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Project L Walkthrough

Project L

Project L is another scary point and click adventure game developed by Paul from Vamplair. In this game, ou play in search of a mysterious person in an abandoned building. Collect items and clues to help you solve the mystery. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Paul]

Warning: This game contains scary scenes and may not be suitable for children and for person who have weak heart!

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Anyone around?

loading it now. I'll have to see if it is suitable for me as an adult ;)

loading here too

Lol. should be, kkf. :D

im here too.....lets play :)

lol to do list: kill self

This game makes me feel like I need new glasses.

And a map.

looks scary


@Trisana not necessarily - I scare too easily. I'll have to see.

haven't found scary yet. working on a cryptogram

solved cryptogram, working on number code in LH46

yeah, got that. heading downstairs.

Trisana, can you help me with LH46? Math isn't exactly my forte.

did anyone solve the three digits puzzle ? im very bad in math

>.< math problems. Grrr.

ah, got it:) downstairs now

well, if you assume that 9 is the largest number possible, and the 100's digit isn't 0, there's only one possibility for the first digit. and the others fall into place.

easy scary game)

@strika I'm sure Trisana did. She likes math, IIRC

digit number foud


also found number keypad

love the computer screen! :D And out, easy.

thanks Kestrae Benton ..... OUT :)

Easy game, but didn't like it.

I enjoyed the blatant DeathNote reference. . . :D

I had to take a short break. The game was easy once I stopped to work out the math code.

Not scary at all.

Yeah, you'd think it would be but it wasn't. :D Other than those dolls. . . what was up with them?

By the way.
The new Minoto is not yet out, but the name is already on their site;
'Lions Story'.
Will be fun.

codes were so easy..didnt find it scary...enjoyed it..

I am actually stuck on the downstairs code.

@saima..is it room 1408 code? if so follow the tip on the wall next to the cigarette pack !

Saima - have you seen the "nonsense" notes?

Saima - note the clue on the wall. There are 3 pieces of paper in those locations, each with a number

Thanx Trisana & Annaby, got it.

Sit through the lines of slow text or hit skip
Click the door to enter
Click the weird note on the wall
Click the door to the left (with the yellow square on it)
Click the door at the end of the hall
Go forwards to the end room
There is a map on the wall, but you don’t need it
Click the note on the wall
Solve the clue and enter it into the safe
Click the Enter combination text and get the key
Back up
Note you can’t go downstairs because of darkness so go up instead
Enter L46 since you have the key (in front of you)
Click the note on the floor
Solve the math problem and enter it into the safe
Click enter the combination and get the flashlight
Click the note on the chair (don’t invite this person over for dinner)
Back up into the hall
Go right
Enter the right open doorway
Click the baby doll if you want the closest thing to a scare in the game
There’s a map on the wall, but you don’t need it
Enter the left door (cyan blue) to go back
Click the red door at the end of the hall to find the evil 1408
Click the note on the wall
Go back since you can’t enter yet
Back up to the stairs
Go down
Click the baby doll if you want “scare 2”
Go right
Click the pack of cigarettes (don’t seem to serve a purpose)
Click the wall for a hidden note
Solve the clue and go left
Click the end of the room and enter the code under the panel
Click Enter the combination and get the old key
Back up and go upstairs
Go right and click the red door
Enter it
Go forward
Note the code on the door
Enter the solution into the panel hidden on the left door
Read the note in the toilet
Back up and enter the code into the right door
Click the lamp to find a hidden note
Enter the solution into the computer to win

The nonsense it is talking about on the wall are the weird notes you found. Each has a page number on the bottom. Room L46’s is page 3, 1408 is page 8, entrance is page 6. The order is given by the clue.

Good walkthrough kitkatfox.
But how can all you guys (girls) be so quick with accurate walkthroughs?

Not all of us are @small-tool. Kitkatfox is very special and i suspect that she has a lot more hands than any other of us. I'm glad I have my tinfoil hat.

Not true Ellie.
You're very fast as well and how quickly Edgar posts pictures with hidden letters/numbers is really amazing (like I said in another game; I thought I was fast with letters and numbers but Edgar does it in the same time ánd posts pictures). And lots of others (don't know all the names yet) are really fast too.
No, I'm not worth standing in your shadows. But I like to play here.

Tinfoil hat ?

to keep aliens from reading our minds, I think. I know someone gave me a tinfoil tiara at one point. . . for that exact reason.

Aliens (from outer space I presume and not from over the border) are reading our minds!? And kitkatfox with lots of hands is one of them and because you are wearing tinfoil hats/tiaras she can't read our minds and so she can write walkthroughs fast!?
Now I'm really confused.

A nice and easy game! It feels good to solve codes that pretends to be complicated, but can be solved really easy. Ego booster :D
I only made the mistake in my notes to write onefourzero and then translate it to 147. That confused me for a while lol.

@small-tool, I think that the tinfoil-hat first showed in the game "Aliens and instant noodles" from 6/2/10. Kitkatfox writes insanely fast and that's why I thought she might be one of those aliens, only pretending to wear tinfoil. It's good for the rest of us to be protected since we spend a lot of time with her... only a theory that shouldn't be taken too seriously (comming from someone that thinks that zero=7).
And... noone stands in any shadows here. We all have our fast and (more often) really brain dead days lol.

Oddly enough I was almost expecting fan service.

I took a look at that instant noodles game and I see now where that tinfoil hat comes from.
It's funny.
And thanks for telling about nobody is standing in the shadow. Feeling better now.
But I know for sure that being fast and/or funny is not my strong suit. But still like it here being amongst the escaping giants.

code for downstairs 638

       Anonymous  6/11/10, 5:47 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

Wow, amazingly easy.

@small-tool I do type pretty fast (and hopefully without too many mistakes -- darn lefts and rights), but you have saved me in lots of games with your hints. I save my skills for writing walkthroughs that hopefully explain things pretty well -- I'm not the most brilliant code solver!

By the way, I promise I don't have multiple arms, but I do have 2 computer screens, which makes for faster walkthroughs. And Irish makes the most fashionable tinfoil hats!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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