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SSSG - Tropical Escape Walkthrough

SSSG - Tropical Escape

SSSG: Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Tropical Escape is another new point and click escape game from Selfdefiant. Super Sneaky Spy Guy came to this tropical retreat in hopes of relaxation. Along came a typhoon that destroyed everything, with the exception of a really nice villa that Sneaky was able to find. Now it is up to you to help Super Sneaky Spy Guy get back to civilization. Good luck and have fun!

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I'm up to escape from paradise it seems.

Got a knife and used it to get black key.

Battery from remote goes in the camera.

If anyone is playing and with something more than me, I could use some help.
Got green, pink and yellow gems so far.

Got hammer from cushion and used it against light for gemstone.

I'm here too Edgar, where abouts were the green and pink gems?
I need something to open the drawer in the black key room, something to help undo the light globes, and need to find memory card for the camera.

Oh and there's some clip on a mirror that I need to remove.

Hey Pierre!

OK, ehm let me see. Green is inside that drawer, but you need the screwdriver.

The multitasking SD is for that mirror too!
Do you have a hammer?

Got the hammer, but cant find the SD.

Just got the red gem now from using a shovel outside.

@Pierre, go to the scene with the remote. Find a spot on the table edge to use the hammer.

Got inside the gold room, but I need a light bulb there. Let me know when you get one please!

Ahhh!! Thank you Edgar, I was going insane looking for that.

Oh, stupid me. Forgot I have a wrench!

according to this game, prying something involves a screwdriver...

YW! Just got the light bulb. Going to use it now.

Aha! Blue gem inside the dark bathroom after gold door. Got them all now.

Was that a question Lauren? LOL, it does!

Moving along swimingly now. Got silver key, got tweezers, wrench, and also a SSSG coin where wrench was.

I just opened the safe with the colored gemstones and the captions say key says is a DVD.
Also, the lightbulb hotspot and its caption seem to be in every scene.
Other than that... GREAT GAME AS USUAL!!!

...oh yes. I'm out.

And OUT!
Thanks for your help Edgar.

Nice to have played with you Pierre. I feel lucky to have not missed a view or a spot now... I do that so often!

Yer, good playing with you too Edgar, I couldn't have escaped without your SD location.

Ahwell, now on to the Rotuc.

Just missed it!!!hi anyway...LOL

Good luck there Pierre :)

Hi @nokra!

to me, prying involves a hammer's double pronged end

im stuck with hammer, screwdriver, camera, and yellow and pink gems. help!

Lauren, do you have the battery and card in the camera. If so, turn it on to get some colours, and count the letters for the number lock door.

Good Lord! I'm going to be here forever...it is taking 20 seconds for each scene to load...

Thanks Edgar, I fixed the bugs.

Got the sneaky coin from outside with the silver key...really slow and keeps freezing on me, but I am determined...LOL

       Anonymous  11/24/10, 10:31 PM  

gahhhh!!! Why can't I find the green gem?!?!?

this is driving me crazy! where in the world is the purple gem?

Please, please, somebody come back and tell me where is the purple gem. I'm about to fire up this place :))

       Anonymous  11/24/10, 11:35 PM  

Where is the green gem? Someone said above that it was in the drawer in the black key room, but a different color gem was in there.

Hi Adryanna:
I found the pink/purple gem in the bedroom (underneath ther mirror scene) in the jammed drawer (use SD)

Hi Shazzie:
Green gem is behind curtain in bedroom right from mirror scene

       Anonymous  11/24/10, 11:44 PM  

Thanks so much for your help @Stu!

To those who don't want to escape, think Haiti. The premise is there's been a typhoon! Think no fresh water, toilets won't flush, unreliable electricity, food is running out...

But I feel really stupid (more so than usual) -- it took me awhile to find a hot spot (top of screen)to get me anywhere!

You're welcom abbazabba!

Did you find the red gem??? I can't find it!

Hi Stu! You're my hero :) too bad my SD is gone :( don't know where...

good morning.i need some help here,cant get the door code,counted the letters according the initials of colors and the fruits colors but nothing.where is the wrench please?

@ new: count the letters of the colours. can't remember where the wrench was :(

Hi new:
Door code comes from camera (green, red, purple and blue)

Noone found the red gem???? I read I need a shovel but can't find it.

Did any of you lost the SD? I don't know where mine go :(

Ah found shovel!!!! I missed a view (big marble down)

And out or away with my jetski!!!!

Oh, great! now it won't let me restart. it take's me back from where I left the game. it becomes really annoying!

Have you used the arrows in your inventory?

I did, Stu! The SD is forever gone. I give up :( thank's for the help :)

Sorry Adryanna!

sorry,but is it 6757?

@new: Doorcode is

ok, I got back in, out in 5 min. For those who are about to play: first take the purple gem from the jammed drawer using the SD. You will loose the SD after use it in the bathroom downstairs.

Can you please help me with the order of the gems?

thank you so much Stu,from that point it was easy,but i dont get it(feeling stupid),can you explain?

@ Cattis: look at the groceries list

Cattis,look the yellow note in the kitchen

I can't find any of the keys... I have a hammer, sd, knife, tweezers, camera (used code) and green + yellow gems. Help anyone? Thanks!

Thank you. I´ve looked at the list but I don´t get it. I don´t know what yams is or what the colour of yams is. Berries... what berries - red or blue? Rhubarbs? As you can see, English is not my language.

Cattis, I'm not there yet but I think you need to take the first letter of the words and connect a color: yam = yellow.

       Anonymous  11/25/10, 12:45 AM  

Took me AGES to spot the arrow up from the first scene ... was clicking about there for an eternity (sigh)... one day I will start the day with my brain set to 'go'.

