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Drawing Room Walkthrough

Drawing Room

Drawing Room Escape is another point and click room escape game created by Fredo from Escape Factory. "This time you are locked in a room without doors, windows and furnitures. Find color pencil, draw your escape." Good luck and have fun!

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hi, let's begin

color pencil

hey! going in

Have black pencil (green) color codes for 4 lamps, red purple and orange pencil and eraser. Painted orange figures and opened 3 drawers. Now stuck

it doesn't look easy to me. but then again i'm an idiot anyway, so you'll all be probably shouting 'i'm out' before i've even posted this

thanks christina for boosting up my confidence :)

is there a way to "reset" the paintings? I think I did something wrong

hi, where did you find the pencils. i only have a yellow and a red one

POP! acutally the eraser can...

there is an erasing somewhere under a piece of furniture

Draw power cords on the lamps with the black pencil and orange dots with the orange pencil, shapes are below the painting. Use that shapes on the top left drawing. Have two power cords (next to sofa) no blue pencil and no power cords next to chair.

I have filled in all the paintings and turned on all the lights.
Don't really know what to do with the red pencil.
Still 2 drawers that are stuck.

missing a purple pencil. and to open that jammed drawer?

have 4 pencils now.

@ Cool How did you draw those cords on the last two lamps? Won't work no mather what I do. Explained top left drawer in my last comment.

how do you get the black pencil

@sammybrock - I think the black pencil was under the sofa

for drawing cords, I clicked at the outlet and that worked

yes it was thanks annaby :)

Christina, I just sort of moved the pencil over the dotted line.
Just keep trying. You do not need to follow the line exactly.

I need a pink pencil ....

oh - use red pencil on lights

Finaly one more cord. Bit dissapointing, trying for the last cord to work. Last one worked after I started from the switch....sigh.

thanks Christina! safe next to exit door open now (draw a chair with green pencil)

not that it did anything I can see ...

how do you unjam the top drawers

Last one also from the switch in a very swift move. Now for that final drawer to open. Or could you give us a hint on the blue pencil please @Cool?

Hi All - will try to catch up.

blue pencil is from doing the paintings correctly

top left drawer from using codes under the pictures on left of cabinet

@sammybrock11: on the left side of cb is a panel. just enter the symbols in the right order and press "ok".
any ideas about the equation? since every value seems to be "450", I thought it would be 1800, but it's not...

Yep blue pencil from painting.
Stuck drawer on the right opens when you solve a puzzle at the side of the cb. that's where the pink pencil is.

I got a purple pencil from doing the paintings. And one from the top left drawer. Now hoping to find a blue one in the top right, but no way to open that.
@miller, where did you start that chair?

oh, you can also change the colors inside the safe box

thanks drawer now open :D

whats the purple pencil for?

@Christina: first you have to open the top right drawer. inside is a note.
for the top right drawer: color all the lamps according to the hints on the sofa/armchair

@ Miller I need a blue pencil for that wich I haven't found yet. Any hints?

And out

miller - for the equation try looking at the numbers on the pencils

@Christina: going to start again and take a look since I'm completly lost with the final code.

I will play again Christina to see where the blue pencil is.

I don't have the blue pencil either

Aah, replayed and finaly got the blue pencil from the painting with the arrow. That and the cords worked fine this time. Just had a buggy game first time round.

duh, thanks. out as well. very very nice little game

okay - I see my mistake on the picture noe. Should be good from here

do you also see your spelling mistakes? sorry, just kidding ;-)

Just need to find the blue pencil... hmmmm

i'm out!! thanks for the help

Exiss, make sure you have all pictures correct. The empty balls disappear if they are, except for the one by the door. As long as there is a picture with empty balls showing there;s something wrong.

Went back to my first game, if the creator is reading this: I had my 3 paintings correct (they changed into permanent pictures) but the arrow didn't fall and the blue pencil never appeared. So please fix this bug, was very frustrating. Thank you for the nice little game btw ;-)

lol @Miller!

@Christina: I had the same problem after hitting the replay button. first time it was all perfect. really, really nice idea and nice graphics/ animations.

Me too Miller. The filled in balls remain filled in and are correct, but the pencil does not fall.

Ok.. what order do you put the colors?

I thought it was Blue, Orange, Black, Red.. but not working.

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Enjoy you mean on the lamps or behind the door?

By the lamps use the order at the sides of the furniture for each lamp. They are all different.
At the door: look at the hint behind the door. Start at the right picture and follow the colors on the lamps.

@EnJoy: if I remember correctly it starts with orange. the first number is given (450?), so just look at the pencils and find out which has the number written on it. then continue with the lamp colors

@Miller And second time I could paint cords and a stool with just one touch, first time round it was murder (the cords, never reached the stool.) And if I may add one more point of critique: the diagram arrow reads blue/red/orange/purple but since you have to start with orange the arrow makes little sence.... point 3 should be higher than point 1. Not perfect but still a better game than I can produce.

