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White and Black Room Walkthrough

White and Black Room

White and Black Room is another point and click adventure type room escape game from StoneAgeGames. There are no easy ways out from White and Black room. Solve the puzzles, combine items and escape from this strange room with chess table. Good luck and have fun!

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Let's go!

oh, pleez pleez pleez be a real escape game

so far found 2 red balls and 2 blue ones, but oh no! Chess!

Oooh a live game!! Yay

well accidentally put blue ball in yellow thing on shelf.. hope i was supposed to

2 blue and 2 red balls also

i did that too, Daniel, now can't get it back

Me to Daniel, noting happed yet though!

red balls go in door. got 2 blue balls (placed 1) and three red balls. need to know where to put other blue and where to find last red.

I've got three red balls and two blue. Place one blue on yellow box. stuck

Ohh, this seems to be a true escape game with codes and everything!... and I have 5 minutes to play :(

Put three red balls in the mosaic door, need another one.

so far I have 3 small-ish red balls and 2 bigger blue ones... I put one of the blue ones in the yellow tray with the red button but that didn't do anything and now I can't get the ball out again!

ha ha, we all got our balls stuck!

yeah found a 3rd red ball in plant.. thought i had already checked there

Red balls go in holes on door but I can't find the last one.

red balls go in picture on door...

Seems like the color code has something to do with the plants and the colored books around the room.. not sure what to do though.. Ellie????

lol, we're all in exactly the same place
and we're all so excited about having a REAL GAME!

also, the red and blue paintings

Woohoo! ..catching up

we're going to have to do something with the chessboard to get the last red ball. Who plays chess??

Hi just starting!

I was just staring at those paintings @zoz, keep seing number 3s among the birds... unfortunately that's it... have to leave.

Last red ball in safe

really stuck

Ahhhh - the # code for the top left black cabinet is the amount of the birds on the blue painting. All 4 the same number. Last red ball inside.

Oops - red and blue paintings. (they are 3's)

Dear EscapeGames24 players,

Since the start of year 2010 all SAG games are Real escape games:)

Good luck and hope you enjoy!

I think we need the white King.

ok now one more blue ball and green thing

Stuuuucck! 3 red balls (all used) 2 blue balls (1 used) :/

what is the green thing in new room?

last red ball in safe. opened door seems like a clue for the color safe. can't figure it out

put those on yellow thing to make a see saw or something

use the green thing on top of the stuck blue ball, then add the other blue balls

The green thing is like a beam in which you place it on top of the 1 blue ball on the shelf and the other 2 blue balls go on each an end. It turns the power on at the chess board.

And out!

green light by chess board came on... but still can't do anything

stuck with green light on scale and on table under chessboard

Pooter, any hints? I saw the light on the table by the chessboard, but nothing seemed to change

Put green board on blue ball and add the other 2 balls.

got another blue ball and a green piece .. placed green piece on blue ball that was placed then added a blue ball to each end. made a balance now stuck

The code for the other door on the cabinet comes from the colors of the flower pots in the other room.

i guess I was a little behind. What to do with chessboard?

@Pooter, you have left us in the dust. Can you give a bit more help on the color code/?

Balls and green thing make scale on ball on yellow thing. Pots without plants behind the door = colour code for safe. Got chess peice then key in draw. Ouuut! (:

I think the color code has to do with the reflection of the pots in the skylight. Not sure though

I can provide the code if you want it. But there are 2 sets of flower pots. That's the code. It's just a little confusing to figure it out. (I sort of forced it and it worked)

Colour code for safe =
Red. Blue. Blue.
Yellow. Green. Blue.
Red. Green. Yellow.

Thanks Vic+Eli

I have 3 red balls (used) and 2 blue balls (1 used). I don't find anything else !

there are 9 pots without plants in them

S'alright (:

@vic+eli... thanks.. still don't see how the code worked... only saw one green pot.. hmmm

Yes, the code comes from the plantless (empty) flower pots. Thanks Vic+Eli, that's what I wanted to say.

9 pots ??? Where ?

@Pascale. you can turn right and left in 2nd room.

Thank you Pooter and Vic+Eli, i never would've gotten that code.
But most of all thank you @Stone and SAG for giving all of us starved players a great game! Keep them coming!

What second room ? The two doors are locked !

Put the red balls on the door to open it

I never saw that you could turn BOTH ways.. I have been stuck on this code forever!

The door won't open with only 3 red balls...

I knew the colors but not the order. If someone else find the code I always cheat and use it:D

Did you get the one in the plant up high?

The 4th red ball is in the top left cabinet where you have to enter the code that I stated at 19:07. (The "birds" in the paintings are actually 3's. (all 4 the same for code)

Red ball in locked cupboard?

Let me rephrase that - the 1st of the 4 in the row is in the cabinet. That was the last one that I found and probably the last one most of you have found too.

