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House On Fire Walkthrough

House On Fire

House On Fire Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Game2p. You need to learn how to escape from the fire for surviving your worst nightmare. Use mouse to interact in House On Fire. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Okay, I'd better go and get that phone now otherwise the shops will be shut lol

Me too Bates. brb

@Benny? you quit peeing?

@batesbatesbunch..do you have a brother or sister? Maybe they can help us..like you did :))

Sorry I had te leave for a while. Got visitors.
Now I'm back and see I mist a party. Bummer! Alkmar, did you play many songs and tell the story of the 7 pirates aroud a campfire? Or was it more like Cumbaya?

If i open the burned paper in laptop view (after i click the folder) i see 634.
But still no luck :(

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:15 AM  

Rambler, your theory was very convincing and kept us happy for ages - never apologise LOL

I brought another bottle with me and put it in the cb.

Ok my time is over, but still not burned in the house lol!

blah i've tried 12345634 + 31323233 then - 31323233 then + and so on but that doesn't work i've also tried converting penguins into numbers but thats also not right, i'm now back to smothering with cables.......

Tried doing equations with top row with alice+25 then with result and bottom row...Nothing

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:19 AM  

Henk! *mwah* *mwah* my beshtest friend! Come sit by me, I have toast :o)

I think A=1 is mean something...

Henk..yes..I did..you missed alot ;-) Lets open your bottle..getting thirsty from singing/talking and smokebreathing...

You know, we never did any #/letter conversions and the hint clearly says A=1. Maybe alice + be = a word then convert to numbers? What then about the pc...worthless? So dizzy from the smoke.

Sarah4 i did the same with the penguins! lol

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:20 AM  

My head aches. It's from trying to do difficult sums, not the liquor, of course.

The word cable is in there you know. Hmm...lol

Let's sing near the campfire. Where have all the flowers gone? Long time pasing. Where have all the people gone? .......... Mary, you want some spareribs? I throw some in the fire!

ooh...@sarah..lol..that is much work..all that counting..well..i need also a new paper here..to much numbers on it...

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:23 AM  

When I restarted (for the third time (sigh)) I made sure not to skip the introduction in case there was a sneaky clue there.. but no. That would be too easy :o(

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:24 AM  

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm spare ribs.... oh yessss

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:24 AM  

What if it A=i, not 1 looks similiar to i in the alice??

TY @benny for walk down memory lane..."Living Next Door to Alice"!

It's like Moerdijk here. (For the ones are not Dutch: there was a realy big fire yesterday. Moerdijk is a place in the surroundings of Rotterdam. I passed the fire by car yesterday.)

Henk..glad you came back..with food and drinks!!! Looking for some new music to sing...what about angus and julia stone...

...orrr..metallica...uhmmm...gert en hermien ?

@bates I'm intrigued, let's give it a go. I got itqkm hmm...

All is safe there now Henk? Like the news told us ?

I also tried: +1-2+3-4-5+6+3-4 and +25 from: ALICE + 25. Nada!

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:30 AM  

Intriguing indeed, @Bates - but we are looking for numbers I think .. or am I confused LOL .. but then we could convert back.. oh my...

I still think we have to get a key for the "bleeping" locked extinguisher...and go out in the first scene...

Ooh...good try though Henk! Very clever! Maybe we need to do that with alice25?

itqkm= 920171113...that are 9 numbers.... + 25...

Alkmar, how could it be safe?
The fire was going on for hours and then they tell us not to eat the vegetables in our garden, because it has soot on it?
That can never be good :(

Yes. The fire is almost out and yesterday I visit a friend in Dordrecht (near Moerdijk). We live at the coast of the south of the Netherlands. So at home we have no troubles from the burned chamicals. Thanks for asking.

Ok I have resorted to the brute force method. I have been at this game for nearly 2 hours and I WILL get out!! (hope i'm not as hopeless as this in a real fire!lol)

Did the +- equation the way Henk did with alice25 and got 20961387...nope

key might be in safe @nokra

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:34 AM  

Norka, I think the bleeping key is in the bleeping safe!

