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Puzzle Room Escape 26 Walkthrough

Puzzle Room Escape 26

Puzzle Room Escape - 26 is Twenty Sixth episode of Puzzle Room Escape point and click room escape game series from Games2rule. Puzzle room is set to evaluate your brainpower!! Use your cleverness to solve different types of puzzles and escape from the puzzle room cleverly.Good luck and have fun!

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Argh! You got to pick up golden pieces with your ball which you move by the arrow keys - however, there is only one route you can follow... and I haven't found it, yet. Always left over with one piece. H E L P !

Middle row, right.
Bottom, middle one.
Top left.
Top right.
Bottom right.
Bottom left.

small tool, thanks so much! At first your directions confused me but then understood what I had to do. Now all that is left is the middle one which I cannot understand at all. Seems there isn't space for all colours - hmm...

how to get the matching color balls in corners.. I need some help here. Somebody please..

the middle puzzle has me, well, puzzled

colour balls was easy - just jump over a ball to get to corners. You can't jump diagonally so sometimes you have to move balls out of the way

anyone heard of the si5 facility in milton keynes? i'd never escape from there!

i can't get past the middle puzzle, it confuses me

done with matching balls..

Take a look at this
It’s the middle puzzle; I did as I show in the snapshot... it fulfills with all it asks to. Place every possible remaining figure in the middle square and yet, the game won’t give it to me.

Once again Games2Rule disappoints me :(

There's no green symbols in your solution, would that have something to do with it?

@Edgar, I came up with exactly the same pattern, and exactly the same result. The puzzles would be great if they were actually solvable!

@Lagoflfer, maybe... but if the game doesn't tell about using all of the colors, then it should be as good using them as if not.
Besides, I did use green in the middle square as I said, and yet... nothing!

Edgar and zoz,
That's not the only solution.
For the colors you can have (B=Blue etc.)


like you have, but also


The same with the shapes (also two solutions)

The pic you displayed shows nothing in the middle square.

@Edgar, that's what I got also and put all the other shapes/colors in the center still nothing

I have the same pattern as small tool described but nothing is happening

@lagolfer, I know there's nothing in the middle, but as I said, it fulfills with what requests just like that. Now, I know the grid doesn't have to be empty like that and (as I also said) I tried every figure left on it.

@small-tool, different combinations are possible, indeed. My point is: if I can come up with one of them that makes what it asks for, then it should be taken as good! Do we have to try every possible combo until getting the one the game maker came up with? That's what makes this one a silly game, I think.
BTW, that's not a small tool at all, @small-tool, lol!

Also there isn't a "Reset" button so I don't think this game was finished


The solution is;


There are 4 solutions, but only this one works.

By the way the RedSquare in the middle makes sense because now you have every shape in every color.

BIG LOL @Edgar about Small-tool's not so small tool :))
btw. nice avatar @small-tool, I really like it!

       Anonymous  5/31/10, 10:44 AM  

I tried this because there's nothing else right now, but every single time I try these games I get frustrated - they are too hard for this little brain. I just like the "real" escape games, not hard puzzles to solve...oh well.

I got the middle puzzle.. But the window closed down...

I think I had a red square in the middle. Got a key floating in the middle of color balls in the middle of the room.

       Anonymous  5/31/10, 10:46 AM  

@zoz - my sentiments exactly pfffft! lol..I'm outta here.

escaped.. Take the floating key to the door..

Thanks @small-tool for the correct solution! I really don't like when there are many solutions but only one that is accepted. Other than that it was a nice game.

Wow! First place on the high score list! (out of two names there....)

Maybe small-tool's avatar really is a small tool, but with an even smaller figure.
Anyway, small-tool most definitely has a big brain!

@zoz, maybe that should be his next avatar...

Hey, @Ellie, have you seen nokra's "How to Play an Un-Live Game" through? It's in the Tesshi-e game near the bottom of the first page. Definitely Museum quality!

@zoz, yes I saw it and I totally agree! I'll do some updating as soon as possible (= sometime tonight). Right now I opened the Oasis game, which I probably shouldn't have done... really dizzy!

yes, the Bored Oasis game would've been great if the navigation wasn't so ridiculous! And wait until you see how you have to exit, lol. What ever happened to just climbing over the hedge?

I had to leave in sort of an emergency, but I'm back now.
@small-tool, great!! Thanks for finding the right solution... and for having the patience to go through all of the different combinations until finding the one in the author's mind!
Anyway, that still makes me think the game wasn't good enough.
But KUDOS!! Thanks again! :)

Thanks @small-tool, I never could have done the middle puzzle without your help!

I did it!!! woohoo!!

out with small-tool's help. I didn't realize we weren't supposed to use green shapes.

I can't get the stupid ball to move??? help

@Whitney, try the arrow keys on your keyboard, they should do the trick :)

The middle game is flawed. Why did the author even provide green tiles when the green symbols in the hints can be any color? This series is one of my favorites, all the others entries are great! One bad apple out of several dozen isn't all bad, I guess (I'll just throw it away).

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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