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Small Room Escape Walkthrough

Small Room Escape

Bangtal Small Room Escape is another Korean point and click type room escape games. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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Morning MUSE!

hey! this looks promising...

Got a Good Luck plaque and stuck! Maybe the shapes form a code?

morning too
stuck with two notes

opened top drawer (look at clock) and got another hint

Code is not 3810

clock is 15:40 but is upside down on the drawer....gonna try that

Thought it would be 9:10 or 21:10 if upside down but not getting it.

4015 or 0451 won't work.

Yep clock is upside down, that's the code.

looks like 3:40 to me

Well, I just found 2011; guess I'll give this one a try.
Hi @everybody!

Got it!

I think I openened it with 0910 (but also tried 2110).

@Muse: the way you described it worked for me

oh it's 9:10 der

Hey s-t!! lol..

Gotta give u an answer for ur confusing head of yesterday..
Yep..I changed my avatar! LOL

I was doing 15 ...thanks, can't bend my neck that far this morning lol, crick in it.

Thanks Miller...good morning :)

so far only "good luck" note. tried time from clock on upper drawer but not working

tried to combine those square signs into one 4 digit code - but I dont get very far

Ok... so stuck with 2 notes... Trying to solve the mirrored code.
(wierd korean game!!!)

stuck with two notes and mirrored "coin"

also tried it upside down but no...

Clock drawer works but you won't know it's open till you back out and open it again. I tried 2110 plus 5910 and 5810....no go

that top drawer is sort of tricky. After I tried 0910 and 2110 I backed up and clicked on the drawer and then it opened.

be back

ho... it did open after putting the upside down time...lol

Found note "good luck" and note from 1. drawer (thank all for the hints!!!)

its not 3810 or 0183

Stu?! lol Anja!

another view under table besides bed!

SM lol yeah.. tried both too.

actually two views (left and right of leg). don't know what to do there though

Miller 2 views

ya thought those were reflecting lights but nothing on the ceiling. This game is OK...gonna see if any new ones popped up or play BEE :) Good luck

Mean that we have to turn the table?????

GOt the code!!!!

Yes - got another note!

we dont have enough (english) clues for all those codes
have no idea what that symbol on 2nd card should mean

what's with the grey shadowy thing on the floor?
I tried adding 3810 and 0183 and I thought that I had it, since 3993 is kind of a mirror image of itself. But no.
3663 and 3693 are duds, too.

nini - enlighten please

For table code
Turn table otherwise and coin and shadow gives:


opened coin drawer and another code!

SM MUSE said it once but backwards.

mirror code flip it and turn it

Now what about the paper with lots of numbers?

what mirrored coin?

Thanks for the spoiler @Anya. I still don't know how it worked though (spatial abilities are not something I have, lol)

tnx @ anja though i dont know how u figured it out...

Franka just flip and turn :D

coin where?

roberto - not a real coin - COIN spelled and mirrored on top of drawer

roberto the marks above the drawers.

@roberto: "coin" are the signs on dresser next to bed

hoooooo!!! wow i would never ever have figured it out myself...lol

the new note must be for bottom drawer

oh! I was looking for a penny or dime!

Hm... I'm pretty sure the lock/clock note is for door code..
So, what to do with number paper?

Hey @SwissMiss, I hear you will have a visitor in February... lucky you!

@roberto: The word "coin" on the table. Turn table (in your thoughts) and then combine "coin" with the "shadow coin"

Hi Zoz - not February - actuall next Thursday -lol-
why dont you join us

the only numbers on the blue paper that are not repeated are 1986. But that hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Got the code!!!!

zoz u're in the right track!

@zoz: nice!!!!

Oh, @SwissMiss I would love that! But alas, it would cost too much for me...

glad I helped @Miller and @Nini D but I'm too dense to know how!

and out! for last code remember spots under drawer

Nini - if you got a code it would be helpful if you would ad a hint as well

lol zoz.. actually and solved it then saw ur post.
use ur numbers on decrescent (?) order.

@zoz: use this numbers from big to small

aha, got it. Turn 1986 upside down! yay, figured one out for myself!

still havent got the code

Miller I thought that the door code should be: 9381 but no.. help?

