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Treasure Rebus Walkthrough

Treasure Rebus

Treasure Rebus - A Logic Quest Game is a brain teaser riddle and puzzle type logic quest game. The game includes riddles and puzzles the solving of which requires the players' general knowledge and internet research. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Edgar]

Update: This riddle is updated!

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Hi Ruff! Welcome to crazy!
@testite yes, that's for a puzzle later along with some of the other ones from before.

@EnJoy Yes! The numbers are what's giving me such a hard time


       Anonymous  11/16/10, 4:54 PM  

by the looks of it the O and the 0 need to go between A2 and A3 because they need three spaces between them and an A wont come between them either.. now which side is which is the question lol

I think I will have to leave you all.... I will never get this without anybody giving me the actual answer.

@rockercfun, thanks a lot.

Saw Danielle's earlier comment that I should begin by searching michel roethel on google. The google result I have are all in french!

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 4:57 PM  

this looks like our only options for O and the zero... unless it doesn't go anywhere near the As lol

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:00 PM  

lol @Ruff.try google maps... then go to street view...(psssttt)theres only 2 to choose from :P

@ Ruff.. if you read all the comments, you should be able to work out all the answers and catch up with us. We have given very clear hints all along. It will take some reading, but ... good luck. Mgkanda and I have been at this all day!

I'm back online but unable to play/post/help for the moment. I have an evening class to start, but will be back when I can. I'm around!!

yes, @Ruff, search for him in maps and street view. You need shop name and make sure you spell it exactly as you see it but no spaces and no caps :)

@mgkanda.. I have to go pick up my daughter from soccer now. Won't be back on until 7:30 a.m. PST. If you get the answer for this one will you email me?
my email is on my profile.

Good Luck! and it has been fun playing along with you today!

@rockercfun YES! That's what I meant, sorry. The last 2 A's. It seems if we assume that the number is 30 and not 03 then one o or O HAS to be directly left of the last A.

@EnJoy YES! I will certainly do that. I keep saying I have to go, but I fear I'll dream about this all night if I don't get it lol.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:06 PM  

omg i think im getting somewhere...
i am starting with
as my two bases to see which one pans out better.. let u know if i get something!

@Edgar Good to know! :D

@testite where are you? I'll help. :)

@rockercfun ARE we assuming it's 30 and not 03? I have been, but I don't know if some places would use an 03 for an address.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:09 PM  

o its already come to a dead stop grr.. the I's wont fit anywhere..

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:11 PM  

ya it looks like those two bases ive been using work out for 30 I haven't figured out if 03 will work but ive never heard of an 03 address unless it has another numberr?! but i don't even want to go there lol

Mgkanda, I'm where you are.
Puzzling away with the note which start with p-4-0
Trying to put the clues in order but it won't work because I can't place the A's correctly.
I'm trying it like this:
P - - - - O meaning the - has to be another letter.
Then the next G-E. The 0-A-O has me puzzled.
S-----N, Ox2 (two O's), etc.....
But I'm getting no were.

I'm with you. Are we positive Edgar said one O was a zero? I'm comment fishing to make sure. Nothing's working.

rockercfun... What if you have to put 11 in it?
From the V-?-G hint.... or am I reading that one wrong??

LOL @testite! Well then I CAN'T help you! I'm terrible with this one. Between the 3 of us we'll get it...I think.

omg testite, could the Is be 1s? Would they do that? That would be mean!

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:19 PM  

Testsite Edgar was telling us about some clues earlier..The P will come 4 letters before an O.. didnt tell us which one tho. the V will come somewhere before the G. the E will come after the G. there are 2 O's but one of the those is actually a zero... the A crossed out between 2 Os means that No A will come between 2 Os... there are 2 I's and number 3 will come 2 spaces after that.... we're assuming the number is 30... and not 03 mostly because we have only 14 letters to make a number and two words.. lol

Okay, here's what we have:

Edgar's hint from earlier (verbatum)

The letters should go on the lines below.

- The crossed A means there should be no A in between the O's.
- There are two O's [Ox2] and 2 I's [Ix2] (but one of the O's is actually a zero.
- There's also a number 3 in the message, two characters to the right of an I [I-2-3]

What we think we've figured out:

Our letters:

Our #s:
0 and 3 so probably 30

the zero and the O have to go between the last 2 A's so as not to have an A between them.

