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Reach The World Cup 2 Walkthrough

Reach The World Cup 2

Gazzyboy Reach The World Cup Part 2 is another new point and click type room escape game from Gazzyboy. Oh No the World cup ends in few minutes but disaster is the cup has been stolen and hidden inside the Stadium by unlawful people. You have little time to find the Cup and take the honor. All the Best!

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Hope there are no bugs.

well..I am here ..I can be buggy :P

Two plugs from behind the bag on the right.
Machine part in the bag on the left.

Green button to take on the bag on the table.

Hi. Let's try!

Razorblade under the glass in the toilet.

ok...@small..I cant help you..I have customers here..for haircut..good luck ;-)

Hope to catch you soon again :))

Key behind the coke bottles on the 2nd (from the top) shelf.

lol..Henk is here!! you two will be fine :P

See you!

See you later Alkmar.

Machine in the top right of the cupboard (use key).

Big key on the shoes on the left.

And stuck.

Ah, you can go left and right in the room as well.

I have a thumb and something called key and stuck.

I have: machine, part of machine, big key, cut wire from boiler and attached it to plugs, and I have a blue and green button. You can take of some countrylabels from the shirts and find some numbers.

@Antonia, what do you meen by thumb?

Nice to find a live one!! Good morning everyone.
I have a machine, machine part, plug/wire a big key, green button, 2 keys (used) and a list of names...totally stuck now.

A blue button on a shoe in the right room view.
And took a lot of labels off from the shirts to see 4 numbers.

Henk, I think that it is for the cafe in the room with the Cup. I took it from the robot in that room.

I can't open one of the bags, the black on to the right.

Used the wire with plug in the middle drawer next to the grey square.

Antonia, where is the room with the cup?

Have 6 buttons now. Could take 4 more after using the wire with plug.

What is with the blinking red arrow in the back right corner? I can't click there?

And I could only use one key (top right of cupboard) where do you use the other key?

It is where the red arrow is. You need to fix a decoder from the parts you have and open the dore. Note the code it gives too.

Where on left side is the other key?

Room with robot? Where did you find that?

Dan, the first one is from Coca-Cola fridge, and the other one is from the blue shoes to the left.

Henk, turn right and you'll see the door.

For the key on the left. don't go to the left view, but in the main view, zoom in on the shoes on the left and then click the shoe.

@Antonia, how did you do that?

I must be missing something. I have the machine, 1 machine part, big key and 6 colored buttons. So how do I fix the machine to open the door?

I have only a so caled "thumb" from GazzyBoy statut and a "key" left. I don't know where to use them.

I can't fix my decoder/machine?
Only have a machine and one machine part and they don't go together!?

And can't find the 'thumb' either?

For machine you need 3 parts but can't remember where they were.

For the Gazzy statue, numbers on dresses from left to right.

@dejavu you need a paper that's on one of the toilets

S-T the big part opens in new window and then add the part from the rest room.

No idea where to put those numbers in, guess I have to find the second machine part first.

S-T how many machine parts you have?

small-tool put the six buttons on the robot, you get a thumb

@Mazomi, paper? Where on the toilets? On top or on the bottom? Left or right?

Open the Gazzy statue, put the 6 buttons and take the "thumb" from his right hand

I have the machine part from the bag on the left.
Does anybody know where the other part is?

@henk: bottom, under one of the pissoar(?)

the middle toilet (the only one you can zoom into) on the bottom

What paper are you all talking about? The one I have is the one with all the names.

sorry the third toilet from left

S-T the othe is under one of the pissoar, but where the third was...?

@Henk zoom on the toilets in the middle and take the paper(metal) from the middel WC down

Henk, I think that the paper they mean from the toilet is the machine part.

Ah thanks for that second part.

Has anyone made use of 2nd key and thumb? I think that thumb will be used after code on "phone"

Dan, did you put the 4-digit code?

Now what! I found the paper (whitch I clicked numerously), attached it to my machine, put the extra machine part at it and now my machine is all gone!

@Dan open the robot using the code from the shirts

Urban. I'm stuck with a thumb and a long key too.

Henk, look in your inventory to the right.


Codes from clubs and behind statue makes phone work.

A WONDER HAPPENED!!! I changed rooms and voila! Back is my machine.

Still no use for thumb :(

And now I have presented the trophy to indian team :)

Urban, you can use the thumb there as well (on the green square).

And out, thanks for all the help.

Where did you get the thumb? I only have the big key and 6 buttons. And I opened the robot.

what wire are you guys talking about? where to use razor blade?

Henk, the robot gives you the thumb, in his right hand.

duh, just figured it out

Dan, I think you have to put in the numbers first.

Henk, the thumb is the flickering part on the robot after you opened it.

@Henk: place buttons in sratue
@jennifer: on cable in toilet
@Dan: use it on square on phone

Got the thumb. I didn't read all the comments before.

The numbers from the bats in the first room and the number behind the robot.
I think it was 1, 3 and 8, so 138.

what about the funny key from behind the shoe? I can't figure out where it goes.

got the robot open but my buttons wont go on?

Didn't that key go in the code and fingerprint machine as well?
Don't remember anymore.

never mind. ran around the room once, came back and buttons work now! LOL

And out! Thank you all.

Other escape game sites!?
This one is the best, with the most and newest games and the best comments.

It almost never happens a game is on another site and not here.

funny key and thumb.....neither work on the scanner :(

ahhh now they do. thanks for the help everyone :)

It only works after you have filled/typed in the code.

And out! Thank you for all the help!!!

You could look at very old games, maybe you missed some.
On the home page is top left the games archive and it goes all the way back to 2006

how do u put the buttons on the robot?

Anyone still here? Cannot figure out what to type under the Welcome in the thumbprint machine. thanks~!

whats the code for the number pad on robot?

Big J - I think I typed in 1869 (from numbers on shirts)

thanks kimberly...your a star...lol

Look at my post from 5:48 AM.

LOL, I still cannot figure out what we type in the last machine though.. so I am stuck

Thank you, Small Tool!! Out finally :)

i think it was 136918

huh? so what do we do once we have the cup?? Where do we go?

oh doesn't matter We just 'back' out And place it on the stand Did we use the names from the piece of paper? ~ Australian and Indian or Pakistani cricket players ~ The 'paddles' were cricket bats for those who don't know the game


Machine part in 1st left bag.
Get key from shoes on left.
Take green button from bag on table.
Take plug behind suitcase trolley on right.
Go into the bathroom through the back door.
Get machine part below middle toilet.
Move glass and take razor.
Cut geyser wire with razor.
Attach plug to wires and plug in behind white screen.
Take 2 yellow, red and light blue buttons
Go left.
Remove flags one by one from left to get numbers.
1 8
Go right twice.
Follow the same as above and get numbers.
6 9
Zoom on first pair of shoes on left and get blue button.
Key behind the coke bottles on the 2nd (from the top) shelf.
Use key on top right cb and get machine.
Attach machine parts and machine and use on door.
Put numbers from shirts on gazzy robot to get place to put buttons 1869.
Place all buttons and take thumb.
Put the code on machine before trophy, key and thumb to get trophy.
Couldn't complete the last part.

this game was sooooo buggy i had the trophy even before i saw the robot near the door. never used the thumb,the numbers from the machine the 2 numbers from the sticks near the door or big key and i am out

Didn't have any bugs at all.
Possword for last = (spoiler alert)

Two cricket paddles and number by robot XXXX138XXXX

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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