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Monkey Go Happy 2 Walkthrough

Monkey Go Happy 2

[REPLAY] Monkey Go Happy 2 is the second part of Monkey Go Happy, intriguing and challenging Puzzle game by Pencilkids. Use you mouse to click on objects and locations on the screen. Solve puzzles, shoot stuff and more! Good luck and have fun!

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Monkey Go Happy 2 Walkthroug

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Yay!Hope I'm first!

Still loading..............

Man!It won't load!I'll just wait 'til later

       Anonymous  4/7/10, 4:19 AM  

Haha, that was a fun little game ( For chidren of ALL ages!!)

Haha this is awesome!

I'm not fast enough for the "space invaders" mini-game and I had to give up.

great game very cute at the end could not get all the 200 eggs or the code for the box but will try later

aww..very cute game, i ranked champion chimp in the end :)

I was a champion chimp, too. Managed to get all the eggs with almost a minute to spare. Cute game. I only had to cheat on the last level because I didn't notice the clue about how to set the dials.

atvcountry, the code is under the rug. Click EVERYTHING clickable, find the key, and make sure to pull the trap door to the attic down. Oh, and some eggs are hidden behind the window.

Too cute and funny...I didn't see that pin at first on #11 and kept trying to crash through..

Did it!!!I am a Champion Chimp! LMAO

Haha, got out as a Sad Ape even if I got the 200 eggs, but he sure looked happy to me. Lovely game :)!! My score tells that I had fun clicking on everything lol.

Splendid game! Couldn't stop smiling all the way out!! LOL.
And 434 clicks made a mediocre monkey out of me... duh! :S

I was a mediocre monkey, but this was a heck of a lot of fun. So I don't mind!

327 clicks


- Level 1 -

Click on the Pieces of Woods on each side of the Hot Air Balloon. The ones that are tied to a Rope from the Air Balloon!

Click on all the 4 Sandbags to remove them, and finally click on the Burner* inside the Air Balloon, to make it fly!

* Burner is the part at the bottom of the balloon. It spits out fire

- Level 2 -

Click on the Stick that is sticking out form the Snow, on Right-side of the Snowman. You'll notice which Stick I am talking about if you click on the Sledge before removing the stick!

Once the Stick is rotated, click on the Sledge on Top of the Hill to make it crush the Snowman!

- Level 3 -

Take Cloth, near Bottom-Right of screen, it is on the ground next to the Stick! Dip Cloth in Oil on the ground, which is at bottom-right side of the Big Monkey!

Use Cloth on top of the Stick [Bottom-Right], and take the Rocks on Bottom-Left side of screen. Use Stones on the Oiled Cloth on top of stick!

- Level 4 -

Click on the Blue Cup, on Right-side of the Red Button shaped as an Arrow pointing right. Take Coin that fell out from the Cup, and insert it in the Coin Slot [Bottom-Left of Arcade Machine]! Press the Middle Circle-shaped button to start:

LEVEL 1: Just shoot all the enemies by moving Left and Right, while shooting!

LEVEL 2: The enemies will be shooting from Left to Right, starting with the Ship on the most Left-side. At the beginning of Level 2, start by shooting the Middle-Top enemy, and continue to shoot the to other on Right-side of it. Then, quickly move to the Enemy next to the enemy on most Left-side, and shoot it! Wait for the remaining enemy to shoot, and once the Bullet is gone from the screen, quickly move below the enemy, and shoot it - or you could be very fast and shoot the last enemy before it destroys you!

LEVEL 3: Quickly Move RIGHT, before the Middle enemy hits you with its bullet. Once moved Right, shoot the 2 Enemies on Right-side, and then shoot the Middle enemy. Shoot the enemy on right-side of the enemy on most Left-side, and wait only 1 Second (that is because the last enemy's recently shot bullet may hit you if you hurry). Then, quickly kill the last enemy!