Just getting it down in one place, thinking aloud.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:27 PM  

well said. :-)

Also, there the I's. We know it they HAVE to go

sorry, I meant to say "there are the I's" lol

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:31 PM  

with A---A------A
here are the two options for our O and zero....with the three(assuming 30)
sound good so far?

Please help! I could not even do the first one. I've found this place on google map "A***** N****-**** I********* et la R**** V***è**. Is it the right place?

Ok I'll put down my ideas starting with the A's and the no A's between the O's (zero or O).
A---AP----OA. These are 11 letters, we need 14, this could mean 3 before the first A ore 3 behind the last A (keeping it simple because it could also be 1 before and 2 behind and vice versa).
We have the G-E the V-11-G (I think), 2 O's and 2 I's, the 3 goes between the O's O-3-O the 2 goes between the I's, I-2-I
Thinking again will ad more :)

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:35 PM  

@ruff.. Umm.. no the store will start with an (L) and then end with and (E)....there will be 3 words to squish together

@mgkanda, @EnJoy, @testsite and @rockercfun, you are doing great. I got that level with the help of Edgar. You are thinking correct with the A_ _ _A30_ _ _ O A. Then, try to place the I's... remeber the I's should also combine with the 3.
I went on and solved the next one, but didn't like it very much since there were several ways to choose from, but only one correct.

Woops, it came to nothing.
Going to get a new paper to start over.

OH MY GOD!!! I think I got it!!!

POP! Got it!

I think it's right! I'm going to post it and delete it later.


google it!

Edgar had a hard time figuring out what to enter so maybe when he comes back he can help us, but I really think it's right.

@mgkanda, the only problem with what to enter later on is that you shouldnt use all the words.

Hi Ellie!!! I'm so proud of myself that I got it! I didn't even see you were here yet! Woohoo!

However, that is not what we enter and I have quite a long location. Any hints?

OOOOOO my.... you got it!!!!! Too slow I was.

lol @mgkanda! You shoould be proud :) Congrats! The location is long, but try to erase a little at a time to see what you need.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 5:44 PM  

O man rock on!!! never woulda guessed hahaha lets see how it goes!

ahh...I see you were ready with a hint already. Thanks, Ellie. :)

Well it isn't villa scerni or pietro orizio

Bye everyone! Bye Ellie! Gotta go. Be back tomorrow!

@testsite, don't zoom on the map, just look for some text of what place is on that adress.

Bye @Ruff! See you!

Bye Ruff!

Yes, is it a travel agency? I thought by translating it I might know what parts to use. I get
The World Upside Down Travel & Napolitano C. Snc

And on we go..... got it!! next envelope...
Great work Mgkanda... wouldn't have it without you!!!!

And off course thnx Ellie!! Hit "post comment" to fast!!

oh, I mean The Upside Down World of Travel Napolitano & C. Snc

@testite Thank you, but take me with you! I still haven't entered the right thing yet! LOL!

@mgkanda, no translation needed.

"You Are Wrong!" mgkanda!!!

Do you see that the first two letters are not the same one? It's "il".

@Ellie lol...figures. I started erasing one word at a time from the right, then did it from the left, what am I doing? I need to go to bed...for real.

Congrats @testsite! I'm very stuck with the envelope after the chess. No idea how to work on that. It looks a bit like Munch, but that doesn't help me.

lol @mgkanda, you're doing good, but maybe you should try again? Or you didn't go on long enough? Right is a good way to start from.

Doing some horse jumping.... think, think, think

@Ellie LOL! No I did NOT notice that!

i'm working on the chess thing, and i am getting a six in the eastern coordinates. is anyone else to this point?

Mgkanda... it's only 4 words you need..... start with il

@Lauren, try a different way. There shouldn't be a six. Upper path is better.

FINALLY!! Thank you, everyone!!!

what i mean to say is that i am getting a number greater than 60 for my minutes. is it not latitude and longitude, or am i doing it incorrectly?

