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Escape from the Public Bathhouse 2 Walkthrough

Escape from the Public Bathhouse 2

Escape from the Public Bathhouse 2 is the sequel to Sento (Japanese Public Bathhouse) Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Fujiwara Sakumi, Author of I need Negi game. In this game, you are locked in a public bathhouse and you need to escape the bathhouse by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Oh, OH!! I read binary... Bad, bad.

Great, first thing I see is a brand new game!

Whats that green strip all over the place?

the last time i started one of these i thought it would be quick in and out, but it was not!

Used drill on the crack in wall, got another hint.

why doesn't anything go into inventory? the introduction had a cartoon where one of the green strips said "do not touch"

who and what is "K. Yamamoto"???

Whatever those stripped are, they stand for 1 in a binary code for sure @Saima.

Used the mop to take a spider web off from Boiler Room and have it in inventory.

hi there @zoz and @cece!

Used broom to get cob web, but don't know why.
Removed piece of handle from dust pan but...don't know why.
I have a lot of stuff, and have seen several clues but .... don't know why.

Hello @ Edgar!
got a clue that shows a clock set at 6 or 18 and equal to "D"

Got clue from pipe beside toilet by using wrench.

All my inventory is full, something is used, tooooo much onions and paper clues. But I dont understand anything!!

Thanks @Sunshine, I got that clue missing!
IDK what to do with them yet, but they will be useful... I guess.

Chopped wood with axe, and got a REALLY scary code! Almost as scary as the binary code clue.

This might come handy:

* January 一月 (ichigatsu)
* February 二月 (nigatsu)
* March 三月 (sangatsu)
* April 四月 (shigatsu)
* May 五月 (gogatsu)
* June 六月 (rokugatsu)
* July 七月 (shichigatsu)
* August 八月 (hachigatsu)
* September 九月 (kugatsu)
* October 十月 (jūgatsu)
* November 十一月 (jūichigatsu)
* December 十二月 (jūnigatsu)

@Sunshine, I can't chop wood... any specific piece of wood to be chopped?

the lower symbol on the sign by the sink is "water", but that is the extent of my japanese, lol

You can take up a piece of the green "shovel"

Found it :) Thanks @Sunshine.

@Edgar when you click on the woodpile you get a little movie where on log comes out. that's the one you chop and there's no way I'm going to solve the clue you get!

....waiting for you smart people to break the binary code. Onions are 0, Green things (leeks?) are 1. 1001 = B.

Clues are 4 5 6 7 on the onion leek page. But dates highlighted on calendar are 3 4 5.

Lost. lol

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Found it :) Thanks @Sunshine.

Give light at the doll

and now....the message board is not treating me nice. Glad you got the wood Edgar, now put that brain to work on the code.

and take up blue buton

got nowhere with binary translator...

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Found it :) Thanks @Sunshine.

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Use crowbar on wooden shoes... get a piece of wood :s

combine handle and spider web to get a kind of fishing net

the postings are all weird and I have to leave soon anyway. I'll leave it to you all to solve it. With cece and Edgar here it shouldn't take lone!

OK then B=9 hm..

Piece of wood goes in slot in the green box next to wood pile

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 10:09 AM  

I'm missing the thing in the bottom right side of my inventory. What and where is it.
By the way the web goes on the thing you took from the dustpan and with that you can look at the clue in the bowl.

And the code goes...

And got stuck there... no getting back from that window :(

the last thing in inventory is a light

This is what I think so far:


How and where to use them, dont ask :S

David, click door

Edgar in SW box

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 10:14 AM  

Where is the light, cece?

@cece... duh me :P

And out. TYVM Edgar for numbers!!

what piece of wood?? For SW box??

@cece, what light?

Argh!! Can't post!!
I'm out as well, thanks all for help.

I lock for light again, I dont remember

I started late but i am out.
Thx Edgar for the numbers.
I never used the hammer....

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@cece, thanks!

I did'nt use hammer and robe at least

What robe ???

I don't like this. There's a big issue with posts today.
I brute-forced the code and not feeling very proud of it, but started all over again.
@cece or @mva, where exactly is that light?

Light is Where the spider net is, remove it with broom first.

@Zazie, cece means maybe the cloth.

and about that light... ?

no light in w.c can you explain better please.? stuck with ,hammer doll and what looks like sheet of metal ????

Thanks @Zazie... I suck when finding the items is about!

A = 3, but no idea why :(

Lol Edgar, i thought it was a sheet of paper :) (never used either)

@daz, I went like crazy also looking for that flashlight in the wrong place... find it on the upper right corner od the Boiler Room door.

