:41 PM  

okay, sorry about that, I'll take care of it right away. :)

       Anonymous  3/6/10, 10:49 PM  

umm, how DO I delete a post???

This is my first attempt at a walkthrough/hint-through. Please, let me know how to make better ones in the future. :)

GROUNDS: shouldn’t be hard. How do you get into any house?

HALLWAY: The caption is an acronym.

DINING ROOM: The initials of the animals on the plates spell out the answer.

KITCHEN: Note the blue “A”. The recipe is talking about letters – part=letter.

JUNKROOM: Note the blue “L”. There are 11 items that, when clicked, give you letters for an anagram. The radio also provides an audio clue. What do all of the clickable items have in common? Also, you may want a screen capture of this room for later.

GAMES ROOM: This is a game called Snooker. Each ball has a specific point value. Your score is the sum of the points for the balls that you “pot” (hit into the pocket). The answer should be entered with numerals (i.e. 10, not ten)

MUSIC ROOM: What do the songs have in common? In case you’re as bad at identifying songs as I am, the titles are Mr. Blue Sky, Blue Danube, and Blue Moon.

CRYPT: Trace what the hand writes. It’s a mirror image.

LIBRARY: Note the blue “A” in one of the books. There are four books: Orbital Mechanics, one that opens to show a IV, one of the Zodiac (with a picture of Libra), and one with a list: Polyphemus, Orders of Angels, Islam Pillars, Pleiades. The list of four elements will give you a specific year. Google it with Libra. You should find a word that relates to orbits. If you still are lost, go ask the Russians.

OBSERVATORY: It’s another anagram. Identify the pictures. It shouldn’t be too hard if you have a decent grasp of astronomy. They are: Asteroid, Orion, Crab Nebula, Horsehead Nebula, Saturn’s rings.

BATHROOM: Note the blue “L.” Click on the mirror. Then click on it more. (5 times after you zoom in). There are a series of equations. I hope you like chemistry – a periodic table may help. After all, the chemical number for Helium (He) is 2 . . . and Holmium just so happens to be 67 (it’s Ho). Yes, I know that there is no “Huff” symbol. Try to look for three elements.

HOME THEATRE: It will play a short movie. Take note of the opening little sequence – it’s amusing, and may be important later. (the studio sequence). The film will show five rooms that you’ve already been in. Take their names (shouldn’t be hard, they’re all in this walkthrough), and figure out the anagram.

EGYPTIAN GALLERY: There are actually two possible answers for this one. There are a number of references to two Egyptian gods. Try clicking on everything. And don’t let the mummy scare you! Either name will work.

ATTIC: Note the blue “A”. Each of the clickable items (bat, puppet theatre, trunk, clock, rocking horse, mirror) will show a character from the Theban alphabet. Ignore the rat and solve the anagram. (Translate to English, first). Oh, and you’ll want a picture of this room, too.

BALLROOM: The ghosts will dance. Look at the paths they follow. What word could you use to describe those paths? It has four letters.

STUDY: Note the blue “L”. There are four clickable items, and each will give you the title of a book or short story. Try the map (the Hieroglyphs spell DEATH), the typewriter, the playing card, and the toy train. The radio is an audio clue, but if you don’t know the TV show that the answer appeared in, it won’t be much help.
Hint: The titles are: Death on the Nile, The Apples of Hesperides, Plymouth Express and Cards on the Table. You want a character, not the author.

STAIRCASE: Note the little clue that they give you. Break up the circle of the window into a clock face – 12 o’clock at the top, 6 o’clock at the bottom. Note which way the staircase turns for each number. Then it’s a simple cipher, where a=1, b=2, etc. You should have 8 numbers (clockwise). It’s another anagram.

GUEST ROOM: There are 5 clickable objects – the lamp (it’s an audio clue, Number 1), the cat (meows twice), the clock (strikes four times), the tarot card (number 8 in the major arcane) and the crystal ball (2^4, or 16). You need to give the next number in the pattern. Again, use numerals (like 10, not ten)

OUTER SANCTUM: Remember all of those blue letters? Well here are two more. So, you now have VHAAALLL. Have fun with the anagram.

INNER SANCTUM: Well, last puzzle. But first, enjoy the little story. You should have already figured out most of it, anyway. Then you are given three rooms – the Attic, the Junk Room, and the Home Theatre. They all have something in common. Find it, and that will be your answer. Hint: Two are easy to notice, but one of the objects in the attic has a less common name. Remember that opening sequence I suggested you note in the Home Theatre?

There you have it. I hope you enjoyed, and that my hint-through was okay.

@aichless1 - I wasn't logged in properly when I posted that walkthrough, and now I can't delete it. Sorry. (It was just my day to be a total n00b, I guess.)

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Just started and don't get it??? What are we supposed to do?? On #1

       Anonymous  3/7/10, 5:59 AM  

Just follow the ghost...

More hints for level 3, please?

stuck on 14 what letter is
on the clowns head

@sophia - this one isn't an anagram, but you need to identify every animal. Though it's possible even if you don't know all of the names.