Pooter, I'm afraid that I don't understand what you say. There is one bird on one picture, three birds on the other one : that doesn't make a 4 digits code.
BTW, I accidentally restarted the game and now, I find only 2 red balls ! (on in each plant pot).

The third one was near the books, but I still don't understand how to open the cupboards.


Click on the black bowl on the white table and take the blue ball from under the table

Click on the plant in the yellow pot in the left corner of the same scene and take the red ball

Still in the opening scene, click the shelves on the right and take the red ball by the corner of the red book

Go right and click on the lamp in the right corner - take the blue ball

Go right and zoom on the red and blue wall art. What do the birds look like? (think numbers)

zoom on the drawer and chessboard and see that you'll need to solve something before you can open that drawer

Go right and click on the plant in the yellow pot atop the cabinet - take the red ball

click on the upper left cabinet door and enter the 4 digit code (codes to follow)

take the fourth and final red ball.

Go right twice and zoom on the door. Place the red balls in the slots on the door.

Now you must rotate each of the nine squares until they match to make one continuous mosaic. It helps to start with any two adjacent squares and get them to match, then the others are easier.

the door opens. It's important to realize here that you can enter the room looking left or looking right.

oops, accidentally deleted the second part of walkthrough. I'll get it up here, tho

I'm out, but not without help !

Walkthrough, part II

click on the left side of the entrance to the room and you'll be facing the left side of the room.

Make note of the colors of the empty pots from left to right.

take the blue ball and the green ?

back up and click on the right side of the entrance to look at the right side of the room. Again, make note of the colors of the empty pots.

Go back to the first room and go to the cabinet with the grid code on it. Enter the pot colors, and take the chess piece.

Back up and zoom on the yellow box on the shelf to the right of the cabinets. Place a blue ball in the slot on the top of the box. Then place the green ? on top of the blue ball and then place a blue ball on either end of the green ?, so that the contraption now looks kind of like a scale. The red light should turn green.

Go back to the chess board and see that the light on the drawer is now green as well. Place your chess piece in the appropriate square. Take the gold key from the drawer.

Back up and use the key on the white door and You're OUT!


for the four digit code, look at the paintings. the four birds look like four threes. And the code, coincidentally, is 3333 (thanks to Pooter for this)

the color code for the grid is from the color of the empty nine pots in the other room:


(thanks again to Pooter and also to Vic + Eli for this)

The slot on the chess board where the white piece goes is the fourth square up from the lower left corner. (got that one all by myself, lol)

Thank you @Stone for the real game! That was fun!

       Anonymous  3/3/10, 11:27 AM  

Yippee at last a proper escape game.. thank you @Stone! I'd noticed their games have been GOOD recently :o)
And thanks to everyone for all the help and hints!

I came back to finish the game. Got the number code just before I left, but the color code.. never would have gotten that one. I still cant see how to get the order of the colors from those pots.
Thanks @pooter and @Vic+Eli!

Thank you @zoz for the WT and @Stone for a great game!

out with help

I think it's broken. After the logo comes up, all I get is an all-black screen. Stinks...

Nice short coded logical little game. I liked it :D
Keep up the good way StoneAge!

I liked this game too, although I never would have figured out the birds looking like 3's.
The rest was quite logical.

@Ellie, if you enter the new room and first look left you'll see 5 empty pots. Then enter the new room again and look on the right, you'll see another 4 empty ones.
The 9 colors from left to right of these pots is the color order.

going to start the game...sure I would use the tips..:))

out???....only the 3's I didn't figure out...( must be a dutch problem) ;0 @Truus!

@Alkmar, I don't think it's a Dutch "problem".
A Dutch brain is just too intelligent to see something as "simple" as that :P

Thanks @Truus :)
I tried to see the pots as in different rows, and couldn't match the left and the right ones to make a 3x3 grid. For me it was too simple to use them from left to right lol.

hmmm, trying to be clever @Ellie ? lol

The saying "every man may meet his match" suddenly springs to mind.

lol @ellie...seems we have a tendency to program our brains for Gazzy-isk, nonsensical codes...*snicker*...that's my story and i'm sticking to it!!!! haha! I was trying to incorporate the pots with plants along with the plantless pots to come up with the code...rofl!!!! i just about spit out my Petron when i read the true colour code solution ;)

thank you @vic+eli and @pooter for pointing out the obvious answer...it was so easy i completely glossed over it....hahaha!!!! i'm glad Stoneage is now posting *real* escapes instead of *find the hidden object* :)

@truus...our ellie is always clever ;)

@zoz...great walkthrough...thanks so much for taking the time to write it for us :)

And THANK YOU @Stone...keep the great escapes coming...!!!!

Thank you @irish!!
Feels good to know there is someone else full of impossible solutions for simple codes :)

Nice to see you again!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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