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       Anonymous  5/5/10, 10:37 AM  

Ok light is not in the wc at all. It's a torch and it's on the top right corner of the boiler room door.

did search in the WC, can't find light

got it .... torch ,were cob web was,

OK, I have the blue button out from the doll... where does it go?

Sorry, sorry!! Light is where the net was!!. The second time appears in my inventory when I was in WC :)

It goes in the box where you put the wooden piece

It's ok @cece, it happens to all of us.
To me more than often, lol!

Thanks again @Zazie... your comment didn't showed up until later here with me.

So, we knnow the numbers on the code but we're still missing how to get the A one.

Any ideas?

As i wrote above A = 3, but i don´t know why.

I found hint for A=3!

At left of WC, under paper with blue letters there is card with A=3

@cece, i cannot find the card A=3, where exactly ?

Left door from WC, under paer with blue letters, there is card with A=3

@cece, at left of door? Inside the WC? The left scene? Help me more please!
BTW, great job @cece. We all rock here, lol!

Paper has only 3 tapes, see bottom left

En la habitacion al lado del vater, debajo del papel

Ahh thx, i found this card already but it did not know that it is A :)

I must learn to post with graphics, as Edgar!!!!!!!!!

Well, I supose is A now :)

Evening all, seeing as I can't launch the Tunnel game I'll have a go here.

Still live?

Hm, I've found that card before... actually I found 1 to 4 cards and I'm not sure that's our A=3 clue.
We still have a cloth and a hammer unused, will keep trying for a while.

What the hell is wrong with that robot?? No wonder it was in the bin lol

Sorry people, I'm go up of this public WC. I restart 3 times and its sufficient for me

Hi @Rambler, the game is giving its last kicks so I guess you got here ride on time. Your help can come handy.

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 11:02 AM  

Edgar, There is not only cards with 1,2,3 and 4, but also a card with 5 on it (in the bucket). I thought that's how you found C=7

OK @cece, have a nice time and thanks again for your help here.

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 11:04 AM  

I guess, we have to use the cloth and/or the hammer to find the clue for the A.

the clue for "A".
use the cloth on the table (between the mosquito coil and the fish bowl) in the clock view.

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 11:07 AM  

Thanks, Xenon, did you find any use for the hammer?

@small-tool, I did find that 5 card but have it in a different part in my notes, and that's why I didn't mention it before... and no, that's not how I figured out the C code, but from the C card I found somewhere.

二 + 三 + 二

Feb + Mar + Feb
2 + 3 + 2 = 7

Hi Edgar, I've got loads of stuff now. Just trying to get myself orientated.

Thanks so much @Xenon, I really was expecting you to come and to help us!

Use hammer in left little hole near SW box!! Open a drawer

I didn't find the place for a hammer:P
I'll try later.

Ok. All found, all used. Bye, bye!

lol @cece, you're just amazing.
Hm, well, yes. All things used, but I still can't figure out the calendar thing to give A=3

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 11:17 AM  

Thank you cece, now everything is used and I understand all the codes now.
Now I can escape (don't like brute-forcing, feels like I didn't really escaped).

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 11:20 AM  

Edgar, the scissors tell you to remove the green ones. So if those are gone, under it in the second row is 6,7,8 and that's together 21.
And 21 divided by 7 = 3

Well done all you escapees. I'm just gonna plod along and see how this bear of little brain can cope with the maths.

@cece great!
but the clue is same as the card in the fish bowl.
i.e. card# is (x+y)/5. just written in Japanese.


@small-tool, I had a different thinking:

Code 1 says (1+4)÷5

Hint A suggests to add up bothe sides of the green stripped things and divide by 5.

Code 5 has May and October on its sides, so:

(5 + 10) ÷ 5 = 3

I might be wrong though :P

Correction: I'm sure I'm wrong. lol.

OMG, I think I got it! lol!

If you remove the 17 square out from the calendar as the A clue suggests you'll have 21 visible from the following month (June).

Now 21 ÷ 7 = 3 makes perfect sense to me :D

Well, you can't actually remove the 17... what I meant was "you WOULD have 21 visible..."

As for "A",
I think @Edgar is right.

As for "C",
Jananese numbers in Kanji,
一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
十=10 十一=11,十二=12,,

so C=(23+12)/5=35/5=7

Thanks for that @Xenon. My C=7 was a lucky coincidence after all, as there have been in some other past games as well.