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 6:02 PM  

still stuck w u mgkanda... cant for the life of me figure out when letters to leave out haha

okay, i was trying it that way, but i cannot understand how it is possible to make it from the four to the one in three jumps. is there something i'm missing here?

@rockercfun Start with il and end with viaggi

I thought the first 2 letters were the same one.

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@Lauren, go to the 1 as you probably did, but then go back...

Goodnight, everyone! Thanks for playing with me, I had loads of fun! And thank you for all the help! Pick up right here tomorrow. :)

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 6:07 PM  

O! Thank you! :Dme too! lol

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 6:08 PM  

hmmm apparently im still wrong :(

@ellie, thanks! okay, i have possible coordinates; now hopefully to continue the process of getting lost in cities i've never visited.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 6:09 PM  

And then I was right. how awesome

Great @rockerfun!

Good night @mgkanda! Have a nice sleep!

@Lauren, that chess board has too many possible roads in my opinion. There is only one for the first numbers (that doesn't lead to a 6 later on) but for the last numbers I had to use trial and error to get it (4 possible ways).

I'm jumping like an idiot...
Got 47, 21, 3 or 9 and then.....
and 8,36,59

Lol, it turned out it isnt Munch, but Gogh. Well, that shows how much knowledge of art I have :D

Lol @testsite, your "idiot jumps" looks good from start. It's a 3 not a 9. Both sequences should be connected.

The location where the painting was made is not the answer... Searching on.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 6:20 PM  

omg this one totally makes sense! I feel smart for once! hahah

@ellie: yep, i had to try an additional set before i hit on the right coordinates.

@Ellie, connect???
I can't get it to connect.... how I try to jump....

ok, so i have a picture of van gogh's cafe terrace at night and some numbers.

@testsite, I mean that all the 11 digits should be "connected" with horse jumps from the 4 to the 9. You can do that in several ways. 472120 86349 is one way that isn't correct (since there is a 6 in the second sequence). Start as you did. Your first 4 digits were correct.

@Lauren, I think those numbers are to save for later on. I don't get what the poet doesn't see.

okay, it may be unrelated, but "the poet" is the title of a van gogh painting of eugene boch that is now in the musee d'orsay. or perhaps some famous poet is connected with arles?

Yes, @Lauren, I've been there too lol. But what about this "see" and "don't see"?
I also found that the painting is now at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands but I don't even want to think about how to try to write that as an answer lol. Maybe something else in that museum??

Aha, Van Gogh it is!!!!

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 6:48 PM  

umm ya thought it was simple.. but of course im a little stuck i have 47,21,...32? 8,0859?? amy i right?

@rockercfun, the first set of numbers look good. After the 2 you should try to reach the 9. I'm not sure how you got the 8,0... but try something else.

rockercfun... Ellie said it before.... 47 21 and then 3 and choose the path going above... it should work, it connects.

ok, he also painted "the poet" into another of his paintings, "the bedroom"

I'm thinking... if van Gogh was looking at the cafe what was behind him... he couldnt see behind him in the night and the poet couldnt even in the daytime.. just a thought... but cant get a streetview in google on that.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:03 PM  

um... im not putting in correctly? or am i looking for something with those numbers?

What do those numbers make you think about. Don't forget the hint of N.. and E... on the picture.
Maybe you have to look them up on a map????

@rockercfun, you might need to use a converter before searcing with google maps.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:07 PM  

O dude apparently im brain dead from the ciphering

@Ellie.... getting anywhere with van Gogh and his poet???
I'm not.

No @testsite, not getting anywhere either. I liked your idea with looking behind us. Too bad we can't.
I also thought that the painting "the poet" (or Eugene) might be the clue to the answer, and that this night pic only was to make us find the right artist. But I have no idea what isn't seen or how to find a place with that clue.

And I need to go to bed too. See you later on. Good luck!

Hi @all, back home and will start to work on my envelope. Lots of you are way ahead of me now! LOL

I found this in his letter to Boch:
`Because if you saw the night studies, you’d perhaps like them better than the studies of sunlight"
But it will be nothing

Night Ellie, and welcome back Edgar... hurry we need help!!