- Level 5 -

Click on the Projector on the ceiling, to activate it. Make the 5x6 Grid just like as shown in the Projector Image:


X = White, just leave it as it is
O = Click once, to change it to Black

X | X | O | X | X
X | O | O | O | X
O | X | O | X | O
X | O | O | O | X
X | O | X | O | X
O | O | X | O | O


X = White, just leave it as it is
O = Click once, to change it to Black



1x1 = Row and Column (First number is From Up to Down, while second number is from Left to Right)

Example: if it says 3x4, you have to count 3 From Top-Left of Grid, and then count 4 Downwards. Always remember that the point you start at is counted as 1, so if it says, 2x4, move only once Downwards from Top-Left, and only 3 Times from Left to Right, from that point!

Tips: Try using your Finger, by pointing with it. Start at Top-Left, and count the first number from Up to Down while moving your Finger as well. And then just count from the point you stopped, Left to Right as many times as the 2nd Number tells you to. Then, just click on that Square, but remember that the point you start on is counted as 1, and if you start counting on the 2nd Number, the point you are at, is counted as 1!

Fill these Co-ordinates:



Just count from Top-Left like I tell you to, but remember that the starting point is counted as 1, and if you change direction from Down to Right, the point you stopped on when counting Downwards, is also counted as 1!

1 = Move Right 1 Time
2 = Move Right 2 Times
5 = Move Right 5 Times

There are 6 Rows (Left to Right), and each Row is started with the number 1. The Numbers will try to form a Grid just like in-game, and click on the Numbers marked with * (Star), e.g.: 5* (Click on Tile/Square 5)

Here is the squares you should click on:

1 2 3* 4 5

1 2* 3* 4* 5

1* 2 3* 4 5*

1 2* 3* 4* 5

1 2* 3 4* 5

1* 2* 3 4* 5*


Row = Left to Right (6 Rows in total)

These are the Squares on each Row:

Row 1: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Row 2: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Click on the follow Squares on the Rows:

ROW 1: Square 3
ROW 2: Squares 2, 3, 4
ROW 3: Squares 1, 3, 5
ROW 4: Squares 2, 3, 4
ROW 5: Squares 2, 4
ROW 6: Squares 1, 2, 4, 5

I hope at least one of the Methods above helps you get through this Level, even though it's pretty easy :)

- Level 6 -

Click on the Squares with Question Marks, and make them form a word, by typing what you see:


If you want it perfect, click on the Squares [From Left to Right] as following, but remember that this guide will only tell you how many times to click a Square from the very start, when all the Squares are ? Marks:

[1] = Click on that square 1 Time
[5] = Click on that square 5 Times
[A] = A Letter that is there from the start (unclickable)
[Z] = Z Letter that is there from the start (unclickable)

1. [7] [G] [3] [4] [L] [2] [N] [1]
2. [5] [I] [4] [1] [2] [P] [5] [3] [E]
3. [4] [T] [6] [3] [2] [7] [E] [6] [R] [8] [1] [S]

Or you could just know about the Letters from first to last, on each Rebus:

1. T A G P L N E
2. E A L N P I
3. E W A S T R B I

- Level 7 -

Click on the Left-Side Sink Handle [Left-side Wall], and wait for the Roman Numbers to show up! Once they do, we can easily translate them to this: 2 9 6 4

Click on the Black Pin, that the Middle-Top Picture is hanging on, to remove it. Click on the Code Panel behind it, and type: 2 9 6 4 - once safe opens, click on the Yellow Ball!

- Level 8 -

Click on the Long Part of the Cut Tree on Left-side. Click to take the Left-side Big Leaf on Right-side of screen! Take the Tree Stick [Top-Left of Big Monkey's Head]!

Put Stick on Middle of Tree-part on water, and then attach the Leaf to the Stick - finally, click on the "Boat"!

- Level 9 -

Look at the Grey Clouds on the Sky. Click on the one farthest from you, and then keep clicking on the Clouds from Farthest to Nearest, after one vanishes!

- Level 10 -

Click on the Grass Straws/Small Bush between the 2 Cactuses, and take the Stone/Rock. Use Stone/Rock on the Chest Lock, click on its Top-Part to open, and click inside to view. Take Metal Detector and Spade!

