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Amgine - A Whole New Riddle Walkthrough

Amgine - A Whole New Riddle

Amgine - A Whole New Riddle is another brain teaser online riddle game developed by Amgine. Change URL to give answer, include level number eg 1answer.htm. Spell out any maths symbols. "The" may or may not be used in the start of answers. Colours can be significant, so can file names, source code, titles etc. Some levels may relate to the previous level, others don't. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please don't post exact answers, just give hints for levels!

Update: New levels added.

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@bigtank No problem. Sorry if that came out like I was mad b/c of course I am not. :D

However I am sitting in a cloud of all of your dust. Am I putting in the genus?

Thanks! Finally got to lvl 5. Didn't think of using plural for 4.

LOL!!! I'm officially embarrassed. On 5 now. :)

Can't even get the egg on 5.
Hint please bigtank.

Btw. After posting I'm still send back to the previous page with comments. Is it the same for you all?

Yes, small. I had to go to "newest" to see them.

I got the egg, but I don't know what to do now

No egg for me either on lvl 5. Trying everything related to jail and qr.

anyone get the egg page?

@brynelise, a hint how to get the egg?

Think of a board game where you go to jail

Comments are weird. If I refresh I don't see new comments and if I post I go back to page 1. :s

@brynelise, I tried that and thought og m*******, but that didnt give me an egg.

That was the first thing I tried, but it doesn't work.

@brynelise That's what I was trying. Should I put the game name in? as in 5m******y?

Same here :(

The question mark is a symbol in that game

Got the egg. Enter the name of the "?" square in the game board.

Thanks, of course combine it with the question mark.

Thanks bryne and Edgar!

so, now what?

Okay, pick a card is the image name. The beginning said that some levels have to do with past levels. Maybe we need to go back?

I didn't know the question mark square had a name and still can't find it.

Have to go now. Good luck and post lots of hints so I can catch up later!

So TinyEye says its a stag. I take the 1st letter of hen and add it to the last 2 letters of stag and I get hag. I change the url to:


Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Abba; take a ...... on me.

ok, finally got the egg. Ty! Too long since I played that game.

LOL @small-tool!

Elmer Turnipseed,
The level number.

@Ellie when you land on the question mark you get pick a card. There are 2 kinds of cards. One is community chest and the other is...

@elmer, you need to write 1 before your answer.

@Elmer Start every one with the level #.
ie, 1answer.htm

Does "alt" stands for Atlanta?

Thanks @mgkanda, I finally found it on wiki. I used to play that game a lot, but that was like 20 years ago...

So we have "in alt" as page title, "pickacard" as img title, and "!uk" in the source code. Hmm...Is there a UK version of this game? And if so, what's 3 spaces back from c*****?

"in alt" is anagram for "latin", maybe?

getting super sick of refreshing to the first page.

nice bath, back now. yes there is an english version , it is the only one i know

3 places back from c..... is vine street. But it doesn't work.
And don't like having to go to newest everytime too.

So we should look at the UK version of the game?

@bigtank Ooh...okay! I looked it up and there are literally hundreds of versions now, so I'm not sure where to look. They all share income tax and community chest being 3 spaces back from 2 of the chances, but the last one varies per version.

I've been on this game for like 8 hours now and got to lvl 5. Great progress...

@small I was thinking vine street too. However this route only addresses two of our hints. So what could in alt mean?

why are we going 3 places back?

Tried to combine it with Edgars thought about Latin. But via vitis doesn't work either.

@bigtank LOL! Maybe we shouldn't? It's not working so probably not anyway. We only were because of the egg on level 5. The card says to. Could have to do with level 2 though, but then why the UK reference in the source. I guess I don't really get the last source hint (full.....stop) either though.

@mkganda in alt in the octave directly above the treble staff

Lol @mkganda! The "full stop" was probably just telling us it wasn't a period (called "full stop") but a comma we were looking for. I'm not getting anywhere with this "in alt- thing" though and am thinking of a break for a while.

See you later, Ellie! :D

anyone still here?

