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Mansion Escape - The Guest Bedroom Walkthrough

Mansion Escape - The Guest Bedroom

Mansion Escape: The Guest Bedroom is another new point and click type room escape game. In this game, you try to find and use the items to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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In! Hope some1 will join me soon.


Hi there! Merry Christmas!! :-D

A W in the shelf, a bottle of alchool..

Feliz Natal Leah! (Merry Xmas)

Oh broke PC screen.

broke piece off of left monitor.

Kinda stuck now..

Took alcohol bottle off shelf.

Use the "glass" on the side of the bed, you have to just click it, can't drag the item.


Use monitor piece on bed and get a note.

Need a 4-digit code in the safe behind the bed.

Leah maybe 4-dig code has to do with the Xmas tree?
"The clue is in the tree..."

It's not 4111 or 4212 or 4122...

Navigation/use of objects is a little different.

Pour booze on door hinges.

Use alcohol on the door. (??)

Can't seem to use hammer anywhere..

That didn't change a thing mrtelcom.

Zoe .. hammer?

"w" is the walkthru

tried 3317 from holes on top of note.

Got key from code box!

click on the chair to get hammer from high shelf (hot spot) you may need to click on the hot spot first, and then the chair. The top right shelf where toy tank is...

count the balls horizontally. Look carefully at the tree.

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click on chair in broken monitor view

Try to reach top right shelf, you can't so you get the chair...then hammer.

Stuck w/ hammer. Got door opened but it's blocked. Can't use hammer there...

When I try hammer on door scene I get: What can I use with this?

Maybe we have to combine it with something.

Uh.. door is bolted from the outside. Dang.

I tried 4212 for code (horizontal balls on tree) not working

Out! (U need something that's in the scene below the chair)

cant open code box!

Code Spoiler (Don't scroll down if u din't wanna see it):


Look under chair, lower right side for a little allen wrench, you use that on the door.

1243 doesn't work for me!

Now it did.... buggy!!!

Hm.. not my favorite game tho is was quite fun playing it... 4 stars D:

got the view of under the chair, but where is allen wrench?

Oh almost forgot! Marry Xmas to u all! I know I' late but at least it's something. :D

Yes I don't like the navigation at all, you can't tell what you're doing. But fun playing live!!!

Zoe in the dark part of the screen. Near drawers.

Well I'm here for any doubts u might have. :)

Where do you find live games? Are there any more now?

I've tried typing in code then hitting enter -- code just disappears? How did you get it to work?

btw, I think the hammer was to break the computer -- when I got it, the screen was whole again!

@Nini - thanks! found it!

No Leah... but wish so..
And I don't "find" live games.. I just enter EG24 and hope there's a new one out. ^^
Keep refreshing the page too. :D

out, too.

Yes - Merry Christmas and thanks for all your help! Hope we have lots of live games this new year!

PuzzledinCA .. When u get it right the box just opens.

out, too.

Yes - Merry Christmas and thanks for all your help! Hope we have lots of live games this new year!

Surely Zoe! Looking foward to it. ^^

@Leah: "live" games are usually the most recently published ones. If you're online when one gets published, you're lucly enough to join a live game with all these brilliantly clever people!!

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I mean "lucky enough...."

@Nini -- About the 5th time it worked! Tried it backwards, then reentered forwards and it worked!


lol Zoe I was here about 2 hours ago hitting my f5 button and hopping for one! Got it. Too short tho.

I need a Hilgreed or a Robamimi!!! :O

My code worked on the green box by leaving the 4 "zeros" there and just putting the code after them, so 00001243 worked for me

@nini - a selfdefiant game would be great right now! Could use a couple of hours of live with one of those!!

Oh but not like the strain-your-eyes-looking-for-invisible-coins type. lol

Yes...either a creepy asylum (without coins) or a beautiful tropical resort - love those!

Or maybe a Rotuc one.. (but a hard one!)

Yes...either a creepy asylum (without coins) or a beautiful tropical resort - love those!

or Ainars...we're wishfully dreaming, aren't we...

lol Zoe.. ur browser is buggy or something? :P

or Ainars...we're wishfully dreaming, aren't we...

yes...posting my comments twice! I'm not sending them twice.

yes...posting my comments twice! I'm not sending them twice.

See!! There's an echo in here...lol.

See!! There's an echo in here...lol.

lol.. 3 times already! :P


Helooooooo (wait for the echo!)

Well.. time to go back to my F5 therapy. See u!

Haha Zoe not this time! LOOOOL

Well, that figures - the one time I WANT it to echo, it doesn't.... lol!

       Anonymous  12/26/10, 1:03 PM  

Hi everyone, coming to join you guys, Merry Christmas

good morning

is this still live?

Look down to turn and see the shelves
Get the bottle of alcohol from the left end of the middle shelf
Back up
Move your mouse over the right end of the top shelf and click when the arrow becomes a hand
There’s something up there, but you can’t get it
Turn left
Click the left computer monitor -- oops!
Get the broken piece that is on the desk
While facing the desk, click the chair arm
Since you know something is on top of the shelf, you will move the chair
Thanks to @Zoe for letting me know a new hotspot appears after clicking the shelf.
You can get the hammer (Note! This only works if you clicked the top shelf and were told you can’t reach)
Back up and you are still facing the desk
Move your mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen where you find an up-pointing arrow (right of the chair and under the desk)
Under the desk, there is a black shadow on the left side -- move your mouse along that shadow (where it touches the gray desk leg) until you see it turn to a hand -- just below the level of the chair’s seat)
Get the hidden Allen wrench
Go right to climb out from the desk
Turn right 2 times so you face the door
Move your mouse to the left edge of the bed mattress and click to zoom in
Use the computer monitor piece to cut the mattress (just click the monitor piece when zoomed in on the bed)
Get the note
Click the note in your inventory to read it
The note says you were locked in by your “friends,” need to get to the kitchen so you don’t die (wow! Some friends), and have a clue in the tree
Turn left 2 times
Zoom on the tree
Now back up and turn either direction 3 times so you are looking at the foot of the mattress and a tall bookcase
Zoom on the green chest by the bookcase
Click the lock and enter the code (I removed the 0000 that was there, but someone else left them in and put the code after them). You don’t have to hit enter -- it should automatically open. HOWEVER! This is buggy and it may take you a few tries to get it to work. Just keep trying
Inside the box, click when the mouse arrow turns to a hand in the bottom right corner for the keys
Turn left 2 times to the door
Use the keys on the handle and learn the door is still blocked
Try the hammer and learn you need to use it with something
Try the Allen wrench and learn there is paint on the hinges
Use the alcohol then the Allen wrench (and hammer) and escape!

Solution to the Lock Combo
Thanks to @Nini xD for the solution. I didn't count the ornaments correctly.

I don’t think this was well done. You can divide the tree ornaments into 4 rows from top to bottom. There are 9 ornaments that you can easily see, but you need to count one of the hard to see ones in the back, too. My real problem is there are 11 ornaments on the tree, but you have to ignore the right one peeking out for the code to work. Click HERE if you want to see the way the count seems to be working. SPOILER1243SPOILER

hmmm...the red font on my picture is hard to read. It says "pretend not to see this one."

Allen wrench and hammer to take off hinges? Alcohol removes paint? Hot spots just appear? Bugged code on tree. Invisible allen wrench? Can't get any more than 1 star from me.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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