Now I can say the game is totally solved without any lose ends. Thanks all who played along... it was great! :D

Escape from Sento 2 – WALKTHROUGH

▪ Start the game by going down (you’ve just fallen from the trapdoor on the ceiling).
▪ Go inside the left room (click on the door handle).
▪ Take the cloth from the sink.
▪ Take the Geta (wooden shoes) from under the sink.
▪ Click on the bottom left side of the paper on the wall (the corner without a tape on it) and see the CARD 3 with kanji numbers on it:
│ [3]
│ 六 → 九
▪ Zoom in the blue bucket and see the CARD 5:
│ [5]
│ 十九 → 十
▪ Zoom in the pink trash bin (right side) and take the doll.
▪ Click on the bottom arrow to leave the room.
▪ Go inside the Water Closet now.
▪ Click on the lower part of the toilet paper and see a hint for the use of the Binary Code.
▪ Click on the toilet lid and again inside of the toilet to see CARD 2:
│ [2]
│ 二 → 八
▪ Click on the bottom arrow to leave the room.

▪ Go to the right.
▪ Open the green locker and take the wrench, the hammer, the crowbar, the axe and the drill (no saw or screwdriver needed).
▪ Use the cloth on the table (between the mosquito coil and the fish bowl) and see the “CLUE A”, which relates to the calendar on the wall; figure the clue out.
▪ Also notice the clock says it’s 6:00.

▪ Go to the right.
▪ Zoom in the yellow broken bowl on the right part of the floor and click on it again to turn it around. See the “CLUE D” standing for the clock time.

▪ Go to the right.
▪ Click on one of the logs to take it apart from the rest and on the floor; click on it again when it’s down to continue.
Screenshot for the log to click on
▪ Click once again on the log to have a closer view and use the axe on it. Click on the scroll inside of the log, see “CLUE B” and figure it out.
▪ From the wall, take the dustpan and the mop.
▪ Use the hammer on the nail where the dustpan was hanging from (the one in the middle) and click on the upper pink paper, which turns out to be a secret drawer; take the paper from there and know that it says to add up both numbers on the sides of the green stripped things of the Cards you’ve been collecting and to divide by 5 the result.

▪ Go back to the left.
▪ Use the mop on the cobweb to have it in inventory and take the flashlight (barely visible and pretty pixely) from where the cobweb was).

▪ Move to the left.
▪ Open the dustpan in About Item view and remove the metal piece from the handle; now select the cobweb in inventory and combine both items to get a net.
▪ Zoom in the fish bowl and use the net to take out the CARD 1, which says:
│ [1]
│ (1 + 4) ÷ 5
Obviously the result is 1. Now, this card explains better what we’ve seen before in the secret drawer clue.

▪ Go to the left.
▪ Use the drill on the wall crack and see the “CLUE C”, with kanji numbers on it. You know by now how to proceed and, if you recognize the numbers, you could figure out the value for C.
▪ Go inside the Water Closet.
▪ Click on the left part of the pipe to have a closer view, use the wrench on it and see CARD 4:
│ [4]
│ 十一 →五
▪ Get out of there and move to the left.

▪ Open the Geta in About Item view and use the crowbar on the lower right part of them to get the wooden piece.
▪ Use this piece of wood in the slot on the green “SW box” and click on the handle to open it.
▪ Open the flashlight in About Item view and turn it on.
▪ Open the doll in About Item view and give the flashlight to it. When the doll rises its hand you can take the blue button out from its chest.
▪ Put the button on the code panel and enter the values standing for A, B, C and D, according to the CLUES. Click on the button when done and you will have made your Escape from the Public Bathhouse… Congratulations!

Escape from Sento 2 – SOLUTIONS

It says to remove the 17 square out from the calendar. If you continue the numbering of the days through the following month (June) there would be a 21 on the cut square.
Therefore: 21 ÷ 7 = 3

It gives some examples of the binary code for 1,2,3 and 4. The lowest row says 1001, standing for 9.

All of the 5 cards you’ve been collecting shows the procedure to make in the format (x+y)÷5… so we have, translating the kanji numerals:

│ [1]
│ (1 + 4) ÷ 5

│ [2]
│ 二 → 八

│ [3]
│ 六 → 九

│ [4]
│ 十一 →五

│ [5]
│ 十九 → 十

Now, CODE C says:
│ [C]
│ 二十三 → 十二

The easier of them all, relating to the time on the clock (6:00). Then D=6.

The final code for ABCD is then 3976

       Anonymous  5/5/10, 4:40 PM  

Edgar once again I couldn't have done it ("without") you. Very good walkthrough.

hi from OZ everyone

Thanks @apricotmomma but, I just wrote the WT.
There were many along doing the solving and findings throughout the entire game. :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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