@ mkganda or anyone

just came back to puzzle. Stuck with level 4

I googled question mark, comma, purple and got a butterfly page called anglewings?? but can't find the correct answer..

help ??

I am still here, but about to call it a night.

Oh POP. It was the plural form! now on to 5!

welcome enjoy. please help

@EnJoy You're right on target. ? and green comma are 2 different kinds of ________ (plural)

Oh goody, I'm not alone. Sick of this level.

Okay, wait. We have "go back 3 spaces" and if it has something to do with a previous level that would be 2. 2 was oct/dec. On this one we have a music hint "in alt". Could we be discussing Octaves and Decibels?

I know, out there, but I'm desperate lol. :P

Wow.. I am on the egg too. Monopoly? UK version?


That's what I was thinking, but we know what's 3 spaces back on that and it doesn't work, so I'm totally stuck.

I only went of on that other random path b/c in the rules in the very beginning it said that some levels will refer to previous ones. :S

Nordinho is no help. They seem to be emailing the clues back and forth. Someone will ask for help and then say on to the next level.

I noticed that. They're not much help there.

last clue for 5 on nordinho anagram the title, its a clue to the last part of this level.and yes that is annoying enjoy,

Just saw a hint that said to anagram the title, that it's a hint to the last part of this level. latin?

latin for vine st. is vitis platea, so that's out.

also not latin for c***** or c******** c****

Tried a lot of Latin things a long time ago and they all didn't work.

I am translating chance, monopoly into latin and nothing

I have to go again, my daughter has a soccer match. Once again .. Good Luck and email me the answer if you ever get it!

@EnJoy Have fun and will do!

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okay, g'night bigtank. Wish me luck!

Bye, bye EnJoy and bigtank.

No idea at all, really translated everything into Latin.

me too, small. I even translated "go back 3 spaces" grr... What with the uk reference if not vine st?

I'm afraid you're on your own now mkganda.
Gonna sleep. Good luck. See you tomorrow.

I'm getting over this. I wish the author was willing to pop in here too and give us a nudge. Everything that logically made sense has been tried it seems.

Thanks, small! Get a good night's sleep! :)

going to try some pig latin now ;P

Hey MKG&A :o)

I just popped back for another go!

How's it going on level 5? I tried the Pig Latin for ch***e, but nada.

Hi Rambler! I'm stuck stuck stuck!!! I've translated everything to latin and still nothing.

I tried the other card type too - C***u***y C***t, but that got me nowhere. All the stations are out too :(

Okay future level fivers, got this hint on nordinho:

Before you use the title you need to do something else... read what's on the pic carefully and do it

Just don't know if that means go back to level 2 (hallowmas) or go back literally 3x. Hmm...

Haha mk
I just saw your post there:o)

Go back three spaces takes us to the dreaded level 2. If that's the case, I'm offski..

If we literally went back 3 times, it would take us to one of the egg pages for level 4. And that would be a random page dependant on the way you asked the questions. So I'm not sure that's the way.

Hi all! Back and into lvl 5. Got the egg, but no idea what in alt stands for. Maybe something related to UK (uk is in source);

Hi Nini, yep, it's all the about the UK version of the game. Trying all sorts here...

What if it's not though? If we go back 3x it may not be too hard, right?

Sorry Nini, I should have added that 'in alt' is an anagram for an ancient language.

I'm pretty sure we aren't supposed to literally go back 3 spaces lol.
Maybe is something figured. Hm..

Are you grasping at straws?

In the mo*****y table I was looking, If I go back 3 spaces from the "?" I get Popeye. lol

LOL @Rambler! Yes! And even if we did go back 3x, I've been so all over the place by now that the back button takes me to any number of places.
Totally lost lol. :s


What game is that? It's not the version I know lol

New table now! And I get to the Community Chest! :O

Popeye? Sweet! I got vine street from uk version. I even tried anagramming that to get a latin word.

Maybe that's something since both chance and chest cards are there in the egg?

On all versions the red one would take you to community chest, the pink (?) one takes you to income tax, and the blue one is a street so it changes per version.

mkganda but since the ? in lvl 5 is red I was presumming that we get to comunity chest

I was just thinking the same thing. The red ? should be the one, but then how to do anything with the other card?