@Natasha - I think it's a "c", if memory serves. Yeah, that one was hard to translate.

is anyone in here? i am stuck on 19 with the anagram, nothing works

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Do you have the 8 letters?
Think of a place for gods in nordic mythology.

could someone please help me?

yes, i collected all the letters, just not having any luck , ty ellie, i will look that up and try that route

got it, thanks so much ellie

You are welcome @rdk665.

Great Hintthrough @Trisana!!

I am stuck at lvl 20 too.
he first is the junk room, can't remember the rest...but I don't think it's about names.
All three rooms hold memories...theý're also about things one can do in his free time. Hmm...

@virginia - the commonality is more obvious in the home theatre and the junk room, the one in the attic takes some thought - one of the items in the attic has a "nickname" that adds to the common thread. Think about the movie in the theatre.

Nm, got it. Thanks for the hintthrough!

you're welcome. I'm glad I could help. :)

help on 20 :(

got it :) but i had to play the game again :)

Ok.. I am stuck on level 10 and have been for an hour. I put in the first letter of the pictures (asteroid, saturn rings, horsehead nebula, orion, crab nebula) and I am still stuck. Is there anyone here that can give me a REAL BIG hint?

You have the right letters.
Words with similar meaning: disorder, entropy, mess.
Try using a good anagram solver if you don't get it.

Or.. ask again and I'll give you the link to a solver.

I got it Ellie.. must have been putting in the wrong letters. Now stuck on the stairs. Need to work on it, but I am getting dizzy!

Onto #18

19... Ellies Hint is close... But think "Viking Hero", not Nordic Gods... .

Is anyone still playing? I'm stuck at the outer sanctum! I thought I have it, and I must be close because it gave me a hint, but I'm too dumb to figure it out today. Nudge, anyone?

I told in an earlier comment to think of a place for gods in nordic mythology (actually it's one special god related to this place).

iwnbb gave the clue to think of "Viking hero".

Put these clues together and you'll have the place where the god Odin recieved souls of heroes killed in battle.

       Anonymous  3/9/10, 5:08 PM  

i am stuck in lvl 5-junk room!
please help!

@Lacey, do you have the 11 letters for the anagram? 2 words.
C***** G****
All of the items with letters on have something in common, they are...

       Anonymous  3/9/10, 5:41 PM  

@Ellie, thank you sooo much! i typed in everything but that lol

       Anonymous  3/10/10, 4:25 PM  

im stuck on lvl 19
i used the letters and put in lava hall
but it says its a different hall... help plz?

Look for other useful hints on posts above... and you can add "Asgard" to them ;)

Hi all
I'm getting a biiig headache from lvl 20
even after reading the Trisana's hint-through along with all your related posts.
I managed to go through the rest of the game just with help of google but now I am seriously stuck... Plz help

Hi @MJ
Hope is not too late for a reply. For level 20 you need to identify the name of the killer, which is a common element in other previous levels (the Attic, the Junk Room, and the Home Theater). You can go back to them with the feature GO TO BACK PAGES in your browser without having to solve the levels again and go back to 20 when done.
Now, quoting @Suzanne: "Hint for level 20: It's at the beginning of the movie [level 12] and the lower left [maybe a little up] of the Junk Room." 7/3/10 05:56

That was the hint that saved me, hope it's enough for you to make it... or ask again! I'll come to check.


What doesd it mean when it says another hall? I just don't get it... :/

Ooooh nvm got it.

help on level 20? I have no idea what im lookin 4...

Mmmm...nvm...ok got that 1 too...yay! done :)

I just cant figure out room 3, dining room. I know i'm supposed to use the initials to the animals on the plates, but i doesn't add up for me. Any help?

       Anonymous  4/1/10, 1:26 PM  

Can somebody please help me out with level 6? It's the sn**k** level. I thought I added the points and the penalty up correctly but it isn't working... HELP!!!!

Trisana wrote 7/3/10:
okay, six is addition, mostly, each ball has a set value. red = 1, blue = 5, yellow = 2, green = 3, brown = 4, pink = 6 and black = 7. Assign values to the balls you "pot" and add them all up (enter numerically, 10 rather than ten).
Only count the ones that you score.

       Anonymous  4/1/10, 2:00 PM  

Can somebody please help me out with level 6? It's the sn**k** level. I thought I added the points and the penalty up correctly but it isn't working... HELP!!!!

In case you come back and didnt solve it yet:
Use the initials from the plates going left to right, upper row first, then middle, then lower.
Most of the animals are easy. The first ones are mermaid, unicorn, robin and dragon.

@Sara, you score 8 balls.

Cant get past level 3. I know I need to get the names of all the animals on the plates and identify them, but I cant figure out what the name is. Can someone please give me some hints

did you see my comment from 1/4/10 at 23:00? It's just 3 comments above this.
Do you still have difficulties? Which plate don't you know?

hey anyone here?? Im having trouble with 4.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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