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:34 AM  

checked other forums. They are still stuck at computer.

Well, at least WE have you, bates. Otherwise we'd be stuck at computer with them.

I agree with you feminin..I am sure the gouverment is not tellint the truth to us...sure there is potion in the ground...I live in the up part from north-holland...probably a safe place...

I figured as much....I guess we will all go out happy and drunk...LOL
And we will not go hungry as @henk has resorted to cannibalism....who is missing anyhow???LOL

don't tell me you have all left? i need help

Haven't heard from Kathy K in a while...HENK!!! I'm not eating.

Not me, Nokra. I'm still here! I just heared the news: the fire is still burning! So not just here!

escapers..I got to go..I have to prepare food..and more stuff...good luck to all of you!!! ( lol..I found a secret way out...after mkganda did move the sofa...I'll leave that door open) well...see you all !!...lalalla...burnburn...lalalala..burnburn

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:40 AM  

so stuck...so tired..think I will take nap on this couch. oh no! sorry bored

Don't be a party pooper, mkganda, just finish your meal!

See you, Alkmar. Bye.

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:42 AM  

Here are my thoughts for what they are worth (not much I know). It sees that one clue should lead to another and so even though we have not figured where the alice +25 or A=1 fits in, it would make sense that the computer clue should somehow lead to the safe otherwise we wouldn't have needed to get in the computer at all.

Don't worry, bates. We'll use the liquor to put you out! Oh nooooooo! Drunk in a fire...not so smart. At this point I shouldn't even breathe on it. Looks like the corner with the pc is the only safe place for a nap. Sleep tight!

Whise words, Mark!

Plugged in my extra cable and lost pc. Starting from scratch.

Alkmar i am sure they are hidding something.
I don't live in the Netherlands, but my parents do.

everybody that comes in now will think this is the most awesome game ever with over 200 comments. all it does is give you a headache

Can it be, that is has something to do with the pinguins? They look left, right, left, right, left.

Not if that's Kathy, @Henk! You're drunk, I tell you, completely bonkers! Poor thing.

I'm with you Mark. But if it's as simple as the equation on the pc, why isn't this darn thing open yet?

Just had a really scary thought. Remember a while back when we were stuck in a game and hours later realized it was a bug and they forgot to make the key open the door or something like that? Eeew...that makes me queezy.

Feminin, I hope your parents live in a safe place.

mkganda, there is no need to pitty me. The nuthouse already send some people te take me away.

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:50 AM  

I don't think it is in the penguins because they are destroyed now and we are at the safe. It would be rather cruel to try to make us remember what positions they were in 2 hours ago.

They're coming to take me away hihi, haha, hoho!

Sriously, I'm out of options.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Aww...I didn't want you to leave, Henk! I'll be them off you with my cables! They're hot too! "Take THAT!" Wait...Henk? How the hell did they get IN here to take you anyway?

we can all be playing the princess escape 2 while the house burns down around us....

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:56 AM  

other forum opened computer. maybe they can help us.

v1.2? maybe some bug fixed :D

Henk, thank you.
They are living near Rotterdam and they are ok.

I think the game maker didn't want us to escape lol!

I clicked on the other pc icon to see if on that site there was a hidden code lol. Reeeeeeeeeaching...

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:57 AM  

I have to leave again too... I can't believe how little we've progressed in the last hour LOL. In the immortal words of the Terminator,

I'll be back...

I love how when you try to look for other forums for help, they either have 3 people who don't know what they are doing, OR it brings you here! I guess we are supposed to have all the answers.

Sending you well wishes as well Feminin :)

Mark, i wrote them down.
The positions are < > < > <.

@ mark i would'nt put it past the makers of this game. cruel bunch the lot of them
(only joking, gamemakers, i love you ALL)
all i want is a CHANCE at escaping

I'm still here mkganda. I just sayed bye to alkmar.

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 7:59 AM  

alot quicker than us too, only 6 or 7 posts.

Thnx mkganda!

Bye, MaryD!

