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Antique Escape Walkthrough

Antique Escape

Antique Escape is a new point and click type escape game developed by Sonia Roman and sponsored by CafeCafeGames. You are trapped in this antique house. Find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:



       Anonymous  10/18/10, 7:55 AM  

lovin the new games!! thanks!!

Afternoon Muse !

LOVE the steampunk dress!

Clockface(used), cog x 2, key(used), glasses.

Hi Swiss! Is it afternoon for you? 11am here :)

Hi there.
Found what looked like a coin, placed it in the hat (?) and got a key

Actually wish I had that whole outfit, boots hat dress and all!

some sort of lever (used), another cog.

very hard to spot, something on the floor in front of the dress

a sort of stick, a wheel, a key (used) and glasses

the music drives me mad

Key doesnt work on table uder clock

OK, let's go in!!

Have three gears and a key

Too easy...works on drawer...I agree Swiss...I just woke up from a nightmare that had the same music, I swear!

yes muse - it is 17.00 here

Got a picture from upstairs...not going to comment on game as it just rolls along :)

Beware the bugs - Through

Go left.
Take the gear #1 from the floor.
Zoom in the gramophone and take the clock face from below the handle; zoom out.

Go left twice.
Take the wand from the bottom, under the dress.
Zoom in the hat and use the CLOCK FACE on it to get the key #1; zoom out.

Go right.
Use the KEY on the top drawer (with a keyhole) and take the glasses.

Go left 2 times.
Take the gear #2 from the bottom, under the books.
Click on the top part of the ladder to go upstairs.

At the dark attic, drag the GLASSES to the screen to see.
Take the photograph from the bottom left of the screen and click on it in inventory for a spot to see downstairs.
Click on the opened trapdoor to go back down.

Go right 4 times (to the view in the photo)
Zoom in the old radio and use the WAND on it to get the gear #3; zoom out.
Click on the part of the wall depicted in the photo to open a secret panel with the gear #4 inside.

Go all the way to the left, go upstairs (use glasses) and move all the way to the right.
Put the GEARS on that other floor trapdoor and click on the round handle to open it and to get a paper with colored dots.

Go left.
Zoom in the piano keys and click on them with the color sequence from the paper. Maybe a little hard to tell what colors are those in the tiny circles on the piano, so maybe I should add that, if numbering them, you would be pressing the keys in this order: 6-2-7-5-1. Once done, take the bird that appears; zoom back.

Go left.
Put the bird inside the cage and take the key #2.

Go downstairs and 2 times to the right.
Zoom on the bottom right of the bookshelves and use the KEY 2 to open the lower compartment to get the key #3; zoom out.

Go left 2 times, move upstairs (use glasses) and to the right.
Use the KEY 3 to open the lower part of the piano to get 2 red balls.

Go right.
Use the BALLS on the bottom of the painting on the left and take the rose.

Go back downstairs and all the way to the right.
Click on the floor to have a view from nowhere.
Use the ROSE on the slot to open a secret door… out!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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