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:19 PM  

AHHHH i think im going crazy I can't seem to get the conversion right...


there is a statue of the poet mistral right next to the cafe!! look at the building behind the statue (use the wikipedia article)

~~shaking and crying~~

ok, so i have a map that is very reminiscent of the map at the beginning of the game. i think they are connected. that was the cathedral de amiens

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:34 PM  

I cant for the life of me get to where you guys are :( i keep getting Pfäffikersee
what am i doing wrong?

Lauren, congrats!!!!!
Looking at the building but.... aaaargghhh what to put in!

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two words! they're in the picture.

Got it.... and new envelope. Thnx Lauren.

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:41 PM  

I must be tired. can't seem to find out what to do next will come back and follow up tomorrow!

no problem! i have no idea what i'm doing with these maps.

Ok rockercfun.... I'm deleting the coordinates again...

Sorry! Had to be somewhere else.
Started on my knight's puzzle and will go on now.

ok, @rockercfun, you have the coordinates. google a site in which you can enter the longitude and latitude in degree form. if there is a map, you have your answer. if necessary, take the decimal coordinates and type them into google maps.

Oh well, @testsite just spoiled them. I'm getting to a museum but it didn't take my first try. Am I where I have to be?

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:46 PM  

thank you for helping I'll keep those saved for when i come back. finding those coordinates location is next on my agenda so you'll prob. hear from me tomorrow hahahah so will mgkanda lololol

you can go to Google Maps and enter the numbers adding N and E after each set (no punctuation necessary) to go the the right location.

Gongtats for solving the next one @Lauren!
I'm onto wiki now!

       Anonymous  11/16/10, 7:50 PM  

HOLY CRAP it worked hahahahahahahahahah DUUUUDDDDEEEE

thanks, @edgar! it would have been incredibly simple were it not for the lack of streetview in that area. tell me when you get to the maps.

I think we are going to spain now?

@Lauren, you mean the "cafe terrace at night" article?

no, the article about frederic mistral.

Thanks! LOL, maybe I should have gone to the comments before asking, but I'm in a rush to catch up now! hahaha!"

Sorry for spoiling it for you Edgar.
But rockercfun was really needing them... couldn't let him hanging there.
Deleted them so I won't spoil it for others.

As for the maps.... found a city in Spain that is 1050 km from paris... not sure if I'm going in the right direction.

Got the 8th envelope!! Thanks again @Lauren :D

It's ok @testsite. I'm sure I could eventually have got it, but not shortly enough, lol! Besides, I was who decide to read your spoiler and to use it, so no harm done.

Okay, I am fairly certain that the red dot is in Amiens. However, I get lost driving back to my house. Thoughts?

I got one map only and a bit lost... where is that?

@Edgar, the bottom right hand corner of that map references a red dot. Look back to the book, and the photograph opposite the list of names: on the back, there is a map with a red dot and a similar green triangle.

Wait, could the green triangle possibly be a compass point?

Oh right, THAT red dot!

We only have Luis Bardon missing from the names in the book, so it has to be Spain as testsite said.

Check this out:


It might be what we need, but it's not the exact number of kilometers...

omg ok! recheck my thing! google luis bardon in madrid; that's the map! the luis bardon libraria is the green triangle

i mean google maps it.

Presidencia del Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid! that's got to be it!

AHA! I knew it had to be in Madrid! :P

I see you found it as well....but now for the correct thing to put in.

i cannot figure out what to actually type. but i am absolutely certain the map is correct.

Yes it is.
Otherwise we wouldn't have found the same thing.
I tried english and spanish for it but no go.

I got it!
The place is in Spanish. 3 words... 9th envelope!

The building is an old post office according to wiki... figures when we are trying to find the last envelope

Edgar, please share!!


The place is where the green triangle points. Use Google Maps Street View... you can even see Luis Bordón as the owner of that business!
It's a bookstore...

Oh no.... thats were I started.... got thrown of the path by the blue dot.... stupid stupid stupid

Now I will need a printer....
I'm logging of... will print it out tomorrow and finish it ..... I hope!!!

Now we have to solve the 4 puzzles to get the location of the bank safe, but that might have to wait until the final puzzle is unlocked? :(

As for me, I have a hole set of saved pdf files to print tomorrow morning and to start solving them.