281 comments and to get as far as the pc took like 5 minutes! About 100 comments about pc and adding up over this safe. LOL!

NVM...It crashed my browser...now I'll have to start this game over....or not!!!LOL

I'm starting to really think there is a safe bug. :s

hmm...to further my theory, YoYoko mentioned v1.2 and my clock counter wasn't going before, but when I restarted I have a clock counter. Oh NO! I'm running out of time! This was supposed to be a timed game! I think it's a 10 min timer.

tried 1+3=4; 2-1=1; 3+3=6 ... but nothing
by the way: hi to everybody

That's too funny. Almost 300 comments for a 10 minute timed game. I think I'm sticking with my safe bug theory and getting out by little red x.

LOL @mkganda!
Should I replay???
I'll never make it in a timed game!!!!AhhhhhGGG!

Hi Nini :) Get us out will you?

Hi @nini...I think everyone has given up!

Well to get as far as we already have takes very little time, but I have a feeling that safe is supposed to be as easy as the pc equation if this is a timed game.

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 8:12 AM  

I played it in a different window and the codes still don't work.

Guess the code should be 40573256, but nope.

112935(ALICE)+25 = 112960

12345634 means the order of numbers:


Nice one Roberto! Alas, still burning

hmm, i replayed, and tried 41622861 - nothing
@nokra - i'm not giving up - i hate giving up - makes me feel so stupid

Next campfire song.
♪You give me fever...heat up, til you sizzle. What a lovely way to burn...what a lovely way to burn♪
Too bad alkmar left with his guitar.

Oh my god have been away out and done things and came back thinking surely someone must have figured it out by now but nooooooooooooooo

I know what you mean, Nini. I don't like to give up either, but this code seems pretty straightforward and nothing is working. I really do think it was an "unfinished" game at this point.

Unless, Games2p wants to chime in! Anytime!

fever - oh yes - lalalalaaaaaaaa
hmm ...
i can't help myself - it's kind of frustrating

Yeah~ out! ^^

sorry sarah4 - we gave our best ... *ehm*

YoYoko - HOW????

help PLEASE!!!!!!


It is 1 12 9 3 5 25, try enter it from back. ^^

ooh...40 seconds...has anyone died yet or will I be the first?

Oh yeah and I had the timer on at the start of my game about 3 hours ago and it did count down to zero and it stopped but didn't do anything

Huh...timed out and still ticking. Awesome! Sorry to say, makes me further believe it's bugged.

mgkanda, I thouth you'de bring your tamborine? If it was not you, than who did?

great YoYoko.
Ouch!!! another code!!!

out - wow

at least the last code is


Now the code was easy!

I think yoyoko is playing a trick on us. How can she/he be out? The code does not work for me. Oke, continue singing than!

thank you so much YoYoko! i already thought we'll never get out! great job!

Awesome YoYoko!!! Got an ax but now what? LOL!!!

Ooh, Henk, thanks for reminding me! I did bring my tamborine! Weeee!

Okay, WTH??? What am I supposed to hack at with this thing?

The code for the safe is ALICE+25 but you should write it from right to left.
then you'll get an axe :-)

@Henk: the code worked for me. did you try: 52539211?

That code did not work for me either. I tried that hours ago and again after the post. Did nnot work.

lol...duh COMPLETELY forgot we had a fire extinguisher lol. What a bastard landlord to do that to us!

get the fire extingusiher, use on the fire in the 1st view, then proceed to the door. Use the code you get from the laptop and out!

Oke. Now I want to know. What is the code en did you put it behind the pinguins? Stop hammering the tamborine, mkganda, I'm trying to concentrate!

Try 19123525

Code didn't work for me either. I entered it the normal way 11293525 and got my ax. Buggy...

Also, NOT a timer. Score. If you get to zero you suck apparently. :D

Code doesn't work for me either :( Think i'm supposed to burn in here

yay thanks evie that code worked for me!!!Finally!

Oh no, Sarah and Henk, try it just as it is. It didn't work backwards for me.

What kind of twisted mind thought up those codes!