Good point.. is there a famous street in uk that needs repairing? lol

well, it's not reparat platea lol (street repair)

lol Nini! Who knows?!

And it's not vectigalia, the latin for income tax. Well according to one translater. Gonna try some more...

It's not communitas arca either. (community chest)

@Nini, most of the streets in the UK need repairing at the moment lol

LOL Rambler!

Why is this one so hard for us, you guys? There are very few posts about this level on nordinho and here we're at about 100 comments here on this one alone. LOL! We can do it. We're team players.

I know why. Because they're all sending each other email spoilers and then posting "got it, thanks!" for the rest of us lol.

Ur right mkganda!! Cmon guys let's do it!!! THINK THINK THINK! lol

I agree, they 'PM' each other and then move on. Grrr

mkganda since ur posting there make them PM u lol!

Is there a different word for house commonly used in the uk that we can make latin? *head on desk*

I would, but I'm afraid they won't answer any more questions if I bug them. They don't seem very "teamy". Totally know that's not a word, btw. Rambler's there too!

lol, so it's not Pupa domus per XL either.
(40 dollars per house)

Lol we are definetelly overthinking!

I just fell asleep at the keyboard lol

Best I go to bed. Good luck with this and I'll check back in the morning :o)

We HAVE to be. What if we do need to go back? oi

Okay, be back later. Family wants to eat and I suppose I should feed them lol.

See you two in a little bit! If someone gets it, will you email me? Link to my email on my profile.

Oh.. everyone's gone? :(
I'll have to get it on my own....

I thought too much.. I'm done. Even asked for help on Nord! lol
I'm back when u guys return. :)

Finally lvl 6! Kathi on Nord help me a lot! Thx !

U need 3 letters. (1 for each place u stop after returning the spaces for each chance spot)
The answer is a number :D

Use this link to help u : http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/0_MY_P_I..._ju31_1024.jpg


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Well done, Nini! Just stopped in to see how you were doing. Congrats! Will work it out tomorrow. I have to go to bed. 3 letters and it's a number, sounds doable! We were way overthinking it!

Thanks Nini, got it now :o)

Just a quick go before work...

For 6, I see something extra in the sc, I googled it and I think it's got something to do with another board game.
That's what I'm working on now...

morning rambler.got some letters is it an a.......m

Hey bigtank, do you mean for level 5?

yes 5 trying r..... n...... now for the 3 letters

You're on the right track, it's a three digit one that you need.

Hint: Think error ;o)

Okay, gotta go to work now, I'll check back tonight...

yes see you about 7 pm off to work too . on to six

Yippie, I'm on level 6 now too, thank you very much Nini!!
BTW, Sorry I'm not much help here, I still need to grow into these games..

First, off to work now.

got to 7 . think c.... and p...tion,off to work

Thanks Nini xD, got level 5 now.
And stuck again on level 6.
I know what board game (I think) but can't combine it with the E from the title and the GxF4 in the source. Tried all c.... pieces.

huh...I'm still not getting 5.

roman numerals

Hi small :) I get that it's roman numerals, but how to get them. I thought we'd go back 3 on each c****e and take the first letter. I'm obviously wrong lol.

No, you're right so Vine street is V and then the other two and you have three letters then.

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Right again, but don't fill in lettters but numbers.

Oh!!! HUGE help!!!

Lol, does that mean you've got it or does it mean you need 'huge help' ?

lol! No it means you ARE a huge help! Got it and on 6 finally! Thank you so much!

hmm...am I right that we're on to c**** now?

Hi all, stuck at 6 too.

The clue is a c**** o******. But how to fit in the e hmmm...?

If you mean the board game, yes I think it is. But I don't get the hint from bigtank about p...tion. I think I know what that word is but it doesn't help me.

Hi Cricketer9999a,
Lol, now I'm even more confused. Don't know what you mean with o******.

small tool, are you on 5 or 6?

lol, me too. (with the 0 word)

On 6, with E in the title and GxF4 in the source.


It means the p**** in column g, takes p**** @ f4.

