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Masonic Mystery Walkthrough

Masonic Mystery

[REPLAY] Masonic Mystery Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Arboy. Many have heared about Freemasons, only few have been in their Royal Lodge non of them has been trapped there, before now! Escape! Good luck and have fun!

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Masonic Mystery Walkthrough

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Hm... when loading it says "games for smart people". Well, going in anyway lol.

Okay, I've made my secret handshake and I'm going in.

Hi Ellie, I'm sure you fit the smart people bit : )

lol @Ellie - I'm the one that should be worried

Hi all!, got a arch-looking thing from a frame, desk view.

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lol @Rambler, let's see about that. Hi btw!

I have a goblet (left cupboard), plate and bottle (turn left - back left corner) so far. Exploring more.

Wow, what a goal for Spain...

lol @Rambler! Trying to do some escaping here!

Got a green bottle now.

this looks difficult, at least for me :D
got gobblet, bowl, bottle, and the thing ?

Hmm, 'per aspera ad astra' = through trials to the stars...

Got a chain also from a chair on the right, door view

This is nice! I have the same things as you and am playing the piano, but don't have a clue to what the game wants me to play.

I can turn the top 'disc' of the left hand wall light, but I think we need to either use something on it or stick something in it.

hi ..where is the goblet?? or which view plz. btw hi all

I can press the buttons around the G button on the pyramid on the table.

the triangle clue must be for the gold pyramid but I can't figure it out (after all, this is for smart people, so I don't feel bad, lol)

pop - found it beside the drawing

I think goblet was where the bottles, on top.

@Sue, the goblet is on top of a tall cupboard to the left in a view (first view you were in).

Yep, got goblet, bow, bowl, chain and bottle. And I think there's a clue for the pyramid, but I'm not sure..

Ive tried the star clue to do something with the pyramid... no luck so far.

Do we have to find letters that spell 'goblet' on the pyramid?

there's a lid thing you can click on the right lamp...there's a hole then...

Metal piece above desk

@Mina, do you mean the left wall light?

ops...left lamp =D

yeah...sorry...left-right confused..haha

Ah, okay, then we're talking about the same thing.

Where is the bow or arch thing?

Use star clue then click 'G'. Got a key.

above the desk, on the frame of picture

on the picture frame above desk @small-tool

@small-tool, zoom on the small desk with the per aspera ad astra book. Click above the desk when zoomed.

Got a coin.

@Aphora, where to start on the star?

how @Aphora?

Thanks annaby and Ellie.

@Aphora, could you describe how you did that? Did you press all three sides and THEN G or G after each side (or is one side enough) or...?

If you click the five squares around the g on the pyramid in the order of the star drawing (start at the lower right, then the top one, then the lower left one, then the middle right one, then the middle left one) Then click the G you get a Key.

@Aphora, I've been trying that for a while. How did you do it?

Used the coin on the MMProperty.

that order wont work for me :(
or any other order.

U need to click the lower right one twice i think

Thanks @Joey, but that doesn't work for me. Still no key from that triangle.

not working for me either

Thanks @Egle!!
Start AND finish in lower right!

For the pyramid, click in this order.
5 4
3 7 1/6

Thanks @Egle!! Dont finish with G (I never used G), but instead the lower right as last one.

Yes, after that click the bottom right one again and it gives a key.

Start and end at the bottom left of the pyramid that worked for me

@Egle, yess, that does it. You should hear a 'fart' then you click the G and get a key lol

mean right sorry

Does anyone know what the 4-letter code is?

got a coin from using the key at a desk in a corner (above bottles).

thanks @Aphora!

Oh Rambler, that noise came from the pyramid??

The coin can be used as a screwdriver on the desk with the book.

Right, I've spelled STAR on the desk which seems the most logical, but nothing happens..

What is MMProperty and where is it?

I tried STAR for the code... nope!

small-tool - on desk

@small tool on the desk

Found it, again thanks Ellie and annaby

Don't know what it said exactly but on the desk with book.

What about the book with Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si,
Must have something to do with the piano?


Its the roman number for 44 XLIV ( 44 is written above door)
then open upper drawer stars appear

@small-tool. I've been trying to translate that into an English phrase and you found a much simpler use : )

Great @sue!!!

Thanks @sue!! Good thinking!

Excellent work @sue : )

@sue thats smart, great job

And to play the piano now!

Now the paper is in my inventory I can't see the colors anymore. What are they?
I think it's the piano order if you combine it with the book notes colors.

put stars on piano and now play... well i am bad at this...

great @sue!

got key from piano

Got a key from piano - place the stars there and use the colors as notes (from do-re-mi paper).

the star colors refer to the colors (notes) in the book

RRBYYBRG @ 400% magnified lol

Use the "key" on the hole in the left lamp.

3-3-4-5-5-4-2 me thinks =D

Change the symbol on the new door to look like the Masonic G, and... new room.

The G:

got key from piano

I'm inside another room now.

you can set the stars note on the piano

Got another bowl and another chain in the new room (bowl below the G and chain zoomed in the left corner somewhere).