Henk: Code behind penguins was 52539211, it gave axe, used axe to get fire distinguisher. went to first view, used ext. to fire

@Henk: it work, just like what BTA say..^^

Thanks evie! That one worked! How did you come get that. I've been doing math so long I can't remember where that would have come from.

A hundred times I tried 11293525 on the pinguins bus still no aks. Silly pitbull pinguins!

I decompiled the code. Looks like a mistake... it's AILCE+25...1 9 12 3 5 25

Why did it work backwards for some and forwards for some? LAME!!! *plays a ditty on the tamborine*

Nice Evie! I must have thought I put it in ALICE and accidentally did AILCE? definitely was NOT backwards for me though.

Wow! Evie! An aks, an aks. I cherrish my aks and keep it! They're coming to take me away, whoooaaaah!

Bummer! Again a code. Play your tamborine, mkganda!

If your time is over you have to restart and the code will work now!

I still think they fixed the game because the code wouldn't work earlier.

Should be called Huoes of Frie

Who knows if there are other mistakes in the code that might make other combos work... I'm no programmer, it took me about half an hour to find it.

But I think the neverending supply of computer cables was to hang ourselves with before we burned to death. :)

Playing! *does a little dance*

A little Talking Heads?

♪Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house!♪

i replayed once more - the code worked
i'm with feminin: If your time is over you have to restart

LOL evie! I'll go with that theory.

Freeeeeeeeeeeeee! Finaly! Thanks everybody. Thanks mkganda for the music. I'm going to buy me a drink!

But which one, Nini? It wasn't the same code for everyone. I timed out and my code worked but not the same code as yours.

I know I tried that laptop code earlier!

Who is joining me to the bar?

GONGTATS ALL!!! I'm going to dress my wounds and go out for a drink as well!

I downloaded it again and this time found code 52539211... so maybe they changed it while we were all playing?...

Time for a liquid lunch in US

@ Henk: i will! need a drink now!

See you next live one, all! If I ever catch one again. Few and far between these days.

I think I may come back to visit the comments here and there though. By far best part of this game was the people. Hilarious! All of you!

@mkganda: it was 52539211 for the safe and 41622861 for the door

Evie :0

That was 2 hours of my life thrown away.
I demand an apology from the game developper! lol

Thanks Nini! I may go back later and try it that way before I time out. For now, though, I have to let my body cool with some icy cocktails and bathe in aloe vera.

Hey wait! It wasn't a mistake! "i" is the imaginary number that is the square root of -1, so we were SUPPOSED to move the "i" back one space and THEN solve for the code!


By the way the game developer seems to make escape gamers alcoholic! lol

Oh my, @evie figured it out. I suppose we were ALL right in some small way. The only way I was is that it was indeed a bit buggy. They MUST have changed it while we were playing.

bye and thanks to all of you!

i think i now should prepare dinner ... uuups

see you!

Very impressed with @evie at the moment. Well done, yet again!

Going to check out games I missed. Bye!

This will help u all
Name: ALICE (remember caps)
Code: 3343431 (which is on the burnt paper)

But now im stuck at the picture lock hmm

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 9:20 AM  

Oh no I went away and when I came back everyone has gone! Sits down and weeps in the ashes..

Hello all!!! Any suggestions about the safe code??

Safe code is (or should be): 52539211

Oh no, MaryD! I thought I had you in my pocket when I left!

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 9:55 AM  

41622861 works on the door to get out... passwod to safe is 11293525 only backwards.....

Oh crappity crap crap crap!!!!!!!
Played again...knowing exactly what to do....and when I put coffee on the handkerchief...it vanished!!!!
No more patience with this ridiculous game from "Game2P(on)"!!!!LOL

It was great to play with everyone though!!!! and GONGTATS! to Yoyoko for being first out and to everyone else who did it!

Holy Smokes! 360 + comments! Should I even attempt this one?

There would be a lot less comments if there hadn't been a mistake in the code when many of us started playing. :) But it's fixed now, so you're good!

The bugs are still there....be warned!
I think the real value in this game are the comments...have fun!

This comment has been removed by the author.