@Enjoy - that's right. It's orange, red, blue, purple

I mean Miller is right - got another comment in between

@Christina - true. The color direction is the opposite of the arrow

got it thanks Miller. I was starting on the wrong lamp! duh

I haven't found the blue pencil. I made 3 identical pictures of the arrow, but nothing happens. And I can't draw a stool.

Pascale only the picture at the door gets an arrow.
Under each picture is a clue as to what it should look like.

I have all the lamps colored, all the drawers opened and all the paintings/drawings colored in. I'm a little confused by the painting you get from the right drawer. Any POPs on that?

Cindy, the painting shows a circle on the floor by the door.
Use one of the pencils to draw it there.

Now that was fun game.
Not too easy, not too hard. Just right to get the old brain cranked up enough to finish but without peeking at the comments for help.
I did keep trying to make purple from the blue and red pencils before trying another way...

Thanks! Got it now. I thought I had tried that but apparently didn't hit the right place!

Lol ... seems to me you had the old brain working a bit too hard there Bumjelly. :D

Hi there Cool,
I'm not much (live) in escape games lately, because of all those riddle games posted here (they really take a lot of time).
But do you already have some Flash skills?
I worked out some great ideas for escape games.

I think mine's working overtime because I keep overthinking the puzzles today!

Hi there ST.
Just spent a week in France, so have not had time.
Now busy with job interviews. Not much time either.
In the process of buying a house in France, gonna take some time.
But after all that, I am going to spend some time on flash and will check with you for idea's for the first BAD Alliance Game.

Great, looking forward to it.
Good luck with the interviews and the house.
We'll meet again on the next Gamershood game for our little contest.

yep ... it's gonna be fun.
So will the Gamerhood Game. In case you did not notice: I made it out first this game. Prepare for some good competition :D

I'm confused...
lights on..
missing purple pencil..
can't open either top draw..
what's the floor plan you speak about??
I have the right pictures as the balls disapeared but nothing happens????.....


There are 4 scenes:
Couch, Door, Chair, Cabinet

On either side of the couch and the chair are tall lamps.
On each side of the couch and the chair are 4 vertical color clues.
On each wall is a frame with a 5x5 grid of circles.
- The frame by the door has an arrow.
- Below each of the other frames is a clue "450" plus a drawing.

- At the base of the lamp to the right of the couch, pick up orange pencil
- Under couch, pick up black pencil.
- On right side of the chair, pick up eraser.
- The cabinet has 4 drawers. The top two are locked.
- In bottom left drawer, find a clue on how to use the black pencil.
- In bottom right drawer, find red pencil.

- Note that each pencil has a number on it and the orange pencil is number 450.
- Highlight the orange pencil and use it to fill in the circles to match the clue under it.
-- If you make a mistake, you can use the eraser or back out to erase the entire drawing.
-- When you do it correctly, the empty circles disappear.
-- After coloring all three pictures, the picture by the door tilts and there is a blue pencil on the floor.

- On the left side of the cabinet is a lock with pictures. Enter the code and it changes to "OPEN".
- You can now open the top left drawer of the cabinet to find purple pencil

- At the base of each lamp, use the black pencil to plug in the lamp and turn it on.
- The lampshade now has 4 sections.
- Color the lamp to match the clue on the nearest side of the chair/couch.
- After all 4 lamps are colored, open the top right drawer to get a picture.
- Use the black pencil to draw a circle to the right of the door.
- You can now access the box near the ceiling.
- Open the box to see a diagram of the lamps with an arrow, an equation with 4 rectangles to enter colors, and a place to enter a 4-digit number.
- Enter the correct colors and numbers and click "OK" to escape.

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Color-Through Solutions
Picture above chair is a square grid:

Picture above cabinet is a diamond:

Picture above couch is an hourglass:

Cabinet lock:
arrow, grid, diamond, hourglass

Lamp colors (top to bottom):
Left of couch: ORBP
Right of couch: PORB
Left of chair: RBPO
Right of chair: BROP

Exit lock:
If the colors are number 1-4 from top to bottom, the arrow indicates 1-3-2-4.
Note that the first color is 450, which is the number of the orange pencil.
Change that rectangle to orange.
Enter the others clockwise from the lamp with orange at the top.
Use the numbers on the pencils to get 450+350+850+110=1760

Thanks @ Miller for noting the significance of the 450 in the final code box.

Wow, really excellent escape room. Took me a while to find the Green pencil, but I finally did....

Clever and original :)

Thanks Fredo and Escape Factory!

A very nice "Coffee & Cigarette" game to
wake up to! Gets the brain into gear!

An excellent example for aspiring
game makers to emulate!
Quality graphics, simple navigation,
sensible logic and relaxing background music.

(Nudge-Nudge-Wink-Wink @ 3-Bee, Gazzy-Bug,
G2R, SAG, etc., etc., etc..)

Thanks again.

So many great games that I missed live yesterday!!!

Loved this one and needed just a little nudge here and there, but super WT, @ PuzzledinCA !!!!

       Anonymous  5/6/18, 10:57 AM  

caught this one from the random section

but couldn't play as link is broken...
(page can't be found)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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