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Sunglasses Room 5 Walkthrough

Sunglasses Room 5

PuzzleGames24 Sun Glasses Room 5 is another new point and click type room hidden object games from Puzzle Games 24. In this game, you try to find sunglasses for you and your friends. Good luck and have fun!

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Well it's better than nothing I suppose.

Going in now...

I am SO rubbish at these, only managed to find 4 pairs so far lol

There are 8 in the first scene and 7 in the second scene. Every scene has one you can take without zooming in.

How the hell did you find them all s-t, I've only got 6. I think I must be wearing a pair of sunglasses, because I can't see any more than them lol

Sorry, but this is something I'm good at. Took me 4 minutes.

Ahh, just seen the unzoomed one in the sofa scene. Up to 7 now!!

Well I give up, I'm missing 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12 & 15 (from the inventory). Gonna iron some work shirts : (

this is a hidden objects game....more than escape the room game

Phew! That was hard! Especially number 11 (black part of right side of bed, view 2), that I had to lean the computer and the head a lot to see.
@Rambler, I'll make a PT now, in case you come back.

Do you want a written one first or is that too much?

The sunglasses are numbered according to their place in the inventory. Click on “Picture” to see a spoiler where to find them.

First view
#1: Don’t zoom. Picture.
#3: Zoom on the lower white shelves. Picture.
#4: Zoom on the table. Picture.
#5: Zoom on the left plant. Picture.
#6: Zoom on the right side of left couch. Picture.
#7: Zoom on the left side of the right couch. Picture.
#8: Zoom on the right plant. Picture.
#9: Zoom on the right side of the right couch. Picture.

Second view
#2: Don’t zoom. Picture.
#10: Zoom on the left side of the bed. Picture.
#11: Zoom on the right side of the bed. Picture.
#12: Zoom on the left plant. Picture.
#13: Zoom on the right plant. Picture.
#14: Zoom on top of the right cupboard. Picture.
#15: Zoom on the floor, by the foot end of the bed. Picture.

Zoom on the door in first view to place your sunglasses and escape. 

Sorry @small-tool, I didn't see your question until I posted. If you made a written one, please post it too. These pictures are a bit unstable, and I don't know if they will eventually disappear. Besides, not everyone likes to look at pictures. They prefer to read the help. I'm just too lazy to describe it in words.

I'm just too lazy to make picturs so here is a...



1) Not zoomed in, bottom left of the screen.

3) Zoom in on the right part of the white shelfs in the front. It's above the bottom shelf, in the second part from the right.
4) Zoom in on the table. It's bottom left of the screen (not far left).
5) Zoom in on the plant on the left. It's behind the top left of the pot.
6) Zoom in on the right side of the left couch. It's on the top left part of the left seat of the couch.
7) Zoom in on the left side of the right couch. It's on the backwall, behind the top of the arm of the couch.
8) Zoom in on the plant on the right. It's on the bottom green part of the plant.
9) Zoom in on the right side of the right couch. It's on the floor, under the right side (under the arm) of the couch.


2) Not zoomed in, on the top of the left wall (above the bed).

10) Zoom in on the left pillow. It's on the bottom of the wall, behind the bed.
11) Zoom in on top of the bed for a view of the right side of the bed. It's on the black board, to the top right of the pillow.
12) Zoom in on the left plant. It's on the trunk of the left plant.
13) Zoom on the right plant. It's behind the bottom of the plant.
14) Zoom in on the top of the cupboard next to the right plant. It's in the inventory bar.
15) Zoom in on the floor in front of the bed for a view under the bed. It's far left, on the wooden part of the bed.

lol @small-tool... lazyness in different ways :)
Thanks for your written WT! It's never too much.

Hi Ellie and small-tool, got them all now.Some of them were impossible for me to see.

Thanks for the help :o)

Got them all on my own but thanks for both walkthroughs! :)

Good to see s-t back writing them (and that no song was necessary to bring him back) :P

Well, I must admit I tried this when there were zero comments and found a total of 7 (or was it 8?) before giving up. @Rambler, you know it's bad when you'd rather iron shirts than play a game, lol!

@small-tool, I'd love to see your computer screen, because mine just keeps hiding things, even when I tilt back and forth, stand on my head, and rub my stomach!

that must be a very funny thing to look at @zoz!! :DD

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