Well, this was such a great journey for me, and I'm glad to have come to this point playing with my EG24 friends :)

Hasta mañana mundo!

ok, this is not the libreria luis bardon, then? seriously, i am getting lost at the crossroads.

OMG FINALLY. i finally located the actual street! ok, time to call it a night! thanks so much, guys!

@Lauren... look up luis bardon again in google maps... then look at the corner of this building... it's staring you in the face.... at least it was at me and I just went walking to the blue dot instead...... AAAARRRRGGGHHHH to have waisted so much time...
Thnx for playing till my bedtime Edgar and Lauren and the others for the help... wouldnt have gotten this far without you...
Maybe see you tomorrow.


I don't even understand how to start this game... What are we supposed to do with this list of names, for instance ??? There is a man whose name is Michel Roethel, so what ?

I didn't use any of the names to start the game as others did. Just identify the photo (cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris) and went there in Google Maps - street view. The red dot is the cathedral and the place where the green triangle points is the one to enter.

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Thank you Edgar. Yes, I recognized Notre-Dame de Paris, but I can't locate the green triangle. I'm giving up, this game doesn't make sense for me.

anyone here this a.m.?? wondering if I got the correct map coordinates

Anyone around? I'm somewhere near Zurich with my coordinates, so I'm pretty sure they're wrong. :s

Hahaha! Hi EnJoy! lol, that we came back at the same time! Did you get the right coordinates? I'm on a farm, like in the crops. Clearly I'm lost.

I'm either on a farm or with a slightly different route in a lake. Swimming in Pfaffikersee

OMG.. I did it! Got to the museum!

Mgkanda.. I was in that lake too! Do you want the coordinates?

YES!! Please!

Chess Coordinates SPOILER47213283149SPOILER

I will wait for you in the next envelope!

Tricky! I assumed you had to go around the middle square. Thanks! :) Are we entering the name of the museum?

yep.. the name

be right back

I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing on this one

ok.. from what I understand, we need to find address of where the cafe is and look behind it in street view. I am just going off of the other comments.
It is in Arles.. looking it up now

I'm there on google maps but no street view. Hmm...

hi, let me know if you need some help, i am a little bit ahead of you and am stuck again

Got it! Find a picture of the statue called Poet Mistral in the same area in Arles and look at the name behind him.

I got it too.. was just going to post it! :)

Hi Robin :) I just got to my next envelope. Waiting for EnJoy.

Oh Gongtats to us!

Ok.. we have another map!

congrats to u both! i was up late last night finding that one

almost got it. Trying to figure out what to enter

@ mgkanda.. let me know.. I am stuck at the Luis Bardon Library.. is this on the right track?

I think I know what it's supposed to be but can't get it to work.

Yes. If you got to the Libreria Luis Bardon in Madrid you can use the street view. You'll see a green awning to a cafe. Pass the cafe and look at the corner. That's where I see his name and Librera para Bibliofilos, but that doesn't work.

A nudge Robin?

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oops! blue awning.

@Robin That's what I thought but keep getting "You Are Wrong!" message. Oh well, I'll try again later, gotta' go for now.

GL and thanks for the help! :)

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@ Robin.. thanks got it. There was no way however, I would have know to look in Madrid and Luis Bardon.. how did you get that? I just looked at the comments

looked up the last name in the book and kept researching him

you are where i am now, i am stuck not sure what they are looking for, any clues?

the land of tristan and yvaine is wall, and they end up as stars in the sky, but not sure what to do with that , any thoughts?

Would someone give me a nudge on the chess puzzle, please? I have found this path spo472132809523683149iler. Is it correct? I tried to google them and use them as coordinates in google map, but I could not find anything meaningful.

where do you get the filler between 8 and 8?

or should i say the 2 and 8.

OMG Ruff, You have far to many.
Until the first 8 you are correct.
But where do these 0952368 come from.....
Less is more I should say.... so forget those and use the rest.

Oh no. Made a mistake on a jump. Got to redo it.
Thanks @robin for telling me.

@Robin, it's the village that's called wall, it lies in the kingdom of Stormhold.

I'll come back later.
Have tried turning the wheel but???? dont know where to start.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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