Got Cricketer's o word. op****gs

Why opening, and why p..., why not the k..... or the b.....
We don't know from what G it comes do we?

Saw this hint in regards to this level and c****:
"think punctuation in that regard"

Hope that helps you too b/c it leaves me cold. No idea

sorry, I mean "think punctuation in that *context"

lol :s

Well in c.... notation you can use !! or !? or ! or ? etc. But they don't work as an answer.
Also tried c...kmark and also tried looking at the board with using the whole E and G column and F4 in between but that doesn't help either.

White to f4,
Black to g5
White to d4,
Black to f4 and takes white.

Sorry if this is a wild goose chase.

@small all good tries, I'm sure. I know nothing of c**** or c**** notation so, I'm not much help I'm afraid.

By the way, you're probably right about the p... takes p...
I forgot about the short notation you can use in that game.

Column e has the 2 q*****. I thought image name could be a clue too.

Lol mkganda, I know a lot about it and play it a lot, but I'm afraid not much of a help either.

The K.... are on that column.

Scrub that idea. The move doesn't have to be an opening.:-(

I don't know where to start with this puncutation clue.

If you look at the move g5 takes f4 it could be a slash. But slash and forward slash don't work as answer.

Have an egg on 6.

Think what the punctuation signifies.

wiki might help.


oh no...I don't understand any of this

Thanks Cricketer9999a.
And a second egg after that.

Aha, and watch the page title as you try the different m****.

What to do after the 4th egg?
Have 5 letters now (including the E from the first).

You need 6 letters.

Never found the 6th letter. Didn't know what to do after well? But guessed the 6th letter by using another c... term.
On 7 now.

LOL! What the heck? lalalalala...so so lost

And an egg on 7.


Use the wiki page Cricketer9999a gave and start with ?. See what it is called and use it and you get a new one etc. etc.

On to 7!!!

mkganda, you on 6 still?

Use the wiki page, try each m*** in the url, to get eggs. i*********m***, g***m***,b****** etc.

And now idea at all what to with the numbers on the egg of 7 ?

Thanks you two. Tried m**** c*** and s** for eggs, ??

Oh I see you've got it.

This page reloading bug is really annoying. Is this happening on all blogger accounts?

okay, got egg and #s

If you send out a s.. message, you'r crying out for ....

Yep the reloading is annoying. Mailed Yalçin about it a few days ago, but he didn't respond yet.

got it, small, thanks :)

Saw this hint about the #s

"no decoding involved, but rather apply it to something. Use the (meaning of) title to help direct you to the proper place."

The title!?, there is no title on the egg, is there?
And applying it to the the title of the original level 7, wouldn't know how?

I'm thinking l******** and l*******

If you sent an S**, what would you have to give them for them to find you? I don't know if this right, I haven't worked it out yet.

lol, small, New Page 1? Nope, doesn't help. ;P


Lol Cricketer9999a, no idea at all what you're talking about. I'm not native English speaking so it's hard to decode your hints.
Maybe we can give hints with full words and then delete them and later leave some good hints for other players.

I agree. We know who's here at the moment. We could be more direct and delete them later.

mkganda, that's what I was thinking but I haven't found anything useful yet.

Lol I tried
36.91246, - 12.10247 on Google maps and I ended up in the sea.

I got Cancun and it does nothing for me so far lol.

I keep trying to think of what they could all mean if they're looked at separately. You know, if there's no real decoding involved. (which I find hard to fathom, but oh well)

Wrote down all the dots and dashes if you spell out sos completely but then you only you get 32 dots/dashes so no 36 and 46. So not the right way.

By the way, why are those Nordinho guys so much better at riddles while we kick their a....s with escape games?

This might be reaching (you know me), but what if we looked at the morse code for these numbers and then went through and made words out of them.
Like 3 = ...-- broken up into ... -- = sm
does that make any sense?

Idk, small, but it needs to change and fast.

Hi guys, I have a question :
I'm so new at these games, made it to level 6 so far, but only with the help of all your great hints. But how do you all know what to do when you only see the (purple) question mark?

But you can break up ...-- into ...- and - as well, being VT.

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