Another bowl from there, on the floor.

down stairs...found another chain on table

Gah, that doesn't work, although the tune seems familiar.

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 12:20 PM  

stuck on where the tool is

turn around...another silver goblet on floor near column

Got another goblet as well (silver) from turning around in the new room, and got a corc screw when going back up the stairs.

Got a silver goblet.

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 12:21 PM  

NM got into the new room git a silver goblet under a bench

Go back out and find a corkscrew on the stairs.

got another plate, cup, chain and a pillar.

use the corkscrew on the bottle.

A pillar @mrtelcom?

@Rambler, the "tune" that mina told should work:
Press 3345542 on the piano (from left, cointing number 1 as the first one possible to press).

Put pillar on right desk.

got the pillar

find pillar on same desk as 2nd chain

Get the pillar from the view zoomed on the plate (where you got the second chain). Click in the left side of the background.

Pillar is top left on scene with candles.

pillar? where?

Bloody piano, I'm playing the tune but it won't give up the key.


Is that right?

out...very interesting

I can't use my corkscrew on the bottle because it's in the other side of my inventory!?

Thank @all! :P

PIANO CODE is 1 number missing!!
its 3 3 4 5 5 4 3 2

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 12:26 PM  

Made a balance on the right pillar got a new key And Out

@rambler did u placed that paper with stars on the piano?

drag it @ small tool

Got a new key.
Put pillar on the right side of the new roon, then add "bow", chains, bowls, goblets and wine (in silver goblet).

OK, pillar is in place... what goes next?

@Elli, thanks, but it's not working : (

@Rambler...without the last 3...only 42 at the end...

And out! Nice game!!

@ ramble a white piano key pops a bit up more on the left side

Out as well!

was quite fun, thank you all for help

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 12:28 PM  

the bow looking thing then ten the 2 chains 2 bows goblets and use the wine to balance it

Hi all, trying this for the first time.
Totally lost on the pyramid. Clicking like crazy but it just don't work.,

Sue, that's the problem. I can drag the corkscrew but when I want to go to my bottle I have to click the arrow and then my corkscrew isn't on my mouse anymore.

Wow! Good game.
Thanks all for help :D

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 12:29 PM  

My pillar won't go on the right table in the new room. Keeps popping back to inventory.

Okay, I'm looking at the clues and all of your help, and either way I play it nothing happens. Must be a bug, gonna re-start.

out xD

@sueJ999 place it a bit above, the mark on the table, not on it

and out! good thing there were plenty of smart people playing this game - thanks everyone!

Have you clicked the right table yet?

Never mind. Did not realize I had to click the blocks that change color.

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 12:31 PM  

AHA! I had to put it on just the right pixel... and out! Thanks for the hints :D

@Rambler, did you put the colored stars down? On the piano.

Yeah, @annaby. Thanks to the smart people from me too!

@small-tool - don't worrry about opening the wine bottle. When you have everything on the table, you'll be able to use the corkscrew

And out!
Thanks for all your hints!!!!

Third time thanks annaby, just found out when I did put everything down I could see the bottle and the corckscrew. I'm out too.
Good game.
Thanks for all the help.

Rambler, the same here :(

For the ones having problems with the piano, Ellie might have a point.
Did you place the stars paper on the piano first?

i am thinking now about that "per aspera ad astra" hint.
We get to the ad astra (stars) so i guess that per aspera was that, what was written over door, sad that i didnt understand it

@Rambler, I opened the game again to see if I could help with the piano, but now it doesnt work for me either... Hm..

Okay, I re-started and this time it worked, except it needed all eight notes, so I don't know how some of you got the key by missing the 7th note out. Oh well, I'm in the basement now.

Scoreflash: 2-0 to Spain.

I'm too stupid for this game :'(

@Ellie, thanks for that, so there IS a bug! I feel better now - if you know what I mean : )

why isn't my key unlocking the door?

Now it worked for me with the piano.
I went to enter the XLIV again and then I could do it. Don't think that should be necessary though.

@Rambler, when it works, there is one of the piano keys to the left that moves a little, and you need to press that one to get the key.

@sassenach u need to find the right pixel

Great @Rambler! Sometimes bugs is a good thing :)

Thanks for the comments everybody.

Good job finishing the game!

Yay, I'm out. Thanks for all the help everyone.

Just in case I made a screenshot with the piano keys:
Click here to see the order of the piano keys to press

Thanks back @Abroy!!!
You guys did it again with a splendid game here
KUDOS!! :)

Thank YOU @Abroy - very nice game!

Yes, thanks @Abroy!! I'm again looking forward to more games from you! Really great one :)

can't find the first chain. Anyone?

@evans, for first chain in the first room, zoom on the door and look on top of a chair in the right side.

I was thinking about that melody we played and now i am sure that this was Ode To Joy or The European Union Anthem (what is the same if somebody not from Europe here, hehe)

@evans, zoom on the big doors (in the middle of one view), and then the chain is on the chair to the right of the doors.