I got 7 cables, everytime you open the cb doors theres another cable. Do any of you get extra cables

have 7 cables , you get one everytime you open the cb. does that happen to you too

Hi, came back late, replayed and escaped with much help.
@nokra (don't know if you will ever read this), I got the vanishing handkerchief at the first time, too. It happens if you don't click it again, when it's wet. When you go back e.g. with the arrow it's gone foreever and you have to restart :(

sorry, didnt mean to type it twice

games doesn't sound worth playing, but the comments were definitely worth reading

Sorry you all got stuck so long in a buggy game, but at least you provided enjoyment for me :P

And gongtats on escaping!

yes sherry, if you read the comments above you will find people with staples of cables, lol

Hi @kkf, now you are here! We needed you codebreaking knowledges ages ago ;p

@silverfish I came to eg24 after you were stuck, and I saw all the comments (complaints) in other games about this one.

No way I was running into the burning house to save you hahaha

But I did want to see the comments since you sounded like you had a blast playing it live.

@kkf, the discussion was funny, but the game wasn't. Am playing now all the newer games and saw you were already there. Bye

you must be joking all those comments and no walkthrough, were is smalltool?

Has anyone gotten into the wall safe yet?

Many thanks!@silverfish!!!
I had a few minutes to kill and finally beat the game!!!!
So funny how a 5 minute game can turn into hours of sadistic fun!!!LOL
@jennifer and reddc...the answers are all there...have fun reading the comments!

This comment has been removed by the author.

The door code is from computer :)

I played it again..and it is so easy now!! it was because of the time the codes didnt work before???? well atleast..going for shower...smell smoke everywhere :)))


PASSWORD =3343431
BUT i cant solve the password on the picture

Zoom on the small cabinet
Note it needs a diamond, triangle, moon ,and circle
The drawer needs a key
Zoom on the fruit bowl -- move the fruit to find the diamond
Turn around
Zoom on the long cabinet
Get the USB from behind the bowl
While zoomed in, get the circle from the pole of the lamp (green circle on the top right corner of the screen)
Zoom on the shelves over the long cabinet -- get the triangle from the picture frame
Zoom on the round table
Get the laptop and the cup
While zoomed in, get the handkerchief from the couch
Zoom on the shelves in the back corner
Get the moon from the bottle
Get the burned paper from in front of the door
Click the handkerchief in your inventory
Use the cup to wet it
Zoom on the door
Use the wet handkerchief to get the key from the handle
Turn around
Use the shapes to open the door
Get the cable
Use the key to open the locked drawer
Look in the drawer -- get the knife and see the clue
Zoom on the small nightlight to the left of the cabinet
Use the cable to unplug the nightlight/plug in the cable
Add the laptop
Now put the USB in the left side
Zoom on the screen
Enter the username and password
Click the cute pink folder
See a clue
Turn around
Zoom on the penguin picture
Use the knife and find a hidden safe
Enter the code
Solution below
Get the ax
Zoom on the fire extinguisher in the left corner
Use the ax to free it
Turn around
Use the extinguisher on the fire on the floor (don't zoom in)
Click down that hall

Username and Password
You have her name from the drawer, but it has to be in all caps. The password is from the burnt note. It is a bit had to read.

Safe code
The drawer said Alice + 25 and A=1. So A-1 L-12, I-9, C-3, and E-5 and then 25. But the hint was upside down in the drawer, which seems to mean to enter it backwards.

Door Code
The computer says:
Do the math: 1+3=4 2-1=1 3+3=6, 4-2=2, 5-3=2, 6+2=8, 3+3=6, 4-3=1

there silly little game finally has a walkthrough lol

really dificult
thanks for all the hints...

To all that never figured out the safe behind the picture, it was alice + 25 backwards.

       Anonymous  11/27/11, 2:38 AM  

Wooow 393 comments at this point.
Just played it but needed your tips on the password.
Thanks, I'm out too. :)

what is the password?

what is password for laptop i mean?

52539211 that's it! XD

that's it!! XD

i can use the password and username

Bates gave the laptop user name and password

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