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Miyabure - New Year Day Escape Walkthrough

Miyabure - New Year Day Escape

New Year Day Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Miyabure. You find yourself trapped in the room, try to figure out how to escape by using the items and solving the puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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I only have a few minutes and there seems to be a language barrier I keep getting the bee

have teapot and note

Did lots of things, but no idea for the sequence and all i have is a code paper and a tea pot.

and can turn the light on and off

and now a stick under table and carpet

You can drag the white creature to the left.

all of a sudden the bee was in my teapot and now my teapot is gone

Tried to apply the arrow code on the drawer with the two buttons, i tried pink, purple, purple and other combis, but nothing.

Thx megi for posting and happy new year to you too !!

sorry stick was under pillow under giant bunny

I killed quite a lot of bees except the one that keeps on flying.
There is one in the spout of the teapot, I didn`t see it the first time though.

I also found a stick under rug (right side)

@Zazie, the code worked to open the drawer but I found that bee in it

       Anonymous  1/6/11, 4:11 PM  

hi everybody

Pink, purple, purple ? It does nothing to me...

Or maybe i only did not see this bee lol...the only one left is the flying one.

the code for the first drawer is up the door


blue purple 3xblue purple blue

Hi all

Hi Zazie, happy New Year to you too :)

Blue pink 3xblue pink blue

You have to follow the directions Zazie, purple, pink, 3xpurple, pink, purple.

It's purple pink, purple purple purple, pink purple.

Across the left, down the middle, then across the right.

there are bee and mouse on the ceiling

That did it Megi, it was another bee, now I could get the flying one and let them fight.

And I found the mouse.

And i only clicked the end points of the arrows lol.
Thx diren, megi and cricketer !!!

this game makes no sense I'm going to leave it to all of you

and now I have 9 small bees :lol under the flowers

How to catch the flying bee ?

What to do with the mouse and where is the code for the drawer?

zazie you need "woman" bee :lol to catch flying bee

Shut the light off and catch the fly on ceiling than put light on again, fly is inventory when you click it.

Light off to catch the bee in the ceiling. I think you need the stick selected.

Lights back on.

Click bee on flowers to catch,then select to use to catch flying bee.

k, said I was leaving but didn't yet. lol

caught bee had bee fight now have 9 small things in dirt

also found another bee under left corner of carpet and now big bunny is smaller

LOL i have got it Megi, have small flies too.

Zazie, turn of the light and look left side of ceiling, you get a bee, then you can take the other one and let them fight.

now I ahve to go and make dinner

good luck!

Aw, I think they're kissing.

Sorry Zazie, I keep on giving you the answer too late!

No prob Manja, i am happy with all your help !!!

Now stuck again with only a stick.

How did you use the teapot?

I have 9 things under flowers after catching flying bee. Still stick and teapot in inventory.

Turn teapot around.

Oh, Got another bee from teapot spout. Teapot's disappeared but still only 9 under flowers.

I used the teapot on one of the flies, but can´t remember whichone :(
Then when looking on teapot in big view a fly was inside ....

Stick you need to open right part of ceiling where mouse is, but what to do with mouse? Has someone found the code yet?

Thanks manja, I think I'd already got that one but it isn't added to the rest.

you must use teapot on the tea cup first

password is 2011

i forgot about title of the game :LOL

Funny, Jo-Ann making dinner, here in Holland it is 1.30 am!

and out, strange game

Ahhh Megi you are my hero !!!!

Thanks Megi, now the 9 bees are gone but I am still there.

Out all of a sudden.

Out too, really a strange game lol....
Finally off to bed and please no more SSSG tonight, or i never will sleep tonight haha.

good night all, time to go to sleep, in Poland and in Holand it's the same time ;)

see you tomorrow, bye

LOL Manja, did you give them the thing from last drawer ?

Good night for the ones who go to bed.

In Vienna same time too, n8 n8 everybody !

Thanks Megi, I'm out now.

Just underneath the bunnies on the doors is the symbol for year.

Yes I did Zazie.

Manja, i just went back and kept clicking randomly...and then i was out after clicking some red arrows with thext around....

OMG!!!! truly the weirdest game...And I see many weird games here...LOL

yep. Definitely weird. But I liked it!

still have stick and can't seem to get out. baby flies have gone after giving them item from code drawer. Now what? And WHAT is the mouse for?

got a little minutes...and some help here..(and a slow pc)..lets go loadinggg

I'm with you Alison. Wonder if you ever got out or just gave up like I will soon. Opened all drawers, found bees in lots of places (but NOT in teapot). Matched up the 2 bees, bred and fed the babies and left with a teapot (unused) and a stick. Can see mouse, but not use it. Thinking I should find a hive with lots of honey, but have seen no sign of one.

POP -- NOW I found a bee in the teapot (about the 10th time I looked!) and they both disappeared. Finally found a last bee under left corner of carpet -- Maybe you have to find all the hidden bee locations to eventually get out.

Back through to see where all the bees were.

Bees you catch (and kill? -- they cry)
1- under left pillow
2- under fruit on table
3- behind wall hanging
4- left side of cupboard
5- top drawer (open using paper clue + light)
6- under box on table
7- under table cloth (lift table, then cloth)
8- under left corner of carpet
9- teapot (try to pour into cup, and it will be stuck in spout)
10- flying around (not the male bee)
Plus the eight little bees that you breed (in the flower vase).

Breeding bees:
Lady bee - behind left ceiling (turn out light, it flies down, turn light back on and you can pick it up)
Man bee- flying around (can only pick up after getting Lady bee)
Put them together in inventory.

Use stick on right ceiling -- perhaps to show mouse you're done? -- and out.

I came back..work was calling...that was a weird game..lol..Thanks for the hints!!!

I dont find the mouse?? ceiling? Where

Almost everybody is out, but what to do with the stick and the mouse? And the mistery: how to get out?

Henk, once you gave the "thing" - you got from the bottom drawer - to the larvas (under the plant), just click on the fat rabbit, and...hum... you're out !
I didn't do anything with the mouse...

@ann : highlight the stick to be able to reach the ceiling. So, upmper right is hidden the mouse, and upper left, there's a bee.

Hi, I found inside the drawer some kind of weird vial but I haven't any idea how to use it...

(sorry for my English)

very late answer:

the "weird vial" is probably the "thing" that looks like a clinical thermometer (old mercury-based one)

it's probably a syringe injecting some poison to kill the larvae.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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