Thanks edgar but while I was looking for the chain, my gold goblet disappeared. Very annoying!

@Egle, yes, it's Ode To Joy. I knew I recognised it, that's why I was puzzled when everyone was missing out the 7th note to get the key.

Thanks Egle!

Maybe your missing goblet is hidden in the inventory @evans?
Click on the right/left arrows on it. Maye it's still there.

Beautiful game. Nice graphics and good "codes". More, please!


It could be Ode To Joy @Egle, but that piano needs to be tuned, it has a not very healthy sound:)

It might be a masonic low-budget toy piano!

I STILL can't find the right pixel!


I escaped with the help of several people commenting above. Thanks!!
If things seem to disappear from your inventory, make sure to check the arrows on each side of the inventory.

Click on the chair in the left corner to zoom above the big cabinet.
Look at the star clue and take the golden goblet.
Zoom on the table, use the star clue to open the pyramid and get a key.
Solution below.
←Turn left.
Zoom on the small table in the left corner.
Take the bowl and the left wine bottle.
Use the key you got from the pyramid to open the right drawer.
Take the third coin from left.
←Turn left.
Zoom on the doors.
(Note the text above them).
Take the chain from the seat of the chair to the right of the door.
←Turn left.
Zoom on the desk by the back wall.
Note the text and colors in the book.
Take the piece of metal from the frame above the desk.
Use the coin as a screwdriver to remove the MMProperty-sign.
Click to change the letters to unlock the top drawer to the right.
Solution below.
Get a sequense of colored stars.
Zoom on the piano.
There are seven pressable keys.
Put the colored stars above the keys and play according to them to get a tool.
Solution below.
When correct a key to the left moves.
Press that piano key and get a key.
←Turn left.
Zoom on the painting.
Click on the upper round metal thing above the left lamp twice.
Use the key from the piano in the hole.

Go down the stairs.
The symbol on the door consists of four movable circles.
Turn them the right way to unlock the door.
Solution below.
Click on the door handle to move to the next room.
Take the bowl (golden circle) below the Masonic G symbol.
Zoom on the table in the back left corner.
Take the chain from the plate.
Take the pillar from between the left wooden bars behind the table.
←Turn left.
Take the silver goblet from the floor to the right (in front of the pillar).
Move forward to the stairs.
Take the cork screw from the left side in the stairs.
Turn around and enter through the door again.
Zoom on the table in the back right corner.
Place the pillar on the middle of the table (inside/above the round hole in the wooden stand).
Put the metal part/bow from your inventory on top of the pillar.
Add the chains to each side of the metal.
Add the bowls below the chains.
Place the golden goblet on the left bowl and the silver goblet on the right.
Use the cork screw on the wine bottle.
Pour wine in the silver goblet.
Get a key.
Turn around and go back up the stairs to the first room.
Zoom on the door and use the key in the key hole.
Congratulations! You have escaped!

Pyramid/Star puzzle
Click on the squares around the G in the order that the star clue shows.
Lower right, top, lower left, middle right, middle left, lower right again and last the G-button.
Click here to see a screenshot of the order to click pyramid buttons.

Four letters on desk
The clue is in the text above the door: number 44.
Enter 44 with roman numerals: XLIV

Look in the book at the desk.
The words start with do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si, and they are colored.
The first word (do/brown color) is the first pressable key to the left.
Play the keys according to colors on stars.
Click here to see a screenshot of the order to press the piano keys

Door symbol
It’s the Masonic G.
Click here to see a screenshot of the Masonic G

Holy Molly Eli UBD1!!!! Thank you. could not read color hints way too color blind.

Nope piano is not giving up the key. I am reading that i push key 3twice, key 4, 5twice, key 3 key 2 but this is not working. Help.

Just saw screen shot clue... thanks

@adivawoman, there were some of us that had that problem as well. Try to go back to the drawer and insert the roman numerals again and reopen that drawer, then return to the piano.
If it still doesn't work, maybe you should try to open a new game.

Thanks Ellie, not only for the most excellent walkthrough but for answering. I finally got the darn piano key... more from trial and error then understanding their star clue. I really appreciate it. The screen shots are great help.

You're welcome @adivawoman!

Don't know why yall are worried I know I am. I have now made it through 2 with out using cheats well all the cheat hee hee lol

       Anonymous  6/21/10, 9:16 PM  

I love the piano I was playing a solo concerto!

Molto maestoso ! Che è stato meraviglioso crescendo!!

I cant find where put the pillar

doesn't load for me......anyone else having problems?

aaah, ok I found it

in the new room, when you face the G (in the center of the room, zoom on the table to the right. In the middle of this table is a wooden square with a circle/hole in the middle. Put the lower end of the pillar on top of this wooden square.

@Kim, it loads fine in Internet Explorer right now.

Ah, you found it already. Good :)

Thanks Ellie..... in now

and out... nice game

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You need to put the star chart on the piano before playing.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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