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City Model Escape Walkthrough

City Model Escape

City Model Escape is another point and click escape the room type game from Gamershood. In this game, you have to solve puzzles and gather items in order to escape the bar. Good luck and have fun!

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fast and furious today!

Ho hum another of these games... Oh well glutton for punishment.

Red key at tennis courts.

Horrible spinner puzzle again...

Anyone having troubles with the game loading?

Slider gives a hand shovel.

Use hand shovel by a statute; gives yellow key.

Loaded fine for me, Jen.

ken-ken SPOILER

First line: 3214

solved blue puzzle but spinner is killing me!!

Solved the ken ken puzzle if anyone needs a clue.

POP Finally solved the #$!@$! thing! LOL

complete ken-ken


I need the green key??

Nvm LOL first scene I went back to!

out if anyone needs help

@Graham, I could use some help on the number puzzle; just can't quite get it. Only thing I have left.

keys are from using spade next to swingset, axe on tree, and hacksaw on lock

Hmmm where to use axe??

For number puzzle there are 3 equations
1) -13
2) x 2
3) +19

use axe in view with the tree

Tried the wrong place on the tree but am now out!

I have the equations, but I keep ending up with more than six numbers. What am I doing wrong?

Equation spoiler.....

144 163

Thanks, @Graham; I'll go back and see what I did wrong.

72 x 2 = 144
144 + 19 = 163

@seawall that is 2 X 72 and then 144 + 19....

LOL too slow in this cold weather here...

Thanks @Leroy; I was starting the equation in the wrong place, as usual.. LOL

i can't find the purple key or the hacksaw...

All done but brute-forced the red number before finally finding it in the basketball scene.

Picture was difficult but needed to zoom in several times to find the squares I had wrong.

@Julia, the hacksaw and purple key come from solving the puzzles.

Not sure, I think the hacksaw was from the green key and the purple key was from the orange key.

yep, i've missed a puzzle, thanks. :)

Nice one... no surprizes!
Some hot spots hard to find.

I live in Atlanta, it doesn't look like that! And yellow, not orange to slow down!

WOOT!!! @small-tool...thank thank you...thanks to your detailed instructions in a previous game, I solved this Sudoku puzzle without any peeks!!!! I was sort of on the right track but as usual, I was making the process more difficult than it is..lol! I know I know...who gets so excited about solving a bloody Sudoku puzzle...what can I say...I am just weird that way ;) lol!!!!!


BIG LAKE on the bottom right, SMALL LAKE on top.
- Zoom in on the tennis courts on the top left and take the RED KEY.
- Zoom in on the darker green rectangle on the bottom left and see 7 is RED.

CANAL on the bottom, BRIDGE on the bottom right.
- Zoom in on the top middle of the screen to see the traffic light. It's the COLOR HINT (red-orange-green).
- Zoom in on the tower like thing, almost in the centre of the screen and see 4 is GREEN.

- Zoom in on the left bridge and see the WORD HINT (hotel ATLANTA).
- Zoom in on the bottom left to see the baseball stadium and see 8 is YELLOW.

BRIDGE on the left, 2 CURVED ROADS
- Zoom in on the bridge and take the BLUE KEY.
- Zoom in on the little yellow houses on top and take the GREEN KEY.
- Zoom in on the big building on the top left (see 5 is BLUE;
Use the red key on the red keyhole and then click it to see the picture puzzle. Solve it and take the SCOOP.
Click here to see the solved picture puzzle
Use the green key and solve the sudoku and take the AXE.
Use the blue key and put in atlanta and take the HACKSAW.

BIG LAKE on the bottom right, SMALL LAKE on top.
- Zoom in on the orange/yellow circle almost on top in the middle of the screen. Use the axe on the bottom of the tree and take the ORANGE KEY.

CANAL on the bottom, BRIDGE on the bottom right.
- Zoom in on the big building on the top right and use the hacksaw on the big padlock and take the PINK/PURPLE KEY.

- Zoom in on the statue on the green rectangle field on the bottom and use the scoop on the darker spot in the grass and take the YELLOW KEY.

BRIDGE on the left, 2 CURVED ROADS
- Zoom in on the big building on the top left;
Use the yellow key and do the colors like the traffic light (red-orange-green) and take TRIANGLE #1.
Use the orange key and use the colored numbers you saw (7845) and take TRIANGLE #2.
Use the pink/purple key and finish the sequence (the method is -13, x2, +19, so it is 144 and 163) and take the BLACK KEY.

BIG LAKE on the bottom right, SMALL LAKE on top.
- Zoom in on the water to the right of the bridge to see the boat, use the triangles and then the black key and you're out.

You're welcome Irishenigma.
Great that you learned the method how to solve those kind of sudoku's.
It's like that famous quote, but then a slightly different version;
Give a man a sudoku solution and he can survive for one game, teach a man to solve a sudoku and he can survive all the games.

easy but fun!!

       Anonymous  6/2/11, 12:09 PM  

first time i solved it completly by myself oh besides the sudoku pazzle i can never get that right

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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