       Anonymous  12/30/10, 7:24 AM  

think of a cam...

tnx @ zoz & nini.... helped a lot

@Nini xD: where does the "3" come from?

Miller from the clock. In this note is not upside down.

lol Out!

For the last code : remember all codes and where u see it's simbol, use the number of that code on the right position. Ex: 1st= lock = 9

I thought it would be 9381 but it is not

Out too - thanks a lot Nini!!!!

sorry, but I have to leave.
spoiler for last code

that should be 9381 (3 for 03.40) or 9581 (15.40)
but it doesnt work

ok tnx all... i would have given u a lot sooner with all your help.

ah the door was mirrored i thought it was another room without lights lol

dont understand the 6 (16.40???)

SM.. I didnt understand the 0 instead of 3 either. But that's ok :D

ok, where did that "6" come from???

Is not 6 is 0!

OMG is 6? lol swear I got out with 0;

don´t understand last code at all!

Another mystery-laden day in the life of an EG24 addict!


1st symbol : lock (lock code= 9861) so 1st digit is 9.

Playing again to check it out, but I guess 2nd number should be 0 not 6.

code from lock = 9861
code from clock (upside down)= 0910
correct clock = 1540 or 0340
code from coin = 0185

Where the 6 for second number comes from?
No number 6 in clock???

BTW, what about those gray marks under both sides of desk???

code from clock (upside down)= 0910
check the note it's upside down again=0610

Thanks Shuchun! You´re always ready to help!
What about the gray marks?

sorry, no idea.

Thanks so much. I wish you a very Happy New Year!

Happy New Year,Roberto.

I don't find the code for the bottom drawer.

To start the game left click the mouse and then click the screen
Turn right
Zoom on the small table
Note the drawer needs a code
While zoomed in, click the floor to the right of the table and see a mark on the floor
Back up (still zoomed in on the drawer) and click left. See another mark
Click the table top to zoom in
Note the word coIn and the reflection on the wall
Back up and zoom on the drawer code boxes -- enter the code to unlock the drawer
Back up and click the drawer to open it
Get the number grid picture
Solution below
Turn right
Note the door needs a code
Turn right
Note the clock
Zoom on the small chest of drawers
Open the middle drawer and get the good luck sign. Just wishing you good luck in the game lol
Zoom on the top drawer and enter the code
Back up and click the drawer to open it
Get the code hint 1/1
Solution below
Zoom on the bottom drawer and enter the code
Back up, click the drawer, and get the code hint 2/2
Solution below
Turn left to the door
Zoom on the door and enter the code
Back up, click the handle, and escape!
Solution below


Warning! Here be spoilers!!

Table Code
The word coIn and the reflection are 2 parts of numbers. The marks on the rug tells you to turn the table part around (the table legs would rest in the dark spots on the floor if the table rotated). So the reflection is the top part of the numbers and the upside down table is the bottom parts. CLICK HERE for a visual of what the code is. SPOILER0185SPOILER

Clock Code (top drawer)
The clock says 3:40 BUT the drawer has the black at the top. So the clock needs to be upside down (if you can’t do this in your brain, do what I did -- print the screen and paste it in a program that lets you rotate the picture. If you prefer, use mine and CLICK HERE). The time is really 9:10. SPOILER0910SPOILER

Camera/Picture Code (bottom drawer)
The camera icon by the drawer tells you to use the photo of the numbers. Zoz realized that the only numbers that don’t repeat are the 1986. Nini, Miller, and Zoz then solved the code, but they got it 2 different ways. You can either use the numbers in descending order, OR you can flip the numbers upside down. Either way, you get SPOILER9861SPOILER Thanks all!

Door Code
The 2 papers you have are the left and right side of the door code hint. The dots in the bottom right and bottom left corners tell you the order is photo, clock, table, photo. The code for the photo was 9861. So the first number was 9 and the last was 1. The second number has to come from the clock code -- it was 0910. However, the paper shows the clock turned around again. So the second number of the code 9 becomes 6. So we have 96_1 as the code so far. The 3rd place is from the table. The code was 0185 so the 3rd position is 8. The code is SPOILER9681SPOILER Thanks @Shuchun!

wonderful, challenging, and minimalist game. I enjoyed it a lot!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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