Use Metal Detector on the sand, near Top-Left part of the Chest, until a X is found. Don't disarm the Metal Detector, but move it around the Middle-Right side of the screen, until another X appears (simply move the Metal Detector up and down on the Left-side and Right-side of screen)!

Use Spade on both of the X-es. Take Key from Left-side hole, and use it on the Treasure Chest on Right-side Hole!

- Level 11 -

Click on the 2 Planks on Bottom-Left side of screen, to move them. Click on the Yellow Trash Can, and take the Pin that fell out of it (it will shine once it falls)!

Use Pin on both of the Truck Wheels, put away the Pin, and click on the Truck!

- Level 12 -

Click on the Top-Right side of the Poster, to remove it (click on it a few more times). Note 0800 and CLOWN!

Open Last/Bottom Drawer, take Cord, open the Drawer above the Last/Bottom one, and take Key!

Connect the Cord to the Telephone, and click on the Telephone. First of all type: 0800 for Country Code. Then, notice the word CLOWN, and look at the Letters below the Numbers. To call the Clown, you need to click on the Numbers that contain the letters on CLOWN, press these numbers: 25696 - 2 = ABC, 5 = JKL, 6 = MNO, 9 = WXYZ, 6 = MNO

CALL THIS: 0800 25696

Once done, use Key to unlock Door, and click on Door Handle to open!

- Level 13 -

Click on the Candle, and find all the 30 Marbles. They are gathered all around the Screen, so look carefully when trying to find them! Start on Top-Left, and move Right. When done, go down a little lower, and repeat the same Method, and click on all of the Marbles you find :)

- Level 14 -

Click on the Gun to use it. Try to shoot all the 20 Targets - they can be annoying, but wait for a perfect shot ;)

- Level 15 -

Take Crowbar on Bottom-Right side of screen, and use it on the Power Door Lock. Click on Door to open it, and click on the Top Button, 1 Time, Middle Bottom, 2 Times, and Bottom Button, 3 Times! Let Top Button face Right-side, Middle Button Down, and Bottom Button left-Side - click Level to open another Door!

Click on the Puzzle Pieces to make an Understanding Image of a Monkey in a Buisness Suit!

Or just click on the Images on follow times from the very start:

Top-Left: 2 Times
Top-Middle: 3 Times
Top-Right: 2 Times

Middle-Right: 3 Times

Bottom-Right: 1 Time
Bottom-Middle: 3 Times
Bottom-Left: 1 Time

Middle-Left: 1 Time

Middle: 3 Times

- Final Level -

This will show you where all the Eggs are, and NOTE that you can click anywhere in this Level without getting a Click added to your score!

The Numbers shown after each command, is how many you get from doing that, and the Numbers after those numbers, shows the Total you have after doing according to this list

Collect all the Visible Eggs: 39 (39)
Move 2 Objects on Top of Shelf [Left-Side]: 3 (42)
Open Cupboard on Bottom of Shelf [Left-Side]: 14 (57)
Open 2 Drawers on right-side of small Monkey: 12 (69)
Open all 8 Cupboards on each side of Curtains: 12 (81)
Open the Curtains: 11 (92)
Remove the Carpet, next to small Monkey, and open secret door: 15 (107)
Click on Code Box [Pass: Circle, Star, Square, Triangle]: 3 (110)
Take Key from Code Box, use on Door [Right-side], take visible eggs: 17 (127)
Move Jackets: 16 (143)
Take Stone from Closet, use on Window: 33 (176)
Open the Attic: 24 (200)

This will decrease your Final Score, but if you fail to collect all the Eggs before the time Runs out, you won't lose - only get a bad score!

Hope this Long Text Walkthrough, which is very detailed, helps you complete the game even though it's so easy, and very fun! I've been working alot and very long with this Text Walkthrough, just to make everyone pass this game, and I hope someone tells me if this Walkthrough is helpful or not :)


wow Prid! I already played the game, so I didn't need the walkthrough, but what an amazing effort. No one will ever get stuck in the game!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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