Cattis,Rob is right,just look the initials of the words.Rob,knife is used on a wax pear on a table,hammer and tweezers outside on lamps

Thank you Rob. Now I have the key to the Jet Ski.

Thanks New!

Explaination door code: count the letters: green = 5, red = 3, purple = 6 and blue = 4

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I have only 3 gems (yellow, red and blue). I found and used the silver and the gold keys, the wrench, the knife, the hammer, the screwdriver, but I don't find any other gem, nor the black key.

thanks again Stu.i was trying to find the relation with the note in the kitchen...

I must say that the order of the gems is almost the only thing I understood without help in this game... (o:

... and the colour hint for the door, too.

Where are the green and the pink (or purple) gems ? And what about the black key ?

       Anonymous  11/25/10, 1:46 AM  

Black key was somewhere around the bowl of pears, I think. I got it by random clicking.

       Anonymous  11/25/10, 1:49 AM  

Hmmm.. can't fidn the black key now I have restarted. Sorry if I misled you!

       Anonymous  11/25/10, 1:56 AM  

Well DOH.. I restarted properly (going back to 'new' game) - and this time I found the black key in the fruit instantly. But then I took the knife from the kitchen counter, came back and cut the wax pear, and it told me I found a key - after the event LOL. Confused? You will be...

Hello! I am looking for the gold key.

Wow, finally found it. It is in the bench left of the big stone ball.

Thanks a lot for your help, MaryD, now I have got the black key !

Please. Where to use the shovel. Have tried every scene out doors. Can't find red gem. Thanks.

Now, I am in the black key room, but "the drawer is jammed" ! I can't use the hammer on it, and my screwdriver has disappeared !

Finally found red gem! Have jet ski key...but no jet ski. Think I'm getting dizzy running around everywhere....must have missed a screen somewhere.

Ah, there it is...on the beach...didn't see the up arrow there before. Thanks everyone for your help.

Hey, cant find the light bulb :(

Yeeahhh already found it :)

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How do you open the drawer of the nightstand in the black key room ?

The screwdriver has disappeared, so, I can't open this drawer. A bug ?

I fixed the screwdriver bug, sorry about that.

Thank you, Selfdefiant !

I had hoped there would have been a WT by now... I went to sleep and came back.
Still not out of here but there is auto-save here, Thanks @SD!
I only need the YELLOW stone!
Nobody here has asked where it is...LOL I guess I am the only idiot who missed it! I think Pierre said it was inside a lightbulb that you smash with a hammer....but where?????anyone?

Finally! ! !
It is outside from the sliding glass doors and left ...on a pole....

I have the jet ski key but haven't found the jet ski! Help please!

Thanks for the comments everyone - I needed a couple hints.
And thanks Selfdefiant!

I have 4 inches of snow on the ground and it is snowing heavily... I don't want to escape from here!

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Don't know how to get the Red gem...

Edgar 11/24/10 8:16 PM
Just got the red gem now from using a shovel outside.

Where exactly is that place?

@Vera, this should be the exact place:

Click on this link to see where to use the shovel

       Anonymous  11/25/10, 12:17 PM  

Vera, remember all the way back at the start, there were two red markers? Try digging there.

Bored - much of a muchness. Goodnight - going out to catch snowflakes on my tongue.

Where do I use the gems?

Thank you veru much!

       Anonymous  11/26/10, 9:54 PM  

i've all the gemstones where is the safe? that will get the jetski key and out right?

       Anonymous  11/26/10, 10:04 PM  

nevermind got it. finally out at 36 mins


What no walkthru yet???

Ok...FRONT GARDEN top of screen is an up arrow. Enter house to kitchen. Get KNIFE from bench and look at note on microwave.

Left to sofa and fruit. Use knife on fruit to get BLACK KEY. (note left is the door that needs the gold key).

Right to kitchen and up arrow to TV. Right to big sofa and move cushion to get HAMMER.

Left three times to square coffee table and get BATTERY from remote and use hammer to get SCREWDRIVER from edge of coffee table. (note silver key door is left).

Right and up to pool deck and get CAMERA off recliner and put in battery. Left and see two lights. Use hammer on left one and get YELLOW GEM.

Right and down and right three times to big mirror and using screwdriver get MEMORY CARD from the corner. Put in camera and press button to see colours. Right to door that needs code. Count the number of letters in each colour on the camera and enter code. Press button and door to open.

Get GREEN GEM from behind curtain. Down to bathroom and get TWEEZERS and SILVER KEY (under towel) on vanity. Down and left to bit mirror.
Left five times to door for silver key.

Big ball. Down to get SPADE. Up twice to get WRENCH (and Sneaky coin). Down and left to bench and using tweezers get GOLD KEY. Left and up on beach see jet ski.
Down and right six times to big mirror and down to door for black key. Use screwdriver on drawer to get PINK GEM.

Down left left to kitchen. Left twice to door for gold key. Note box that needs the gems and dark bathroom. Down.

Right right to kitchen and up to TV. Left and up to pool. Left to lights. Use wrench to get LIGHT BULB. Right down right down kitchen. Down to front garden and dig between the markers for the RED GEM.

Up,left left to bedroom and down, use light bulb in bathroom. Use screwdriver on soap dispenser to get BLUE GEM.

Remember the note in the kitchen. The first letters of the items is the colour sequence for the gems on the box. Get JET SKI KEY.

Left twice and up (TV) left twice (big ball) left twice and up to jet ski.

out with no help. yay! Great game, as always.

I got the screwdriver by clicking the end of the table, and didn't pry the end off until after.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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